MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 823 Again vanishing Miko (above)

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Yes, Shura woke up, woke up in the blood of the next of kin, and the mother’s last call... This was the most surprising result, but no one was happy because he woke up with him. It is the disappearance of ancient cold life.

Every day, I rushed to the ancient cold body, crying and screaming, and all the girls were surrounded, all eyes were red, sadness. Every day in the weeping, her hands are stretched out, and the void is pressed against the cold wounds of the ancient cold. A warm white light flashes with the flow of her tears.

"Every day... she... she..." Looking at the white light flashing in the hands of every day, Ling Chen saw a glimmer of hope in the abyss.

Looking up every day, looking at him with tears, can be close to the same as before, looking at him, she is very happy and satisfied, she said with a cry: "The ancient aunt's internal organs ... are greatly The damage... already... already... this is the cure that my mother taught me, but at the time I was fun, I didn’t study hard... I only allowed the aunt to support for a short time... I should be Desperately learning... oh... oh..."

Ling Chen came back, but they couldn't even have time to say "welcome back" and they fell into sorrow again. Ling Chen’s face was pale... He woke up, but his strength was not lost, but all his power was concentrated on destruction and destruction, without any healing power. Looking at the ancient cold that life is about to disappear completely, Ling Chen has tears in his eyes, almost biting his teeth.

"If... if the mother is just fine... Mom is the greatest healer of Xia Star, and he will be healed again if he is seriously wounded..."

Ling Chen, who is almost desperate, has a strong spirit and grabs the shoulders of every day. The Emperor said: "Where is your mother? Tell me where she is!"

Every day, Ling Chen believes in it. There is a sacrificial occupation in the world of the gods, and these people have a strong healing power. The Shenyue Continent is the real **** of the moon, which means that this group of people also exists. As mentioned by the comet, the energy level of the Xia Star is slightly higher than that of the Shenyue Star, so there are such people in the Xia Star, which is normal. And every day, she said that her mother is the most powerful healer, so it is very likely to be equivalent to the existence of the highest spiritual bishop in the world of the gods, and it will certainly be cured, and it will still cure the ancient cold!

"I... I don't know." Every day, his face shook his head dimly: "I also want to find my mother, but I have been away from here for more than a year. I don't know where my mother is now, whether I have been the bad guy... give..."

Ling Chen didn't talk any more, suddenly jumped to the sky, then stopped in the air, closed his eyes, concentrated his spirit, and spread his consciousness to the surrounding madness... With his current power, he could completely immerse himself in the spirit. The entire Xia Star, but not to mention whether the mother of the day under the "burning plan" is still alive, even if it is still alive, Xia Star is incomparably large, and there are countless creatures. To find her, the difficulty is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. He can only pray that the mother of the day, that is, the atmosphere of the Queen of Chia can have characteristics far different from those of ordinary Chia.

When he was just beginning to condense, there was a strange and extraordinarily inciting sensation in the spiritual realm. Ling Chen fiercely opened his eyes... This feeling... Is it...

"Cai Er?" Ling Chen tried and screamed the name of the child.

With his hesitant shouting, a flash of greenish light flashed in front of him, and a pair of cute little wings were first stretched out in the light. Then, Xiaole’s petite and delicate body appeared in front of Ling Chen’s eyes. .

"Ah! It's a lottery! How can a lottery appear here!" Seeing that the colorful children in the world of God and Moon suddenly appeared here, Su Shi subconsciously made a sigh of relief.

"Ah, finally came out... Big brother seems to wake up. If you don't wake up again, we really have to be scared to death." Cai Er is complaining again, but also afraid, and is happy to say Then, before Ling Chen answered, one flapped the wings, and the "嗖" flew down to the sky, and the eyes were slightly closed, and the white hands were gently opened to both sides...

"The Light of Nature!"

The pure green light of the green color slowly sprinkled with the movements of the hands of the children, falling on the ancient cold and all the girls. Suddenly, their bodies were slowly swayed by a cool and comfortable wind, and they could not tell the comfort. . Before the ancient cold chest, the deadly wound stopped bleeding, and then healed quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye... Only a few seconds later, the wound completely disappeared, replaced by the fresh and delicate skin, can not see A trace of trauma. Even her face, which had no blood, was slightly rosy.

"Ah! God! This is... really?" The girls opened their lips in front of this incredible picture, with an incredible look.

"The old wounds... is it completely good?"

"My injury seems to be completely good!" Xuanyuan Butterfly Dance suddenly shouted, she raised her hand to protect her shoulders that had been bounced by Luo Wei before the sword, where the original is not a light wound, the light released in the color It has disappeared completely without a trace of discomfort.

"Mys too." Filipino took a look at his right arm and was very surprised to see a little color.

"Oh, of course, of course, our elf's healing ability is the most powerful!" Looking at them surprised and surprised, Cai Er was proud and happy smile.

Ling Chen rushed down from the air, holding a colorful child. Why is it that the child can be summoned here is no longer important, and he has no intention to investigate the cause. At this time, there is only a full excitement in his heart: "Cai Er, you are really... very good! This time you helped. I am very busy!"

"Ah, ah... Big brother, can’t hold it so tight... I’m going to breathe...”


Although the wounds of the ancient cold have been cured, after a lot of blood loss and a lot of loss of life, the body is still very weak, and has not woken up for a long time. But at least there will be no more danger to your life. If you take a break, you can recover.

Here is an ordinary village of Xia Star, but there are no residents inside. After the ancient cold was placed in a room, Ling Chen looked at it for a long time, then walked out of the house, sat on a big stone outside the house, silently watching the night sky, memories in the brain, such as chaotic tides .

"It’s very messy."

Fei came over and sat down beside him.

"It’s just chaos." Ling Chen smiled and laughed, then extended his hands and said with a low voice: "I have done something... In the past, we killed a lot of people. But that is all the tasks that must be done, and they are basically wicked, but today... I killed so many innocent people, and... Oh, I also destroyed the earth! Hahahaha... I destroyed the earth. How ridiculous, how sci-fi a word, but this is true, it is true!!"

"The earth is exploding. Except for us, all the people are dead. Dreams, Susu, Qiqi... Their relatives, friends, memories, all are gone... and the ghosts, they are all dead! I was killed by my own hands!" Ling Chen looked at his hands and said, "But I am still alive, still awake... I really should... be slain and die!"

Fei shook his head and said: "What we are most afraid of is that you will think so. I am fine, all alone, they all have their own home, have their own relatives and friends, but after you are awake, they have no one. When you mention it, no one blames you. When you cried and hugged you, but one is more than one. Because they all understand, you are because they will lose their senses. If they don’t care too much about them, how can they change? Cheng Xiu Luo. And killing so many people, even destroying the earth, is not your Ling Chen, but Shura. They will not blame you, but will worry that you blame yourself and cast a shadow in your heart."

Ling Chen: "..."

Fei laughed: "Even for their sincere heart, you should also let go of the shackles of these hearts and take up their future and not let them down, right?"

Ling Chen has been speechless for a long time, then slowly nodded. For a long time, he looked up and asked: "Philippines, before the next month told me that you have all been killed by Luo Wei, I went home, saw our home, together with the bamboo sea fairyland has become a ruin... Why You have not died, but have come here?"

"I don't know, even we ourselves have been puzzled." Fei frowned slightly and said: "At the time, I was vulnerable in front of Luo Wei, and the butterfly dance was injured. Later, Luo Wei was high. The sky above gave us a heavy punch. At that moment, I thought that we would all be buried immediately... But when we closed our eyes, it didn’t feel like being attacked for a long time, even the smell of the air changed. When we opened our eyes, we found that we had arrived here. We thought that we were all dead and came to heaven, but every day we told us that this is her hometown, named Xia Star."

"That's it?" Ling Chen was full of horror.

"That's it." Philip nodded. After somehow coming to this Xia Star, all of them are puzzled, just like being dreaming of illusion.

"What about you? At that time, what happened to you over there? And... Sasha? Did you find her?" asked Filipino.

This question of Philippine made Ling Chen’s memory return to the scene at the top of the Son of God. His teeth slammed down and the sorrow shook the resentment. He bowed slightly and said in a low voice: "Is it Luo Luo, do you want to kill you?"

“No!” Philip shook his head and squinted: “The terrible Luo Xiao seems to be looking for something. After he didn’t find it, he was ready to leave. It’s a month... She suddenly appeared, and gave Luo Xiao a killing of all of us. Dead command."

Ling Chen’s chest has had a lot of ups and downs... The action of Haoyue is not only a deception to him, but also his most important anti-destination, and he has cruelly killed all of them. The command of death...and because of this, he became Shura, made countless killings, and destroyed the earth.

It can be said that Haoyue is the direct cause of all these disasters and evils! When he heard this sentence from the mouth of Philippine, his hatred of Haoyue increased several times. He slammed his hand and said lowly: "Hey, I will see you again... I I must kill you by hand!!"

"Sasha, she was taken away." Ling Chen closed his eyes and said sourly.

"Be taken away? Who is taken away? Why take her away? Isn't she just a little girl without a father or a mother?" Fei said with amazement.

At the moment, Ling Chen put the legend about the gods of the ancients, the identity of Shatis Yizhen and Haoyue, what happened at that time, even how to get the moon of the sacred moon, and the encounter with Haoyue, has been in the world of God. The purpose of running around... all told the Philippines. Everything he said was enough to shock the world, but at this moment, he needs to vent, and Philippine is undoubtedly the best object to talk.

He said it for a long time, and the Philippine has been listening to it for a long time. Even though the constant shock in his heart has shaken his anger, he has not interrupted him.

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