MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 833 Extreme meditation field

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"You this... mean bastard!!"

The comet is completely angry. Even though she really became a true God, she was first and foremost a woman. She looked down on the people for thousands of years and when she was so humiliated.

Under the protection of the power of the sun, her whole body is immortal, and Ling Chen is the only place she can't protect. She never thought of being a Shura, but she was despicable and down-to-earth to really attack there, and let her stay for a thousand years. Before she became a god, she could never break the body and was smashed by Ling Chen with three fingers. Once the body is lost, the purest source will slowly diarrhea. The difficulty of becoming a true **** will multiply. Before we can absorb the power of a god, we need to absorb at least three times the power!

"Star of Destruction!"

The power of the comet under the wrath is fully open, and the fallen stars roll up the horrible power storm to fly to Ling Chen. Under the pressure of her surging force, Ling Chen’s exhausted body is almost unable to move, and is severely fragmented by the fallen stars. On the body, through the body... This is an attack that is enough to let Ling Chen directly die.

The sacred star's radiance flashed, and this fatal injury was forcibly prevented again.

The triple-powered comet is terrible, even though the dusty state of the dusty state can not resist, let alone the current Ling Chen. He struggled to stand up and his body was crumbling, but his face still hangs with no laughter, and he slowly and arrogantly extended the three **** fingers to the comet.

"You!!" The singer's mad anger rioted again, rushing to Ling Chen, hitting a punch in Ling Chen's chest, directly displacing his five internal organs, and then flew back to his hands, ruthless Cut the body to Ling Chen...

The celestial star **** shimmers for the third time...

Then the fourth, fifth, sixth.........

If there is no protection from the sacred star god, he has already completely died under the fallen star of the comet, but even if it is a sacred star, facing the comet that has far surpassed Ling Chen, it can only delay the real thing of Ling Chen. The rhythm of death, unable to change the big picture...


Xia Star.

"Philippine sister, where did my brother go?"

Was awakened by the shock of the earth and the roar of the constant sound several times, and finally stopped sleeping any more, but she looked for a long time, did not find Ling Chen, and some worried about asking Filipino.

Philippine's gaze has been staring at the sky in the east. She didn't even notice the closeness of the day. Until she heard the voice of the sky, she came back to her, and her face quickly showed a relaxed smile: "He has something to go out, it should be gone. Look for our tomorrow's food. Why don't you sleep every day? It's so tired during the day, if you don't rest, you won't have a spirit tomorrow. If I look here, there will be no danger."

"Ah...this is the case." Nodded every day, he yawned, and asked without hesitation: "How long has he left his brother? When is it coming back? I have been used to sleeping with my brother, without him. I always sleep unsteadily."

"...He didn't go much longer, but he should come back soon." Fei smiled and said, no matter how look or look, there is no flaw: "Go back to sleep, when you wake up, you can see He is."

"Oh... I know. Sister Fei, I have worked hard. You are so tired during the day, and we must watch the night for us."

"Haha, rest assured, I just don't sleep for a few days and nights, it's okay, go to sleep." Fei said with a smile.

"Well!" Nodded every day, just about to turn and leave, suddenly a dull sound came from the east, looking down to the sky in the east subconsciously, shouting in surprise: "Philippine sister, you see there... there is strange light! There is a very strange voice!"

There has been a faint fish belly in the East, the sky is still full of stars, and the oriental sky, the swaying glare of the group is particularly eye-catching and boring, and it seems to come from the unknown location. Fei quickly explained: "Probably what a strange meteorite rain, don't care... eh?"

Halfway through the words, Philip’s brow suddenly picked up and quickly got up and turned his eyes to the south.

Because she feels that many people are slowly approaching here.

At the same time, Philippine discovered it at the same time, but her reaction was completely different from that of Philippine, because she clearly felt that it was the atmosphere of her family. Soon, there was a seemingly familiar face in the line of sight, but when she saw the woman in the middle of the line, she stayed there all day, then made a cry, and screamed with tears. Go up:


"Day... every day!"

When I came here, it was the group of Xia Xing who was rescued by Ling Chen. After being told by Ling Chen every day, the Queen of Chia, who was impressed by her thoughts, left everything and rushed here, finally seeing it. When she was her daughter, she was also full of tears and cheeks, clinging hard every day, and finally the mother and daughter who reunited with each other cried.

"Princess, really a princess!"

"Great, the **** of Xia bless, the princess is safe!"

The Xiya Stars who came with the Queen of Chia were also full of excitement. After the disaster that swept through the Shia Star finally subsided, this was undoubtedly the greatest comfort and good news.

Looking at the day when I finally reunited with my mother, Fei did not come close, showing a smile of heart, and then looked up at the sky in the east...

Adam, reunited with her mother every day, you have to bring salsa, come back soon.



In a painful snoring, Ling Chen’s body squatted on an asteroid that just passed by. The asteroid collapsed in an instant and turned into a fly ash of the universe... It’s conceivable that Ling Chen’s What a terrible power to bear.

After this attack, Ling Chen’s body completely collapsed, and the sacred star **** shone again and again... This is the tenth flashing light today. Then, the sacred star **** sings completely dimmed, originally flowing in The silvery stream on the surface has completely disappeared, and there is no longer a brilliance.

The ten guards of the sacred star gods are finally exhausted.

"Oh, it looks like you have the last one left... No, it’s half life."

Looking at the faint star of the sacred star, the comet floated in front of Ling Chen, sneer and extended his hand to him: "The estimated strength of your current power has not been left, I just move. Fingers can make you die without a place of burial... You say, how do I use any method to let you die?"

Ling Chen’s body has many scars, and he can hardly find a perfect place. The wounds of the internal organs are extremely heavy. But he still stood up tough, shaking his body, and his mouth was ambiguous, but he was as firm as iron: "How can I... die... here!"

"I really saw the coffin without tears." The star snorted. "You are still thinking about living away from my sight today. Yeah, time is almost the same. Before you die, let you be good." Tasting what is truly desperate!"

With the fall of the comet's voice, the density of the sun's power in the field of the meditation has finally reached its limit. The comet's body has a more intense golden glow, and even her hair, eyebrows, and eyes have completely changed. Golden, golden hair flutters like a cluster of burning golden flames. And she was incomparably a horrible force, and at this moment there was a terrible ascension.

"Yes, that's the feeling! This infinite proximity to God!" The golden pupil of the comet flashed with excitement. At this moment, she felt so clear for the first time that her half foot had stepped on. The threshold of entering the true God, the power of the body flowing, even her own incredible.

"Sura, do you know what kind of state I am now?" The comet smiled with satisfaction.

The power from the comet is more powerful than the imagination of Ling Chen. Such a power field, not to mention the current Ling Chen, even if it is a complete state of Ling Chen, will be pressured to breathe, he looks at the whole body of gold Mang, a comet that looks like a golden flame, said with sorrow: "Super... Sa... Yaman?"

"!@#¥%#¥*......You have seen more cartoons in your island country!! Now, my field of meditation has reached the limit of strength, so I have four times the strength and the immortal body!" The star raised his hand and his eyes became very proud: "Now, even if all the humble human forces in the world are concentrated, they will never want to hurt me. I regret that I can no longer enjoy this until I become a god." Feeling, because after you disappear, I will not be able to launch the second field of the sun."

When the star hangs down, she looks at Ling Chen’s gaze. It’s like watching an ant who can step on his feet at any time: “Sura, you are just a humble human being, you can die under such power. This can be said to be the greatest fortune in your life... Then, the second Shura in the world, farewell, in this power near the true God, turn into ashes!!"

The comet is no longer dragging the water, slowly raising the palm of the golden light... Her current ability can easily destroy the dust into dust.

"嗄 嗄 嗄 嗄 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌The double-strength comet is enough to make him suppress, and the triple-powered comet is enough to make him desperate... not to mention the terrible limit of today.

When the comet's ruined hand was lifted, Ling Chen's gaze slowly dimmed, and the will finally began to sink.

I can't lose... I can't die...

But this time... I’ve really tried everything... there’s nothing wrong with it...

A little...the way...there is nothing...

His gaze, as his head hangs down on the moon of the right wrist, he suddenly laughs and whispers: "The moon of heaven... You gave me the power of Shura... but I ended up... even I can't do anything to restore you... I hope your next master... won't let you down..."

In the whisper of Ling Chen, his eyebrows suddenly jumped, because the moon of the sacred moon suddenly flashed a strong silver light, stronger than any time he had ever seen, so strong that his eyes were Almost impossible to look directly. At the same time, he vaguely felt that the golden light around the sun seemed to wear a relatively dim silver light.

The action of the comet stopped at this moment, and the subconscious looked up to the top, and then the face changed dramatically: "What...what!?"

Ling Chen also quickly looked up and looked at his upper back. His eyes passed through the thick sun and passed through the edge of the field. He saw a bright light and shadow, which was quietly suspended there and released. Clean and innocent, the warmth of the warmth.

That is... the moon! ?


[Some students are asking why the first Shura can kill the gods. Now the Shura is not even able to beat the comets of similar ranks?

In other words, are the two really a concept? !

Ling Chen was a godhead before he became a Shura, but he could use the power of the sacred moon to exert the power of reluctantly approaching the three-point godhead. However, after becoming Shura, he directly turned into the Eight Gods of the same comet, and the combat power would exceed Comet. How many times does this increase? The most conservative is also more than one hundred times? It is also a hundred-fold increase, so that Ling Chen, which was originally in the face of the comet, can become a battle with the comet. And that year's Luo Xiuben is the strongest god, and then incarnate Shura, a hundred times increase... power directly hundreds of times the true God! The **** of the gods is not the same as cutting vegetables!

In short, Luo Xiuben is the true God. After Cheng Xiu Luo, the power of God directly surpassed the gods by a hundred times and was easily crushed. Ling Chen became the starting point before Shura was too low, and became Shura, it was the height of the comet. And let a mortal of a 0 godhead become a battle with the second god, Shura is not enough NX...! 】