MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 767 Buster, moon mirror

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[The last one actually wrote the World of Warcraft into Warcraft... has been revised, thank you for reminding. 】

The Lunaes are proud of the tens of thousands of years of the gods and the mainland. How can there be no ultimate sanction or self-protection ability at the bottom of the box? Ling Chen knows that this month, God has never appeared in person for more than a month, but instead let the Luna The pursuit of the women of the month and the whole continent is actually preparing for the ultimate blockade and sanctions for killing him.

"Bound in the enchantment of the blue heart, you will never be able to escape, six hours, enough for us to completely kill you, and this enchantment is enough to isolate everything, including the rules of the world of God, you are After the death of this enchantment, it will not be resurrected at all. Your soul will be directly out of this world and return to your own world. It will never be possible to enter the world of the gods. Even the three of us will work together to bring you. The soul is completely defeated, letting you die out completely!"

"Even if it was Shura thousands of years ago, it did not force us to go this step, because using our ultimate strength not only consumes a long time, but also consumes our lives, but for the villains like you, even if we If you pay a big price, you must also give you a sanction that you can never cover!!"

The angry voice of Luna swayed in this colorful glass enchantment, Ling Chen frowned, the body suddenly moved and then instantly reached the edge of the enchantment, [burning blood and blood] and [天诛魔炎] blessing, whole body The power of the glare flashes, the left hand [Sura ruthless 斩], the right hand [Shu Luo Instant Prison], full force hit the colorful glass enchantment in front of him.

In the face of his movements, no one in March stopped it, but instead showed a ridiculous look.


The horror of the full force of Shura’s limit state, even if it is the sub-dimension space, is enough to be bombarded with a big hole. If it falls on a mountain, even if it is high in the mountains, it will be landslide, but the Shura Wangjian and Tiantang When the Lunar Skull fell on this colorful glass enchantment, it sounded a slight to completely abnormal collision sound. Ling Chen’s eyes saw a circle of colored shackles in the attacking part, and then, the violent violent The attack power was completely dissipated in the shackles.

"Oh... you have injected a powerful force into the [Colorful Glass Enchanting], and [Colorful Glass Enchantment] continues to grow."

Ling Chen: "...!!"

"The ultimate enchantment of the blue heart is colored and invisible. Because it is invisible, all can never be destroyed. The force that hits it will be absorbed directly. It will become the supporting force of the enchantment and prolong the existence of the enchantment. Even the real god. And there is absolutely no way to break away from this enchantment. You can die."

Ling Chen no longer attacked the enchantment, turned around and smiled and said: "Do you really think that with this enchantment blockade, you can rebound and attack, you can sanction me? Then you are really naive. ......"

Even if it is blocked in an enchantment that cannot escape, even if these three months of God are like hedgehogs, they can't attack at all, they can only be beaten passively, and Ling Chen is not panicked at all. Eternal Moon Shadow? At most, it can only be fixed for half an hour. The six-hour blockade does not help. Eternal Moonlight? Amount... Three months of the great beauty of the Protoss, or was it that he had been, so that they are more blind than the stars, and it’s a pity that they are permanently blind. Then, you can only use the Eternal Moon, although this will make Their powerful power of the moon is forever lost, but now, he can only make this choice.

"To tell the truth, I don't want to do this at all. Everyone is calm and happy. It's so good to be a happy gunner, but you have to force me to do this." Ling Chen's face is a pity and helpless, his right wrist is lifted and his eyes are squinted. Dao: "But you can rest assured that if someone bullies you in the future, as a man who has had deep physical contact with you, I will protect you!"

After that, the moon of the sacred moon flashed, and above the sky, a group of bright and shining light shone silently, gradually condensed into a bright half moon, watching the half moon that was about to be formed in the next second, Ling Chen’s mouth slightly evoked , [Eternal Moonlight] is about to start.

"It's the moon... snow, fast!"

In March, God’s eyes are upwards, and the lines of sight are all concentrated on the [month] that will soon be formed. As a family of luna, they will not know what the concept of [month] is for the moon. At this time, the hands of Shirayuki suddenly had a mirror that looked ordinary, the mirror flipped, and the mirror directly faced the half moon in the air.

The half moon that just formed formed a bright beam at the moment when the mirror faced it. The straight line hit the mirror. During the release of the beam, half a month was quickly reduced and then reduced... just like it The power is being quickly absorbed by the mirror. In a few blinks, with the last beam shining, the half moon that has just been formed has completely disappeared into the sky.

"Oh... the half moon of the month of the sacred sect was forcibly absorbed by the [Prison Mirror of the Moon] and completely disappeared. Today, it is no longer possible to form [half a month]."

Ling Chen: "!!!!"

Looking at the mirror in the hands of Snowy Luna, Ling Chen fell into a short sluggish, brow, and completely sinking.

Moon Prison Mirror... This is the mirror of the Moon in the mouth of God in March! ? The prison of the month... Is it the meaning of the prison of the month? Its existence is the [month] for the month of the sacred! ?

Bai Xue put away the mirror of the prison and said with a blank expression: "The moon of the sacred moon must exert its greatest power. It must rely on [month]. In order not to let the power of the sacred moon ravage the land of the gods, the moon of the world of God has It was forcibly transferred to distant space by the ancestors, but the moon of the sacred sacredness also had the ability to form [month]. Therefore, the ancestor created this sacred mirror, which is the [month] used to deal with the month of sacredness."

The sacred moon is so powerful that Ling Chen has been subconsciously ignoring a problem... Since the moon of the sacred moon is so powerful, why is it defeated and blocked again and again in the history of the sacred continent? Only one core of power is completely dispersed, and the body is sealed at the bottom of the abyss?

At this time, he finally began to realize that the reason why the Moon Gods can defeat the sacred moon with the power of the heavens is because their own power can not only restrain the moon of the sacred to a certain extent, but also have one. There are even more pieces of the nemesis of the moon. The last time he was able to succeed in the Luna Shrine, it was all that he got the power of Shura to get out of the Lunar New Year, to get the Luna, and to launch the eternal moon, so that the March God was hard to react in shock. Time, or at that time, the prison mirror was not on them at the time, and all of them were recruited.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with him, attack!"

Order Moon God spread out his arms, above the sky, there are thousands of shining light groups in an instant, each light group is often half a meter, the whole body shines like a thunder and lightning, and emits a "taste" The sound, then, under the guidance of the order of the moon, all the light groups concentrated on the fly.

Now, Ling Chen has no retreat. The only thing he can do now is to save his life, because his attack on the March God will return to himself many times. However, in order to get rid of the predicament, he must be in March. Support for a full six hours under the joint attack!

It is impossible to think about this special! The power of Shura is concentrated on the arrogant and unparalleled attack ability. As for the defense and vitality, it is a hundred thousand miles away from this March. Now all his attacking ability can't be used. His vitality and defense ability have skyrocketed, and it is impossible to survive the three-round attack of this March, let alone six hours.

The ruined light group of the sky descended from the sky, and almost all the evasive directions of Ling Chen were sealed. Ling Chen’s brows were twisted, and a shot and a sword were all thrown out, all the nearby light groups were scattered, and the body moved, and a large number of light groups were scattered. Avoided, but the apertures that passed through his position all stopped, and then came back to him in the opposite direction.


"Eight parties are out!!"

A big drink, Ling Chen’s body burst into a large force of light, and all the power light that flew to himself was smashed. He rushed forward and shouted: “You really thought that I was trapped like this. Can you easily sanction me?"

The attack of the God of March was released at the same time. The power of the violent Luna was filled with the entire enchantment space. They knew that Ling Chen inherits the power of Feng Zong and has strong ability to act. Therefore, all the attacks they launched at the same time are all The vast range of devastating attacks is enough to cover the entire enchantment, making it impossible for Ling Chen to avoid even the strongest speed and avoidance.

"Moon Shadow!"

"Hey... Libra beads effect triggers, [Moon Shadow] has finished cooling."

There is no month, we can't release the eternal **** of the moon, but there is also the ordinary **** of the moon, the moon shadow comes out, and the movements and power of the gods in March all stagnate there. Ling Chen came to the face of March God, Shura Wang Jian and Tianjue Luna guns raised, but the tiger eats the sky, there is no way to mouth, because if he attacks the March God, he is hurt himself. Cancer beads allow him to ignore all defenses, but blessing is not a defense in March, it will not offset his attack... but will rebound several times!

Ling Chen stood there, facing the most embarrassing situation after entering the world of God. He knows that he has to survive the unilateral attack of the March God's joint force for six hours without death. It is absolutely absolutely impossible. It is estimated that it will not last for ten minutes. His mind turned sharply, and he gnawed his teeth: It seems that there is only one way... must succeed!

The moon shadow state disappeared, Ling Chen brows a sinking, and the moon squatting is followed by release. Suddenly, the attack of the gods in March is all stopped, and the action is also stopped in confusion. Ling Chen’s eyes are in a flash from three The moon **** swept over, and finally stayed on the blue heart Luna, rushing past like lightning, a [true lucky man] passed over her body.

With a high-decibel scream, the blue heart of the moon is instantly naked, and the beautiful body is there, and the dusty corner is pulled, and it is too late to appreciate. The moon of the sacred moon reappears, a [月华] suddenly freed.


Under the strong light, even though the God of March was deprived of vision for a moment, there was a short period of confusion. At this flashing moment, Ling Chen’s spirit was concentrated and the goal was to look directly at the blue heart.

"Thinking all over the world!"

He condensed all his mental strength and released the first smog curse after his mental power was fully opened. It was also the highest success rate, and the goal was to be stunned by Yueguang glare after being smashed. The blue heart of the gods.

"Oh... your "everything is cursed" use failed."

"This is... the dust of the dust sects!!"

Blue heart Luna hands clasped the chest, the snow legs clenched, and panicked shouting. And Ling Chen is very frustrated... Twilight clothes, Yuehua stimulation, or the highest success rate of all the thoughts... Actually... failed! ?

No... it must be hard! Otherwise, there will be no chance!

Ling Chen bites his teeth, and his eyes release a strange and incomparable colorless light. The goal is still pointing to the blue heart.

"Robbery... Soul... Mantra!!"

"Oh... your [Soul of the Soul] failed."

"叮...[白羊珠] effect trigger, the negative effect of the failure of the use of "The Soul Curse" has been prevented."

Ling Chen's double eyebrows almost stood up in an instant.

He thought that with the spirit of his complete liberation, coupled with the acquired Shura power to offset the power suppression of the March God, the released wind curse should have a high success rate for them, not to mention the creation. Let the target be in a state of chaos... But I didn’t expect that it’s a complete failure, whether it’s a curse or a robbery!

Shura is indeed powerful, and its attack ability is far better than the March God, but except for the attack ability, other attributes are all far lower than the March God. If the comprehensive attribute, Ling Chen is lower than any of the March gods, on the spiritual level. Ling Chen has entered the semi-god class. It can be said that there can be no more spiritual people than the whole earth. But when God is born in March, he has a half-god godhead. Although their spiritual strength is not strong, Dust is even weaker than Ling Chen, but Ling Chen is only in his twenties after all, and in March, God has a life of 18,000 years. The whole spirit of 18,000 years is so easy to be Break through! In addition, the blue-hearted moon **** and the purple moon goddess used to laugh at the dust before the millennium, and in the spirit, as the production of antibodies, deeply cast the instinct defense against the wind dust curse.

Therefore, even if the spirit is strong, such as Ling Chen, directly use the wind dust curse on March, the success rate will not exceed 50%, and in the face of the opposite spirit, it is only 80% at most.

As for the failure of the chain of all the curse and the curse of the robbery, there is another main reason... that is, the luck of Ling Chen just backed up! In the state of the blue heart, the success rate of the sorcerer is at least 90%... but it triggers the probability of less than 10%, which leads to the failure of all the curses. Otherwise, after the success of the meditation, the face The blue-hearted moon **** without heart defense, the sorcerer's curse that followed is almost 100% successful! Once the Luna Blue Heart collapses, the situation will be greatly reversed.

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