MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 788 Shenwei, the **** cannon

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In those days, in order to kill the demons, destroy the demon family, the Luna family, the elves, and the holy beast Jin Wu did not know how much thought and effort, the time is more than a few years. There are also detailed records on the genealogy of the Elf family. Nowadays, the two emperors appeared at the same time, but in just a few dozen seconds, even the chances of even the shots were not once, they were completely destroyed by Ling Chen.

For all those who witnessed, the shock of these ten seconds is no different from the landslides and rivers, especially those who know the concept of "magic emperor" are even more shocked chins are falling to the ground.

When Ling Chen came back and flew back in front of them, no one spoke for a long time, and the look of Ling Chen was greatly changed... Luna has the title of "God" in the world of God and Moon. And no one has ever questioned their "God" name, and the Emperor is their magic at the same level. Now, Ling Chen is completely crushing such a demon, then what is his level? ? Is it the **** of God?

"Ling Tian, ​​you and you... you should change your name to be against the sky!"

"Amount, isn't that the same name as me?" said the three-day king of the Tianzhu dynasty.

"Turn off your hair!" Hao Tian and the punishment day also slap the palm and take the day. Compared with the strength, the strength of the anti-sky is among the top players, which is included in the top 20 in the summer of China, but compared with Ling Chen... It’s not even a fart.

"Lingtian brother! You are a wife too powerful!! God's mysterious World of Warcraft can be spiked, the most horrible demons can be easily defeated... Wow! Really invincible!" Xiao Qi excited The face is pink, and the bright eyes are all the little stars of worship.

"Uh huh huh!!" Su Shi nodded in a row, holding both hands on his chest, the little stars in his eyes were no less than Xiao Qi.

The head of the Aoki sighed and said: "When you break the blockade of the elves, I conclude that your achievements are destined to be extraordinary. I didn't expect it, in less than a year, you have grown to what we can't understand. The height of your present strength, at least within my cognitive range, is unprecedented, and there is no one to come. I really want to know, what have you experienced before, we can’t even look up. height."

"It’s so good..." Xuanyuan Butterfly Dance smiled and smiled and filled with joy and pride.

Yunmeng hearted forward, some anxiously said: "Lingtian, I just got the news, not only our Lingtiancheng here, the center of the Forgotten City, but also the Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu four main cities nearby There are a large number of demons and demons, and there are more than some of them appearing near Lingtiancheng. Although the whole family of the Moon Gods is now dispatched, the God of March also personally guards, but the strength of the Devil is too strong. Luna is also unable to stop, and now the Imperial City and the Four Main Cities are in jeopardy... Ling Tian, ​​now only you can save them."

For the content of Yunmeng's words, Ling Chen is not surprised at all. Even Lingtian City has appeared in Warcraft and the Emperor. Other major cities are also very likely to appear, and the number is likely to be more. Even if it is snow, blue hearts, and purple clothes, it is difficult to cope. Just... He glanced at the demon army that continued to approach in the distance, but did not nod. He doesn't know how many of these demons will be, and he is not sure whether Warcraft and the Devil will continue to appear. If the Emperor is not guarded when he reappears, Ling Tiancheng may suffer an irreparable disaster. For him, the safety of other main cities is not comparable to Lingtiancheng at the rear.

Fei saw his hesitation and said: "Go. This Warcraft and the Emperor should not appear again, and the crisis in the city has already been lifted. These demons of the siege, we can deal with it, if it really There will be Warcraft and the Emperor, we will inform you as soon as possible. Although the Forgotten City has made despicable means to Ling Tiancheng, it is still the central city of China players, and the status of the other four main cities is also crucial, and ......"

The Philippine tone slowed down and said with a voice that only Ling Chen could hear: "You should have known for a long time that God is not a pure game world. Every resident here is alive, and they are innocent. At that time, we made a lot of killings. Although we can not care, but it is debt, after all, if you save them all, then not only will offset all debts, but also for yourself, for your side. People, accumulated countless virtues."

Ling Chen’s look is slightly moving.

"Well! Go to Ling Tian's brother, there are us here," Xiao Qi raised her Suzaku Staff high: "These devils are very afraid of fire. How much they come, how much I burn."

"Hahaha, there are us!! Hahahaha..."

A raging laughter came from the rear, and immediately, the closed gate opened, a very old man, but the stout dwarf who was full of energy swayed out. As soon as he saw him, the Dilo chief shouted excitedly: "Elder Dita, how did you come out... Ah! Is it... Is it the **** cannon?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Elder Dita still burst into laughter. Obviously, the mouth that was already excited could not be met. He reached out and pointed at the sky. He laughed: "Yes!! With the drawings left by the ancestors, there is a reference to the real thing. And there are all kinds of the best materials... The most important thing is the talent and wisdom of our dwarf family! We only retired for a few months, and we succeeded in creating the gods that the ancestors had created in a few years. Cannon...hahahaha!"

The people looked up and found that there was no darkness on the top of the tower. The barrel is four or five meters long, nearly twice as big as the Phantom cannon in the hands of Pluto. The barrel is covered with strange lines, and the mysterious light is released above the lines.

"That... that... that is... our gods cannon?" Elder Dylo stared at the barrel, his voice choked, his excited beard and his body trembled.

“Yes! It’s still a modified version of the Phantom Cannon, the power is even stronger than the one made by the ancestors! We can proudly say that we have surpassed our ancestors and created the greatest invention in the history of our dwarf family. Elder Dita is excited and dancing, spitting, and the pride and pride from the soul is filled with every look and every voice.

"These devils are coming too soon, just to test the greatest invention of our dwarf family!" The terrible demon, in the pride of the embarrassed Dita elders, became the most timely experimental product, he pointed to the distance Devil group, Daxie said: "Diss, Dilu, are you ready!! Open the gun! Let these demons who want to destroy our homes taste the power of the gods!!"


boom! !

A loud bang, a dark ray of light flew out of the sacred cannon, like a meteor in the air across a long arc, falling in the demon group a few kilometers away.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

This is a loud noise that is comparable to the sky, the loud noise, the ground, and the entire Lingtian City in the rear have experienced extreme tremors. Nearly half of the guards have been shaken to the ground. The whole north is already full of fire, and the people who are shining can't open their eyes. The airflow is even more flustered like a storm.

Everyone was stunned again, and even the dwarves who made the sacred cannons were shocked by the scenes of the horror, because even they themselves did not expect that the sacred cannons born from them could actually be created. Such an earth-shattering effect.

"I really don't think it is the ultimate weapon in the legendary name of the gods. The name of the sacred cannon, I have heard it in the West." Philip said.

"I am rubbing! The atomic bomb is not so ferocious!" he snorted.

After the fire fell, all the demons in the line of sight disappeared. Instead, it was a dark pit that was too large to see the margins, and could not see the depth. The devil that destroyed this cannon can only be used. Countless to describe.

Such power, if bombed in Lingtian City, is enough to make half Lingtian City disappear directly.

"Hahahaha! See no! See no!! This is the power of the sacred cannon! The city owner has provided us with a large number of high-level soul power cores. We used these cores to make a whole sixteen sacred bullets. Powerful attack, we can also launch sixteen times! Ah hahahaha, I don't believe that these demons can kill up to sixteen gods, hahahahaha!"

Looking at the big pit that could not be seen a few kilometers away, Ling Chen also took a full three seconds to regain his gaze. This kind of power, even if it is built on World of Warcraft, is enough to give life to yourself. Ling Chen suddenly rest assured, nodded and said: "Good! That Ling Tiancheng will be handed over to you, I will go to the Forgotten City to see. If there is another magician here, tell me the first time!"

"Go and go! I promise that there will not be a demon who can get close to Lingtiancheng!" said Dita Elder, confidently patted her chest.

Ling Chen no longer hesitated, took out the empty magic beads and disappeared in front of Lingtian City.


A loud bang, the three groups of dark forces collided with a sacred force in the air. Most of the dark forces were offset, but the lunar snow that was doing its best was as far away as the kite that had broken the line, and it fell heavily on the ground.

The battle between Luna and the three demons is extremely terrible. Although Luna Snow has tried to protect the Forgotten City, the aftermath of the highest level of power collision has caused the Forgotten City to be destroyed in a short time. One of the points. And with the confrontation of the three demons, she must make all efforts without any reservation, and the power is consumed at an extremely fast speed. But even so, she could not be the opponent of the three demons combined... not to mention, there are seven World of Warcraft on the side.

What is the reason for these devils, Warcraft, and the emperor to go against the madness of common sense... What is behind this...

She wants to know the answer. Looking at the Three Devils approaching again, she wants to re-aggregate strength, but finds that her own power deficit has exceeded her expectations, and now she is not so easy to stand up.

At this time, there was a sharp black mans in her pupil. This kind of black awns contained the terrorist power under the joint of the three demons. Don’t say that she is even in the state of prosperity. She was traumatized by being hit in front. It’s just that she has no power to avoid, she can only close her eyes...

"Forgetting the mainland...and the world of the gods, is it going to be destroyed?" She thought infinitely sadly in her heart.

Just as the darkness is about to hit the body of Luna's white snow, a light and shadow shot quickly, blocking the body of the moon and the snow, the arms in his hands picked up, and in a big drink, he slammed into the dark light... ...


boom! ! ! !

In the boring crash, the group came from the three demons, the terrible power that even the moon **** could not resist, just like the smashed soap bubbles were completely scattered, and then disappeared into the air a little. In addition to bringing a little dust on the ground, he did not hurt him and the moon and snow behind him.

Read The Duke's Passion