MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 844 God is awakened?

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The purpose of the night emperor to Luna Island is very simple, that is, he no longer hates the Luna family, and all the grievances of the Luna family are written off, but he will not return to the Luna, but he did not take it when he left. Walking the night, because he said that the body of the night moon is also flowing with the blood of the moon, here is her best home.

If he knows that Luna Palace has long been the back garden of Ling Chen, I wonder if this decision will be made. In March, God and many moon gods seem to have nowhere in the night. This is a lively delivery of a delicious little fat sheep to Ling Chenkou. And this little fat sheep itself has a deep sense of worship for Ling Chen.

Leaving Yueshen Island, Ling Chen summoned the cold child and went straight to the underworld.

"A long time ago, a farmer went to chop wood. When he passed a small river, the axe used for cutting wood accidentally fell into the river. At this time, the **** in the river appeared in front of him, holding A silver axe asked him: 'Is this your axe?' The farmer shook his head and said, 'No', the river **** sank into the water, and after a while he took a golden axe and appeared in front of him and asked him: Then, is this golden axe falling from you?' The farmer still shook his head and said, 'No', and the river **** smiled gratifiedly. He praised: 'You are an honest person. As a reward, this silver ax and gold axe are all I gave it to you. The farmer was angry on the spot, and he took the river **** into the water and shouted; 'You are a wicked river god, give me my diamond axe!'"

“Well, this story tells us that the value of diamonds is much higher than that of silver and gold. Have you remembered it?”

"But...why is this story different from what is said on TV?" Lenger raised his innocent eyes and whispered.

"[email protected]#¥%......" Ling Chen’s expression became serious: “Cold, there are many things on TV that are deceptive, but the words of the owner are always right, so if you are in another What I hear on the ground is different from what the owner says. Of course, the master is the subject."

"Well, I know." Lenger nodded.

"This is what it is, well, we are here, go in."

Even after three years have passed, the cold child is still exactly the same as the original. No matter what looks, character, words and deeds, there is basically no change. The hobby is still playing games, holding dolls, listening to stories, even the memory has not recovered much, which makes Ling It’s very hot in the darkness... When Pluto said it was good, it would allow the cold child to recover all the memories in a year. However, during the three years, Ling Chen and Leng Er did not have a "game" of 800 times, but there was no change at all!

He feels more and more that he seems to have been calculated by this Pluto.

When I arrived in Pluto City, when Pluto heard them coming, I almost flew to the front of the cold child. I smiled like a twist. As for Ling Chen, he didn’t look at it and ignored it. His existence. Leng Er is no longer afraid and repulsive to this fierce person, but also a little more close. In his consciousness, he is more and more accepting to this father.

When the cold child ran back to her own room to play with the doll, Pluto’s face suddenly blackened and roared at Ling Chen’s mouth: “I said Ling Tianzi! It’s been more than three years, why my daughter remembers a little. There are no signs of recovery! What have you been doing for the past three years, it is too disappointing for me as a father-in-law!"

Ling Chen was originally trying to question him why the memory of Leng Er has not recovered. I didn’t expect that the Pluto had actually opened his mouth, but he was still arrogant, so Ling Chen almost didn’t go back on the spot, Ling Chen’s unhappy roar Road: "I still want to ask you! You clearly said that as long as you said, up to a year of cold can be fully restored, but this has been three years, no improvement!"

"This is still asking, it must be that you are lazy! Do you still want to blame me!"

"I am lazy and look at you! I am on average with my cold child at least once a day!"

"God horse! Only once!! The year I said is based on at least ten times a day as the basic standard!"

One day... at least ten times...

I! @#¥%......

Ling Chen really wants to spray this Pluto on the spot.

Pluto's eyes became weird. You lowered your voice and said with a pity: "I said Ling Tian, ​​you shouldn't be... No, you can only do it once a day? This is this... oh yeah... ”

"Fart!" If this Pluto is not his cheap father-in-law, he will definitely kick him to the ground. It’s impossible to say that it’s not like a man’s face. Even if he knows that he is deliberately stimulating him, there is absolutely no man. Ling Chen screams at his face: “I have nineteen, including cold children. Big wife, a little wife can scare you! I said I can't do it!!"

"Nono, this problem will not come out." Pluto became more confident and strong: "Whoever asked you to find so many women, seriously delayed my daughter's recovery, or you and your nephew came up a dozen times a day, She has long since recovered, not all of them blame you."

"..." Ming knows that this old Pluto is hard to find an excuse, Ling Chen is also no words. He finally understands that the so-called "one year" is completely fabricated by this Pluto. The purpose is naturally to let him do more than usual... Oh, it is more painful to love cold children, because the cold child is young and still has memory defects. The language ability is incomplete, even the body is only a semi-entity, and Ling Chen is surrounded by countless women, each of the origins is extraordinary, the national color is fragrant, Pluto is afraid that the cold child will fall out of favor, and therefore racked their brains to come up with various ideas.

"You see, you have nothing to say!" Ling Chen did not speak, Pluto's tone suddenly rose by three points, a look of anger and anger: "I married my only daughter, how big is it for you." Hope, I didn’t expect you to be... oh! With my daughter’s reunion for so many years, I have never been able to hear her call me a father. Do you know how much pain it is? You have never been a father forever. I don't understand. As for your progress, when will my nephew recover, and then become the new Pluto, inheriting me to lead this vast underworld!"

"Well? What do you say? You want to let the cold child inherit your position of Pluto?" Ling Chen looked surprised.

Pluto stunned: "You are not nonsense! Not my daughter, do you still let others inherit?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Ling Chen refused: "Cold child, but my wife, definitely can not be wronged. How can you bear to let her stay away from freedom, become Pluto and then join these dead zombies every day... Absolutely not!!"

"Rely! Do you think I am willing? But my nephew is my only daughter, and the only one who can inherit the position of Pluto! Is it that I have been painstakingly managing the Pluto for so many years and gave it to others!" Pluto looked uncomfortable. However, my heart is a joy... This kid’s concern for his nephew is not a fake.

"You will not find a few more wives, and then have a few more small Pluto out! I want to make my family cold as a Pluto... No doors!" Ling Chen did not let.

"... ah?" Ling Chen said a word, let Pluto instantly squat there, and then "call" a brain: "I rely! Oh! This is a good idea, I never thought of it!"

Ling Chen was on the spot... The first wife died for tens of thousands of years and it has been eight thousand years. This Pluto has never thought of finding another one. I will go there.

When the King of the Kings took the film, he said: "Zi Ming, come in immediately... Prepare a notice for the king, and the king will choose the queen after the forgotten mainland!!"

Purple and respectful walk in, heard the second half of Pluto, the body shook, directly slammed a dog to eat.

When I left the underworld and returned to Zhuhai Wonderland, the time was already afternoon. When I got back, I was caught by the Philippine: "Hey...Isn’t it to bring cold children to see her father? Actually, I have been going all day, you should not go to Lushen Island to be happy, lascivious. Luna Palace, right?"

Even though I have been caught by the Philippine at the Luna Shrine on the spot several times, Ling Chen is still a red face, a haha: "Hah, haha... I just happened to have something to forget in the mainland, I lost some time... I’m against the Philippines, I There is a question for you to confirm," said Ling Chen's expression has become serious.

"You can say that, but in front of me, this excuse to divert attention is useless." Fei said with a smile.

"I want to ask, three years ago, Haoyue was in front of you, to Luo Hao to kill your orders?" Ling Chen said.

"..." Philip's brow moved, it was a strange question asked by Ling Chen. She nodded: "Nothing wrong, why should I ask this question?"

"Nothing, just suddenly thought of it." Ling Chen showed a contemplative expression, then looked up: "Today in the forgotten mainland encountered a thing I can't figure out, need to think about it... huh? Everyday?"

"Her mother called her home to eat." Fifi answered. The Chia star is far from the earth, but there is Laxis, and this distance is not a problem.

"Going home? When are you coming back?" Ling Chen was amazed.

Philip's lips and a hook, picking up the eyes: "You put a thousand hearts, she will definitely come back before dark. I don't hold you at night, but she can't sleep. Right, I have suggested that snow to give You can customize a bed that is super~~big~~, because there are more and more people who can't sleep with you without a bed recently. It's really hard to do."

"The charm is too big, I can't do it." Ling Chen is proud.

"Cut!" Fei slammed his mouth and was too lazy to care for him.

Go out of the door and walk to the edge of the bamboo forest. In the evening, the wind washed by the bamboo sea is pure and cool, but it still can't calm Ling Chen's thoughts and heart.

Haoyue said that she replaced the night moon, but the fact is that she helped the night moon to break away from the sacred moon and reshaped her body.

Although it is amazing, but this can be directly understood as a month to handle it, and too lazy to tell him the truth.

But why, after seeing the night moon, my heart has been unable to calm down, and I feel that my heart is very empty and empty, just like suddenly remembering what is important to me... very important thing... but I can’t think of losing it. What exactly is it.

"Ling Chen! Hey, find you!"

Behind him, Salsa's soft body rushed up. Her current name is Salsa, not Shatis I. This name means that the name of the "one atonement" has been completely abandoned by her. After holding Ling Chen, she quickly discovered the strangeness of his emotions and stunned her head: "Ling Chen, is there something to worry about?"

"Yeah, the old feeling is like something missing, and it seems to be stuffed into something." Ling Chen closed his eyes and said softly.

"Ah?" Sasha stood in front of Ling Chen and looked at him for a while. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she said: "I know, it is the spirit of Ling Chen who wants to wake up! Wow! Ling Chen is now so Severe, if you wake up the soul again, you might be a god!"

"Soul of God... Awakening?" Ling Chen slammed and said, "Do you mean that there is a soul hidden in my body?"

"Yeah!" Sasha nodded with certainty: "The soul of Ling Chen is so deep and deep, I am just because it has been noticed by the signs of awakening. Ling Chen’s body must be a super soul. That's right!"

There is also a soul in my body? This... Ling Chen raised his arm and looked at his hands, which was somewhat unprepared.

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