MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 40 absolute worship

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Jiang Jingzhe just glanced at it roughly, and didn't look any more after confirming that it was an unknown face.

He said the wrong thing first, but Jiang Jingzhe didn't know what to say.

She simply ignored the other party, anyway, people who go wrong will always leave.

Unexpectedly, after the other party made a mistake, he chose to make the mistake, and found a corner to sit down and play with his mobile phone.

Jiang Jingzhe looked at him twice more, always feeling a little uncomfortable that there was suddenly one more person in such a big room.

"Aren't you going to see Tang Yi?"

Since the news of Tang Yi's appearance at the rehearsal scene spread, everyone went to the scene, some to see people, and some to show their hard-working image in front of Tang Yi.

Even Ji Chen and Xie Xinghui went out to watch the excitement, and Jiang Jingzhe was the only one fishing in the lounge.

The young man said without raising his head, "Don't look at it."

"You don't like him? Don't you think fishing now is not doing enough to help Tang Yi?"

His attitude is still indifferent: "Generally, I don't think so."

This fishing attitude is commendable, Jiang Jingzhe somehow feels like he has found the same kind.

In this place, it's very rare to find someone who doesn't like Tang Yi, but she never expected to meet one.

After Jiang Jingzhe confirmed that he would not be accused of fishing, he felt more at ease, and because of this, he missed the young man's gaze.

He stared at Jiang Jingzhe for a few seconds, and looked at the phone again as if nothing had happened before she noticed.

[I'm a little envious of the way the two men who touch fish don't bother each other, my colleague will die]

【I don't think this young man is an ordinary person... This is Tang Yi's team. Although it's not the core team, if there is someone who doesn't like Tang Yi, it shouldn't be an undercover agent, right? 】

[Maybe it's just because of the high salary that the agent and the company's top management didn't call Tang Yi either]

[This world is so strange, did the previous manager exaggerate?]

Jiang Jingzhe happened to stretch her waist, and there was a commotion outside the door again, the sound could be clearly heard even reaching them.

[post task...]

The weak system sound got stuck for a while, and it didn't sound again, but Jiang Jingzhe happened to miss it because of various coincidences.

The young man looked in the direction of the void as if aware of it.


After the rehearsal was over, the others also came back, seeing their expressions were so calm rather than fanatical, Jiang Jingzhe guessed that they had never seen Tang Yi himself.

The man who was naturally sitting in their lounge fishing before also left at some point, Jiang Jingzhe didn't pay much attention.

Suddenly, the loud door opening overwhelmed the chaotic conversation like a vegetable market.

The one who knocked open the door was the "notorious" field manager among these young people.

This tall man always pouted his mouth, and his thick eyebrows and protruding eyes kept her from getting angry. But when he saw someone with a higher status, the corners of his mouth would look flattering but stiff, but he never realized it. this matter.

"Who is Jiang Jingzhe?" The field manager said fiercely.

The colleagues who worked together during this time all looked at Jiang Jingzhe, she stood up consciously, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I am."

She reviewed her actions during this period of time in her mind to make sure that she hadn't done anything outrageous or annoying.

The field manager snorted coldly, but instead of finding fault as everyone imagined, he said dissatisfiedly: "It's really bad luck...Come here."

Jiang Jingzhe instinctively felt that the next arrangement might be very important to her.

Since the adjective is "shit luck", it means that it should be a promotion, and even the attitude of the field staff has improved, so the position after the promotion may be higher than him...

That being the case, it is not something that can be asked in public.

She didn't take the initiative to ask, but it doesn't mean that the field manager won't take the initiative to speak.

The field manager was holding his breath, and he was extremely jealous of Jiang Jingzhe. He wanted to vent his anger on her and was afraid that she would wear little shoes for him or slap the leader in the future.

He suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, since he couldn't do it himself... then leave it to someone else.

"I also want to congratulate you, Jiang Jingzhe. It's an honor to be the assistant next to Teacher Tang." He said with a smile on his face, and his tone was completely different from just now.

After he uttered the words "Tang Teacher", the eyes of colleagues who were looking at Jiang Jingzhe sympathetically changed immediately.

In a normal workplace, what she should have received at this time were envious, jealous, and yearning gazes... But here, she could only feel strong malice.

Jiang Jingzhe only felt this kind of feeling in the last world, and so did the students in the school. They naturally harbored a kind of malice towards her, as if their only goal was to see her unlucky.

Five minutes ago, they were all just ordinary people.

[Grass, I suddenly had a strong sense of déjà vu... Isn't this my colleague...]

[Can actually find resonance with real work in horror variety shows (sorrowful)]

【When he said that, he focused the blame on Jing Zhe. Others say that in the workplace, but he is terrible】

[I have an ominous feeling...I've already seen someone rubbing the scissors! It's still the gesture of holding a knife! 】

After saying that sentence, the field manager deliberately walked slowly, and got stuck in the door so that she couldn't pass through. Jiang Jingzhe had reason to suspect that he wanted to wait for other people to make trouble first, so that she wouldn't have to take office after she died.

Why are these people so crazy?

When she heard from her agent before, the so-called "fanatic fans" were just a concept to her, but now she really realizes it.

What's more, she was only promoted, and she didn't make their idol...

How strong are the other people who really work in Tang Yi's core team? I'm afraid those who are idle will be chopped up and fed to the dogs before they can sneak in.

Jiang Jingzhe was very calm, let's not say that she has a blood lock, and then... this is also an opportunity to pretend to be a tiger.

"Since you know, why don't you get out of the way?" She imitated Cui Miaomiao's tone and demeanor, and said arrogantly, "Aren't you afraid of missing Teacher Tang's business? You know, I was promoted because of..."

The part of the reason was deliberately vague, implying that she was of great use to Tang Yi.

Xie Xing replied: "Pfft."

She was extremely upset when she said this about the field affairs, but she brought up Tang Yi again.

If he really delayed Tang Yi's affairs because of his own selfish desires, he would not forgive himself, not to mention others.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Jingzhe finally walked out the door swaggeringly.

When she reached the door, her footsteps paused: "Where are you going to report, don't you bring a way?"

The field manager led her the way angrily. When she walked to the lounge area closer to the core, Jiang Jingzhe even saw many security guards surrounding it. You must know that this is only the backstage.

After passing the security checkpoint, the field manager couldn't move forward, so he could only watch Jiang Jingzhe walk in helplessly.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't go to Tang Yi immediately, but first used the excuse of going to the bathroom, and called the manager to explain the situation.

"What if Tang Yi thinks I'm outstanding and asks me to stay and work with him?" She said confidently.

The agent scolded her: "Isn't this a good thing? Then you will be a long-term undercover agent for me."

Jiang Jingzhe remained silent.

There is a chance to find a better employer, working next to a handsome guy every day, with money and eye-catching, who is willing to take the risk to pass the news to this snobby manager?

Fortunately, the manager himself understands it very well, and said decisively: "At that time, I will buy it from you at a high price... No, exchange information, how about it, this is not a transaction, it is just a small favor from a friend."

Heh, I just want to use this little money to corrupt her heart.

Although the agent and the company are indeed generous, but he had such a bad attitude towards them before, and now he calls them "friends", who does he look down on?

"I will." Jiang Jingzhe said without hesitation.

Only fools have trouble with money, and it's not a matter of principle.

"Do you understand now why he is popular?" the agent asked again.

Jiang Jingzhe shook his head, and after remembering that he couldn't see, he replied: "I don't know."

"Okay, that's right, you were just promoted, so you probably haven't seen anyone yet... Hey, I knew you were the most promising of the three. Back then, I thought you had a bright future because of your hard work..." The agent When people are in a good mood, there is a steady stream of flattery. Just this face-changing skill makes people extremely awe-inspiring.

Jiang Jingzhe was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and interrupted with a light cough.

The agent said with a wink, "You shouldn't be affected, right?"

Jiang Jingzhe said vaguely: "It should be." She couldn't be sure when she didn't reach that point.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jingzhe returned to the area surrounded by security guards.

The further you go in, the stronger the rust smell in the air. It wasn't until after a corner that Jiang Jingzhe fully confirmed that it was the smell of blood.

She suddenly hesitated to move on.

But this is indeed a rare opportunity.

There are many security guards not far away. Even when they smelled such a strong smell of blood, their expressions did not change. No one had any plans to leave their posts without permission, as if they were not worried that something would happen to the people inside...

Going further inside, it was difficult to see people, and only her own footsteps could be heard in the silent corridor.

Not far from the door of the innermost room was a ferocious corpse with a fruit knife stuck in its heart. There were several trails of blood on the ground, as if the deceased was crawling towards a room away from the room when he was dying.

The most reasonable guess is that the deceased was running away, so the direction he avoided was where the murderer was.

— But that room is the lounge where the security guard told her that Tang Yi is in.

People in protective clothing hurried past Jiang Jingzhe, threw the corpse into a medical waste garbage bag, and left at the same speed.

"Fortunately, he still knows something, and knows that he should climb farther..." One of them muttered in a low voice, "The smell of blood is so stinky, what if it smells like Teacher Tang?"

"Be honest!" said the other sternly, without seeming to refute at all.

During this process, they didn't even look at Jiang Jingzhe who appeared here.

This is obviously not an ordinary thing.

These people who clean up the corpses are well-trained. It can be seen that this is not the first time they have done this, and the concepts revealed in the dialogue are also very deformed.

Jiang Jingzhe even suspected that they did the knife on the chest of the deceased.

The originally relaxed mood became heavy. Jiang Jingzhe took a deep breath and pushed open the door—seeing a familiar face leaning on the sofa.

She was silent for a while: "I may have gone the wrong way too."

The author has something to say:

By the way, the desire to survive is very strong, the author has no malice towards the fan circle and entertainment circle, and does not have any prototypes. The article is only aimed at monsters in simple nightmare games. Thanks to 2022-04-10 15:40:46~2022-04 During -1123:47:30, the little angel who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of fog harrier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!