MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 23

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Si Nian subconsciously felt that she should not continue to ask what was going on, her relationship with Jiang Hanyu was not good enough to explore each other's privacy and secrets. The ointment was stained on the cotton swab, and she gently smeared it on Jiang Hanyu's back. Even though the movement was very light, Si Nian felt Jiang Hanyu trembling slightly.

"Huhu..." She leaned forward and took two breaths. She was injured in the past, and that's what her mother did. "Is it better?" she asked.

"No one has ever blown my wound so gently in my memory." Jiang Hanyu said.

Si Nian was a little silent, Jiang Hanyu had too many scars. In the past, someone told her that girls should cherish their own bodies, and they will not look good if they have scars. She didn't understand Jiang Hanyu's current life, but she was willing to tell her this. "Stop fighting, you are also a girl, it's not good to have scars on your body."

Jiang Hanyu turned his back to her, Si Nian did not see Jiang Hanyu's expression at this moment. "The person who said this to you should be gentle, is that your mother?"

This time, Si Nian's hand holding the cotton swab paused slightly, "No." She said that in the past, Jiang Hanyu would know all those things in her family, but now she doesn't feel anything. What needs to be concealed, "I don't even remember what she looked like, and she left me when she was very young." Her father is a soldier, and of course being a military wife is more difficult than being an ordinary wife. It is necessary to endure less and more separation, and raising and taking care of children almost falls on a woman. In the end, she couldn't bear to lose her whole life for the child at such a young age, and walked away. All these years of indifference, and later, until...

"It wasn't until after my father died that I had no guardian, and when people in the army before my father helped to find out about her, I didn't know that she had been married for a second time many years ago, but it is not now. She passed away. I heard that the situation was not very good when the second child was born, and she left on the operating table." Si Nian said softly, so she is really the only one in this world.

"The sentence just now was said by a female teacher who taught physical education when I was in elementary school." Si Nian chuckled, as if caught in some kind of memory.

She thought that Jiang Hanyu should be happier than her when she was a child. At least, **** mother looks very gentle.

The scar on the back has almost been wiped off, "Turn around, do you do it yourself or I will?" Si Nian asked.

Jiang Hanyu turned around, she had been listening to Si Nian's speech just now, she had been silent, but now she turned around, her eyes were dark and bottomless.

Jiang Hanyu did not answer Si Nian's question, but said something irrelevant. "Si Nian, I'm sorry."

Si Nian was not surprised to hear the apology of the person in front of him. She almost couldn't believe her ears and looked at Jiang Hanyu in shock, "Huh? What?"

Jiang Hanyu seemed to feel a little awkward, and when she repeated this, she felt that she could not say it, but she read to the boss's bright eyes, as if stuck in the throat, the words came to life again, " I'm sorry for what happened before." These are the rare words of apology she has said in more than ten years. I always felt that everyone owed me and looked down on the girls who were brought back by Xu Ran from the outside world. At the same time, I knew very well that my hatred and hatred for Si Nian also stemmed from fear. Xu Ran has no children of her own, and she is not what Xu Ran likes. When Si Nian came to the house, Jiang Hanyu was both resentful and helpless. Of course, she wouldn't want to tell Si Nian about this, but now that she heard that she was also a child abandoned by her mother, she felt slightly uncomfortable.

These words made Si Nian stop while holding a cotton swab and holding the plaster in the medicine jar, "Oh." She didn't say whether to accept or not, but her attitude was relatively clear .

Jiang Hanyu couldn't help thinking that after she was designed by Qiao Lian and went to the office together, Qiao Lian apologized to her at the request of the head teacher. She also looked like this, obviously she heard your apology but she didn't Intended to forgive.

"It's better for us to pretend we don't know each other in the future. You have your life and I have mine, okay?" Si Nian said this calmly, the cotton swab in his hand was already pressed against her. shoulders.

The coolness coming from her body made Jiang Hanyu regain her senses, she smiled bitterly in her heart, Si Nian was still Si Nian, she looked more docile than anyone else, but inside, she was more rebellious and disobedient than anyone else. It's just that she behaved so well that no one could find out her fault, nor did she find her stubborn side.

Coming out of the bathroom, Si Nian's face turned slightly red, but Jiang Hanyu didn't feel anything, and asked her inside to ask her why she was a girl and it was no different, why she was shy, Si Nian couldn't tell, She had never been so close to anyone. Jiang Hanyu walked behind her, the smile on his face disappeared.

Si Nian didn't accept her apology, she wasn't surprised, but she was in a bad mood because after hearing what Si Nian said, they still had to pretend they didn't know each other's life. After getting along for a few months, it seems that their relationship has not improved at all. The only change is that her relationship with Simian has gone from deteriorating back to before the deteriorating, so it seems like a good thing?

Life seems to be returning to peace, because of Jiang Hanyu's relationship, Si Nian's life in Nangao is not bad. At least, no one like Qiao Lian came to the classroom to trouble her again. Moreover, since helping Jiang Hanyu to apply medicine in the bathroom that time, Jiang Hanyu really did what she said and lived his own life. During this time, Jiang Hanyu never bothered her, and of course no one else bothered her.

Soon, it will be the National Day.

Before the holiday, Nangao unsurprisingly organized a monthly exam since the school started in September.

Si Nianxi didn't think there was any problem, she has always been an excellent student, listened carefully in class, and had a solid academic foundation in the past. Tutoring leveled off. It was Jiang Hanyu and the others who also thought it was no problem. For them, their test scores were not considered at all.

As soon as the exam was over, Zhao Qiao rushed towards Si Nian with a smile on his face and a cheerful voice: "Si Nian, Si Nian, do you want to play together on National Day? !" Although she had been warned by Jiang Hanyu many times not to provoke Si Nian, Zhao Qiao completely dismissed these words as if she hadn't heard them. Now Si Nian in Zhao Qiao's heart is not only a friendship of seven yuan and fifty cents, but a box of chocolates.

Behind Zhao Qiao, Jiang Hanyu and others also gathered around.

Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to make a decision.

The author has something to say: Today is a day for Mengmeng to ask for comments and collections! ~~~And then there is a drama from Amway, hhhhhh, although Amway has passed it on Weibo, and I think everyone is watching it! "Strategy of Yanxi Palace" is really good to watch, I really like the Queen Mother! ! Cough, serious face, and stubbornly compelled Nai to be serious. . . Cover your face. . .

Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~

Read The Duke's Passion