MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 826 Queen Xia

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This day is undoubtedly the longest day of their life. During this day, they experienced fright, fear, despair, and death. With the calmness of the ancient cold, everything finally calmed down for a while, and the deep sleepiness was also heavy with tranquility. They were one after another. Go deep sleep.

Calm and sleep quietly every day, Ling Chen gently hugged her to the bed, got up, and walked out silently.

“Really to go now?”

He just stepped out of the door, and on the side, he heard the voice of the Philippines.

Turning around to face the Philippine, Ling Chen saw the worries in her eyes and the uneasiness of her efforts to hide. He nodded and said: "You must go now, I will be more than a second, and Sasha will be more dangerous. I It has been cast into a big mistake that can never be remedied. We must never give up the most innocent salsa. In any case, we must take her from the comet. And even if I don’t go to her, she will come to me. And after absorbing the power of Salsa, then the situation will only get worse."

He walked to the side of the Philippines, gently hugged her, smiled and said: "But you can rest assured, now I am Shura, the last Shura has destroyed the gods, I may be able to put the comet If you can't beat it, it's okay to run away. You are all here, I won't allow myself to die there."

Philippine backhand hugged Ling Chen, closed his eyes and whispered: "I know that I can't stop you, but... you must remember what you said, you must come back alive anyway! Otherwise... this world If there is no Adam, there will be no Eve!"

Ling Chen’s heart was full of tremors, and the hand holding Philippine was also a little harder. She said softly in her ear: “Tell them, I will be back soon.”

Under the eyes of the Philippines, Ling Chen took everyone away. Fei knew that he would not say hello to them every day... Although he promised that he would fail if he failed, he would come back alive. But whether it is Ling Chen or Fei, it is very clear that the risk of his going will be...

Until leaving the line of sight of Philippine, Ling Chen quietly turned his head and looked at the place where they were. His eyes were nostalgic and turned into perseverance. He took a slight breath and sighed, his body was like a The meteor flew to the south, and the speed was so fast that even the space was shocked by a long series of embarrassing encounters.

Ling Chen roughly calculated his speed at this time. In one second, he flew more than three kilometers, which means his speed is about 10,000 kilometers per hour, almost ten times the speed of sound! At this speed, it takes only two hours to reach the location of the comet!

However, at a very fast flight, he slowed down again. Because he suddenly thought that after finding a comet, there must be a fierce battle. If he was flying at speed for more than two hours, his physical strength would inevitably be greatly depleted when he found the comet. At the moment, he slowed down... but even if he slowed down, he was still horrible.

When flying nearly a hundred miles away, a huge aperture appeared in front of the line of sight, accompanied by a strong, but extraordinary atmosphere, Ling Chen's brow moved and stopped when it reached the aperture.

When I saw the aperture, Ling Chen was still very far away. At this time, it was just above it, and I was surprised how huge this "aperture" was. It has a semi-circular hood on the ground, with a diameter of twenty or thirty kilometers, and the surface emits a grayish white light that makes people look uncomfortable.

Ling Chen saw at a glance that this "aperture" is clearly an enchantment! From its color, this is by no means a guardian. The enchantment of the isolation or augmentation class, its radiance, and the unpleasant breath, all show that the attributes of this enchantment are most likely bloodthirsty, spiriting and even soul-eating.

And to such a large degree of enchantment, Ling Chen is convinced that the snow, the blue heart, and the purple **** of the **** of the moon are absolutely impossible to complete. Among those who have the ability to complete it, among the people known to Ling Chen, there are only three thousand people, Luo Wei and Zhao Xing.

Ling Chen's eyes kept flashing, and suddenly he thought of a possibility. He did not move on again, suddenly fell from the air and landed above the enchantment. Suddenly, a cold suction came from his feet, but this suction was like touching the power of Shura. After being stabbed by the steel needle, it was suddenly taken back, and the whole enchantment also showed a slight trepidation.

"Oh..." Ling Chen sneered: "Sure enough."

"The madman implements the Shenyue plan, using the "game device" to separate the human soul into the **** moon. And this "burning plan" in Xia Star is using this huge demention enchantment! Bring the Xia Xing people into the enchantment after being subdued or seriously injured, and forcibly ingest the soul with the power of enchantment. However, the enchantment is too large and the power is inevitably scattered. The power level of the Xiya star is better than the Shenyue star. There must be many people who have strong will and can persist for a long time. It is no wonder that the plan of burning the sky has not been completed. That is to say, in this enchantment, there must be people who have not taken the soul. !"

"The souls that have been taken away should also exist somewhere in the enchantment. If the enchantment is destroyed and the body of these souls does not die, they will immediately return to the body. If the body is dead If there is... there is no way."

At this point, Ling Chen raised his right hand, and the sacred rifle appeared in the hands of Ling Chen in the flash of silver, and then stabbed the huge gray-white enchantment below...

"Give me broken!!"

"叮", the sacred sacred rifle penetrated into the enchantment, only pierced a small half of the gunpoint, and such a small trauma, for the huge enchantment of 20 to 30 kilometers in length Even the nine cattle and one hair are not counted. However, this is a blow from Shura. Through that tiny wound, Shura’s power spread to every corner of this huge enchantment in a flash...

Hey! ! ! !

Like a piece of glass that cracked evenly under a giant earthquake, countless cracks spread the entire enchantment in an instant, and the dim light suddenly became incomparably strong. Then, countless enchantment fragments were like high temperature. The icy ice that melts under the speed, disappears quickly, dissipates...

With the demise of the last glimmer of light, the enchantment disappeared completely. A large scream of excitement also rang in confusion. With the disappearance of the enchantment, Ling Chen saw the crowd that was originally shrouded below. The countless people were concentrated in the scope of the enchantment. Most of them were lying there, without life. It seems to be a long time to die, but there are also a small number of people who are sitting and even standing there. Their spirits are languid and worn, but at least they are still alive, even the soul has not been taken away. And these people are looking up at him at this moment, staring at him with wide eyes, his eyes are full of shock and incredible.

"You are free, look after the people around you, there should be many people to save."

Ling Chen said in the sky that his voice is not too big, but it is clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

Underneath the shadows, Ling Chen is just below, a middle-aged man who is still faint, but still very imposing, shouted: "Have you saved us? Your great grace, we will never forget," he said Pray, in a respectful manner, said: "Benevolence, you can destroy this field of soul-seeking, must be a super-power from a different world, can we... can you make a request to you, although we are rude to do so, But...but if the terrible wicked are not removed, we will never rest in peace. If you can promise us, we must... sure..."

"Do you mean Wanhe and Luo?" Ling Chen knows what he wants to say and returns directly: "You are relieved, they are already dead. Although it may be late, the crisis of Xia Star has completely passed, you What needs to be done is to reorganize Xia Star and try to save something."

"Ah! Die is dead!?"

"He said that he was so dying... that is more terrible than the tens of thousands of people!"

"Really! Is this true?!"

"He is a stranger who is ruined by this terrible field. How can he lie to us! It can ruin this field, indicating that he must be more powerful than Wanhe and Luo Wei! It must be true... it must be true. what!"

After the incomparable excitement, the surviving Xia Xing people issued a cry of excitement. Everyone burst into tears with excitement, cheering, and looking at the people around them who could never stand up. They were so sad that they didn’t know how to be sad.

"Thank you...Thank you!" The middle-aged man who spoke directly smashed in the incomparable excitement. He looked at him, and the surrounding Shiya Stars all followed him, looking up at him with gratitude.

Ling Chen nodded slightly and was ready to leave, but he thought of something again. He said, "Is there anyway, is the Queen of Chia here?"

"Ah? Queen!"

Ling Chen’s words were exported, and his eyes turned to a place not far away. A woman stood up slowly under the support of the crowd. Her face was pale and weak, but she could not hide the natural formation of her long-term high position. Grace and intangibility: "I am the current queen of Xia Star, thank you for saving us."

Looking at the posture and face of this Queen of Chia, Ling Chen can imagine how he will grow up in the future. He smiles and says: "Queen Xia, I am honored to meet you. You are the mother of every day. right?"

Hearing the word "everyday", the eyes of Queen Xia trembled fiercely, and the Queen’s posture disappeared in an instant. The emperor said excitedly: "Every you say every day? Yes, I am her mother! You Have you seen her? Where is she? Is it good now?"

The performance of Queen Xia highlights how much she loves every day. Ling Chen smiled and said: "I am a friend who is on earth every day. In the year of the earth, she has been with me and has been very good. Please rest assured. She has now returned to Xia Xing, just about 60 kilometers north from here. If you go now, you can find her."

"Really... Really?" Queen Xia trembled. God knows how worried she was about her daughter this year. At this time, she heard that she was safe and sound, and returned to the news of Xia Xing. She burst into tears. Yes, if she has been with this mighty man for the rest of the world, it is really hard to be dangerous.

"Thank you, you saved my nation and took care of my daughter for me. I really don't know how to repay you. I... can I know your name?" Faced with Ling Chen, Queen Xia Completely out of order.

" name is Ling Chen. If you go looking for it every day, remember to take a light step when you are close. She is tired for a day and is taking a break. Wait for her to wake up and give her a surprise."

After that, he nodded, and the body turned into a stream of light without warning, disappearing into their sight.

A casual reminder contains the care and love that comes from the heart every day, and makes the Queen of Chia even more grateful to him. Looking at the direction in which Ling Chen left, she murmured: "Not only is it strong, but also gentle... Is he the true God sent to save us?"