MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 816 Shock

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Ling Chen looked up at the sky and made a sound like a wild animal desperately roaring. This scream is like a thunderstorm, and the creatures outside of the hundred miles are clearly heard. The sky has been lingering for a long time, and the dark clouds have been scattered into countless pieces in an instant, and then fleeing like crazy, extremely frightened...

Hey! !

A glare of white light flashed in the hands of Ling Chen, showing the body of the sacred gun. However, at this time, the sacred sacred guns are also surrounded by a circle of darkness, and above the gunpoint, there is also a faint flash of scarlet light... as if its power is also awakened by Shura. Awakening.


Ling Chen screamed in the sky, another roar trembled in the heavens and the earth, and in the roaring voice, the sacred rifle also waved forward with the power of incomparable horror...


Forgotten City, Lingtian City, Qinglong City, Zhuque City... Forgotten every place in the mainland, every corner, trembles fiercely, and countless people, beasts, and spirits fall directly in the sudden ground turbulence. Land, countless buildings collapsed, a large number of mountains, cliffs collapsed, collapsed, countless rivers stopped.

"How... what happened?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"The roar of the moment... What happened? It seems to come from a faraway place!"

People are trying to find sources of ground turbulence and distant roar in panic. But at this moment, they suddenly felt the light dimmed a little, and as soon as they looked up, the plain and cloudless sky was already clouded between the short wheezing. These dark clouds are getting darker and more and more Shen, it seems that the entire forgotten mainland is completely obscured, and the atmosphere is suppressed for a time like a heavy iron plate pressing on everyone's chest. The shadow of the catastrophe that is desperate for the world is overwhelmed by the forgotten continent, even the entire **** month. world.

Beyond the Lushan Mountains, there is a small town, about a hundred and ten miles away from the Shenzi Peak in the center of the Lushan Mountain Range. It is also the human settlement that forgotten the mainland closest to the Son of God. The residents here are not many. The first thing they wake up every day is to make the most pious prayer and prayer to the direction of the Son of God. In their hearts, the high peak of the Son of God is like a true God watching and guarding them day and night. The Son of God is the highest faith in their hearts.

Because they are closest to the Son of God, they feel that the ground vibration is also the strongest. More than half of the houses in the village have been completely collapsed. The earth-shattering roar is to let all residents lose their hearing for a short time. When they are shocked, they look at the Son of God. In the direction, the sight in front of them makes them all screaming in horror...

A dark crack is spreading from the top of the Son of God, and it has spread to the lower end of the Son of God, straight through the foot of the mountain...

Rumble and rumble.........

Along the way through the cracks of the entire Shenzi Peak, the highest peak of the Shenyue Continental is slowly splitting into the sides in a loud bang...

The horrified screams drowned the entire town, because the Son of God was in front of their eyes... cracked...

But they can never imagine that this is not a terrible natural disaster, but only the first release of power from Shura in the roar.

The mysterious ice deposited on the peak of the Son of God has been fragmented for many years. The broken black ice has spread far away in the storm of disaster and falls in all corners of the mountain range. The high-level beasts in the mountains of the mountains are all like crazy birds, fleeing in the wild, and even directly fearing the death of the liver and gallbladder.

Above the peak, there is a strange black crack. If it is a person with enough power level, seeing such a scene will directly shock and scream, because it is all a space crack! Moreover, these spatial cracks disappeared after disappearing, but continued to exist under the force of Shura that did not immediately dissipate.

At this time, Ling Chen took a step forward and stepped forward. Every step of the way, the split Shenzi Peak would tremble faintly. After five steps, his body was in front of a space crack that he had destroyed. He did not stop. With a stiff and heavy step, I walked into the crack of space and then disappeared into the crack.

Forgotten the mainland's eastern border.

It has become an intensive sea of ​​people and a huge battlefield. The tens of millions of players are divided into two screaming screams of screaming, screaming, weapon collisions, and screaming sounds. This huge war has been going on for a long time, and the number of dead players is countless.

The attack of the 12-nation coalition forces began with only a few hundred thousand players. Ling Tiancheng was extremely easy to deal with. Gradually, the invading players seemed to have used a very large-scale transmission array. The number of geometrical multiplications increased dramatically, three hours. The time has directly increased to more than 30 million.

I can't imagine what the 12 countries have reached and what means to gather invaders of such a horrible scale. The strength of Ling Tiancheng is unquestionable, but the scale of such horror has exceeded the limit that Ling Tiancheng can deal with. After all, this is the battle of players, NPC can not intervene. Ling Tiancheng's defensive stance has been suppressed more and more, the speed of backup increase is far less than the speed of the invading players, and the defense is always on the verge of collapse.

"Hey...hey... this bunch of bastards! How can it be so much! Even if it is a joint of twelve countries... it should not be so many people at once... and this is our territory!!"

The clouds are very heavy and heavy, and he doesn't know how long he has been fighting. He can't count how many people he killed. In the game, physical strength will not overdraw, but it does not mean that energy will not overdraw. After fighting for too long, his brain even began to occasionally appear dizzy. As far as the average strength is concerned, Chinese players will outperform any player in any country. Therefore, in the same time, the invading player will definitely die more than the Chinese players, but he clearly feels that there are fewer and fewer people on his side, but the other party , but it is still growing rapidly.

"Do you still use guessing... They must have been planning for a long time, and they have already prepared for it... It is the best chance for us to take the devil's hardships!" Xiao Qiufeng whispered while slashing. The cold-faced judge’s heavy enchanted epee went wherever he went, and no one could walk through a face under his epee.

"Even if they have more people... But this is at least our territory, why are we being suppressed, I don't understand... I am not willing!" He smashed an invading player who was deceived to the side, and the cloud wind continued to pour. The next two bottles restore the potion and bite the gums.

"In the national war, the killed players can no longer join the battlefield within 12 hours. This is the basic rule. It is useless in their own territory. We have the most players in China. It is easy to transfer to here... but you think all players. Are they like the players in our Lingtiancheng... Most of them will only scream in battle, cheer in victory, resent in failure, let them take the initiative to fight on the battlefield... One of the ten can be good! He is the most basic humanity!" Xiao Qiufeng snarled.

"We Ling Tiancheng dispatched 14 million players, leaving less than three million to stay in the city, and in addition to our Lingtian City, there are hundreds of millions of players in China, and there are actually less than 10 million players who spontaneously come here to participate. Defensive war... I really want to kill! What are the special coves who are afraid of death!"

"You are useless with anger, this is the reality! I haven't contacted Ling Tian yet!"

"I can't contact... and I feel that something seems to be happening there. I am a little worried. But now I really can't take it. Mom!! If we can't even use the NPC's props, I really want to bring The sacred cannon came to kill the gang of bastards!!"

"In short, do your best to call for support. You must not let them break into Qinglong City... Otherwise, even if we finally knock them back, this will be the shame of our Lingtiancheng and all our Chinese players!!"

As the highest leader of Lingtiancheng, Yunfeng and Xiao Qiufeng all went to the front line and tried their best to kill the invading players. However, the gap between the number and the backups made them unable to change the suppressed fate no matter how hard they tried. The wind has sent more than a dozen people to announce the call for Huaxia players to defend the city. However, the increase in the number of players who come to the reinforcements relative to the invading players is still poor... because most of the players are all in China. Many people, more than one, I don’t have a lot, I don’t have a lot of them, or others don’t go. Why do I go to the selfish thoughts... Now that the game is in the late stage, the upgrade is extremely difficult. After the death, it is necessary to raise the level. In half a month, it is possible to drop the best equipment that has been painstakingly obtained. There are not many players who are willing to bear such risks... even if this is a war of dignity throughout China.

Ling Tiancheng's defense line is a little bit near collapse, and their rear is Qinglong City. Once the defense line collapses, the invading players will be swarming into the Qinglong City like a wave of dykes, like a bayonet piercing the heart of Huaxia District.

Oh! ! !

At this moment, the vast battlefield, suddenly there was a very harsh tearing sound, a dark space crack appeared there without warning, and at the same time, there was a whole body surrounded by black gas, holding silver Silver figure of a long gun.

"That is... what is that!!" Xiao Qiufeng raised her head subconsciously.

"The equipment is... Is it... Ling Tian!! It’s Ling Tian!!" Yunfeng shouted in excitement.

"It is indeed Ling Tian, ​​but he gave me the feeling..." Ling Tian’s appearance made Xiao Qiufeng also take a long sigh of relief, but immediately he frowned and looked at the dust in the air with a deep surprise. .

Through the rift of the torn space, Ling Chen was so incomparably transferred to this chaotic battlefield. At the moment he appeared, the sky suddenly became dark, and the fiercely chaotic battlefield suddenly became suppressed. A dark cauldron suddenly shrouded from the sky, and everyone who suppressed it became extremely difficult to breathe...


Countless lives underneath, countless kills, countless screams and countless deaths caused Ling Chen's eyes to suddenly release a red light like blood, and a mouth-like roar.


This roar is like a giant thunder in the ears of all the players, so that all people lose their hearing in a flash, and some even the consciousness is directly shocked into a blank, in the earth-shattering screams, the nearest to Ling Chen Millions of players slammed their heads down in painful misery, some body twitching, and some directly motionless... by Ling Chen directly with the sound... shocked to death!