MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 141 The whole world knows I love you

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   Chapter 141 The whole world knows that I love you

   Xie Beici, who was officially on the job, was indescribable ecstasy in his heart.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is like a bird that has been locked up for a long time, suddenly it is free, and it can fly freely in the sky.

  The beauty of the first love, the tenderness of the first kiss, the moment of hugging each other, the love in the heart can no longer be hidden, as if breaking through the darkness before dawn, emitting a scorching warm light.

   Yu Yin was a little embarrassed at first, after all, it was the first time to fall in love, and the secretion of dopamine made her happy, but also shy.

  Xie Beici held her hand all the time, infecting her gradually becoming bolder, he hugged his arm and leaned gently.

  The air of the car is flowing slowly, the sour smell of love seems to have no bitterness, invisible but so strong.

  The two did not go back immediately, they were going to go to the supermarket to buy something before going back.

   The black car stopped under the tree, Yu Yin got out of the car, and was suddenly hugged by Xie Beici, and then turned around.

   startled Yu Yin and looked around subconsciously. Fortunately, there was no one around.

   Yu Yin's face was slightly red, slightly shy, "You pay attention to your image."

  Xie Beici stretched out his arms, wrapped his hands directly around her shoulders, and took her into his arms: "Pay attention to what image, as long as you're not blind, you can see what our relationship is, and you won't feel anything wrong."

   Yu Yin didn't say anything, she looked around, everyone was not surprised.

   Occasionally look over, with bright eyes, not because of their actions, but because of their looks.

   When she entered the supermarket, she heard a little girl whispering with her good friend next to her, "Oh my God, that man is so tall and handsome, he looks like a star."

   "His girlfriend is also very beautiful, she looks so good, a talented woman."

   The lingering sound gradually let go, and after a while of discomfort, I didn't care.

   After coming out of the supermarket, Xie Beici posted another circle of friends, this time he and Yu Yin clasped their fingers together.

   is also accompanied by a paragraph of text: Holding hands with you, the wind and rain are together, and the joys and sorrows are shared. Even if the temples are pale, the ten fingers are still clasped together, and we enjoy the setting sun together.

  This text has to be said to be very sour, and before Xie Beici, he posted a circle of friends to announce his relationship.

   Therefore, there are some likes from this friend, but more complaints.

   [Damn, you didn't announce your relationship before, and you posted it again, a few meanings. 】

   [Can have a few meanings, just abuse single dogs. 】

  【Who abused? Believe it or not, I'm going to find three girlfriends tomorrow. 】

  【Knowing that you are in love, can you keep a low profile. 】

  [The circle of friends is not used to show affection. Haven't you heard that the higher the tone, the faster the score? 】


   Familiar friends complained freely. In addition, some of them were not very familiar with Xie Beici, and their relationship was not very good, so they were shocked.

   After all, for their circle, love is a game, and marriage can also be a communication.

  Xie Beici fell in love, they were already surprised that they were still so tired and crooked, their jaw dropped.

   Want to laugh, this is because of love lost my head,

   But that was Xie Beici, Xie Beici who they couldn't catch up with.

   can only say that this is true love.

   At the same time, they were also full of curiosity about the woman who could win Xie Beici.

   It just so happens that Xie's annual meeting is coming soon, and if he wants to come to Xie Beici, he should bring people there, otherwise, it will be just for fun.

   This also includes the people of the Xu family. They are trembling with fear and hope that on the day of Xie's annual meeting, the lingering sound will not appear...

   "Why did you post on Moments again, you didn't post it once before," Yu Yin coughed dryly.

   She didn't post it even once, it was a bit too slap in the face, she was too embarrassed to post it.

  Xie Beici, who was driving, looked at her slightly, and asked her, "Would you like to post one too?"

  Yuyin told the truth: "I'm afraid people will laugh at me."

   Xie Beici had not experienced the matter of shooting himself in the foot with a stone, and raised his eyebrows: "Who dares to laugh at you."

   Yu Yin: "After all, I used to tell people what I just wanted to do, not men."

  Xie Beici was the same as before, and did not force it: "As you please, everyone who should know about our relationship should know."

   But after a while, he said again: "But if you post on your Moments, it means that you have a significant other, and those Yingyingyanyanyan, flowers and plants will not pester you in the future."

  Yu Yin agrees with this. Since Xie Beici answered the phone for her, Shen Yichu has never called her again.

   She opened the photo and said to Xie Beici: "Then I'll send you a photo."

  Xie Beici immediately sat up straight, "Just shoot."

  Yu Yin took a profile photo of him driving, like a series he took for her.

   The photo was taken very well, and the lingering sound was quite satisfactory. Before posting it, he shook it in front of Xie Beici: "Look at what I took, and then look at what you took at the time. Your skills are not good, you need to practice more."

The word   Technology... Xie Beici glanced at Yu Yin, his ears a little red: "As for technology, after having you, I will definitely practice more."

   Yu Yin was sending a message, but he didn't find Xie Beici's implication.

   She is really a little jealous of Xie Beici, a man with such good skin, he doesn't need P pictures at all, but he has the effect of his own beauty.

  Yuyin is also accompanied by a little arrogant saying: The whole world knows that I love you, hum! !

As soon as    was posted, the circle of friends immediately gained more than a dozen likes, followed by a message asking if she was in love.

   There are those who are surprised and blessed... and fellow males, crying in the comment area that they are broken-hearted.

  Xie Beici knew that Yu Yin had posted a circle of friends. While waiting for the red light, he opened WeChat and liked it, and quickly commented: "The whole world doesn't know that I love you."

   Cao Yiyi: [—. -acid! You two are blocked together! 】

  The high school classmates who have their WeChat together, send the screenshot of this Moments to the group.

   Immediately, someone replied: [The performance is played, and Yu Yin is played again. 】

  【This time, it’s still two mobile phones acting together, and I don’t know if it will be schizophrenic. 】

   [Xie Beici's information in the circle of friends must also belong to her. 】

   Cao Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore, so he replied in the group: [Xie Beici hates Yu Yin so much, and he has such a good relationship with you guys, but you guys can use Xie Beici's mobile phone and play it for me to see. 】

  The group was silent for a moment, and there was no reply after that.

   All the lingering voices in the group also know that she is as stable as a dog for her character, and she can't be shaken. She has long since gone from shock, anger, speechlessness, helplessness... and finally felt a little funny.

   Just let them play, I just hope that when they get married, they will be shocked and look for big teeth all over the place.

   Yu Yin's circle of friends has more than 100 likes.

  Professor Chen also called her directly and asked her: "Is the guy in the circle of friends your boyfriend?"

   (end of this chapter)