MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 795 End of the month plan

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The erroneous and erroneous removal of the long-standing heart, but Ling Chen and the Philippines can not be completely relaxed. Because from what the madman said before, they felt as if there was an invisible dark net that was shrouded in the whole world where they lived. Thinking of the horror that the madman is executing and is about to close, they can’t help but secretly. And countless questions, as the madman died, simply could not find an answer.

"What is the purpose of the madman to carry out this holy month plan?"

"Where is the madman coming from? Who is the ‘king’ in his mouth?”

"He said that I was the original Shura that Wang always wanted to be created."

"I have been calling 'month' before he died? What does this 'month' mean? Is he still having a party called 'month' calling for help?"

One question after another was put up by Ling Chen and Fei, but they could not find the answer at all, but these doubts have undoubtedly become the haze of their hearts. Before today, they did not expect that the earth that has been quiet and peaceful has been in such a terrible crisis. If today's madmans take the initiative to appear in this world, they will never know the truth about this god-moon world, and the consequences of the earth will be unimaginable.

"If the madman is really dead, then the answer to these questions, except his fellow party, will not be known. We will wait and see what happens. Of course, I hope that he will not have the same party at all. These horror plans have completely stopped," Philip said calmly.

"I hope so. But at the moment, things are not over. There is also the Tianwai Group." Ling Chen said awkwardly.

When Fei Biao picked it up, he suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem: "What do you mean?"

"Shenyue is a real world. It is not a virtual game operated by Tianwai Group. Tianwai Group has been smashed by madmen before. Now, the madman has become a living dead, and the movement of Tianwai Group will be unpredictable. Once the people who have been shackled over there become awake because of the madness of the madman, then what they are most likely to do is to declare the truth of the moon to the world... This truth is certainly not necessarily the true 'truth'. But at least it will be declared that this is not a virtual game in which they operate, but is operated by the holding of a terrorist organization. There is a huge conspiracy hidden in the game to destroy all human beings. Then the consequences are nothing more than two... or the whole world. Players are crazy, or players around the world think that the extraterrestrial group is crazy."

"And when more and more players believe that the game world will inevitably produce huge turmoil, and the real world will be chaotic. The most crucial point is that the madman has almost perfected the world's gold coins and the earth through the 'rules' The currency has been unified, it can be exchanged in both directions, and it is supported by all banks in the world. There are countless players who are overwhelmed by the vast majority of funds in the world of God. If the Tianwai Group issues a 'truth' statement, the world will definitely cause difficulties. Imagining the economic turmoil." When Ling Chen spoke, the brows became more and more tight, and he also saw the extreme severity of the problem.

Immediately, Ling Chen’s flash of light flashed and thought of something. Shen Mei said: “Things may be more urgent than we expected. Because the CEO of Tianwai Group should not be defamed, but just being held hostage!”

"How do you know?" asked the Philip.

"Because I had just watched his press conference on TV before. Smith was a bit tired at the time, but his eyes were never like a shackled person, otherwise I can see at a glance. Dr. madman should also Preventing Smith, who often shows up on TV, reveals flaws without smashing him. Instead, he uses some means to hold Smith down and let him be honest. He may now be imprisoned somewhere in the headquarters of Tianwai Group. Because he has been awake, he may have witnessed and understood the true purpose of the madman and the truth of the world of the gods in more than a year. Once he regains his freedom, he will definitely make the truth public immediately!" Here, Ling Chen's tightened brow slightly loosened, apparently what decision was made.

Looking at Ling Chen’s eye changes, he knew his Philip’s ignorance and guessed what he wanted to do. He smiled and said: “You have to go to the Tianwai Group? Forget it, let me go, at least I am in Murray. I live longer in the country than you do. I also know where the Tianwai Group is. A few years ago, I even sneaked in. Every aspect is more suitable than you."

"Amount..." Ling Chen was about to be shut down when he was about to say it. He scratched his scalp and nodded and said, "Well, it’s better for me to go there. Anyway, first of all, pay attention to safety. There may be more guards set up by the madman over there, it is best to bring a few more people, and another time..."

"I know the seriousness of the problem, so I will immediately go offline and take people. I don't need to worry about it. As for safety, you don't need to worry about it." Fei is very proud of the towering chest.

"Okay." Ling Chen nodded: "I will immediately say good to Yan Xue, let her start preparing for the acquisition of Tianwai Group. If you find Smith, you should immediately explain it to him. With his intelligence. Even if you don't want to, don't be reconciled, you should know that this is the best solution!"

Philippine is a glimpse, and then the eyes are bright: "It is the perfect solution. Only when the Tianwai Group is in control, will the 'truth' be concealed forever, so that God and Moon always exist as 'virtual games'. Going down. With the current global appeal, support, prestige, and influence of the Lee Foundation, it can be said that it is the most qualified to acquire the Tianwai Group without causing too much criticism. Smith as a godfather should be smart enough. I know what I should do. As for why Li wants to acquire Tianwai Group and Tianfu Group, I am willing to rely on Li, I believe that Xue Xue will come up with a perfect reason!"

"I will leave now, and I will go to Murray at the latest tomorrow morning. If Smith is not mad, then at least ninety-nine percent of him is still at the headquarters of Tianwai Group!"

After that, the Philippines is also clean and downline.

From the Philippines to the Tianwai Group, in terms of safety, Ling Chen is indeed not worried about it. Even if there are hundreds of cannons aimed at her, don't think about hurting her hair. He only hopes that the development of everything will be as smooth as they said.

"Is it wrong to be shocked by the truth?" The voice of Haoyue slowly rang in his mind.

Ling Chen was silent, and for a long time he slowly said: "Hey, you just came out to stop me. Do you think that killing the madman is too urgent?"

"Yes, it is really too urgent." Haoyue was silent for a while, then he replied slowly: "The secrets and conspiracy of Tianda are obviously hidden behind him. If he does not ask, he will be destroyed. If something happens in the future, we will Will be completely passive."

"I also want to ask all his secrets, very very thinking." Ling Chen took a deep breath: "But, I and Filipino understand his terrible, in case he is forced to tell the secret process I was escaped by him. I and the Philippine may never have the opportunity today. The after-effects will be endless. Therefore, I would rather kill nothing. I must kill him first. Moreover, even if he is facing death threats, it is almost impossible to disclose it. A trace of it."

"This is the decision of the little master. Of course, people will not feel wrong."

Ling Chen picked up the talker and dialed Li Yuxue: "Hey Snow, where are you now? I have something important to discuss with you."

Asked about the location of Li Yuxue, Ling Chen will return directly to the city to leave.

This ridiculously abandoned land has become more dilapidated after the experience of this demon. After Ling Chen left, there is no more breath of life here, only the roar of the wind alone.

After a short while, a night-like dreamy ethereal shadow slowly floated in the place where Ling Chen stayed. She silently watched the place where the madman was destroyed for a long time, and then whispered to himself: "Soul It has indeed been extinct, there is no trace of remnant, I did not expect that this madman who is not afraid of the world will end in this way, or die in the hands of the lowermost creatures he despise."

"Even if he doesn't die, I will kill him one day. But... this moment of death is really too bad..."

"I hope, they won't be noticed by them, hehe..."

Leaving a long sigh with deep fear, the black figure slowly faded and disappeared.


Unknown corner, unknown world.

"Wang Shang! Just now, I completely lost contact with the soul of the madman, maybe he is already dead..."

"Yes, his soul is dead. There is no struggle before death. There is no residue after death. It is completely destroyed by a powerful force for a moment! The position is on the planet called "Shen Yue". Unexpectedly, there are still humans on the tiny planet that can kill the madman. You immediately go to the gods and moons to find out who killed the madman."

"Yes, Wang Shang. Then... what about the Godmoon plan? The madman never knows the process of his execution. So we don't know at what stage he has reached."

"Don't worry! Give you three days, only three days, find out, destroy the person who killed the madman, can't find it, don't check it, continue to find the whereabouts of the Son of God! Nothing is more important than this. Things! If you haven't found it before the power of the Son of God is ripe, everything is late!"

"Yes! I will go to the **** moon!"


Read The Duke's Passion