MTL - She’s Always Flirting with Me-Chapter 115 Did you treat me as a boyfriend

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   Chapter 115 Did you treat me as a boyfriend?

  Xie Dad asked again: "Then do you believe in your son?"

  Thank mom nodded.

   "You just have to believe in your son. He grew up with you, and how old is he like a person. Do you think that Yu Yin can pretend to be able to deceive your son?"

   Xie Dad's words made Xie Mama nodded thoughtfully: "Yes."

   But she is still worried. This matter is known to everyone on the Internet. If it is not handled well, her son will be laughed at in the future.

   Xie Dad said: "You haven't always wanted to go to Switzerland again. It just so happens that I have free time these days. Why don't we fly over there for a few days at night."


   "It's useless for you to worry, do you think your son will let you deal with it?"

   Xie's mother shook her head. Her son had an opinion since he was a child, and she could not interfere in his affairs after he went to college.

  Thank Dad: "So, let's go play ours, let him handle the affairs of that stinky boy himself, you don't have to worry about it

  Xie Mom hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

  Yu Yin received a lot of calls and messages, some concerned, some worried about her, some watching a play, and even some yin and yang scolding her.

   She called her family and friends back and explained it to them simply so they don't have to worry.

   would rather come quickly.

   She followed Xiaoshan to the office less than an hour later.

   "Yuyin." Rather, her eyes were a little red and swollen, she must have cried for a long time last night.

   She really likes Gao Han. From last night to today, she seems to have been pulled apart by force. One made her believe in Yu Yin, and the other made her believe in Gao Han.

   She, who has always held beautiful fantasies about love, is actually more inclined to believe in high cold.

   It wasn't until Xiao Shan came to her and showed her two videos that she completely believed that Gao Han had never loved her, and that Gao Han had been lying to her.

   Yu Yin raised her eyes and looked at Ning Jing.

  Rather lowered his head and felt very depressed. He sat down beside her, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I'm sorry."

  Yu Yin pursed her lips, and her tone was also a little low: "Actually, the person who should say sorry is me. He came for the data. The target is actually me. I have always wanted to tell you before, but I don't know how to say it."

   "I thought about it later, and found that his encounter with me seemed too coincidental," Ning Ning said, tears streaming down again: "I'm stupid, and I was blinded by his appearance."

"If someone wants to lie to you, it's very difficult for us to hide. After all, we don't have a pair of eyes that can read people's hearts." Yu Yin took out a tissue and handed it to her, softly comforting her: "Don't cry, such a man doesn't It's worth it, a girl's tears are very valuable."

   Rather wiped his eyes and sniffed: "I didn't cry for him, I just felt sorry, because I..."

   "Did you believe him last night?" Yu Yin asked.

"I don't believe in him, I believed in you in the first place, I know you wouldn't, not to mention that you already have an excellent boyfriend, it's impossible to like Gao Han, even if you don't, I believe you won't either. That kind of person, it's just that half of my heart hopes he didn't lie to me, and most hope everything is a misunderstanding."

   "Trust me, then don't be sorry," Yu Yin smiled at her, "I also believe you will believe me."

  I would rather laugh and stop myself from crying, "Thank you for believing in me, I... I have broken up with him, and I won't see him again in the future."

   added: "I saw the video on the Internet, and I immediately issued a statement to make it clear to everyone. It was Gao Han who wanted to seduce you, but I bumped into it and beat him up."

   Yu Yin: "Thank you, I would rather."

  Ning has Weibo, and even netizens picked up her Weibo.

   She directly logged into her Weibo to explain the truth of the matter, and also attached the monitoring of the studio.

   Originally thought that after the matter was clarified, netizens should have known that they were wrong, and they shouldn’t continue to scold if they didn’t apologize.

  Unexpectedly, I would rather clarify that the comments on the top of Weibo are all in the following style.

   [The person involved is an employee of Xiaosan Studio, the clarification must be false, or he will have to clarify if he is oppressed. 】

  【It's really spineless, thanks to me for supporting you, you don't want to be a good person, you have to be a dog, and you ignore the facts for the sake of work, won't your conscience hurt? 】

   [This junior has a very deep background. I wanted to seduce a partner who has a girlfriend, but in the end, the partner and girlfriend all went to prison. Most people can't afford to offend him. 】

  【Is there any more Wang Fa? Is there anyone who goes to hack this woman and see who is behind her? 】

  【As far as I know, when she was a freshman, she seduced her senior sister's boyfriend while she was a little pretty. This is a habit three. 】

  【I know this, I know, she robbed her sister's boyfriend, causing her sister to commit suicide. She has no conscience and no bottom line. 】


  The direction of public opinion is very strange.

   Rather clarify, not only did not calm down, but let the matter be guided, and went to the matter where the reverberation almost killed a person.

  Yuyin was sent to the Internet by malicious human flesh, mobile phone number, WeChat account Q number and other social tools.

   Her mobile phone and WeChat were all exploded, and all kinds of insults and abuse were very unsightly.

   The colleagues in the studio were all mad: "Why is this happening, are these people crazy? Even though they sent surveillance video to clarify, why do you want to pull out the past."

  I would rather stamp my feet anxiously: "How could this happen, what should I do now?"

   The development of things has pulled her senior sister out, and the sound is also a little messy. She doesn't know what to do now. She is just glad that she has a strong heart, and she didn't collapse because of it at the moment.

  Yuyin has always been very calm, so that everyone doesn't have to worry about her, things will be dealt with.

   It wasn't until he got home and closed the door that he showed a look of depression and sadness.

   Leaning on the sofa tiredly, looking up at the ceiling, his eyes were slightly red, his nose was sore, and he wanted to cry.

   The grievances came surging, almost wearing away all her tenacity.

   I want to cry very much.

   Actually, when she was in the studio just now, she almost cried.

   But she can't cry, and she's not used to showing her vulnerable side in front of others.

   The doorbell rang suddenly.

  Yu Yin sat upright, wondering who the person was coming, did she expose her social media to the Internet, and also her address on the Internet?

   She got up and walked behind the door, looking out from the cat's eye.

   Seeing Xie Beici's handsome face, she was stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief, then opened the door: "Why are you here?"

   "The people in the studio said that you were home, and they couldn't get through to you on the phone, and they didn't return the message," Xie Beici looked her up and down, and only entered the room when she saw that she was fine.

  Yuyin's phone was turned off after being blasted: "Thank you, I'm fine."

  Xie Beici: "I didn't say it. If you can't, just find me. Do you consider me your boyfriend?"

   Two chapters have been added to the monthly pass. In the next chapter, the male protagonist has confessed, and he will continue to ask for the monthly pass.



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion