MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 297 Battle of the Emperor (below)

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~ Date: ~ November 07~


Originally, but compared to it, the loss of the Mozu is even greater, with the help of the magical cannon, coupled with the beginning of the shot, the absolute advantage of the Mozu has been reduced a lot. Each magical cannon has a special person to control, lock the enemy, launch! When the third round was launched, the Mozu who died under the magical gun had exceeded 500. Although the destructive power caused by the latter two rounds of launch is much smaller, there is always a threat to the magical cannon when there is a demon can't dodge or can't resist it. Even the three dragons of the magic dragon team are combined. The strong will also be affected.

In the sky.

The collision between Long Haochen and the Emperor of the Devil is close to the extreme. Between the white and the golden light, there is a black hole about 30 meters in diameter, the edge of the black hole, half of which is white and half is black. Gold. The enormous pressure brought by it also invaded Long Haochen and Demon Emperor.

The gap between the repairs and the above is obvious at this time. The dragon swords in the hands of Long Haochen have obviously trembled, while the demon gods are still calm. And he did not use any weapon equipment.

However, the Emperor of the Devil did not say anything to Long Haochen. He had made up his mind to defeat Long Haochen first, and then tried to make him surrender.

Long Haochen just had a deep pain in him, that is, he killed the dragon in the star tower. There is already a care in the heart of the demon god. As the Lord of the Mozu, he has many secret laws, one of which has the ability to erase the spirit of the brand. He knows that it is impossible for him to let Long Haochen directly surrender. If this is the case, then retreat to the next, re-shape a personality and soul, let him be the inheritor of the Mozu.

First thoroughly test the morning, and then erase his memory and spiritual brand, but smash his cultivation. At that time, the Emperor of the Devil will re-transfer his blood power into the dragon's body, and will tear away the power of the night's tears from his body to make his own god.

The final outcome is that the demon **** himself becomes the real god, and Long Haochen is re-granted to the soul and then inherits the position of the Lord of the Mozu, instead of ruling the Mozu.

Undoubtedly, this process will be very complicated and difficult. But the demon **** is very confident in himself. Not only because he has enough ability, but also because he has enough time to plant the dragons that have been so deep and deep, which is far better than waiting for Abao. Moreover, A Bao's character is also not suitable for taking over the position of the demon god.

Long Haochen certainly didn't know what the demon **** thought. After the dramatic mental fluctuations, he now has completely strengthened his confidence. In any case, he must fight for humanity. Even if he still has the blood of the demon **** in his body, he will never back down. For thousands of people to regain control of the mainland. Completely break through the shackles of the dark ages of six thousand years. Whether it is the righteousness or the sacrifice of his own life, he is willing.

Therefore, Long Xinchen’s mentality at this time is more firm. The decisive color in his eyes was even a little uneasy when the devil saw it.

Long Haochen finally failed to persist in the confrontation, allowing the black hole between the collisions of the field to continue to increase. Just out of the range he can control, the double sword in front of him turned, and the strong golden light broke out again.

The black hole between the two sides broke out immediately due to the withdrawal of the dragon's morning field. Don't look at it, its diameter is only 30 meters, because it has not been opened under the pressure of both sides. At this time, Long Haochen suddenly withdrew his strength. Suddenly, the entire black hole broke out and the sky instantly darkened.

Because the demon **** also maintains the power of his field, which leads to the power of the black hole to fully emerge from the direction of Long Haochen, once he is not enough to support the outbreak of the black hole, he will be completely swallowed up.

However, the eyes of the morning are still calm, and he has already dealt with it when he withdraws from the field.

The eternal sword pointed into the air, and the white-light group around the three groups of ray around the Eternal Meander was used for the first time. The white glow was silently on the eternal stone, and then the body of Long Haochen disappeared.

There is no doubt that the three groups of light that surround the eternal glory are the king of Easton, the spokesperson of the green, and the seven colors represent the sacred dragon. And the group of Ying white represents the eternal angel.

And the three strong men who exist in the eternal domain represent the forces of nature, the power of life, and the power of stars in the throne of the eternal and creative gods.

At this time, the morning and morning mobilization is the most powerful power of the stars.

Although not the last sword in the Eternal Three Swords. It is also one of the powerful abilities that the throne of eternal and creative God has given him.

Just as his body disappeared, the impact of the black hole power was still.

The demon **** suddenly produced a strange feeling. It seems that Long Haochen has become this day. A strange sense of twist can not help but be shocked by his cultivation, and the original magic of convergence has broken out. A layer of dark blue lightning light instantly turns into a shield in front of the body.

In the next moment, the black hole formed in the air because of his collision with the dragon's morning field actually turned around. From the original face of Long Haochen, it turned out to be a full-scale outbreak to him.

The power of terror struck the field of the demon god, and suddenly his body was shaken. The black hole that broke out and the area that was restricted by the field were completely two concepts. The demon **** apparently did not expect that Long Haochen would have such ability and was caught unprepared.

However, the demon **** is the demon god, the black gold dragon behind him suddenly swayed the body of a kilometer long, and the demon **** retreated after the impact of the black hole.

The black hole's expansion speed is extremely fast, but after all, it is still a step slower than the horizontal golden dragon. The long dragon's body completely blocks the expansion of the black hole and instantly compresses inward, which hardens the expansion of the black hole. And fill this torn space a little bit.

At this time, the body of Long Haochen appeared, and he appeared on the way to the retreat of the demon god. The Eternal Sword points to the Demon Emperor. At the same time, behind him, countless stars shine at the same time.

The little starlight formed a huge angel pattern that became the background of the entire sky. The original white pheasant has completely turned into the night, and the starlight is like a light to gather together.

Long Haochen points to the Demon Emperor's Eternal Sword is like a guiding sword. Thousands of stars are instantly gathered and united, and then turned into a huge light column and smashed to the demon **** who completely lost the protection of Wujin Dragon.

The look on the face of the demon **** finally became dignified, and he felt heavy pressure for the first time. In this moment, a huge water-like black-gold light swayed in the huge devil in the distance. The volume is quickly reduced by several times.

A layer of black gold armor appeared in the void, and the demon king took a step forward. The black gold armor suddenly turned black, and the black gold-gray black color shimmered on him.

The gorgeousness of this black gold armor, even more than the eternal glory of Long Haochen.

In the center of the black headband, there is a dark blue diamond-shaped gemstone. The center of the gemstone is looming. The black hair of the demon **** is converged, and the neck is raised high. The neck of the demon **** is long and white, and it extends downward. For the shoulders, the shape of the shoulders is like a dragon wing, the two heads are raised high, the blacks are always spreading downwards, and a ridge line finally gathers into a huge dark blue diamond-shaped gem at the chest.

If there are no sides, a black spike will be provoked upwards, and the top of each spike will be singularly singularly golden and shiny, and the spikes spiral down to form the battle skirt of the demon god. Further down, it is a dragon-scale extension that protects the legs of the demon god.

The sides of the legs are also raised like a shoulder blade. Behind the demon god, there is no wings, only a huge dark blue cloak draped over the shoulders, completely obscuring his slender body from the rear.

A giant sword is also behind him, and the giant sword is even bigger than the body of the demon god. The length of the towel is at least two meters, the handle is one meter, and the width of the towel is close to one meter. The giant sword looks simple and unpretentious. There is no decoration. But it is behind the devil. How can it be an ordinary existence?

In the face of the last sword in the Dragon Eternal Eternal Three Swords, the Demon Emperor finally used the demonization of the Devil's Dragon Column. When the body armor enveloped the body of the demon god, whether it was Long Haochen or every strong man on the battlefield below, the people of the Mozu clearly felt that there was a pair of horrible eyes watching them.

The demon emperor did not use a sword. When the armor was covered on him, his eyes were brightened, and even with the gems on his chest and forehead, there was a dark blue glow.

His right hand was lifted up, and Long Haochen saw this. In the palm of the hand of the demon god, there is also a diamond-shaped blue gem, which is presented to him with the right hand raised by the demon god. .

The dark blue diamond jewel suddenly illuminates, and then, with the palm of the devil's palm as the center, a mask of dark blue and black gold appears. The mask is semi-circular, but it protects the body of the demon **** from the front.


The whole sky completely turned into an incandescent color in the next moment. The power of the strong stars made the starry celestial knight Yang Haoyu look up at the sky, and his starry sky domain was instantly infected, and the power was greatly increased. A nine-order moon magic was born and shattered by his field.

The incandescent sky also makes all the demons feel ashamed, and the momentum is greatly reduced. Even the moon demon and the star demon gods have their own convergence. They look up and look at the sky while shaking off their opponents.

I finally got it, sent it up, and asked for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket. To be continued

