MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 802 Hao Yue, Luo Wei

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"Who are you, what are you doing here?" The Philippine face sinks like water, his eyes are like a blade, his hands are holding his chest, and between his left and right fingers, a small blade has been clamped... An "evil phoenix", a "demon phoenix", light as a paper, sharp and unparalleled, and dyed with blood and throat. This is the weapon that HELL made the madman make for her. It is not comparable to the short-wing weapon of the earth. After killing HELL, she is the first time to let them see the sky again.

The tall man is more than two meters tall, looks flat and has a fierce appearance. On his head, there are two lacquered blacks, sharp and thick, and things like "corners" are tilted out. At first glance, it seems to be wearing Some kind of weird hat. Regardless of his arms and legs, he is at least three times as thick as a normal person, and his muscles are high and bulging, showing an amazing metallic color. Outside of a shabby green dress, he didn't take anything on his hands, and he couldn't find the shadow of weapons or vehicles around him. The crack is spreading from his feet... This situation is clearly like he fell from the sky, and the impact when he fell will shatter the ground!

This discovery made the Philippine heart shocked.

If this conjecture is true, then it is possible to shatter it to such an extent, and I don’t know how high it should be. And from such a high place, this person actually... unharmed!

"Oh." The tall man gave a low-pitched laughter, but when he laughed, his face was as stiff as a stone, without a smile, his eyes directly bypassed the Philippine, falling behind her. In the main hall, there was a heavy and deafening voice in the mouth: "It seems that the Son of God is no longer here. Hey, it is better for the king to deal with her personally."

The heavy voice fell, and the tall man turned directly and walked in the opposite direction. Every step, the ground would tremble a little, and after he walked out a dozen steps, his footsteps suddenly rose from the ground, the whole person Floating in the air, and the higher the higher.

This tall man is obviously going to leave. Although I didn't figure out who this terrible person was, why did she come here to make Feixin unwilling, but she did not stop, nor dare to stop, but she was relieved. Because there is not only her alone, there are many girls who do not have any self-protection ability, if he really wants to do something... With his terrible momentum, even if she is a Philippine, she has no confidence to stop.

When the tall man actually floated in the air, the Philippines was shocked.

Fly... fly up?

What is this going on? Is it a strange power?

In the horror of the Philippine, a soft and bone-like sound suddenly came from the air: "Luo, it’s a pity that it’s rare to come to the earth and leave without doing anything."

This voice makes the Philippine glimpse, because this is clearly the voice of Haoyue. Of all the people she knows, except for Haoyue, no one can make a sound that is fascinating to this extent.

When the sound fell, a thousand enchanting figure also appeared in the air, and looked at Luo Wei with a smirk... It was Haoyue.

The tall man’s body stopped, and he turned to look at the moon: “Month? How come you are here? I don’t know if the dead madman has time to tell you that after you left, Wang suddenly found that the Son of God had fled, so Shura The plan has been cancelled."

"I already know this, although I just knew it." Haoyue smiled slightly and raised the city. "It’s you, don’t help the plan to burn the sky, but it’s coming to the earth... It seems to be missing. Son of God?"

"Yes." Luo Hao nodded. "But the Son of God is not here, then it is only possible to be in the Star of God, I believe that it has now fallen into the hands of the king."

"So you are ready to take a look at this white, empty-handed back?" Haoyue slightly picked up the beauty.

The tall man floating in the air, appearing out of thin air, the same moon floating in the air, these anti-rational, anti-natural images all make Philip's heart shocked. It seems that they know each other clearly, but the content of their conversations makes the Philippine fall into the fog, and there is no one to understand. However, the heart quickly gave birth to a growing sense of uneasiness.

"I have no other tasks." Luo Wei replied.

"I didn't have it, but now I have it." Haoyue turned his eyes to Philippine, and behind her, faintly said: "Although the Son of God is not here now, she has been living here during the time she lost. And thus everyone with here has a good relationship. Oops, let the Son of God have to worry about it, this is not a good thing, maybe it will seriously affect the future growth and development of the Son of God, never affecting the Son of God The progress of the plan. Therefore, it may be better for these gods to have concerns or cut off. Before you leave, let's put a little effort to solve them all. Although they are all women, but... in the ground flame plan and In the Galo plan, you have destroyed billions of human beings. You will not be soft and kind because they are all women?"

Philippine: "!!!!"

Although she couldn't understand the dialogue between them, but in the last words of the month, she was completely understandable... She clearly wanted this person called Luo Wei to kill them all... !

Luo Wei’s eyes looked down, faintly looked at Fei, and then nodded indifferently: “Alright.”

"凄月!!" Philippine teeth bitten, and the anger of resentment in his eyes.

"Do you want to ask me who I am, want to know what we are doing, what to talk about, right?" Hao Yuemei turned slightly, but smiled: "But unfortunately, you have no chance to answer these questions." I know, because you will disappear from the earth soon... But before that, I can help you a little."

During the speech, Haoyue stretched out a white palm, and his palm faced an angry Philip. As her hand flashed slightly, Philip’s right hand finger suddenly flashed red, yellow and blue. The three rings of Laxis that she used in the game world... actually appeared on her fingers.

"Low... Laxis? How come!" Looking at Laxis, who appeared on his fingers, Philip’s brain was awkward because it was clearly the earth, the real world, and Laxis, clearly she was in the game. Partner in!

"You are surprised that the expression is really good." The sound of Haoyue was introduced into the ears of the Philippines: "Laksis, once the **** of the gods, will be printed in the soul of the master, no matter where the master is. , will always follow. You call Laxis anywhere, it will appear, not just limited to the world of God, but it seems that you have never known. Or after all, this kind of thing, for your people It’s really too incredible to say."

Philippine: "..."

"You are a person who wants to disappear right away. If Laxis disappears because of your disappearance, it is a pity, so this Laxis will replace you as the master of it in the future."

" can't think about it!" Philippe reached out on the ring of three Laxis: "Now I am the master of Laxis, without my permission, it will not obey anyone's order, and will not be Anyone takes it away."

"Oh? Is it?" Haoyue laughed like a flower blooms: "The madman you killed can use the power of Laxis, and I have no reason why."

The sound fell, and the snowman of Haoyue slid back slightly. Suddenly, the three tabs of Laxisi on the Philippine finger suddenly detached at the same time, and flew up. In the pupil of the Philippine contraction, they flew to the front of Haoyue. She reached out and grabbed her hand.

Looking at the empty right hand and five fingers, the Philippines was there for a moment. In the world of the gods, the three rings of Laxisi could not win even if they used all their strength, but in the attributes of Laxisi, it was also clear. Mark it once it is confessed, unless the owner dies, it will never leave. However, at this time she looked at Laxis and left her, in the hands of Haoyue.

It was because of what she couldn’t know. At this time, her chest was filled with strong murderousness. She looked up and looked at Haoyue. She said lowly: "Hey, I saw you for the first time." When... I should kill you!!"

"Unfortunately, even if you really shot at that time, you can't kill me... then, struggle well, try to struggle as long as possible, giggling."

Among the fascinating laughter, the figure of Haoyue took Laxisi and slowly disappeared into the air.

boom! !

Luo Wei fell from the air and fell in front of the Philippines. The tall and thick body is like an invincible human tank. The invisible momentum emitted by the body makes the Philippines feel an uncomfortable suffocation.

Half a meter of height difference, but it feels like a high-topped mountain erected in front of you.

Slowly, Philip's hands were lifted up, and they were set up to start the desperate attack in the first time. The evil phoenix and demon phoenix between the fingers flashed cold cold.

"Do you want to resist?" Luo Yan no expression, blunt voice. There are hundreds of billions of human beings destroyed by him, and he has no feeling for harvesting human life. At this time, he asked another sentence because the woman in front of him actually made him feel a sharp breath... and the breath that made him feel this way is not the realm that normal humans can achieve.

"you wanna die!"

The three words of the low overflowed from the mouth of the Philippine. The word "dead" had not disappeared, and the Philippine disappeared there. With the icy wind blowing over the wind, the Philippine appeared on the left side of Luo Wei, the speed of this moment, fundamentally It is not the human body that can be achieved, not even the human eye can recognize... When the picture is fixed, the Philippine body presents a distorted posture, and the right-handed "evil phoenix" is stabbed in Luo's temple, the left hand of the demon. Sting in the position of his left hand pulse.

Ping! !

The blade clearly touched the flesh, but the Philippine clearly felt as if it was stabbed on a thick and hard steel plate. It also sounded like a metal collision. Under the huge anti-shock force, the right hand "Fighting out of the hand directly, the left hand of the demon phoenix is ​​almost out of hand, but more than some stab into his own hands.

"The speed beyond the limit of humanity is good. But... disappear." Luo Wei made a faint voice, and the heavy left arm slid out at random.

Felton felt a huge and unimaginable power coming in from the face, and she suddenly tried her best to jump to the rear...

boom! ! ! !

Luo Wei just waved his arm, but it came with it, but it was a huge roar. The roaring earth cracked and the dust came out. The villa not far from the front was shaking violently, as if it might collapse at any time. After the leaping Philippine was flying with the scorpion, the body was drowned in the thick sand.


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Seeking attention! ! !

Don't pay attention to how I tease you!