MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 137 It's you who take advantage

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   Chapter 137 It's You Who Take Advantage

ah? He... he he he he what is he talking about? !

  Yuyin's small red face, which was originally reddish, rumbled as if it had exploded.

   His heart beat like thunder, and he couldn't say a word.

   Xie Beici raised the corners of his mouth high, as if he was inviting, the ambiguous factor in the air seemed to be about to explode.

   "Let's be silly."

  Xie Beici was funny in his heart, but his face was calm, and he had to say this on purpose, with a burning breath, with an indescribable temptation.

   Resound: "..."

  Since he opened up his words that time, Xie Beici has no scruples after stripping his mind, direct and domineering.

   Now it's still...

   The point is, this is her home, how dare he have such an idea! !

  Yu Yin pointed his finger on his chest and pushed him away a little: "You are not afraid that my dad will see that he molested his daughter in his house, be careful he will kill you,"

  Xie Bei raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly, "I didn't say now, do you want to kiss me now?"

   Yu Yin was stunned for a moment, only to realize that she was being tricked again. She was instantly angry and kicked Xie Beici directly.

  Xie Beici pretended to be in pain: "I'm crippled, you have to take care of me every day from now on."

  Yu Yin ignored him and grabbed the flower tea in his hand. Xie Beici didn't leave and stayed by her side.

   The two of them didn't know it at all. The scene where they almost kissed just now was seen by everyone...

   "These two can't be, can't find where to put the tea?"

  Mother Yu saw that the two of them hadn't come out for a long time, so she got up and went to the kitchen.

   Just saw the two of them almost sticking together, she was stunned, almost screamed, and quickly covered her mouth.

   Father Yu saw this and thought something had happened, so he stood up and walked over in confusion.

   After seeing the picture of the kitchen, his brows furrowed, and he immediately wanted to rush in.

   As a result, Yu's mother stopped him, forbid him to enter, and dragged him to sit on the sofa in the living room again.

   Yu's father was a little displeased, "What are you pulling me for, you didn't see them just..."

   Yu's mother asked: "So what?"

   Yu's father said angrily: "To dare to take advantage of my daughter, of course, throw it out immediately."

   Yu's mother: "That's what you brought home too."

   This sentence successfully choked Dad Yu.

   He stared, speechless.

  I knew earlier!

  I would have known earlier...probably still brought it up.

   Such an excellent son-in-law.

   Yu's mother: "I see you, you were quite satisfied just now."

   After a while, Dad Yu murmured, "I can't molest my daughter. How can I enter our Lao Yu's door with such a frivolous behavior."

   Yu's mother gave him a roll: "They are in love."

   Yu's father: "Love can't be like this... In front of us, it's too crazy!"

   Yu's mother: "You used to be more mad, not to mention that it was just to grab something."

   Yu's father is completely out of temper now, "I'm not married, so I can't be too careless, I have to beat him later."

   As for how to beat him, he wanted to go into the kitchen to cook, so he also called Xie Beici to beat him.

   The lingering sound is a little gloating,

   After all, Xie Beici is a great man, and he doesn't come into the kitchen very much.

   She quietly took a look and saw that Xie Beici was standing beside the trash can peeling garlic according to her father's instructions.

   That picture is very inconsistent.

  The contrast is too large, and it is inexplicably cute.

   Yu's mother saw that she was smiling like a stealthy cat, and was suddenly speechless, "I said to you, do you often bully Xiao Xie?"

   "Mom," Yu Yin looked at her mother in surprise: "You're right, look at Xie Beici, do you look like someone who will be bullied by me?"

   "Why not?"

   "I'm the one being bullied."

"Are you bullied?" Yu's mother laughed twice: "Our home is in the old city, and it's two hours' drive from the new city. You just bought an egg **** and sent it to you, you are being bullied. It's quite moisturizing."

  Yuyin immediately said: "You have been deceived, the egg tarts were sent by him, just to force the palace."

   "It's still forcing the palace," Yu's mother put the last piece of watermelon in the fruit bowl and stuffed it into her daughter's mouth: "Why don't you talk about trying to usurp the throne."

   Yu Yin wrapped a mouthful of watermelon and said buzzingly: "Is the egg **** sent by him, or I will know after it is delivered."

   "Okay," Yu's mother interrupted her: "You finally caught up with people, don't bully them away."

   Yu Yin: ...... infatuated, too lazy to explain.

  Mother Yu got up and went to the kitchen with the fruit plate.

  I don't know what I was talking about with Xie Beici inside. When I came out, Yu's mother asked with a serious face: "Ask you something."

   Yu Yin wondered: "What's the matter?"

   Yu's mother: "Do you two live together now?"

  Yu Yin immediately shook his head: "Of course not, Mrs. Mother, we are only in love, how can we live together before marriage."

  's mother Yu agrees with what she said: "What you said is very reasonable, but you live outside alone, and you have been slaughtered before, or you can share a two-bedroom and one-bedroom together."

   The community where Yu Yin lived, Yu's mother went there, she knew it was shabby, and there was no security management.

   But the living environment in Xincheng District is quite safe. She used to feel at ease. A few days ago, Yu Yin was fleshed out, and Yu's mother was just a little worried.

  If Yuyin doesn't come back this weekend, they also plan to go to Xincheng to see Yuyin in two days.

   But just now, Xie Beici was talking to Yu's father about the commercial spy named Gao Han, and she couldn't help feeling uneasy and uneasy.

   I thought to myself that it would be good to find a boyfriend, someone to take care of her, at least there is a man at home, and the safety is one more layer.

   Yu Yin was startled: "It's not good to live together before marriage."

   Yu's mother: "I didn't say that there are two bedrooms and one living room, and each of you sleeps in one."

  Yuyin was also drunk, the first time she saw her, she pushed her daughter into the wolf's mouth.

   and her father, who didn't stop her for a little while, but brought Xie Beici home instead.

   When someone else's father sees his little cabbage being bullied by a pig, he is not always hostile to the pig.

  Her father is good, and he still looks appreciative.

   Yu's mother had an open face: "There's nothing wrong with cohabiting before marriage, just to check in advance whether he is suitable for marriage in the future, just stay together if it's suitable, and stop the loss in time if it's not suitable."

   Yu Yin was ashamed: "You are not afraid, your daughter will be taken advantage of."

   "Oh, you think I don't know, you really want something to happen, you can't live in his house, what we want will happen, these two people fall in love, it's a matter of course, the king and Laozi can't stop it."

   Having said that, Yu's mother glanced at her daughter with disgust: "Besides, if you want to take advantage, it's also you taking advantage."

   Resound: "..."

   Xie Chengyun was right, she paid for the phone bill!

   First update a chapter, there is more to come, ask for a monthly pass



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion