MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 821 Reunion

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Listening to their soft voice, the tight inner heart of the day also relaxed a little. Because she knows better than anyone else, she can’t beat her now, and it’s even more impossible to beat Luo. Even protecting others from running is just an illusion that cannot be achieved. With her current strength, even if she is desperate, she will not be able to change her ending.

Everyday heart becomes calm, and even the tension disappears. She is no longer reluctant, and she is leaning on the ancient cold body behind her. She enjoys this may be the last sense of relaxation and warmth: "Auntie Are you really... my brother's mother?"

"Yes... just a birth, we are separated." Gu Qinghan replied gently.

"Thank you, ancient aunt."

The ancient Qing Han suddenly stunned: "Why should you thank me?"

I smiled every day: "Because the ancient aunt is the mother of my brother, there is no brother, no brother. In my life, I will never meet my brother..."

The ancient cold body trembled, did not speak, gently caught this pitiful girl. She felt the mortal thoughts of this girl, and at the last moment she greeted the end of her life, she revealed that she was hopeless and attached to Ling Chen. In just a few words, let the ancient cold, so that all the girls' hearts are almost melted.

"Oh, it’s really good. With the ability of the devils who are not good at power, they can hardly pick up the strength of my 80%. But it seems that it took about half a life to follow." Wanli face with sneer, A maddening face, he waved his arm around and began to laugh arrogantly: "Little girl, I still only use eight points this time, you take another look, can't take it, except you Everyone next to you can be turned into ashes, oh hahahaha...oh?"

The heavy laughter lasted for half, and there was a hint of incomprehension in his eyes, because he suddenly discovered that the eyes of these women suddenly changed at the same time, from the faint dying, the anger and hatred towards him, suddenly changed all. It became sluggish, and each of them had a big eye and looked at the front, as if they saw the most incredible picture in the world... and their eyes were clearly...behind him.

Luo Wei also discovered the sudden change of their eyes and turned around with Wanzhong.

Although the Shia star at this time was midnight, the bright stars scattered a small part of the darkness. Through the dim light, they saw a faint gray figure. His body is long, and he seems to be wearing a very thin armor, faintly reflecting the dark silver light, holding a silver gun in his hand longer than his body.

At the moment of seeing this figure, Wan Qian and Luo Yan’s hair were erected at the same time. Because this figure is less than five steps away from them, so close, they did not realize when he arrived, just like a ghost that appeared silently. This kind of encounter, they are the first time in their life, the sensation of feeling like a creepy.

"Brother... brother... is it you? Is it you?"

The figure is only 30 steps away from the distance, and only a fuzzy outline can be seen in the dim light. However, the first sight of the line of sight was touched, and it was still like a thunder in the sky every day. The tears flowed uncontrollably for a moment. Although she can only see a vague shadow, she and Ling Chen have been living together day and night, almost never separated. She is familiar with all his characteristics into the soul, even if it is only a vague shadow, she can also I recognized it at a glance.

"Ah... you mean him...he is... is Ling Tian's brother?" The call of every day is undoubtedly like the sound of a scream in the ears of all women.

"Is Ling Tian brother? Really... is it true..."

"Ling Chen, is it you... is it you!" Li Yuxue took a step forward and shouted.

Xuanyuan Butterfly Dancer looked at the figure for a long time, then excitedly whispered: "I can't be wrong... It's him, it's really him."

Every day, shouting, and the words of Xuanyuan Butterfly Dance are infinitely affirmative, so that their already silent heart is completely boiling.

"Hey! What kind of thing are you, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of your great master!" After a terrible shock, the anger of his heart screamed, and it made him feel awkward for a moment, which is more a shame. .

But whether it was their crying every day or the violent roar, the dark shadows in the night did not respond, and they stood there quietly, silently... Only the body, a black air that was covered by the night began. Slow rise.

"Oh, I dare to install ghosts in front of Laozi to play deep." The figure did not answer, so that he was even more uncomfortable. He raised his fist and snarled and snarled: "You give me death!"



The first exclamation was a cry of frightened women. Because they have just seen the terrible power of a heavy punch, just like this boxing, even if it is a huge stone, it will be completely shattered.

The second scream, but it is from the heavy.

His heavy fists squatted on the chest of the figure, a muffled sound, and the surrounding ground was cracked by a large area of ​​shock, but the figure was not moving, and a crisp bone fracture sounded with 10,000 Kill the pig-like snoring.

As a ball, he was bounced back by his own strength. The wolverine fell to the ground, holding the broken right arm and mourning, and his face became blue and purple in pain.

Luo Wei’s face, which has always been as faint as water, has changed dramatically under this scene. He is most aware of how terrible the power is. Even if he is, he does not dare to face the heavy blows. But this person has been hit hard by the heavy blow, but it is not moving, but the arm of the heavy arm is broken...

To this extent, you must do at least seven gods of the gods! And this world has more than five points of Godhead, only comets! When did someone appear to be such a horrible person?

"Who are you!" Luo Yan's muscles and nerves stretched out in an instant, his eyes gazed at the gray shadow in front of him, and his brows jerked when his eyes saw the figure a little bit. Shouted and shouted: "Is it you??"

This silver armor, and this silver pistol... This man’s costume, he clearly saw it only a few hours ago, it is the one that was released in the moon and stars by the comet and the moon. Humanity!

Ling Chen! !

No, it is Shura!

A heavy blow is like awakening the sleeping demon. The Shura, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly moved. In just one moment, his figure appeared in front of the heavy body. Even Luo Wei could not see how he moved. He had not waited for Luo Wei to make a sound. The silver pistol has straightened into the heavy body, piercing from the front chest, and the back is running out...


Everything was sulking, and then all the sounds stopped. His eyes wide open and he looked at the silver rifle that pierced his chest. He couldn’t believe that his steel body was as good as a gun. Wear it directly through tofu. His lips are open and he seems to want to say something. However, the power of Shura broke out at this moment. He couldn’t make another sound, and the body became shattered in an instant, and then shattered... until there was no trace left. Nothingness.

"Ah...ah..." Luo Yan’s eyes were convex, his mouth was open, and there was a voice of tremors in his throat... He couldn’t believe it, he couldn The person... gave the second kill.

Shura slowly turned his head, and his unrequited gaze fell on Luo Wei’s body. At that moment, Luo Xiaoru fell into the ice cave, and the indescribable cold feeling spread instantly throughout the body. The next second, he saw the ruinous The silver gun stabbed his chest...


Luo Hao violently screamed, jumped up, escaped the sniper of Shura, and made the whole body escape to the distance. In the face of this horror to the extreme, almost the same as the king, he can only think of escape, because He can't have a chance to win a little. If he doesn't escape, he will only have the same result as Wan Wan.

Luo Wei's speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye has disappeared into the eyes of the girls. But in this world, who can escape from Shura’s lock, and in the direction of Luo’s escape, Shura slowly extended his hand...

Luo Hao, who had escaped far away, did not catch up to the rear. Someone had to take a long breath and suddenly felt a huge suction from the back. The suction took his body to the opposite direction. Brought at a fast speed, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't resist it... The wind blew in his ear, and when his body suddenly stopped, he smelled the breath of death.

Because at this time his back, is being sucked on the outstretched palm of Shura.

"You...who are you..."


The last voice of this life, accompanied by a scream, Luo Yan's body smashed, sprinkling the stars flying in the sky scattered on the ground.

This demon kills the demon gods who do not know how many human beings, and there is no bone in the situation that he never imagined.

The night wind whistling, bringing a thick **** smell. In this age without God, the power of Wanli and Luo Yi is enough to be included in the top five in the world. They are the horrible existence of one person who can destroy a planet, and they also bring despair to them every day. But the two people who were so horrible had no rebellious power under Shura’s hands, and they were completely destroyed by the moment.


Another place.

"Well?" The comet suddenly opened his eyes and his brow slowly sank.

"What's wrong?" asked her side of the moon.

"Rosie, Wanzhong... dead!" The star of the star, the word is low.

"What?" Haoyue was shocked. "Impossible! In addition to you in the world, who else can defeat Luo Wei... and Luo Wei and Wan Zhong are still together. They have joined forces and there is nothing to threaten them."

"But they are indeed dead, and they are still dead in a similar time." The frown of the comet is getting tighter and tighter, and the moon is right, the person who can beat Luo in the world, except she has no other people, So for Luo Wei and the death of a million, her heart is also extremely shocked. Then she closed her eyes again. After a moment of silence, when she opened her eyes again, it was full of deep sorrow...

"Xia Star... the power of the eight-point god!" The voice of the comet is much slower and darker than before.

"What? How is it possible! The second **** of five or more gods, this world is only you alone. If it exists, you should have discovered it before!" Haoyue stood up and said in shock.

"Although unbelievable, there is absolutely nothing wrong. In this world, there is actually a person with an eight-pointed **** as I exist." The comet also slowly stood up, his eyes flashing coldly: "And this second **** is Appeared in Xia Xing, and also killed Luo Yu and Wan Wan, it seems that only my enemy may be... In this world, there are still people who can pose a real threat to me."

"Rosie and Wanzhong were killed, and the plan to burn the sky is impossible to proceed in the short term. Now there is another such person... It seems that I can't wait for the Son of God to be an adult, and I must absorb all the power of the Son of God now! She is now weak because of her age, but after all, it is the purest source of true spirit, plus the soul of my true God level... Perhaps these forces are enough to step into the realm of God! By then, I will destroy it immediately. Drop this sudden god!"

Another eight-pointed godhead and a singular death made the comet feel a sense of oppression that had never been seen before. She also made a decision and went to the space where the Son of God was.

"Alright, I will help you." Haoyue got up and followed the back.

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