MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 10

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In Jiang Hanyu's eyes, the visible wind and clouds gathered, and even her hand was raised, pinched into a fist, placed in front of Si Nian, and the sound of "click" can be heard at the joints of the fingers , like that, very fierce.

Jiang Hanyu was observing the change in Si Nian's expression, but Si Nian was stunned and didn't give any change, he still looked at her with no fear at all, his eyes were very calm.

"You're very brave!" Jiang Hanyu said in a hard voice, she really wanted to give her a punch when she heard Si Nian's words "not rare", but when her eyes fell on When Si Nian's face was obviously red and swollen, he felt that he could not do anything.

Although Si Nian looks really fearless on the face, no one likes to be beaten anyway, she knows she is not Jiang Hanyu's opponent, so when facing Jiang Hanyu's violence, she still subconsciously I breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Hanyu couldn't understand, "What can happen to you following me?" She believed that she had the ability to protect a Si Nian.

"Why should I follow you all the time?" Besides, Jiang Hanyu wants to protect herself based on her subjective consciousness that she is willing to protect herself. In this way, isn't she very controlled by others? ? She has to stay with Jiang Hanyu all the time, and she also needs to please the latter so that the latter can always protect herself. This kind of life, just don't be too suffocating!

Jiang Hanyu watched Si Nian for a long time, and found that what she said really came from the bottom of her heart. The negotiation failed, and she turned to go out. By the way, I helped Si Nian bring the door, but the sound of the door closing was really heavy.

When the deafening "bang" sound of the door closing came, Si Nian was sitting on the stool beside him with a bit of dejection.

Facing Jiang Hanyu, she was sweating.

Next, Si Nian went to the bathroom. She was crawling and rolling outside that day, dirty from head to toe. Coming out of the bathroom, she dried her hair and checked the time, it was almost four o'clock. I went to the cram school today. The teacher still had homework left behind. Si Nian sat at the desk and looked at the textbooks and exercise books that had been deformed, giving him a headache.

In Xunbei City, the textbooks were not the same version as those of the Nancheng Ministry of Education, and she still needed a little time to get used to it.

Si Nian was a little embarrassed standing in the room on the third floor. She really didn't want others to see her like this. But she had to go downstairs to eat, and Mother Jiang would come to knock on the door, so it was even more difficult to explain at that time.

Standing at the door for a long time, Si Nian still opened the door.

As soon as she reached the top of the stairs, she heard the quarrel breaking out below.

Si Nian heard it and recognized that it was Jiang Hanyu's voice.


Xu Ran was wearing an apron and was so angry that she wanted to throw the spatula in her hand on her head, "You are really going too far! Jiang Hanyu, look at what your girl looks like now It's like! Fighting and fighting, and, is there anything you can't do! If you look like this, I don't think you should go to school! It's best to stay at home! Every day you go out, people make trouble!"

"Okay, as long as you think these three floors can hold me!"

"You!" Xu Ran wanted to teach Jiang Hanyu a lesson, but a figure appeared at the entrance of the stairs. Then, seeing that it was Si Nian, he suddenly fell silent. This is not the most important thing. When Xu Ran saw that Si Nian's face was red and swollen, and there were scars on his arms and calves, with a bang, the spatula in her hand fell to the ground...

Xu Ran could never have imagined that the obedient card that came to their house only yesterday, how could it suddenly become like this today, it looks so... horrifying!

"That, Xiao Nian, how did you do this?" Xu Ran looked in the direction of Jiang Hanyu suspiciously, what, she knew too well what kind of virtue her daughter was. , Xu Ran has every reason to suspect that the injury on Si Nian's body was brought by Jiang Hanyu.

Facts have proved that this injury is really inseparable from Jiang Hanyu, although it is not directly related, it is also indirect.

Jiang Hanyu also received Xu Ran's gaze, she sneered coldly and turned her head in disdain.

Si Nian was a little embarrassed, she knew that she was a little scary. "Auntie, I'm fine, I just fell down the stairs while walking on the road..."

"Ah? Really?" Xu Ran didn't believe it, this fell a little too hard, right?

Si Nian nodded, "Accidentally hit the ground..."

Xu Ran: “…”

"Hahaha!" Just as Si Nian finished speaking, the living room became quiet, and Jiang Hanyu's abrupt laughter came at this moment.

Si Nian: “…”

Xu Ran: “…”

In the end, Xu Ran had to call out Jiang Hanyu's name and ordered her to stop.

Si Nian pursed his lips and said nothing.

She didn't know whether Jiang Hanyu was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, being interrupted by her like this, Xu Ran also forgot to investigate what happened to her injury.

Si Nian was still struggling with what to do the next day. She didn't want to go to class with Jiang Hanyu, but if she left alone, she might be targeted. She doesn't have the domineering force value of Jiang Hanyu, and she can't deal with that kind of street ruffian. Fortunately, during dinner today, Jiang’s father saw the wounds on the bodies of the two juniors on the dining table, and forced him to be picked up by the driver at home every day after class.

Jiang Hanyu was extremely dissatisfied with this arrangement, and for Si Nian, this decision was simply a relief in life.

In the second half of the tutoring period, Jiang Hanyu always had a way to escape the driver at home. Si Nian felt that it was good, so that she could not get along with Jiang Hanyu in the same space, and at the same time saved a lot of money trouble. It is worth mentioning that Jiang Hanyu's attitude towards her returned to that of the night he saw her on the first day, treating her as air with a cold attitude.

Si Nian thinks this is good, she and Jiang Hanyu should be so clear-cut, the summer vacation will be over soon, and the new semester will start.

The junior high school of Nangao is Nanzhong, which is a private school. A large part of the people in the high school are directly promoted from the junior high school, and Jiang Hanyu has not yet entered the school, and the name has spread to South High. Well, because of her, she is very good at fighting!

On the day of school, Si Nian still had to walk with Jiang Hanyu. When the two got out of the car, the people around who saw them began to whisper and discuss.

Jiang Hanyu didn't squint, he was used to what it should look like, and Si Nian stood there, frowning slightly. To tell the truth, she didn't really want to go to school with Jiang Hanyu.

The author has something to say: finally getting to the point! High school life begins!

Jiang Hanyu stood on the top floor and waved his hand, "Look, this is what I have brought down for you! Nangao!"

Si Nian: "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Read The Duke's Passion