MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 14 Old House Wraith

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"Is this... is it over?" Ji Chen looked at the rising sun in the sky, his eyes were stinging and he didn't blink.

Xie Xinghui scratched his hair irritably: "How on earth are we going to get out of here? Why is the system offline at this moment... Is it possible to really ask the owner of this mansion?"

Everyone is reluctant.

The few ghosts I met were scary enough, and the owner of the house must be even scarier... Maybe he sent ghosts to harass them.

"Also... what should Tang Sisi do?"

After Cui Miaomiao said this, the atmosphere became awkward.

"The door is locked here, and we can't get out, so we can only let her lie in the room first." Jiang Jingzhe said calmly.

Everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

I can only hope that Tang Sisi is really just an ordinary lethargy, not a serious illness... Even if they don't have that kind of bond and sense of identity between them, and Tang Sisi is no different from an NPC in their eyes, it doesn't mean that they want her accident.

"By the way... Where's Yu Shu? Why is she missing?" Ji Chen still didn't know what happened to them, and was very confused.

Cui Miaomiao rubbed her arms with a grim expression.

Jiang Jingzhe succinctly described what happened to them, and Ji Chen and Xie Xinghui were taken aback when they heard it.

Xie Xinghui concluded his statement: "So, you solved the daughter and mother of this family in one night?"

Jiang Jingzhe corrected the wording strictly: "It can't be regarded as a daughter, it's just a daughter's doll."

"But that kitchen knife ghost also admitted it." Cui Miaomiao said.

Jiang Jingzhe thought for a moment: "Ah, that's it... My daughter ran away and found a substitute."

Everyone: "..."

Xie Xing retorted: "So how do we seek help from the owner when we have solved the problem of his wife and children?"


Cui Miaomiao said far-fetchedly: "At that time, the kitchen knife ghost... was that ghost mother, who was about to kill us, but was stopped by a man's voice."

Jiang Jingzhe responded logically: "Then it should be the owner of the house, maybe he doesn't have a good relationship with his wife and children."

Although it sounds like a fool, Jiang Jingzhe still has a factual basis. In the little girl's diary, the family was originally very harmonious, but later the father's attitude changed, and it was very likely that he had done something to her mother.

[Laughing to death, how can these two people always get involved in **** emotional dramas when they sing and reconcile together]

【And I actually think it makes sense! 】

[I always feel that the owner of the old house must be the final boss... I suddenly became nervous]

They decided not to discuss the topic for now.

In fact, Xie Xinghui felt that they were a bit like elementary school students who skipped to the next question when they couldn’t solve the problem—the final result was usually that the entire homework was “skipped”.

"Speaking of which, Yu Shu and Ren Kaiwen should be normal people when they first came to this world, but they were replaced later." Ji Chen thought for a while, "Yu Shu didn't come to the event on the first night, maybe it was the time to be replaced."

Cui Miaomiao nodded vigorously: "And she said that she would catch up on sleep the next day, which is really suspicious... Hey, did Kevin Ren help her speak at that time?"

Jiang Jingzhe said affirmatively: "He said he called Yu Shu, and it was also the meal he gave Yu Shu."

If something went wrong with Yu Shu, Ren Kaiwen should be the first to discover it.

"So Ren Kaiwen had already been replaced at that time?" Xie Xinghui speculated following their words.

Ji Chen: "Very likely."

Jiang Jingzhe gradually pieced together the whole picture: "Ji Chen had already told the story of Qingxingdeng on the first day, if Qingxingdeng did not lie dormant for a day, but acted on the same day..."

"The person being attacked is Ren Kaiwen!" Cui Miaomiao suddenly realized.

The current situation can be said to be very embarrassing.

In addition to their "Heartbeat Countdown" romantic guests, there are three people who teamed up with them to participate in the courage test. Now Ren Kaiwen is replaced by Qing Xingdeng, and Yu Shu has been missing since the first night, and was directly replaced by Ghost Mother identity, Tang Sisi was also unconscious...

What kind of disaster romance is this.

Cui Miaomiao found comfort in it strangely, and said: "It's better that our relationship is sweeter, so far no one has died."

"..." Xie Xinghui said quietly, "How can you prove that we are all original goods?"

Cui Miaomiao cracked open.

The interaction between the two of them relieved the heavy atmosphere, Ji Chen could not hold back a smile, and Jiang Jingzhe showed a horrible smile with a wicked smile.

Cui Miaomiao: ...

"Although I guessed why they disappeared, it doesn't seem to help our current situation." Ji Chen was a little distressed, "Sure enough, we should go to the owner of the house."

Xie Xinghui had no way to use his past shooting experience to speculate on their current situation, "It stands to reason that the shooting of a romantic drama can end when there is enough material, but our system doesn't know what mode it is... What conditions do we need to meet? ?”

Jiang Jingzhe thought of something, she said: "Maybe we still need to complete all the romance tasks?"

"But we are finished with what it arranged for us..." Cui Miaomiao answered, and then paused for a second.

Xie Xinghui also guessed the answer: "You received a solo mission?"

Jiang Jingzhe nodded.

"The original words of the system are 'the little girl reminds me of the lost daughter of the owner of the house. I am kind and I should help their family reunite'." Jiang Jingzhe said numbly, "But I'm almost done, just go up and send It should be enough to touch the doll, and there is... I don’t know where the lost daughter is.”

"It would be great if the doll can continue to be used as a stand-in and help me complete the task." She said boldly.

Cui Miaomiao laughed unceremoniously immediately: "You are kind hahahaha!"

The corners of Xie Xinghui's mouth twitched: "How do you plan to reunite them...?" He struggled to utter the last two words.

Jiang Jingzhe was very confident: "The leaves fall back to their roots."

Ji Chen raised his forehead: "Ah, this..."

After killing someone's wife and child, sending the body back for people to 'reunite', wouldn't it really induce rage...

[Laughing to death, laughing to death]

[You are still ruthless, Jiang Jingzhe! 】

【Jing Zhe: Yeah, I'm here to give everyone a gift, thank you for your hospitality these days~ (Suddenly Appeared.jpg)】

However, this is the only clue so far. They can only go upstairs fully armed.

Taking advantage of the daytime, the most important thing is to solve the problem.

"I hope the ghosts can be more sensible and don't come out during the day." Cui Miaomiao whispered.

Jiang Jingzhe poured cold water: "If they don't come out during the day, maybe they won't be able to complete the reunion mission."

Cui Miaomiao trembled, letting her stay up for another night would be too suffocating.

In a blink of an eye, she thought of another way: "Maybe we can sleep in the same room, like the Datong shop, and take turns keeping watch at night."

Xie Xing turned back and said coolly: "Then he was thrown into the pot?"

Cui Miaomiao: "..."

Jiang Jingzhe and his team went to get the doll that was soaked in the bucket.

"You just stuffed it in here?" Xie Xinghui asked in disbelief.

Jiang Jingzhe looked back innocently: "It likes this place very much! Look at it smiling."

Ji Chen said silently: "That's because its mouth was sewn into a smiling face."

After a few seconds of silence, Ji Chen changed his words: "Yes, it is laughing."

Xie Xinghui: "..."

Carrying the bucket, she came to the master room next door through the secret passage—fortunately, the secret passage was still not sealed, but she didn't know if she would see a monster with a **** mouth after getting out or nothing happened.

The master room couldn't be opened from the inside or the outside of the door. They had tried all of this. Unless she wanted to climb over the broken pipe outside the old house, this was the only way to enter the master room.

Cui Miaomiao was crawling and found that Jiang Jingzhe was not moving.

"What's wrong?" she asked suspiciously.

Jiang Jingzhe started to twist her body, but Cui Miaomiao couldn't hear her voice.

"Hey, answer!" Cui Miaomiao panicked.

She thought a lot in her mind for a moment—maybe Jiang Jingzhe was eaten by a monster as soon as she poked her head out...or her head was cut off by a kitchen knife, so her body was stuck here.

Damn it, why did she choose the second one to come over? She should be the last one to go, so as not to be stuck in the middle.

Wait, isn't their behavior a bit bad now? Did Jiang Jingzhe say before that the owner of this old house might be doing some strange experiments? Shouldn't they be made into human centipedes?


Then, as if a clogged toilet was suddenly unblocked, Jiang Jingzhe bounced forward.

Cui Miaomiao moved backwards so fast that her foot even kicked Xie Xinghui's face, and he scolded, "What are you doing?!"

Cui Miaomiao said in a panic, "I don't want to become a human centipede!"

Xie Xing replied:? ?

Ji Chen:? ?

Jiang Jingzhe: "God, I don't want to either!"

Cui Miaomiao:? ?

[Who can tell me how many episodes I missed? 】

[Hahahahaha, relying on this comprehensive system is too damaging, what kind of magic can actually project Cui Miaomiao's psychological activities]

[Hahahahahahahahaha fortunately she can't see the barrage, otherwise I'm afraid I can't wait to leave this universe]

[I have reason to think that the eldest lady has been targeted hahahahaha]

She got out and said in surprise, "You're not dead?"

Jiang Jingzhe froze for a moment, tilted her head in doubt, and said uncertainly: "It seems that he is not dead...?"

Ji Chen was almost speechless by them, and asked, "Why did you die?"

They are just ordinary tunnel-like wardrobes.

Cui Miaomiao asked: "Then why did you dawdle for so long?"

Jiang Jingzhe is very innocent: "The bucket is too wide, I can't pull it out."

It seems that her description of the toilet is still somewhat correct. Cui Miaomiao thought out of time.

"Oh," Cui Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed, and turned her head away in a whitewashed manner, "Look..."

Usually, when people change the subject, they like to say things like 'Look at the plane in the sky', 'Look at that cloud, it's so beautiful', although it is old-fashioned, it is very practical.

In the next second, her pupils trembled: "Damn! There's someone sitting there!"

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