MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 57

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At noon, Feiwan asked Jiang Hanyu to choose a place to eat, "It doesn't matter to us, you are still a child, you always have to take care of it." Shi Feiwan said.

Jiang Hanyu heard this: "..." She doesn't like being treated as a child, and she takes care of others when she goes out! "Whatever!" She threw out two words forcefully.

Shi Feiwan and Cheng Yan looked at each other, as if they were amused by her petty temper, and smiled: "Well, let's go to the Hunan restaurant upstairs opposite? Jiang Hanyu , can you eat spicy food?"


After making the agreement, the three walked towards the opposite business district together.

"Wan Wan, how is school work? Are you interested in coming to the museum to do a part-time job or something?" Cheng Yan asked as he walked, "Anyway, it's not a big deal for you to be in school recently."

Shi Feiwan shook her head, "I don't have time for now, there are no major or minor matters. As for school work, now the thorns of our class are handed over to you, I guess I want to make trouble in school in the future. It should be less of a problem, isn't it Jiang Hanyu?"

Jiang Hanyu: "...I didn't cause trouble at school!"

Shi Feiwan was about to laugh at her "high" consciousness. Seeing that Jiang Hanyu had no intention of changing her words, Shi Feiwan simply turned her head to Cheng Yan and said, "Senior brother, next time you don't have to worry about it. This is my student, beat her hard for me!"

Jiang Hanyu said with a black line, "Childish!"

Cheng Yan laughed, and patted Shi Feiwan on the shoulder, "You are a teacher, I really feel sorry for your student."

"I feel sorry for my students? Am I being nice to my students? Senior brother, it's easy to lose me by talking like this!" Shi Feiwan snorted dissatisfiedly.

Cheng Yan didn't argue with her, "I can't tell you anyway."

"Mr. Shi, you are so domineering!" Jiang Hanyu said suddenly.

Shi Feiwan: "...There's no way, I'm your teacher now, so you have to listen to me. It's impossible for you to want to be my teacher for the rest of your life."

Jiang Hanyu: "..." What wrong way did she use to open up another world of her class teacher? Don't be too obsessed with the style!

The three noisily walked to the Hunan restaurant. When they sat down, Jiang Hanyu had time to read the news on the phone. When she opened the screen, she realized that the screen was about to be overrun by numerous reminder messages.

The most posts are from Zhao Qiao.

Zhao Qiao: ah ah ah ah! Tell me, how are you doing with Teacher Shi now?

Zhao Qiao: I'm so worried about you!

Zhao Qiao: Why did Teacher Shi want to see you! privately? where are you now!

Zhao Qiao: Si Nian sent me a message again! She asked where you were again, did she not believe me! She also asked who you were with!

Zhao Qiao: What happened between you and Si Nian?

Zhao Qiao: Why does Si Nian always ask you today?

Zhao Qiao: The grave egg! What are you doing why ignore me! Jiang Hanyu, you grave egg! Get back to my message!

Seeing Zhao Qiao bombarding him on WeChat, Jiang Hanyu felt that the corners of his eyes were twitching. She was not very interested in what Zhao Qiao said, but she was more interested in the screenshots of her and Si Nian sent by Zhao Qiao, even though there were no words on the screenshots.

Si Nian: Zhao Qiao, can you tell me honestly? Where is Jiang Hanyu now? She hasn't done her homework yet.

Zhao Qiao; I really don't know!

Si Nian: Hasn’t she been close to anyone recently?

Zhao Qiao: You!

Si Nian:…

After that, Zhao Qiao chatted with Si Nian in a mess. Jiang Hanyu was not interested, just read Si Nian's words back and forth several times. In fact, there is nothing to read, and it is not classical Chinese that needs to be interpreted word by word.

Jiang Hanyu turned off the screen, she couldn't tell whether she was happier or more disappointed now. Jiang Hanyu sat by the window, with a wide field of vision. She held her cheeks and looked out the window as if she was distracted. Jiang Hanyu didn't quite understand why Si Nian chose to ask Zhao Qiao and didn't take the initiative to ask her. They had breakfast on the same table this morning, but Si Nian didn't have any extra words at that time.

"What happened to that child last time?" When Jiang Hanyu came back to her senses, she happened to hear Cheng Yan's question, and then she saw her class teacher who seemed to be very good since the beginning of school. Stunned for a moment, Jiang Hanyu couldn't help but glance at the latter.

Shi Feiwan's expression was as usual, "Well, I'm out of touch."

"It's a pity." Cheng Yan said.

"What's the pity?" Shi Fei seemed to disagree with him.

Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows, "So smart, comparable to you!"

Shi Feiwan sneered and didn't care at all.

"Who?" Hearing the word "smart", Jiang Hanyu was a little curious.

Shi Feiwan glanced at her, "A very smart student, the first student I brought."

Jiang Hanyu was surprised: "Aren't we your first class of students?"

"Well, it was very good that I brought a aptitude alone." Shi Feiwan was not very willing to discuss that student more, and his tone could not help but lighten two points.

"Are you smarter than Si Nian?" Jiang Hanyu blurted out, anyway, she thought that Si Nian was still very powerful.

Shi Feiwan laughed, looking at the students beside her with a bit of teasing in her eyes, "Why, are you going to fight for your sister so soon?" Before Jiang Hanyu could refute, Shi Feiwan said He spoke again: "She is probably a lot stronger than Si Nian. However, you probably won't have a chance to meet each other. She is not from Nancheng."

Jiang Hanyu was dissatisfied, "That's not necessarily! Si Nian is also amazing!"

Shi Fei smiled and said nothing. Cheng Yan probably knew something, but seeing that Shi Feiwan didn't want to talk much, he also changed the topic.

It was Shi Feiwan, who tilted her head to look at Jiang Hanyu, "By the way, you can call Si Nian over for dinner, you came out today, isn't she alone?"

After Fei Wan put forward this opinion, Jiang Hanyu's face became a little awkward, "No, no need? There are still people at home..."

"Are you two making troubles?" Shi Feiwan was so smart, he could see at a glance, and he was still eager to help Jiang Hanyu "make suggestions", "Come here, let's chat?"

Looking at the excited face of the young woman in front of her, Jiang Hanyu said that she doesn't really want to talk now, "Mr. Shi, you can restrain your gossip expression a little, otherwise no one will share it with you. Secret."

Shi Feiwan: "..." This child is not pleasing!

However, Shi Feiwan didn't have to listen to Jiang Hanyu's words, "Si Nian is a delicate and sensitive girl, I read your family information, I don't know why she became your sister. Why are you interested? However, Han Yu, children who live in other people's homes like this are very fragile. Don't look at them all seem indifferent, like icebergs are indestructible, but if they meet fire, they will melt, too. When it's hot, it will be evaporated. So, she may not be as strong as you think, if you want to be nice to her, then try to understand her."

Shi Feiwan's words made Jiang Hanyu look sideways. "How does Teacher Shi know so clearly?"

"Because..." Shi Feiwan paused for a while, then smiled slightly, "My first student mentioned just now was in the same situation."

Jiang Hanyu was a little overwhelmed by Shi Feiwan's words at noon. She wanted to know if Si Nian wanted to be close to her but didn't want to be close to her, just like what Shi Feiwan said Then, because Si Nian is also afraid? But Si Nian, when I met her for the first time, was not afraid of fighting! Would such a person also be afraid of the heat of fire?

Jiang Hanyu separated from Shi Feiwan and Cheng Yan in the afternoon. She doesn't want to go home too much now, but she really wants to see Si Nian at this time. She really wants to ask Si Nian to know Why didn't she want to take the initiative to find her.

Jiang Hanyu dawdled, and finally returned to Jiang's house before dinner.

The house was quiet, Jiang Hanyu thought, Xu Ran should be outside with her father to socialize, and Si Nian should be upstairs. But when he walked to the living room, Jiang Hanyu was almost taken aback.

There is a person sitting on the sofa, well-behaved and upright. Could it be Si Nian?

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Hanyu looked at the TV that was not turned on, and then looked at Si Nian's hand, but he didn't even have a book. Does this mean Si Nian is just sitting on the sofa and doing nothing?

Si Nian looked up at her lightly, "rest." Si Nian gave Jiang Hanyu an answer, her eyes never took her eyes away from Jiang Hanyu, Si Nian carefully found that Jiang Hanyu was now on his body This suit is not the one you wear before going out in the morning.

Jiang Hanyu changed clothes outside, why? what did she do?

Jiang Hanyu also looked at Si Nian, who had lowered his head in her sight. She thought that Si Nian would say something to her, but in the end Si Nian said nothing. Jiang Hanyu moved away from the home port and went upstairs. Si Nian didn't even ask, why did she take the initiative to confess what she did? If you are not a lover, do you still need to take the initiative to report the itinerary?

When Jiang Hanyu's footsteps were getting farther and farther, and his figure disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, Si Nian, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his head at this time, his eyes were empty, and his heart was empty. , a certain corner also seems to have collapsed, and something hits my heart, causing a dull pain.

The next day, Si Nian woke up a little late. She stayed up late last night for the first time, but she couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning, just like the first night she came to Jiang's house, insomnia. When it was almost dawn, she stumbled into a dream, and it was almost eleven o'clock when she woke up.

Washing downstairs in a hurry, bumped into Xu Ran who had just washed fruit from the kitchen. Xu Ran looked at her warmly, "Xiao Nian is up! There are brown sugar dumplings in the kitchen, let's eat it hot."

Si Nian felt a little hot on his face, "I slept late last night..." she explained.

Xu Ran laughed, "It's normal, just order it on weekends, it's already very hard at school. By the way, I asked Han Yu to go to your room before to see if you're awake, no Does it bother you?"

Si Nian, who was walking towards the kitchen, suddenly stopped.

The author has something to say: What cult? When the teacher has an official match! !

Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~

Read The Duke's Passion