MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 777 Soul of the Emperor

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Powerful, such as the mysterious beast, even in a deep sleep state, will also release a powerful **** beast pressure. However, the distance in front of me is only a few tens of meters, but it does not make Ling Chen feel the gas field of the mysterious beast.

This is definitely not too strong for Ling Chen, and the smashing gas field is completely depressed. In this case, there is only one possibility.

Oh... dead.

Ling Chen walked slowly to the front of the body, and the cockroaches remained motionless. There was no life in the whole body. Ling Chen reached out and pressed it near the big mouth of the cockroach, feeling a temperature far beyond the human body temperature.

It is indeed dead, and the death is very thorough. But the temperature felt by Ling Chen, but telling him that he is just dying, maybe the death time is only five minutes... No, maybe even a minute!

This time is a coincidence, as if someone knows that he will come to find him, so he will kill it.

Ling Chen glanced around, this space is very calm, there is no trace of strong power, the ground is very flat, can not find any signs of fighting, but to kill a **** of mysterious, the **** of the mysterious animal once Counterattack is enough to destroy the entire underground space, but it is too harmonious here. This can only show that it is either self-destruction, or willing to be destroyed by others, or that it has no struggling force before death... Was fattened by a blow! !

In addition to himself, Ling Chen couldn't think of a second creature with this ability.

"Little gray, look for any special traces left inside."

After meditation, Ling Chen called out a small gray, quickly explored this space. But after the small ash searched every corner of the space, it did nothing, and found no traces of abnormality.

Ling Chen stayed in the vicinity of the corpse for a long time before leaving silently. In combination with the night before, the reaction of Haoyue, what I said once, in the face of the death of Ling, Ling Chen only thought of a possibility...

Haoyue! !

"Is it a month, it is not the night of the night daughter!"

If the moon is not the night moon, then everything seems to be explained. But Haoyue Mingming is the only soul of the sacred moon. It has been in it since 10,000 years ago, otherwise she will not be so clear about the various things that happened before the year. But if she is the night moon... then what is going on? Nothing can be just a mere coincidence.

Ling Chen really wants to go offline and ask for a month to ask for it, but after thinking about it for a while, he still chooses to give up. Because if Haoyue deliberately concealed, he would never have the right answer. In addition, Haoyue is not the night of the year, and he does not seem to have much to do with it.

Thinking of this, Ling Chen finally glanced at the corpse of the cockroach, no longer stayed, walked out of the forgotten cave, returned to the novice village, found the village head, let him send himself back to Qinglongcheng, and then took out an empty magical bead and came directly to Gloomy land - the entrance to the underworld.

"Cold, let's go to the underworld!"

Calling out the cold child, under the protection of her strength, Ling Chen passed through the gate of the underworld, and then went directly to the city of Pluto and went straight to the palace of the King.

"Pluto, I have something to go to the blood pool!"

Entering the Pluto Palace, perceiving the existence of Pluto, and not seeing the Pluto, Ling Chen directly yelled. The sound just fell, and the huge figure of Pluto appeared in front of him. He looked at him with a big pair of bulls: "Hey! Nun! You are still alive? Oh, it’s the son-in-law of the Emperor. The protoss have been wanted for more than a month, and they are still alive and kicking."

After that, Pluto's gaze was transferred to the cold child, and a face suddenly became extremely gentle: "Hey, is this time too good? Is there any grievance? Some people bully you, must To say to the father, when you are ok, you must come back and see..."

Even if there was a gentle look, Pluto’s fierce face still made the body of Leng’s body shrink a little, grabbing Ling Chen’s clothes and hiding behind him. Ling Chen grinned and said: "You are so relieved that the whole family of the Moon Gods will disappear today and will not be there anymore. Even if there is, I will not be at all in my heart. I have something to go. Bloody Tianchi, but also use the pool of blood in the sky pool, but in the process of using, I do not know what will happen, so come to say hello to you, if something unexpected happens, you may need You come out to help."

Pluto waved his hand: "You are all my daughter-in-law, this **** you want to go, you have the final say... Oh, then I will send you now. You are not in the heart of the protoss, I guess this. There should be no things that you can't solve in the entire Shenyue continent. Where can I use it for help? Go."

After Pluto finished, a clean and friendly wave of hands directly sent Ling Chen and Leng Er to the **** Tianchi.

After Ling Chen and Leng Er disappeared, Pluto slowly lowered his hand, and the expression on his face gradually solidified, followed by a deep sigh: "No, it is incredible. It was clearly the atmosphere of Shura, and this breath. It is much stronger than the Shura 10,000 years ago...and he has not lost his nature. Wherever he went, there was no thunder robbery to follow... Such Shura, indeed, can not put the Moon Gods in their hearts."

"I can control the moon of the sacred, I know that he will be able to override the world in the future. Even if he is incarnation, he has the possibility of preserving his nature. Now it seems that I didn't think it was whimsical, even more than I thought. To exaggerate, I have been preparing for strength these days, and preparing to fight the power of the whole underworld is also helping him and the Moon Gods to die... It seems that it is totally unnecessary. If you have such a destination, I have nothing to worry about. Hehehehe."

The atmosphere is rich and dark, and the pool water is like the tumbling red blood. Here is the first forbidden place in the underworld - the **** Tianchi.

Standing on the edge of the blood pool, Ling Chen took out all the ten demon hooks and jade, according to the shape of the small gray, and carefully formed into a fairly standard disc shape. When the ten demon hooks all gathered together, all the jade jade began to flash a faint black light, and then slowly turned, and after the rotation, it still faintly sounded like a sneaky voice.

As long as you pour the pool of blood in the sky, you can summon the soul of the emperor, and then touch the soul of the emperor with the moon of the condemnation, you can directly collect the soul of the emperor into the moon of the condemnation. Medium - This is the way to get the soul of the Emperor before and in the previous month.

"Cold, help me take some pool water on it."

The pool of blood in the Tianchi pool can swallow all creatures, including the March God does not dare to touch, but will never hurt the creatures who have the blood of the Pluto. The cold child got up and flew to the sky above the **** sky pool. With two small white hands, he took a full set of blood pool water and flew to the side of the demon hook jade. He carefully poured the pool of blood in the hands of the pool. Together with the devil hook jade.

Suddenly, the rotation of the demon hook jade speeded up several times, and a lot of black gas began to rush out of the wild. In a flash, the surrounding space was flooded, and the forced Ling Chen retired several steps, looking cautiously. More and more intense black gas. Immediately, he suddenly saw that the black gas gradually condensed a very horrible demon head. As the black gas continued to spread, the demon head became bigger and clearer in constant distortion, and then, A shrill burst of laughter suddenly came from the dark fog...

"Ha ha ha ha... After ten thousand years, my devil's emperor, finally can be again... magical world... hahahaha... hahahaha..."

Suddenly, the laughter stopped, and the demon's skull image also showed a huge change. It seemed to have a shocked expression: "Who are you... Why are you calling me out... Devil, Demons, Wars Devil them...why would you be..."

"Oh," Ling Chen sneered, slowly moving toward the black fog that no longer spreads, and raised his right hand, saying it slowly: "You should be the soul of the emperor, the reason is that I put You summoned it, of course, because... All of the Devil’s Warcraft are dead, and I got your demon hidden jade.”

"What...Impossible!" The image of the demon is greatly distorted, and the voice becomes violent and embarrassing: "Impossible! My family's top ten World of Warcraft has at least the power of God, how can you be a small human? Their opponents! Even if you really beat them, why are you summoning them!"

"Why are you summoning you? Of course, let you completely disappear from this world!" Ling Chen smiled grimly, and his footsteps were getting closer and closer to the demon image. Before he became Shura, he faced this demonic image. It must be taboo, because this demonic emperor is the existence of the level of March God, even if it is only a remnant soul, it will still have a huge shock, but with the current strength of Ling Chen, even the full strength of the emperor He can also not look at it in his eyes, and how can he avoid this remnant. If the soul of the Emperor is one of the necessary things to wake up the water, he will not have any interest in this demon.

During the speech, Ling Chen’s right hand swiftly stretched out and straightened to the black fog. At the moment when the moon of the sacred moon touched the black mist, the fourteen sacred treasures all shone with a faint silver glow.

"Heaven...the day of the sacred!!!"

When the light of the sacred moon shines, the emperor sees the brilliance of the nightmare, and gives a horror to the extreme. The original complete image is completely distorted in the huge fear: "No! This is impossible! The moon has disappeared from the world... How is it possible! How is it possible!! Ah!!"

A huge suction suddenly released from the moon of the sacred, this suction did not have any effect on the black fog, but the image of the emperor was like a small boat in the ocean, and was forcibly attracted to the moon. . The image of the Emperor of the Emperor struggled frantically, and after a long silence, he finally rebuilt the day. It was ecstasy, but in a blink of an eye, he faced even more complete despair. Even though he was a demon, he almost collapsed. Under the attraction of resistance, there was a hoarse arrogance: "No! Let me go... let me go... I am the emperor! It is the emperor's emperor... I can't be swallowed... let me go... !!"

In the scream of a cry like a goblin, the image of the severe deformation of the emperor was completely inhaled into the moon of the sacred, and the black fog in the circle was also dissipated at the moment when the soul of the emperor disappeared in the moon of the sacred moon. On the ground, the ten demon hooks that are still being put together are all lost their luster and turned into ordinary black stones.