MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 33 (1)

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Si Nian: “…”

Fortunately, Jiang Hanyu didn't notice her movements very much now, and soon returned to the bathroom again. Si Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and then gently pressed his chest. Jiang Hanyu's butterfly bone just now really hurt her.

Jiang Hanyu, who was in the bathroom now, suddenly froze when he wiped the foam from the bath flower in his hand on his back. When carrying Si Nian behind her back, she swore that she really didn't have any charming thoughts at all, and all she wanted was to hurry up to the homestay so that Si Nian would not feel uncomfortable. But now, at the moment of taking a bath, she seems to be back ten minutes ago, and there is still a soft touch on her back. It's true that Si Nian is very thin, but her figure seems to be top-notch, at least, she can feel it.

At this moment, standing under the shower, Jiang Hanyu was facing the shower, the hot water poured down from her face, the foam gathered around her feet, and slowly disappeared from the floor drain, but, The tenderness at the top of my heart, but it seems that it can't be dissipated. At this moment, many, many pictures passed through Jiang Hanyu's mind, all of which were related to Si Nian. It was like the first day she went to the cram school with Si Nian, she accidentally pulled Si Nian's neckline and saw a touch of snow white. Also, on the rooftop that day, when he was so cheap, he pulled at her underwear belt, and Si Nian's blushing face appeared one after another in her mind. Jiang Hanyu thought that he might be crazy. How could she, how could she have such unusual thoughts about Si Nian?

Jiang Hanyu felt that she was crazy. She used to be rude to Si Nian, but she didn't think much about it at that time, and she never felt like this today, as if there was something different.

Let the warm water rinse herself, Jiang Hanyu closed her eyes, thinking about the soft touch on the way back to the homestay today, she suddenly felt heartbroken.

The sound of rushing water finally stopped, Jiang Hanyu turned off the shower, pulled the towel aside, and wiped it distractedly. When she wanted to understand, her heart was like a fire at this moment, burning a little vigorously. It's really hot on this island.

Change clothes, Jiang Hanyu is still the same as before. A light apricot halter strap, which is very popular this summer, is wearing a little black dress that wraps the hips, and her dark brown curly hair is still wet behind her head. She rubs her hair with a towel while pushing the door open. Out.

Si Nian sat on the head of the bed and raised her eyes when she heard the sound, what should I say, in fact, she was used to seeing Jiang Hanyu appear in front of her with such a sultry appearance. For example, according to her observations, Jiang Hanyu especially likes camisole and short skirts. Jiang Hanyu should also know herself well enough, she is very suitable, suitable for such a cool dress. She has a small frame, and when she wears a suspender or a halter neck vest, she can reveal round but very narrow shoulders. She is thin and looks seductive and feminine. But once Jiang Hanyu spoke, his aura changed. She didn't think she was a soft person when many people saw her for the first time. On the contrary, she was strong and not easy to mess with, and her domineering fist was still very hard.

Si Nian looked away, silently prepared the change of clothes, turned and walked into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, although the ventilation fan was turned on, the smell of Jiang Hanyu was still filled with it. Si Nian's face turned a little red. Even in Jiang's house for so long, she never shared a bathroom with Jiang Hanyu.

Standing under the shower, the moment Si Nian just took off his clothes and sprinkled hot water on his head, all of a sudden, the lights in the bathroom went out, and even the shower went out. water.

What's going on here?

"Si Nian?" At this time, Jiang Hanyu's voice was heard at the door, obviously she also realized that something was wrong. "Are you okay? Don't be afraid, there may be a problem with the circuit. I'll go out and see."

"Jiang Hanyu!" Si Nian suddenly shouted, when she vaguely heard that Jiang Hanyu was going out to find someone, subconsciously, she spoke up.

She doesn't want to stay in the room alone, this feeling is very strong.

When Jiang Hanyu, who was outside the door, heard the scream in the exclamation, she almost couldn't help pushing the door and entered, "What's wrong?" Her voice was eager.

"I..." After Si Nian blurted out, he realized that his voice was a little too excited, but he couldn't hold back, "Don't go..." she said.

At that moment, Jiang Hanyu realized that she had the urge to do whatever Si Nian said, even if she wanted her own life now, she would give it. It was as if he was enchanted, and he had no intention of resisting against her.

Such a soft voice, it seems to be pleading, it sounds fragile and broken, and wants to reach out and hug her.

"Well, I'm not leaving." Jiang Hanyu said leaning against the bathroom door.

Si Nian, who was inside, felt like the big stone hanging in his heart after hearing this, and it finally fell. She knew that Jiang Hanyu might be suspicious now, but her reaction just now was a bit big, and she could feel the unusual. But, that kind of unease is really strong, like many years ago, when she was alone in the bathroom, suddenly, she seemed to be abandoned. This feeling has actually passed for many years. She feels that she will never experience it again in her life. Even if this scene reappears in front of her eyes one day, she thinks that she can accept it calmly. She felt that she had grown up and could bear it, but when things really came, the feeling of deep powerlessness that she had experienced as a child struck again.

Si Nian wrapped himself in a bath towel and reached out to cover his cheeks in pain.

Jiang Hanyu was outside the door and did not hear any movement inside for a long time. She put her ear to the door, but heard nothing, not even the slightest sound of footsteps.

Jiang Hanyu was a little uneasy. She didn't know what Si Nian was doing inside, so she asked, "Si Nian, hello, are you okay?"

Si Nian is not very well, she has a headache, she knows it is because she thinks of the past, some things are buried deep in her heart, she thinks it is like an organic matter in nature, buried deep in the soil In the end, it can also be decomposed and then disappear. I just didn't expect that those memories and pasts were never decomposed and remained in her heart. At the right time, they would come out to stimulate her sharply and make her feel pain.

Jiang Hanyu didn't wait for Si Nian's answer, she couldn't help but reached out and knocked on the door, "Hey, Si Nian, Si Nian, if you're okay, you just squeak! What's the matter with you? ?"

What's wrong? She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

Jiang Hanyu turned around anxiously at the door, she patted the door hard again, "Hey, do you hear me? If you don't speak, I'll come in!"

still did not get back, Jiang Hanyu said: "Then I count three times, if you don't respond, I will come in..."

“3, 2, 1…”

Jiang Hanyu pushed open the bathroom door, there was no fog in the bathroom, she could see at a glance that Si Nian was squatting on the ground, holding his head, and he was not wearing any clothes, he just wrapped Wearing a bath towel. In that way, it looks weak, weak, helpless, and pitiful.

At that moment, Jiang Hanyu felt that her heart was caught by something, she herself hadn't figured out what kind of feeling it was, she moved one step faster than her brain, she had already strode over, the same He also squatted down, squatted across from Si Nian, then reached out and patted her shoulder, "Hey, Si Nian, what's the matter with you? Are you alright?"

Feeling that the body under his palm trembled slightly, Jiang Hanyu didn't even think about it, he stretched out his hand and hugged the girl in front of him into his arms.

I don't know if it was because the water was suddenly cut off after being soaked in water just now, Jiang Hanyu felt the coolness coming from the skin of the body attached to him. The weather is still very hot now, and they even turned on the air conditioner outside just now. "You're talking!"

Jiang Hanyu is a little anxious.

Si Nian released the hand holding his head and put it on his face again.

Jiang Hanyu thought she was uncomfortable, so he stretched his hand through the bend of her leg, picked her up from the ground, and walked to the bedside.

"Are you uncomfortable? What's wrong? Tell me, I'll go to the doctor..." After Jiang Hanyu put her on the bed, he suddenly stopped talking, because now she saw the There were warm tears dipping between the fingers of the hands that Nian covered his cheeks.

Her words came to an abrupt end, and her movements also seemed to be pressed by the pause button, and she stopped at once, at a loss. "What’s wrong with you?"

Si Nianke has not answered her question for so long.

"It's okay, I..." When Si Nian spoke, he found that his voice was choked.

Jiang Hanyu didn't speak, sat on the side, thought about it, put his hand on her shoulder, and patted it gently.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Jiang Hanyu said that she also has secrets that she doesn't want to say, and she can understand Si Nian now.

Si Nian nodded, she was in a much better mood now, but at the beginning, when she was young, it was also under such unpredictable circumstances. There is no one else, and even the locker room is empty. That feeling, like being abandoned by the whole world. The most terrifying thing is not an illusion. It was on that day that she was abandoned by her own mother. On that day, when she returned to the compound, everyone knew that her mother had left, leaving herself and theirs forever. Family. Just like that, she was thrown away lightly...

Today, when I heard that Jiang Hanyu was going to go out to see what was going on outside, Si Nian thought of his past almost instantly, lest when she went out, she would find that she was the only one left in the whole inn A person, that scene, she felt scared even thinking about it.

Si Nian looked down at himself, and suddenly realized that she was only wrapped in a bath towel and sitting in a row with Jiang Hanyu! This realization made Si Nian immediately blush.

Moreover, Si Nian can still clearly feel the temperature of the hand on his shoulder, the palm of his hand. She felt that this must be the first time in more than ten years that she felt so embarrassed.

There was an extremely uneasy feeling in her mind, Si Nian wanted to keep Jiang Hanyu away calmly, at least, she wanted to get away from the arm that was holding her like a hug.

However, her calmness ended in failure.

How could Jiang Hanyu not feel her movements? Every movement and even every little expression of Si Nian was under her attention.

Jiang Hanyu put all his attention on Si Nian at this moment.

So, when Si Nian moved, Jiang Hanyu found out.

"What's wrong?" She didn't realize it was Si Nian who wanted to stay away from her.

Si Nian who was questioned: "..."

Si Nian found that Jiang Hanyu was talking, and even moved in his direction, so what was the effect of her moving a position just now?

"It's nothing, I just think we're sitting a little too close..." Si Nian was not used to it, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the towel on her chest tightly. It's so disturbing now.

Jiang Hanyu seemed to be awakened by her words, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. . How long can that towel be? Now sitting on the edge of the bed, the bath towel was slightly rolled up, revealing her snow-white thighs.

Jiang Hanyu's eyes fell on Si Nian's hand on her chest, she could see that the latter was holding it so hard that her fingers were now bluish white.

At this moment, Si Nian bit his lower lip tightly, and under the cherry lips, he could still see a little tooth mark.

She is like a cat. At this moment, it seems that Anshun is calm. Jiang Hanyu suddenly didn't know whether he should put the hand on Si Nian's shoulder now, or continue to put it on her body as if nothing had happened. Whether this was her illusion, Jiang Hanyu had no way of knowing. She only knew that at this moment, her heartbeat was fast.

"Puff, puff," she seemed to be able to hear that sound.

Jiang Hanyu decided to let go. She was worried that she would squeeze Si Nian too hard.

Si Nian felt relieved when he felt Jiang Hanyu's hand drop from his shoulder.

It was obvious when she rested her defenses, her back was no longer so tight, and her whole body relaxed. As everyone knows, now she has lost her vigilance and looks more like a docile cat. Let people see it and want to "suck cats".

Jiang Hanyu doesn't know when her thoughts started, but she has never been good at covering herself up. For example, at this time, although she let go of the hand on Si Nian's shoulder, Soon, she turned around and faced Si Nian, she reached out and raised the chin of the person in front of her, met the surprised look of the latter, and then opened her mouth, with confusion in her eyes and blurred voice, she said: " Si Nian, I suddenly want to kiss you, what should I do?"

Actually, what she said was quite serious. Because at this moment, Jiang Hanyu was really confused, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Anyway, after coming back today, something that was covered with a gauze in her heart seems to have been removed. That layer is not real. Let her realize what she wants more realistically and intuitively. That feeling is quite urgent. Until now, when she looked at the half-naked Si Nian in front of her, she couldn't help feeling throbbing and impulsive.

Suddenly want to kiss you—

When these words fell into Si Nian's ears, she didn't feel excited at all, but panicked. She almost subconsciously reached out to remove Jiang Hanyu's hand holding her chin, jumped off the bed, and held the bath towel tightly with one hand. It looked like that, very alert.

"Jiang Hanyu, I warn you, don't mess around!" Si Nian's voice instantly became an octave colder, even though she had to look a little uneasy now, her voice was firm. Although there is no clear word of rejection, the meaning of rejection in the words is obvious.

Jiang Hanyu didn't follow her, she sat on the bed with confusion still in her eyes. Jiang Hanyu didn't know why she had such an urge to get close to Si Nian. This was something she had never experienced in more than ten years, and she had never felt such a feeling for anyone that she wanted to kiss her. Even Zhao Qiao, who has the best relationship with her, only regards her as a friend and never thought of kissing her. It was only when he was facing Si Nian that he had such feelings.

Jiang Hanyu also knew that his current thoughts were crazy, but he couldn't help it. "Si Nian, you are seducing me!" she said unreasonably.

Si Nian: "..." Well, from what she looks like now, it seems that she really took the initiative to seduce Jiang Hanyu. But Si Nian swore that he really didn't mean to appear in front of Jiang Hanyu like this. "I didn't..." She said this without any confidence.

Jiang Hanyu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "You have!"

Si Nian: "Sorry, I'll go first, calm down, Jiang Hanyu, you're wrong..."

. In the past, someone had said this to her in the same way, and that person seemed to be watching a good show with a sneering and joking look, and now it is still vivid in her eyes, she thought, at least she had forgotten it in her life. Not falling.

Being stared at by those eyes made her clearly realize how funny she looked and how ridiculous she was in the eyes of others.

Thinking of this, Si Nian's face changed greatly, he turned and hid in the bathroom, embarrassed, and never wanted to be seen by others.

Si Nian's mind was chaotic, and at the same time there was a sense of clarity.

She can't bring down Jiang Hanyu, can't let Jiang Hanyu become like herself, despised by others, and looked at with such unbearable eyes. In the past, she was fed up by herself, she... Si Nian was sad to cover her eyes, she seemed to have made a mistake, and Jiang Hanyu also changed...

When she entered the bathroom, Si Nian put the bolt on the door. She supported the vanity with both hands. Now the person in front of the mirror looks embarrassed and at a loss.

Jiang Hanyu came to her senses shortly after Si Nian entered, and the words that Si Nian started swirling in her mind. "You are wrong..." She wanted to ask, what is right and what is wrong, why is she wrong? She just feels happy when she is close to her and wants to be close, why is this wrong?

Soon after Si Nian entered, the homestay called. It is estimated that the circuit tripped suddenly. After all, it is still hot weather, and everyone is turning on the air conditioner. This is on the island, and the temperature is hot and humid, and it is easy to understand.

Jiang Hanyu soon heard the sound of a shower coming from the bathroom again. She was not in a good mood at this time. In fact, now she has the urge to rush into the bathroom and pull Si Nian's hand to ask what happened. Why is it wrong! She just wants to like her!

The last sensible string in his mind was still there, Jiang Hanyu thought that if he really rushed in, he would never even think about getting on with Si Nian for the rest of his life.

The phone made a "ding dong" at this time, which was a message from Ling Yi. He had already packed up and asked when to leave.

Ji Chunnian quickly replied in the group: "Half an hour, Xiao Qiao is still taking a bath."

Jiang Hanyu and the two of them in the group simply began to discuss what to eat in the evening. There are not many restaurants on the island, and the transportation here is not too convenient, and there are fewer and fewer original residents, investment Business people don't like the fact that this tourist attraction is not perfect, so there are naturally fewer restaurants. However, supper is a must here.

Night supper restaurants are almost all opened by locals. The seafood is especially fresh, and all of them are alive. On the day they go out to sea and harvest, they take them out for barbecue or something, and the taste should not be too delicious.

While the discussion in the group was in full swing, Jiang Hanyu keenly noticed that the sound of water in the bathroom had stopped at this time. Jiang Hanyu felt that her current thinking was very dangerous, and she was still separated by a door, but her mind was very impure now. And she also has an idea that she feels very shameless. In the early years, she also wanted to get a set of the male protagonist of the urban supernatural novels that were popular with men, such as the most popular X-ray eyes at the time...

Thinking of this, Jiang Hanyu felt a bit wretched, but at this time, she had an uncontrollable thought. She forced herself to move her gaze from the door panel she was staring at back to the screen of her mobile phone, to get rid of the strong desire for supernatural powers in her mind, but...

Si Nian is very white, completely different from her. Jiang Hanyu thought, a good-looking brand like Si Nian must rarely bask in the sun. In fact, Si Nian looks more like a delicate flower in a greenhouse, but this delicate flower is much more stubborn than other delicate flowers. . This does not hinder her liking. Jiang Hanyu is not afraid, she just likes it, no matter what kind of Si Nian is, she just likes it a little. Moreover, now Jiang Hanyu is thinking, she still remembers the whiteness and ups and downs of Si Nian's chest that she accidentally saw in the downstairs of the training classroom. She remembers that just now, Si Nian, who was holding the bath towel, seemed to be still Have a mole?

Really, **** it! Jiang Hanyu leaned against the head of the bed and sat on the edge of the bed, swinging his calf, thinking of Si Nian.

The bathroom door opened.

Jiang Hanyu didn't look away after Si Nian came out. She kept looking at each other almost for a moment. Si Nian washed her hair, and the long black hair was wet , She didn't let her long hair dry by herself like Jiang Hanyu did, but took the provided hairdryer, dried her long hair carefully and gently, and then combed it neatly with a small comb. She looked really cute.

Jiang Hanyu sat on the head of the bed and felt that he was fascinated. I don't know if it was her delusion, but she felt that every action that Si Nian made today seemed to make her feel good-looking, and she couldn't take her eyes away.

Such a focused gaze, sticking to him like maltose, it was impossible for Si Nian not to feel it.

Si Nian originally thought that she would ignore Jiang Hanyu after she came out, but the latter would naturally understand that she was only interested for a while and gradually let it go. Who knew that Jiang Hanyu was so unscrupulous, staring at her for so long , still not planning to take back his gaze.

It was probably because she was really blushing and couldn't stand the gaze. Si Nian turned his head and met Jiang Hanyu's gaze.

I didn't expect Si Nian to look back at this time, Jiang Hanyu was suddenly caught by Si Nian's small eyes. At this moment, Jiang Hanyu was unexpectedly flustered and wanted to look away, but she quickly turned around in her heart, why did she move away!

When thinking of this, Jiang Hanyu and Si Nian's eyes met again. After seeing the surprise in Si Nian's eyes, Jiang Hanyu felt a little proud. It seems that she won this round, right? She couldn't help but hook her lips in Si Nian's direction.

Si Nian frowned indistinctly, "Jiang Hanyu, I don't mean that to you." Si Nian thought about it for a long time, she thought whether she really had an accident with Jiang Hanyu just now or not. What impact, but Jiang Hanyu's feelings for him must stop. After thinking about it, these words were the most powerful blow that could block Jiang Hanyu's unrestrained thoughts.

Sure enough, when Jiang Hanyu sitting on the bed heard this, the smile on her face suddenly froze, she looked at Si Nian uncomfortably, "Si Nian, you can't say that for sure! "Jiang Hanyu retorted, since she was a child, she has never been rejected by anyone so simply! Moreover, she doesn't understand, why is she not well? She is tall and has long legs and looks good, even if her name is still hanging on Nan Gao's high-level flower posts, why does Si Nian simply say that she doesn't like herself?

Si Nian wanted to say something, just at this time there was a knock on the door and the voices of Zhao Qiao and others.

"Hey, are you two okay? I'm going to starve to death!"

"Out for dinner!"

Si Nian stepped forward and opened the door. There were three more people in the room, so naturally the conversation between her and Jiang Hanyu had to be stopped.

Five of them went out together and decided to go straight for supper at night. Anyway, it's like a food stall, and there are fried rice, so you can't be hungry.

Zhao Qiao was still chattering like a small speaker. It was not the first time for them to come to this island, and they were relatively familiar. At this time, she took Si Nian's hand and babbled about : "Si Nian, let me tell you, the grilled oysters here taste absolutely amazing! Not only are the oysters very big, but they also taste very delicious! Also, when you watch the oysters on the plate, they are still puzzling. When the small bubbles are bubbling, the smell is very fragrant! If you like cold dishes, I heard from Han Yu that you were from the north before, so you may not eat very spicy things. Let me tell you, cold clams are also It's delicious! It's not spicy at all! It's delicious!"

"Okay, you talk more." Before Si Nian could answer, she was suddenly pulled aside by Jiang Hanyu's arm, Jiang Hanyu forcefully inserted himself into her and Zhao between Joe.

Si Nian looked at the hand on his arm now, pursed his lips, and calmly patted Jiang Hanyu's hand down.

But Zhao Qiao didn't realize that something was wrong, she was just dissatisfied that Jiang Hanyu interrupted her chance to be a qualified tour guide, and said with a sullen mouth: "Hanyu, I am here Introduce it to Si Nian!"

Jiang Hanyu was expressionless, "She will know when she goes."

Zhao Qiao: "...Humph!"

Ji Chunnian and Ling Yi, who were walking behind, knocked out Jiang Hanyu's movement of reaching out and dragging Si Nian, and the action of Si Nian reaching out and knocking down Jiang Hanyu's hand, the two Also see clearly. Ling Yi pouted in Zhao Qiao's direction, signaling the latter to follow.

Ji Chunnian laughed, stepped forward and put his arm around his girlfriend and strode forward.

Si Nian now decides to keep a proper distance from Jiang Hanyu, but Jiang Hanyu just wants to get close to her. When Si Nian wanted to take a step forward, Jiang Hanyu also stepped forward. She wanted to be one step behind, and Jiang Hanyu followed suit. No matter what she was going to do, Jiang Hanyu always kept the same pace as her.

Si Nian: "...are you a brown sugar? You can't get rid of it!" She was a little helpless.

"No, I just want to tell you what Xiao Qiao didn't introduce to you just now. I'm also very familiar with this place. If you have any questions, you can ask me!" Jiang Hanyu spoke naturally.

Si Nian: "..." This person is so stinky, does she know that? She really wanted to ask Jiang Hanyu about this! "Didn't you tell me to let me see it myself?"

"But if you have any questions, I can answer you now!" Jiang Hanyu said confidently.

Si Nian: "..." Compared with Jiang Hanyu, few people will win! "I have nothing to ask."

Si Nian thought that Jiang Hanyu would be quiet if he said this, but he never expected that Jiang Hanyu was never a person who played cards according to routines.

"Okay! You have nothing to ask me, but I still have a lot to ask you!" Jiang Hanyu said.

Si Nian: "...this is the first time I come to this island, and I don't know if you ask me."

"It's not that." Jiang Hanyu paused, this time she finally stopped following Si Nian's pace, but took a step faster, walked in front of her, walked backwards, facing Si Nian , asked: "I still don't know what you said before that I want to be close to you is wrong, why is it wrong, what's wrong with it?"

Jiang Hanyu thought about it, she couldn't find a reason why she was not liked by Si Nian, nor did she understand that it was wrong for Si Nian to say that she wanted to get close to her. Since she was so confused, of course she had to find Si Nian Think about it.

These words successfully changed Si Nian's face several times.

Si Nian doesn't understand Jiang Hanyu's stubbornness, shouldn't ordinary people consider giving up when they hear that they don't like it? Why is Jiang Hanyu so different and the focus is completely deviated? Hold on to her words that have been buried in your heart for a long time?

Si Nian wanted to answer this question with silence, but she just walked with her head down and didn't look at Jiang Hanyu's direction. Her silence did not mean that Jiang Hanyu just let her delay time.

Jiang Hanyu reached out and grabbed Si Nian's wrist, forcing her to stop. "You haven't told me yet, Si Nian." Her brows were obviously puzzled, "I want to know, I have never thought of anyone like you before, but why do you say it's wrong?"

Never had the thought or urge to kiss anyone, Jiang Hanyu looked at Si Nian very intently at this moment.

After the three people walking in front of them turned around inadvertently, they turned around silently and quickened their pace. Only Zhao Qiao still wants to get involved in the past, but Miss Zhao, who has no discernment, is dragged away by her discerning male ticket in minutes...

Si Nian looked at the slender but powerful hand on her wrist, "Let go of me first." Her tone was flat, but there was a strong sense of warning.

Si Nian looked at Jiang Hanyu, his eyes were not sharp, but he just told the latter to let go of his imbedded Si Nian's hand at this time.

Jiang Hanyu told herself in her heart that she was not cowardly, nor was she afraid of Si Nian. After all, she was someone like Si Nian who had no value for force, why should she be afraid? She, she just seemed to let go, but, it has nothing to do with Si Nian's warning to herself!

Continuously making psychological suggestions to herself, Jiang Hanyu stubbornly looked at Si Nian and repeated what he had started: "Okay, I'll let you go now, you should give me an answer! "She was stubborn to the end today!

This is the first time that Si Nian has recognized Jiang Hanyu's stubbornness. She didn't want to explain it, because what she said at that time was considered a no-brainer, and she regretted it. But Jiang Hanyu didn't know, so he pestered her to understand and understand. So how does she explain it?

"If it is closeness between relatives, I have no problem. However, Jiang Hanyu, you touched your chest and said, what are you trying to do to me?" Knowing that it was because of the hot air of the island, or because he was thinking of something else when he said this to Jiang Hanyu.

"I want to kiss you!" Jiang Hanyu answered confidently.

Si Nian: “…”

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Jiang Hanyu asked with a neck.

Of course not! Si Nian shouted in his heart that when someone was kind to her back then, she also wanted to get close to that person. Later, that person told her like this. No, no, all wrong! "We are relatives now, and your thoughts are very dangerous." Si Nian held down the waves in his heart and forced himself to remain calm.

However, her efforts to persuade did not have any effect on Jiang Hanyu. Jiang Hanyu, still the Jiang Hanyu from before, is stubborn and has a single tendon, but he is purely cute.

"I don't care! We are not blood relatives, so why can't we become closer people!" Jiang Hanyu's mind was completely unaware of the problems he and Si Nian were worried about The points are not the same.

Jiang Hanyu looked straight into Si Nian's eyes. When she encountered difficulties, she always did not know how to avoid and detour, but ran rampantly, trying to find the answer in the simplest and most direct way. And it is the same today. Although she looked out of place, she was very in-tune at times. Jiang Hanyu understood Si Nian's worries. She understood what Si Nian meant, and then she twitched the corner of her mouth slightly. This smile is a little helpless.

"Si Nian, I don't like you because you are a girl, but because you, Si Nian, happen to be a girl."

At this moment, Jiang Hanyu became very calm, and even her voice seemed to be much calmer. She really understood what Si Nian meant. But what's wrong with this?

How can it be wrong for people to fall in love with their own kind, or because they are closer and more like their own kind?

Rationality is used to restrain undue impulses, but not to restrain likings that are not wrong. How can a person's gender be judged to be wrong? It didn't hurt anyone!

Jiang Hanyu looked at Si Nian stubbornly until the latter was the first to lose.

Si Nian wants to admit that what Jiang Hanyu said to her just now was really touching, but it was only touching.

What did she think when she was accused by everyone? In order not to be looked down upon by others, then in this life, don't love anyone. But now, Jiang Hanyu said, what's wrong with that?

So, is she right or wrong?

Si Nian's mind was in chaos, she didn't even know what attitude she should use to face Jiang Hanyu in the future.

This supper tasted as good as ever. Zhao Qiao had a delicious meal, but Si Nian had no appetite.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hanyu reached out and patted the back of her hand, then picked a large piece of tofu from her plate. This tofu skin is also one of the special night snacks on the island. It is baked to brown on both sides, and the surface is cut with a knife to taste. Various seasonings and chopped green onion are mixed together, and it tastes delicious. "Try it, it tastes good."

Si Nian stared at the tofu skin on the plate now, Jiang Hanyu took good care of her from the beginning of eating, as if she really regarded her as a younger sister. It's just that the little intimacy between the two people occasionally shows, there seems to be a little bit different. At least, pure social-socialism-righteousness-sisterhood is not simple!

It seems that when the drink in Si Nian's cup is about to bottom out, Jiang Hanyu will always find it at the first time and fill her up. When she has no napkins, Jiang Hanyu will quietly stand up and go When looking for the store owner and handing it to her, she still feels

Read The Duke's Passion