MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 120 he doesn't have a girlfriend

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   Chapter 120 He doesn't have a girlfriend

  The cold wave is coming.

  The weather in Shenzhen After a rain, the cold air came strongly like a galloping wild horse.

   The temperature drops drastically, of course, you need to add clothes to keep warm so that you don’t catch a cold.

  Xie Beici is a very self-disciplined person. Although he is a workaholic, he also knows that the body is the capital of work, and naturally he will not allow his body to have problems.

   I have always been in good health, and I have hardly ever had a cold or a fever.

   I came out of Yuyin’s house and got wet in the rain, so I didn’t deal with it immediately, and I was busy again after that.

  The slight cold and warmth alternated, and he managed to catch a cold, and his forehead was hot and feverish.

  The night wind became fierce and the thunder rumbled.

   The dark sky seemed to be falling.

   The rain fell with a crackle, and it didn't stop until dawn the next day.

  The sun slowly showed his head, opened his sleepy eyes, and shone down lazily.

  Aunt Xu arrived at the villa where Xie Beici lived on time and started to prepare breakfast for Xie Beici, just like before.

   She used to be a maid in Xie's house.

   After Xie Beici moved out, she has been in charge of the villa.

  I have known Xie Beici for many years, and I have always known that he is a very regular person. He must get up at seven o'clock every day.

   But it's past eight o'clock now, and Xie Beici was still in the bedroom and didn't come out.

  Aunt Xu was a little worried and knocked on the door of Xie Beici's bedroom, but there was no response inside.

  Xie Beici has always paid attention to privacy. If she is in the bedroom, it is difficult for her to break in without permission.

   was hesitating and didn't know what to do when the door downstairs opened and Zhang Tesuke came.

   Aunt Xu hurriedly ran down and said to Special Assistant Zhang, "Mr. Xie hasn't gotten up, and I didn't answer when I knocked on the door."

   Special assistant Zhang frowned.

   Quickly walked to the bedroom, saw Xie Beici still lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, his face was rosy, he touched his forehead, it was very hot.

   This is a fever.

   Special assistant Zhang quickly called Dr. Lu.

   Dr. Lu came quickly.

   Looking at the sleeping Xie Beici, he did a simple check.

   "It's okay, he just has a fever, and the fever is a little high. I gave him an injection to reduce the fever, take good care of him, and need to rest."

   Special assistant Zhang asked Lu Doctor, "Will it continue to burn?"

  Doctor Lu: "Not necessarily, take your temperature once an hour, and call me if you have any questions."

   Special Assistant Zhang: "Okay."

   Aunt Xu raised the temperature in the bedroom a little, and put on a blanket and put it on the quilt. It seemed that she could hear Xie Beici talking, but if she listened carefully, she was calling Yu Yin.

   "Yu Weiwei..."

   "Don't go."

   She didn't stay long, and left the bedroom lightly, trying not to disturb Xie Beici's rest.

   When I got downstairs and saw Special Assistant Zhang, Aunt Xu asked worriedly: "Just now, Xiao Xie was calling Miss Yu's name, didn't they quarrel?"

   "No, maybe he's sick and vulnerable, so he thinks about the person he likes," Zhang Tesuke said, but he really didn't know if the two quarreled.

   Thinking of the incident on the Internet, it is not impossible for the two to quarrel.

   He didn't talk too much with Aunt Xu.

   Just let her cook some porridge, for fear that Xie Beici would wake up and want to drink it.

  Zhang Te also called Yu Yin, but the phone was turned off. He originally wanted to go directly to Yu Yin, but then he thought it was wrong.

  If the two really quarreled, he asked Yu Yin to come over, and Yu Yin would definitely not come.

  Zhang Tesuke hooked his lips and smiled. If at this time, Xie Beici, who was sick, had no one to take care of, it would be different.

  If they really quarreled, just taking advantage of this opportunity, they can also make up.

   Thinking so, Zhang Tesuke dialed Xie's mother's cell phone instead.

  Although Xie’s mother went abroad to play with Xie’s father, she has always been concerned about Yu Yin’s affairs.

  After she would rather clarify that Yu Yin is innocent, Mama Xie already believed Yu Yin, and she was a little embarrassed and guilty because of her suspicion of Yu Yin.

   Originally wanted to call Yu Yin, but was stopped by Dad Xie.

  Xie Dad means, since you didn't say this at the beginning, don't say it now, lest the child think too much.

   Mom Xie listened to Dad Xie, and pretended not to know anything without calling to ask, but she has been paying attention to the development of the Internet.

   It was getting weirder and weirder to see how things were going.

   She didn't understand either, she clearly clarified that Yu Yin was not a junior, so why did she continue to scold and talk about the past.

   The problem is that these past events have no evidence, just rumors, but they believe ten percent.

   Xie's mother felt that something was wrong, and after Xie's father's advice, she found out that Yu Yin had been rectified.

  I was almost taken advantage of myself.

  No wonder that after she went abroad, Mrs. Xu asked her in surprise, why she went abroad suddenly, and she wanted to use her to embarrass her.

   "Fortunately, your son rejected me, and I didn't introduce their daughter to your son," Mama Xie and Papa Xie complained, expressing strong dissatisfaction with Xu Jiaxin.

   "I told you long ago that your son is not expected to be a monk. Don't worry, fate will come, and he will naturally get married."

  Xie Dad is really not worried about the eldest son, the eldest son is like him.

   His youngest son, like her wife, is sometimes too... naive.

  This innocent use on his wife is painful.

   can be used in his young son's heart, but it is a headache!

   Xie Dad comforted Xie Mama a few words, but Xie Mama was still very angry.

   After I decided to go back, I would not invite Mrs. Xu to join me in any banquets in the future.

   But she was even more angry with her son.

   Usually not very good, his girlfriend was scolded like this on the Internet, why did he do nothing.

   I thought that her husband would be better off, but she wouldn't let her suffer a little.

   At the same time, I feel distressed for Yu Yin. Being scolded like this, the child is so sad that he almost couldn’t help but called Yu Yin several times.

   Special assistant Zhang called, and Mother Xie was thinking again, should she call Yu Yin again.

   "What did you say? Beici has a fever, how could it suddenly be a fever?" Xie's mother was a little worried and wanted to go to the child at the first time.

   "I'm abroad now, and I can't take care of him, so I have to trouble you."

   "The domestic market has been unstable recently. Mr. Xie felt that there was a problem, so he arranged a lot of work for me, and I had to go to a neighboring city later." Zhang Tezhu said.

   "What should I do then?" When someone is sick, someone has to take care of them.

Next to   , Dad Xie said lightly while peeling oranges: "He doesn't have a girlfriend, just let his girlfriend take care of him."

   Xie's mother immediately understood, and said again and again: "Yes, yes, I will call the curl right away."

   Hearing the words, Zhang Tezhu smiled gratified, and left after explaining to Aunt Xu a few words.

   Zhang Te’s assistant couldn’t get through, and Xie’s mother couldn’t get through either, but she called Yang Kailin…

   (end of this chapter)