MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 765 Neighboring debates

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As a **** of the moon who controls the order of the mainland, there are few people who have the courage to look at her in the whole continent, and why have they been treated like this.

Fluster, anger, shame, helplessness... and pitiful. At this time, the Sakura Moon God did not have the majesty of the moon, and the reaction was almost no different from an ordinary girl. Perhaps the only difference is that... as a noble and powerful, with the superhuman status and strength of the moon god, she must resist the tears that can not flow out of weakness.

"Sakura Moon!"

The Qionghua **** and the spiritual **** made a quick move, one left and one right guard in front of Sakura, and the hand holding the Luna weapon was slightly shuddering.

The strength that Ling Chen had just grabbed on their chests was quite light. Until now, the slight tingling sensation from the crispy chest has not disappeared. The shame stimulates the Qionghua gods and the spiritual gods. The nerves. The Qionghua gods and spiritual gods never thought that they would be bullied by a man one day. In the heart, there is also the strongest hatred and killing in life, and the snowsuit that is held up high in the chest is violently undulating under anger. But in front of the man, they smashed their attacks, and the speed and movements were as fast as ghosts. In just a few faces, they were enough to realize that Ling Chen was far superior to them. Their power is almost in front of him.

"Ling Tian! You... you will be subject to the most brutal sanctions!" Sakura Moon shook his body behind the Qionghua **** and the spiritual body, biting his lips and shouting in anger.

"Oh, is it?" Ling Chen grinned. "Similarly, your three moon gods also told me, but this big wicked person has forgotten the mainland for more than a month. Still nothing at all."

The sound fell, Ling Chen's gaze flashed, and the moon of the sacred moon suddenly released a large faint silver light.

"Moon Shadow!"

The shadow of the moon shadow was released, and the three moon gods who had no time to react were all fixed. Ling Chen flashed to the naked Sakura, and unceremoniously extended his left hand to hold a crisp white full. With a forceful grasp, the soft, cotton-like breast muscle suddenly overflows the finger joints, making it difficult to hold the solid, and the other hand is forced into the tight-fitting leg between the enlarged pupils of Sakura, and when they are pulled out, A little bit of clear water has been applied to the finger.

Ling Chen wiped the liquid on his finger a little on the scent of Sakura, and flashed the light of the evil spirits: "Go back and tell your sisters, if you want to enjoy this treatment, feel free to come and look for it. I, I will not let them down, oh..."

Ling Chen mouth corners, the left hand is almost full force grab, the white snow muscle exaggerated overflow finger joints, violent deformation... Then Ling Chen suddenly squirmed, turned around, like lightning, flying into the distance, blink of an eye Disappeared in their sight.

The moon shadow effect disappeared, and the ** that lost the magic hand raging was also fully bounced back. On the round and white moon, there was a clear red mark. Sakura Moon God made the tears that had lasted for a long time finally overflowed at the moment of restoring freedom. She held her chest in her hands and shrank her body. The glamorous cheeks were pink and sometimes pale, and the words that had humiliated and anger could not speak out. The Qionghua gods and the spiritual gods also stayed there. They did not catch up. They personally realized the power and evil of Lingtian. They did not have the guts to chase after them, because it would only be self-deprecating.

[Shadow] After the state disappeared, Ling Chen’s speed slowed down, and when he turned back, he did not realize the signs that the three months of God had chased. Ling Chen smiled with satisfaction and sniffed the faint lingering **: "This time, should they not be stupid to deliver food again? Well? How suddenly is it a bit reluctant? Then again, there are a few beauty every day. If the **** of the fairy makes the girl can play, it is a very cool thing to think about it."

Everything is as expected by Ling Chen. No, it is more thorough than he expected. In the next month, Ling Chen will never encounter the pursuit of the Moon Gods. Before that, he was looking for his moon girl and trainee. Luna, now there is no shadow. On several occasions, Ling Chen even deliberately released the breath of Shura, and then waited for a long time in place, but it was not until the appearance of Luna. Within this month, Ling Chen separately found the World of Warcraft and Warcraft, all of which were spiked in the limit state, while the Shura suffocating in the limit state could be felt by an ordinary person outside the hundred miles. The gods of the Moon Gods still did not appear.

This makes Ling Chen somewhat uncomfortable.

During this time, the two names that are most concerned by the world, one is the Lee consortium and the other is Ling Tiancheng. The Li's consortium is inextricably linked with Ling Tiancheng, making them two huge objects that are incomparable in the real world and the game world. Yun Mengxin and Li Yuxue have also become the two most concerned people in the world. They have made countless media magazines sigh and sigh, and more media ** naked claims: the era of China is coming soon.

[Devil Hook Yu·嗔] and [Devil Hook Yu·Wind] have come one after another. At this time, Ling Chen has already had a whole set of nine demon hooks, which is much faster than he expected. As long as you find the World of Warcraft, take the last demon hook jade on it, according to Haoyue, you can go to the blood of the Tianchi to summon the soul of the Emperor.

"Oh... World Announcement! As the number of players reaching the 70th level in the world has reached 100 million, and the conditions for opening the border have been reached, the protection enchantments of all theaters have now been lifted. Now all players with a reputation of more than 1000 can pass the appropriate The way to reach other continents, but if you die in other continents, you will be punishable by double death and will be immediately returned to the mainland main city, and you can no longer travel to the corresponding continent within two weeks."

"Oh... the first world of the gods and the world, the debates of the countries will be held in the Shenyue Ocean Center Island two months later. Please prepare for the war zones in advance. Each battle zone can play up to six people. Personal warfare and team warfare, the details of the war will be notified at any time."

The loud tone sounded over the sky of the gods, and instantly caught the attention and strong sensation of all the players... The long-awaited opening of national borders finally arrived, and the long-awaited debates on the countries will be officially pulled in two months. Opening the curtain.

The player world is once again lively and boiling. The opening of national borders represents the biggest scene in the game world. The national wars triggered by the contradictions of reality can be launched at any time, and the biggest event in the game world is coming soon.

"If the borders are open, it is clear that the current situation of Lingtiancheng will become the target of all the big ambitions. If I am them, I will definitely suppress the Lingtian City in the shortest time and continue to mature. Even encroachment, otherwise, if Ling Tiancheng develops and drives the strength of the entire Huaxia District, they will never have a chance."

Ling Chen half-squinted, comfortably attached to a thousand-year-old tree, a low voice in his mouth, breathing long and sometimes short, and occasionally taking a breath... his legs, cold in The well-behaved crouched there, scorning the pure eyes of nature, the daggers undulating with the dust of Ling Chen...

"As for the debates between the countries, it is meaningless. Since the Philippines is interested in this kind of competition, let her go and participate, and one person is enough to sweep the audience... call..."

Ling Chen’s body twitched gently. He quickly reached out and held down his cold head and looked up... After a long time, he took a long breath.

"Oh... well cold, today's game is here. We should go to Sky Warcraft."

After listening to his words, the cold child cleverly floated the petite and exquisite body, the innocent and dark-eyed eyes with a deeper and deeper fascination looked at Ling Chen. Her sakura-like lips, a boiled liquid slid down quietly. Immediately, she felt it, sticking out the pink tongue and carefully licking the liquid that had accidentally spilled.

The comprehensive strength of World of Warcraft ranks the top of the top ten World of Warcraft, but it can not be defeated by Ling Chen. The problem is where to find him. The strength attribute of World of Warcraft is the physics department. The darkness of the body is not strong, and its own deliberate hiding, to find it, is much more difficult than finding the other nine Warcraft.

"Right, when the first month said that the top ten World of Warcraft will meet once every 100 years, but in the past 100 years, the forgotten mainland will inevitably undergo tremendous changes. How do they accurately gather together? Before, ice Warcraft deliberately went to the West to find out what Warcraft told me about the moon in the sky... How did it know the location of World of Warcraft?"

“Do they have special feelings between each other?”

Ling Chen thought for a long time, kneeling down, took out all nine demon hooks and jade, placed them on the ground, and watched them silently for a while. At this time, Xiao Gray suddenly ran over, and Zhangkou picked up one of the demons.

"Little ash?" Ling Chen surprised to look up, and then immediately received the sound, carefully look at the action of the small ash... The reaction of the small ash must be discovered by its unparalleled ability to detect.

The small ash moved the picked up jade forward. When it was put down, let it follow the curve against the back of another hook jade. Then, the second piece of jade jade was picked up by the little ash, and it was put together in the first piece of jade. At the rear, it is followed by the third block, the fourth block, the fifth block... Soon, all the nine pieces of jade jade are spliced ​​together by the small gray, and they are assembled into a nearly standard disc shape, only On one side, there is a gap that is just a jade size.

"this is?"

Just as Ling Chen’s surprise and doubts, the incomplete jigsaw disk suddenly released a faint black light, and then slowly turned, but only after two turns, it stopped, and the black light disappeared completely. The hook gap, pointing to the southeast direction when the rotation stopped.

Little Gray ran to the gap and yelled at the southeast. Ling Chen’s eyes suddenly brightened. I still didn’t understand anything. I quickly put away all the jade, called Sakura Snow, picked up the cold, and went straight to the southeast.