MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 17 Campus secrets (2)

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They will be sent to the education room for re-education, which is their reasonable method of abusing students. "

No one thinks that this 'education' is really just education.

"Conversely, if they're not in the education room, they won't be able to do any real harm to us!" Ji Chen suddenly realized.

No matter how scary and frightening they acted, they were limited to intimidation. At times like this, they should remain calm.

This is indeed key information, and you must tell them as soon as you get back.

Jiang Jingzhe remembered that she had been deducted three points because the original owner missed class just after passing through, and said with a calm face: "But we still need to get a more detailed list... For example, how many points will be deducted for specific things."

If the teacher can deduct points at will, then they will not deduct some points, but directly find a reason to deduct 10 points. It can be seen that there are rules and regulations between them.

If they can use the deduction mechanism in turn, it means that more things can be done.

"In short, let's take a look at the old school building." Jiang Jingzhe said.

Ji Chen lowered his head and glanced at his phone, "There are still 15 minutes until get out of class ends, where should I look first?"

"Class One, Senior Three." She said firmly.

The author has something to say:

Thank you readers for your support, dears! ! Today is a three-in-one update>w<

I have a lottery to give back to the readers, and everyone who comments can have a chance to be drawn (but since I am a cold commenter, I should post it)

Because there are too few collections, I can't even set up 20 people. Ah Jin is not allowed to draw more than 5% of the collections (cover face) humble

Taking advantage of the new V, I will push another pre-acquisition "Blind Dates Are All Outsiders". If you are interested, please click the author's column

Bai Fumei Jiangjiang was dumped by her boyfriend who had been in love for three years because he was going to save the world.

Jiang Jiang:?

In a fit of anger, she chose to go on a blind date.

—I still use the dating software developed by my ex-boyfriend’s company.

However, the blind dates seem to have a little flaw...

Blind date partner A: Elegant, modest, considerate and restrained, but her skin is cold and has a faint scaly texture. Maybe she has a skin disease.

Blind date partner B: A sunny, cheerful and clingy little milk dog who seems to have skin hunger and thirst. When hugging, he always feels that his hands are not only sticky...but also sticky.

Blind Date Object C: Cool, handsome and taciturn, with a full body and fleshy body, he is very greedy, but he always likes to howl at the moon at night, which is too disturbing.

Blind date partner D: Gentle, kind, and naturally dull. When dating, she always chooses a place with water. Even if she sings well, it's a bit boring.

She doesn't know that her very existence is an absolute attraction to all monsters.

After they were madly obsessed with her, she turned away with a cold "we are not suitable".

Jiang Jiang: What kind of junk software does your company develop, and the quality of users is so uneven.

Ex-boyfriend: ...that's not a dating app, it's a monster search app.


1. The heroine is a heartless heartthrob, a petite little princess, and the heroine slices

2. There may be more blind dates than copywriting, the prototype may change, there may be monsters, ghosts, or indescribable, and the text will be decided later. Prototypes and demihumans will appear depending on the author xp

3. The copy has been screenshotted

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