MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 3 transaction

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Open the door, standing outside the door is a man of the same age and size, his temperament is extraordinary, wearing a look at a glance is not a special product. Seeing him appear, the man subconsciously stepped back a little, his face showing an expression of excitement and tension.

"Who are you?" Ling Chen looked at him and said. He has seen this person... He used to look at this person when he came back with Shui. Although Ling Shui is only sixteen years old now, but the pure beauty that has been born is absolutely unique, and wherever he goes, he will become the focus of his eyes, so he did not care about anything at the time. Now, this man is inexplicably looking for a door.

"Ling... Ling Chen, hello, hello... I know that you are Ling Chen..." Just after the exit, Yunfeng would like to fan himself two two-scratch, and he often has a lot of big names. Even if he faced the highest head of the Huaxia Kingdom, he never had a long-term experience. However, in front of the man who is similar to his age, he did not live up to the incoherence.

Yunfeng suppressed the excitement in his heart at the fastest speed, and then said seriously: "You must not know me. I am really taking the liberty this time, but I really have something very important. Right, first. Introduce yourself, my name is Yunfeng, that... can I go in and tell you?"

Ling Chen stared at his eyes for a second, said blankly: "I have Isloca virus everywhere in my house, do you want to go in?"

"It doesn't matter, I just had a vaccine last month." Yunfeng said quickly.

"Everyone knows that the current Islavirus vaccine function is not perfect, can't guarantee 100% security... So, are you sure you want to come in?"

"Determined and determined!" Yunfeng still nodded without any hesitation.

Ling Chen looked at him more, silenced for a few seconds, and turned back to the living room: "You come in,"

The wind was like a fairy, and he walked in with joy. Then he took the door with a very light movement. At the moment the door closed, he couldn’t help but smile at himself: it seems that I am too young to see myself. When worshipping people, they will still have a rapid heartbeat and behave out of control.

The living room is simple but tidy. Yunfeng’s footsteps were careful. When Ling Chen sat down, he sat down in front of him. He first said, “Do yourself introduce yourself, my name is Yunfeng, yes...”

"What are you looking for?" Ling Chen interrupted his words very politely.

Looking at Ling Chen from a close distance, touching his eyes, Yunfeng's heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and it is more certain that he is that person. Because, that is the most fierce he has ever seen in his life, and he is even more sharp than the blade. Under his expressionless gaze, the cloud wind had a slight suffocation. He sighed and said: "I am coming, I want to make a deal with you... Don't refuse, I am sure that you must be very good at this transaction. Interested,"

"Transaction?" Ling Chen slightly frowned. He let this person come in because he didn't feel any malice and danger from him. As for trading, he never easily trades with people because...

"Yes!" Yunfeng nodded, and then began to say: "The day after tomorrow, is the opening day of "Shenzhou", you must know this thing, I think..." The voice of Yunfeng is a little excited: "I want to invite you." Join a game studio... ah no, it’s a game guild, it’s still relatively small.”

"No interest. I have no time to play those things, you can go." Ling Chen did not hesitate to refuse, even immediately revealed the eyes of the people. However, his heart is also slightly puzzled why this person will specifically come to the door to invite him to join a game union.

The virtual game world... Now my world is only water, and nothing else, I don’t want to be able to separate my time with my water.

"Don't... don't, listen to me first, listen to me!" Yunfeng quickly waved his hand, then quickly calmed down the mood, said: "Since it is a transaction, I will certainly open the conditions for your satisfaction. I know that you have a sister with Isloca. You have been running around for years to cure her illness. Then there is something that you should be interested in." The look of Yunfeng has become serious. Get up and slowly say a name: "13223 Pharmacy!"


Ling Chen, who had been quiet in the cold pool, suddenly stabbed a bit, suddenly stood up from the sofa, staring at Yunfeng’s body: "You...say again!"

Before, Ling Chen’s pity for his sister, he completely saw his eyes, and the reaction now is entirely within his expectation. He also stood up and looked straight into his eyes, saying in the clearest voice: "13223 Pharmacy! This is the trading condition!"

"That medicine, there are only 13 bottles in the world!"

"No, that was the first time, 10 of them have already been used. Now there are the last 3 bottles in the world, and one of them is just in my hands." Yunfeng’s eyes are not avoiding, let him I saw that I did not have the slightest false eyes.

"Who are you..." Until now, Ling Chen began to really look at this person. His body trembled slightly and his hands were trembling. There are so few things in the world that can completely distort his heart, and the name "13223 Pharmacy" is like a thunder in his heart. Because it is currently the most effective treatment for Isloca, as long as it is given to patients with Isloca, it can let the Isloca virus in its body fall asleep, and will sleep for a full decade. Long. Within this decade, the patient will no longer be affected by the Islacan virus, the immunity and vitality will gradually recover, and the body will gradually return to health... until a decade later.

And its significance is more than just extending the life of a decade. With more and more developed medicine on the earth, for a decade, it is likely to be enough to find a way to completely overcome the Isloca virus. At that time, even if it is infected again, it will no longer be so desperate and terrible.

This medicine has only 13 bottles in the world. The doctor who made this medicine has not been able to make the 14th bottle and has been assassinated. The composition of 13223 is also a mystery. Ling Chen is one of the few people who know the name of this pharmacy. In the past few years, he has never stopped looking for 13223 pharmacy, but he has nothing to gain from his efforts. After all, there are only 13 bottles in the world.

"Yunfeng... The first heir to the Yunshi consortium. I don't know my identity, I have qualified for one of the 13223 potions." Yunfeng said seriously.

Ling Chen: "..."

"At the beginning, my family had to work hard to get the bottle of 13223 pharmacy, in order to save me from the grandfather of Isloca, but when we finally got it, Grandpa had passed away. My father was hurt, will It was thrown at me... Now, it’s in my hands. If you promise my request, then the bottle of 13223 potion will be handed over to you soon.”

"I promised!" Ling Chen, who had rejected the cloud before, promised in a more determined tone. As long as he can save the water, he can pay whatever he can, and he can afford it at any cost.

Get Ling Chen's answer, the cloud wind almost did not jump up. He pressed his own excitement and said: "Hey, you can promise, it's great, great... Hey, words, you must be wondering why I will come to you to make this deal?"

Ling Chen nodded slightly, his face was calm, but his heart was not deeply excited... 13223 Pharmacy, what he dreamed of, now he took the initiative to send it to the door. Just, such a precious thing, its trading conditions will really be simple?

Yunfeng stood straight and looked up. His eyes reflected in the scene that he would never forget. He said slowly: "Three years ago, Yunxiaoshan, you, me, Eve."

Ling Chen slightly glimpsed, and the picture that had already been buried in his memory came to his heart. His face was deeply surprised: "You... was the reincarnation that witnessed the battle between me and Eve?" ”

"Yes! Right! It's me, it's me!!" Seeing Ling Chen actually remembered his name at the time, Yunfeng was completely excited. "You don't know, although I didn't see who you won in the end, but after watching the war, I didn't sleep well for three days... that's the real epic, myth, and most. The most peak matchup! I couldn’t think of it before, we Huaxia, there is still a person who can fight Eve for so long, and fortunately, your mask was knocked out by Eve. Let me see your face... Ah, but you can rest assured that although I have been trying to find you afterwards, I have never told anyone about you. Although I also told some friends that we have appeared in China. A person who can be evenly matched with Eve...but they don’t have anyone to believe. If they were not fortunate enough to see it in the past, others would say so, I should not believe it.”

Ling Chen sat back on the sofa, and his heart was awkward. He finally understood what the eager gaze of the wind when he looked at him. Unexpectedly, three years ago in the "Tiantu" world, the swordsman who climbed the Yunxiao Mountain and bumped into the battle between him and Eve, recognized him three years later and took the initiative to find him and sent him. Dreaming of things.

Is this the arrangement of fate? It is God who takes back his cruelty and no longer separates him from the water...

"As long as you can bring 13223 pharmacy, I will promise you the conditions... However, you must first tell me what you want me to do?" Ling Chen said.

"You can rest assured that you are the only person I have ever admired in my life. I will never use the 13223 pharmacy as a remedy for you to do harm. In fact, I am doing the same thing for you," Yunfeng sat back to Ling Chen. In front of him, then sighed with a sigh of relief: "It is for your own sister just like you."

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