MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 43

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Jiang Hanyu didn't feel embarrassed yet, but Si Nian didn't know what to say at this time.

Jiang Hanyu seemed to see her embarrassment, and directly stretched out his hand to hold her, "Don't be shocked, don't be bloody, I'm not the illegitimate daughter of a mistress that the old man was looking for outside."

Si Nian: "..." Is it really okay to say it casually? It feels like a big secret to know what's wrong. Seeing Jiang Hanyu's gaze, Si Nian couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She always felt that Jiang Hanyu was a person who grew up doted on by his elders, otherwise he would not have developed such a lawless temperament. But it seems that everyone has their own secrets, even Jiang Hanyu is no exception. Si Nian didn't break free of Jiang Hanyu's hand that was holding him, but looked up along that hand, "Don't think about it, no matter what status you are or whose child it is, it's not your efforts or decadence. excuse. Jiang Hanyu, you live for yourself, not for anyone else."

Hearing this, Jiang Hanyu didn't react a little, her eyes were thinking, and she didn't answer Si Nian's words immediately.

Si Nian is not in a hurry, she actually understands Jiang Hanyu's mood very well. She had it before, but it was probably because she and Jiang Hanyu were not destined to be of the same type. She would be affected by her family due to various external reasons, and she had also considered becoming depraved, and no one believed it. But these thoughts, these considerations, will only pass through her mind, and she will not do it. A person who is too rational, she never allows her life to take a wrong step.

I know that there is no one around me who can take advantage of you, will it not become so willful?

Si Nian turned to the side, and now Jiang Hanyu is still holding her hand, she can't walk away, she can only stretch out her other hand sideways to reach the table and be pressed at the bottom of the test paper of that book.

When Jiang Hanyu noticed Si Nian's actions, Si Nian had already put the "Silent Confession" in front of her.

"This book is for you."

Jiang Hanyu twitched the corners of her mouth and tilted one side, her appearance was arrogant and fascinated, she looked at Si Nian with playfulness in her eyes, and asked, "What are you doing now? It means you want to confess to me, silently? So you can use this book to confess to me?"

Si Nian: "..." It's amazing to be able to misinterpret it like this. She reached out and photographed Jiang Hanyu's swaggering hand, with a serious expression between her eyebrows: "Jiang Hanyu, don't make trouble!"

"I didn't make trouble!" Jiang Hanyu laughed, "I just analyze your inner activities at the moment reasonably from your current behavior. I think my analysis is fine!"

Si Nian: "Let's talk about it after reading the book." Suddenly facing Jiang Hanyu, who became less serious again, Si Nian said that he was a little bit overwhelmed. "Now you can let go of me and do the problem well." Si Nian was not very interested in the secret thrown by Jiang Hanyu today. Regarding other people's private affairs and secrets, she always felt that it was best if she could not know.

"Oh, then shouldn't you tell me something nice and comfort me before leaving?" Jiang Hanyu held his head high and spoke arrogantly.

She still has three points left, and in Si Nian's eyes, she is stupid.


"I'm very unhappy!" Jiang Hanyu frowned. She didn't understand how Si Nian didn't realize that he had told her a very private secret. At times like this, he usually wouldn't kiss and hug her. ?

Si Nian thought about it too, so he said, "In the future, don't talk about such things casually outside, not everyone can keep secrets." Si Nian thought, this is the most important thing for him. Jiang Hanyu should be warned.

Jiang Hanyu: "…"

In the next few days, Jiang Hanyu seemed to have changed his temper, really followed Si Nian, and wrote a few papers well. But Jiang Hanyu had left too many lessons in the past few years, and he didn't know much about some of the exercises, or didn't understand them at all. Si Nian fully showed her patience at this time, even if it was a simple question, as long as Jiang Hanyu came to ask her, she would definitely explain it to Jiang Hanyu. Even if it was a simple mathematical theorem like the Pythagorean Theorem, she could explain it to Jiang Hanyu over and over again.

Jiang Hanyu suddenly remembered that when he was in class, every time after class, there were many people around Si Nian asking questions. Not only Si Nian had the best grades in the class, but Si Nian was definitely the most popular in explaining homework. Because she really never seems to be impatient, as long as someone asks, she will explain it patiently and meticulously, never with a trace of disdain or disdain.

On this day, Jiang Hanyu was sitting next to Si Nian, listening to the latter's nice voice slowly explaining the attributive clauses in English to him, Jiang Hanyu did not understand what Si Nian was saying dealwith or something else, she tugged at Si Nian's sleeve and asked, "How can you be so good-natured?"

Si Nian looked at her puzzled, not understanding what Jiang Hanyu meant.

Jiang Hanyu was a little unhappy. She thought that there were so many students in the class who had been tutored by Si Nian so carefully. Suddenly, she felt that she was not the most special one, and she felt a little sour. "Aren't you bothering to tell others about the lessons that you understand and can no longer understand? However, you can bother others, but you can't bother me." Jiang Hanyu silently added at the end.

Si Nian wanted to laugh a little when she heard this. She put the red pen in her hand on the table and rubbed the back of her neck. She felt a little tired after sitting at a desk for a long time. "Then you say, as far as Teacher Shi is concerned, the homework she is teaching us now may seem to her to be at the kindergarten level, and she has to teach a lot of people constantly, so is she annoying? There is nothing to be impatient, As long as it is knowledge, it is an immeasurable wealth accumulated over countless generations, so I don't feel impatient."

Jiang Hanyu made a "cut", obviously she didn't care about the big truths of Si Nian at all, she just felt bad that Si Nian would never refuse others and help others unconditionally. Jiang Hanyu walked behind Si Nian and placed his hand on her neck very naturally. "Just you old man!"

Si Nian laughed, just as she was about to move, the person behind her held her shoulders, and soon after, she felt Jiang Hanyu's warm hands touching her, no A little isolated, touched.

Si Nian wanted to avoid it as his body reacted.

"Don't move, I'll rub it for you. When I learned Sanda, I also learned a little massage." Jiang Hanyu felt her slight struggle, and lowered his head to her ear Speak loudly.

Si Nian's heart is a little chaotic now.

Not because of anything else, but because of Jiang Hanyu's approach to him.

The heat that came out of Jiang Hanyu's speech mouth wrapped her earlobe without warning. Si Nian was so panicked that she found that she wanted to move, but couldn't.

Jiang Hanyu's fingers have been gently pressed against her neck with moderate strength, she almost let out a sigh, the originally stiff shoulders were finally in Jiang Hanyu's hands, slowly Slowly, it becomes relaxed.

"Are you comfortable?" Jiang Hanyu naturally felt the change in Si Nian's body. She lowered her head and smiled.

Si Nian almost closed her eyes, "Yeah." Her voice was also low, because it was so comfortable, she didn't want to talk, she wanted to close her eyes and enjoy.

Si Nian at this time, in Jiang Hanyu's eyes, is like a lazy cat, with a bit of lazy indifference and a bit of scattered confusion.

The corners of her lips rose, and the smile in her eyes was even greater, she knew that Si Nian would definitely like it.

"After that, I will press you every day?" Jiang Hanyu asked tentatively.

Si Nian had already opened his eyes when he heard this, and the eyes were not as charming as Jiang Hanyu thought, but they were still clear and bright. For Jiang Hanyu, Si Nian failed to give 100% trust, just like now, she laughed, "Not very good." Such close contact is occasionally an exception.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hanyu said: "You give me a topic, and I give you a massage, what's wrong? This is a fair deal!"

Si Nian didn't know how to refute what she said, she patted Jiang Hanyu's hand on her shoulder, "Okay, let's go over and continue to do homework, this National Day The fake homework should be finished today." They haven't been out the door these two days, and have been immersed in their homework here. Si Nian is okay, Jiang Hanyu can sit still like this, almost stunned Jiang's parents and Jiang's mother.

When did you see Jiang Hanyu being so patient with his studies? But Jiang Hanyu did it. Even Jiang's mother secretly went upstairs to see how Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu were studying. At that time, he happened to see Si Nian talking about geography with Jiang Hanyu, and Jiang Hanyu was standing beside Si Nian with a face on his face. His expression was still serious. Mother Jiang went downstairs with satisfaction, but what she didn't know was that Jiang Hanyu, who was standing beside Si Nian, was still holding Si Nian's hand tightly.

"What are you doing?" Si Nian had a headache, and Jiang Hanyu's rogue sometimes made her unable to guard against it, just like now.

Jiang Hanyu smiled calmly, "You spend so much ocean currents on your topic, must you feel pain in your hands now? I'll rub it for you now, you are my teacher, rub it for the teacher Is it okay to knead?"

Si Nian: “…”

He should take the initiative to ask Jiang Hanyu to study with him. But when I think about it for two days, I don't think it's a big deal.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, Si Nian was woken up by Jiang Hanyu early in the morning.

The homework has been completed, Si Nian's mind is a little dizzy, looking at Jiang Hanyu, who is obviously happy, he doesn't understand what she wants to do.

"Si Nian, have you forgotten?" Jiang Hanyu looked at Si Nian who was not in good spirits, the smile on his face faded a little, and his brows seemed to collapse a little.

"Huh?" Si Nian really didn't think of it, she had a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, like she had a little homework left last night, she couldn't help but finish it, but the two behind the physics A big question, she got a small part of the magnetic field wrong, and the result was pushed twice, and it was almost early morning when she went to bed. For Si Nian, who usually has a very stable work and rest schedule, this is already an unprecedented stay up late. She went to bed late last night, which led to her lack of energy today. Facing Jiang Hanyu's problem, she had no idea at all in her mind.

Jiang Hanyu walked up to her in two steps, and almost came face to face with her, "Go to the street to buy you shoes!" The shoes were lost in the sea...

"Oh, no need?" Si Nian didn't take that to heart.

Jiang Hanyu is unhappy, does she mainly want to buy shoes for Si Nian? No, what she wanted was to go to the street with Si Nian, she just wanted to give her something, and she liked to see Si Nian wearing a gift from her.

Just, it's that simple.

The author has something to say: Wo is still giving away red envelopes, little fairies, move your little fingers~~~

Don't fatten the nest! Those who promised the nest heard that they could get off the list before the Qixi Festival!

A cute little nutrient solution~