MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 2 fog

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The man's neck was about to twist into a twist, and his eyes couldn't fall off.

Jiang Jingzhe couldn't help but glanced twice, and then quickly withdrew his gaze.

Her evasive appearance on the contrary entertained the monster in front of her, making it mistakenly think that she had successfully scared someone, the slit at the corner of her mouth widened, and she asked resentfully, "Why don't you look at me?"

The voice was shrill but sad, and its eyeballs suddenly turned to Jiang Jingzhe as the last word fell.

The viewers who have been following the live broadcast of this variety show rushed into the live broadcast room for the first time, and the first thing they saw was rolling eyeballs.

[Fuck, shit, shit! ! 】

[Scared me to death with barrage body protection! 】

[Isn't this a love affair? Are you in a haunted house now? I don’t want to see ghosts, I just want to see beautiful women]

[There is no reminder for the start of the broadcast, and I just came in, it seems that the director asked them to gather by themselves without contact tools]

[Search for people? This variety show has been on the air for a week and still doing this set...]

Jiang Jingzhe didn't seem to understand—or really didn't understand what she meant, and replied honestly: "Oh, I'm afraid that staring at it all the time will make you uncomfortable."

She paused, and added: "It's admirable for you to be so physically disabled."

This man's neck is twisted, his eyeballs are falling out, and it is a fatal disease for others, but it is still alive and strong, and it can be seen that it has a strong self-esteem by asking this question.


The monster who was suddenly labeled as disabled was full of question marks, and all the saliva in his mouth dripped on his feet, scalding him to shiver.

[Laughing to death, give me a whole lot of fun, last week I always felt that Jiang Jingzhe was a bit dull, I didn't expect it to be so funny hhhh]

[Monster: Thank you for saving face]

[This monster's costume is so real, which haunted house is it, I want to play too]

Jiang Jingzhe continued to ask: "By the way, I'm not looking for you. You are dressed like someone I know. May I ask if you saw her? Or is there a place to find someone in which direction?"

The monster's face was gloomy, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was restrained, but his eyes were still staring at her: "Are you asking me for directions?!"

Please, it is a meet and kill for countless newcomers! He has the blood of countless humans in his hands!

Look at its beautiful and sharp teeth, look at its corrosive saliva! It even drew a sophisticated clown lip makeup, using advanced techniques learned from human movies.

There is only one way to ask the way, and that is to its belly!

Jiang Jingzhe thought that her ears might not be very good, she looked into her eyes sincerely, and her voice was as loud as facing an old man with deaf ears: "Yes, I want to ask if you have seen my companion, wearing clothes with you It's very similar!"

There were more bloodshot eyes in the monster's eyeballs.

[Hahahaha isn't this the normal way I talk to my grandma, can you hear me! Can't hear me say it again! 】

[Laughing to death, why can the voice be played upstairs]

Even the countless ghosts who had been serving as the background suddenly got stuck, and the eyes watching her became subtle and disgusted.

I'm afraid this person's brain is not normal, it must not taste good.

When Jiang Jingzhe walked on this street, she didn't think too much. The only thing she felt was: the people here are really friendly and kind, they kept smiling at her, and even praised her for being good-looking.

The monster didn't want to deal with her anymore, and planned to swallow this annoying human being, but his first attack failed.

Jiang Jingzhe just took a step away, and made a gesture of looking away with one hand to look into the distance.

[Is it my eyesight! I saw it opened its mouth, and the **** mouth and three rings of teeth inside and outside are not something that props can make at all! 】

【I let my friends in the circle watch it. This is indeed a live broadcast. There are no special effects and no traces of makeup...that is to say...】

[I hit a ghost! ! 】

The monster wondered, was this a coincidence? Or pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Thinking about it carefully, this person is really very strange, he doesn't have any fear that normal humans should have, and he is not surprised to see his 'ghost look'.

Regardless of whether she is stupid or pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, she still waits and sees first.

The monster's saliva couldn't help but began to secrete in large quantities.

Besides, if you follow this human to find other people... it will be able to have a full meal.

It has not tasted human flesh for a long time, sucking.

"I'll take you to find it, I'm familiar with this place." The monster tried to put on a friendly expression, but it looked even more sinister, and its smile became distorted and weird.

Jiang Jingzhe nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you."

[Jiang Jingzhe, run away! I'm dying of anxiety! 】

[You can believe it when you look so scary, don't you think it's a staff member too, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

[There is a sense of desolation seeing Little Red Riding Hood being tricked away by Grandma Wolf... I hope this is really just a haunted house]

Jiang Jingzhe walked with the monster who secretly coveted her, and the little ghosts on the road could only stare at her, but did not dare to go forward.

This street seemed to have no end. She walked along the front, but the scenery around her was almost the same, and it even made people feel... spinning in circles all the time.

Jiang Jingzhe stopped in her tracks.

Considering his cannibalism, the monster reluctantly showed her the way.

She walked along the path pointed by the monster, and passed another intersection. Just as she was hesitating, she heard a heart-piercing scream.

Jiang Jingzhe hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound, so fast that even the monster was left behind.

She saw a shocking scene.

A demon-like monster was about to drop its sharp claws at a tall man. Jiang Jingzhe, who was already approaching, could even feel the sound of the claws waving in the air.

She rarely saw such a scene. She was stunned and at the same time instinct dominated her body. She subconsciously touched the copper coins that were originally used for decoration at her waist, and her fingers that unwrapped the knot were as nimble as if she had done this a thousand times average.

Like a hidden weapon, the copper coins came through the wind, and the small one was less resisted by the wind, but approached them faster than the sharp claws teasing the prey.

The copper coin accurately shot the back of the monster's head, and exploded violently like a pistol being pulled out of the fuse. The demon was unwillingly scattered into ashes and disappeared with the wind.

The deadly crisis was thus easily resolved.

Three people were left in shock.

The barrage audience watched all this with dumbfounded eyes, doubting the authenticity of the live broadcast again.

[Am I blind or am I sleepwalking? I saw monsters, and I saw gods. 】

【You upstairs are not alone! Isn't this really a ghost exorcism script filmed in advance? 】

[What kind of expert is Jiang Jingzhe... Oh my God, I suddenly feel that the world view has collapsed]

【Am I the only one who noticed the two rescued people? It seems to be Mr. Ji and Xing Xing! 】

Jiang Jingzhe seemed to have lost the memory of just now, and looked at his hand suspiciously.

How could copper coins suddenly appear? And one less?

She shook her head, subconsciously not thinking about this question.

The man who had almost died was wearing a white turtleneck sweater and a black overcoat. The gentle expression on his face disappeared without a trace, his brows were frowned so much that he wanted to catch a fly, and he looked very dignified while still in shock.

The man blocked behind him was much younger, handsome but pale, with blood dripping from his forehead and fingertips, as if he was already a wounded person.

Jiang Jingzhe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them, and asked worriedly while being happy: "Ji Chen, Xie Xinghui, are you injured?"

Ji Chen shook his head and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Xie Xinghui suddenly said, "It's not over yet."

Ji Chen realized something, he still didn't relax his vigilance, and stared straight at the person who slowly walked not far behind Jiang Jingzhe. '

—The monster disguised as Cui Miaomiao.

By now, he had prepared for the worst.

Since he has strayed into such a place of ghosts and gods, no matter what, let one of them escape and inform the world—he doesn't know that the live broadcast is still going on.

Not long after he came in, he saw the injured Xie Xinghui. Xie Xinghui pulled him around to avoid him and told him about the current situation. Ji Chen was half-believing at the time until he had experienced all this himself.

He had known for a long time that he was unlucky, his family broke up due to unexpected bankruptcy, his former lover disappeared unexpectedly, and he always encountered misfortune in his career, and now he encountered these even more.

He smiled wryly.

Destiny makes a man...

He made the determination to die, but he didn't know that the monster was also secretly drumming in his heart.

Although it was one step behind Jiang Jingzhe just now, it saw clearly the death of the devil.

Being able to explode and dissipate directly means that the first blow the demon received was a fatal injury, and it didn't even have time to give him a chance to be enraged and self-strengthening.

It looked at Jiang Jingzhe, who was just pretending to be cute and ignorant of his way.

Good guy, it really is fishing!

The stinky boss is too much, what can you do with a ghost like him who just wants to hang out in Xinshou Village and wait to die!

Jiang Jingzhe noticed Ji Chen's vigilant eyes, turned around and saw the new friend he had just made, and suddenly introduced: "This is a kind person I just met, willing to guide me to find you."

After she finished speaking, she said gratefully: "Thanks to you, I did find them, and now there is only one person missing."

Ji Chen and Xie Xinghui were also dumbfounded. Is she short-hearted? How can you say that you are a kind person to such an obviously malicious ghost?

At the same time, they made preparations for the ghost's counterattack, took a step forward, and the three of them stood in a line.

【Fortunately, Ji Chen and Xie Xinghui are still sensible people... If they are also deceived by this ugly ghost, I will be really speechless】

[Jiang Jingzhe won't hold back, I hope the male guest will not act like a gentleman, the most important thing is to take care of yourself at the critical moment! 】

[Is the upstairs evil disgusting? Just now, Jiang Jingzhe saved the person]

[After going through the roller coaster experience with my heart, I realized that there must be a reversal. I don't believe that Jiang Jingzhe will die because of a backstab! 】

They took a step forward, and the monster took a step back in panic.

Too bad, they are about to start after the immortals dance!

No, it has to rely on its excellent acting skills to stabilize them and fight for a way out for itself!

"Yeah, but I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, I'm leaving first, you take your time looking for it."

As soon as the monster turned around, it was ready to run away, so as not to follow in the footsteps of the demon.

But a faint dissuading voice came from behind: "Don't go, I'm looking for you now."

The monster unexpectedly thought of what he said when he first met her, and wished he could slap him a few times at that time. Can you talk, can you talk! Whether you are dear or not, you can't find it, you can't escape!

It could only turn its head back, forced to smile bitterly and aggrieved, the blood from the corners of its eyes flowed down its pale face, looking extremely ugly and desolate: "Oh."

The author has something to say:

The title of this article has not yet been determined. If you have a better suggestion, you can also put it forward~Thank you

Read The Duke's Passion