MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 291 Deadly attack (below)

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The purpose of Samikina is to break into the interior of the Temple Federation in the shortest possible time. How can he let go of such a good opportunity? Therefore, he will launch a deadly attack at the most vulnerable time of this southeast fortress. In one fell swoop.

Among the 500,000-strong army, the most powerful 100,000 people finally appeared on the battlefield, and they must do their best in one battle. .

The rest of the dozen or so demon gods did not follow Samikina. At this moment, even those who are not ethnic, the eyes are full of resentment. They can of course see the ambitions and purposes of Samikina, but what can they do?

The devil's overall strength is even stronger than the Moon Mozu and the Star Devil. Ten thousand demons, this is what a terrible strength. The four demon kings, plus countless demon lords, commanders, great devils, magic and martial arts, strong body, but also inferior to human wisdom. Ten thousand demons are dispatched at the same time, what a horrible scene!

Even if other demon gods know that Sami Keina’s shot at this time is to take all the credit to himself, and to take away the biggest gain after breaking the Southeast Fortress, what can they do? Can they resist the demon gods in the five pillars of the demon?

They can't, don't dare. Even if they are now concentrated on more than 300,000 troops, they are not in the same league, especially those who do not have the totem of the demon gods will not listen to their assignments. No demon **** dares to make a head bird, so they can controversy, but they dare not really resist.

There was a brief calm on the battlefield in front of the Southeast Fortress, but the atmosphere on the entire battlefield became more depressed.

A large number of the Mozu army retreated from the front line, and they gradually dispersed to the left and right sides during the retreat. This also makes the six major professional strongmen who have just relaxed a few points of the Southeastern Fortress feel the tension of the moment.

The 100,000 demon army is like a sky-high approach to the southeastern fortress. At the request of the demon **** Samikina, they deliberately reduced the speed and made the huge pressure more deeply imprinted in each A Southeastern fortress warrior.

On the head of the southeast fortress city, no matter which kind of occupation, some of them participated in the jihad five years ago. But even in that jihad, the Mozu has never launched an offensive like this.

One day and one night, regardless of the cost of the wild attack. And they are all the most powerful races and elites of the Mozu. This is the first time they have seen this situation. The Mozu has a lot of undead!

Although the loss of the Southeast Fortress is not as great as that of the Mozu, it is said that the enemy is one thousand and self-destructive, and it is not known why. The original fortress of the fortress has not disappeared from the blasthole, although the six majors cooperate with each other. Greatly enhanced, but the enemy is too strong. The fifty thousand demons are elite! What a terrible strength this is.

At this time, most of the Southeast Fortresses are already wounded. Warriors and knights are better. Because of the large number of them, they can take turns to take a break from the city. But the magicians have never got a rest, even if Qiu Yonghao let them go, they will not. Persistence in the continuous fighting on the city has made them tired and die, the magical power of the body has long been exhausted, even if there is a magic crystal supplement. Their spirit is also completely overdraft, and almost every legal profession's eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes.

However, the war is not over yet, and the dead spirit demon Samikina has no intention of delaying the four considerations. On the contrary, he finally launched his own demon army, 100,000 demons, and this army of the demon. The most powerful force. In the southeastern fortress, many people’s eyes have begun to become desperate. Despite the quantity. They are by no means inferior to each other, but what kind of combat power the Devils have is very clear to everyone. Once this demon army is fully attacked, they cannot resist it.

Qiu Yonghao's eyes are like eagle, staring at the slow-moving demon army. He can feel the weakness of the southeastern fortresses and the helplessness and despair. In his heart, the war is still strong.

Come on, Samikina, come on, I will wait for you for a long time.

"Three seniors. Get ready to start." Qiu Yonghao said respectfully to the three magicians around him.

"Xiao Qiu, you are very good. It is the warrior temple master." The magician headed did not know why, praised Qiu Yonghao, and then the three magicians quickly turned away and disappeared in the blink of an eye. on.

The knights and warriors who fell on the ground tired and got up, picked up their weapons, and the magicians struggled to lift their staff. The magic they could release was very few, only at the last critical moment. Kill more enemies.

Despair in the eyes of everyone has begun to become a ruin, what is jihad, this is an endless war between the two races, without any room for gentleness. With the crazy offensive of the Mozu, once the southeast fortress city is broken, everyone knows how the demon will kill. In this case, it is better to die.

The battlefield is the best place to hone for any professional. Here, it is not only their cultivation, but also their heart. Undoubtedly, watching the coming of the Demon army, every six professional temples, their hearts have appeared sublimation. If they can still live after this war, there is no doubt that they will become the true elite of the six temples.

“All legal professions are resting in place.” Qiu Yonghao’s inexplicable orders were suddenly released, and the magicians, summoners and pastors on the city’s head were shocked.

The enemies are almost ready to let them rest?

"This is the command. Mankind will win." Qiu Yonghao emphasized another sentence. At the same time, his gaze has been locked in the distant gods of the dead **** Sami Keina.

The demon army on the ground occupies 70% of all demons. The third-order or above can fly in the air, 30%, but they are not flying high. In order to increase the pressure on the southeast fortress, they all fly 100 to one from the ground. Within a range of one hundred and fifty meters.

The demon family is a powerful race of magic and martial arts. If they are from the overall strength of the race, they are only inferior to the horrible existence of the anti-dragon dragon! The four demon kings commanded the army in four directions, and the dead spirit demon Samikina was in the middle. There was already a disdain and a strong murder on his face.

Despite the twists and turns, the Southeast Fortress is more tenacious than imagined, but it is no longer important. Samikina has absolute certainty to break through the Southeast Fortress in the next offensive. At that time, the people in these six great temples would only be a stepping stone to his progress.

Ordinary humans do not kill, but for the professions of the six great temples, the Mozu will never be merciless, this is the best opportunity to fight humanity. If they are not killed, how can the Mozu continue to maintain an absolute advantage?

The demon army is getting closer and closer, five miles, four miles, three miles...

Finally, the demon army has approached the distance of one kilometer from the city. The horror of Samikina has been fully presented in front of all human beings. The dead gray air is released around his body. The horrible death atmosphere turns into a huge demon head in the air. It seems to be biting a bit to the Southeast Fortress. . Although this time only he appeared alone, but as the fourth horror of the devil's seventy-two pillars, the demon gods who played before may not even have him strong. And Samikina also absolutely believes that no one in the southeast fortress has the possibility to compete with himself.

"Sami Keina." Just then, a sigh of joy rang in the air.

This sound came very suddenly, but it was unusually clear, and the rolling sound seemed to come from all directions. The strong sound made the body of the dead spirit, Samikina, unable to help but shock him. From this voice, he could hear it. Not good.

In the next moment, Samikina seemed to see what was the most horrible thing. The whole person actually flew out, and the distance was a few kilometers away. It was even more shocking.

What did he see?

It is a pagoda, a pagoda that suddenly appears in the air from the sky. The pagoda is presented in white, which is full of majestic white. In the process of falling, the volume becomes bigger and bigger, under the white light, just falls. Above the devil head in the air.

Everyone knows that the devil's head is the condensation of the power of the dead spirit, Sami Keina, but at this moment, the head is so broken under the suppression of the pagoda, even in the face of the white light can not even escape Instantly turned into a gray cloud of smoke disappearing into the white light, and the blazing white light became more eye-catching.

The demon army that is advancing seems to have suffered from the pressure. The demons in the sky have fallen to the ground and looked at the air. The pagoda has grown to more than a hundred meters high at this time. Within the white light, there are faint colorful halos spreading.

Artifact, no doubt, this is an artifact! Even if it is an artifact, it is not enough to make the 100,000 demon army so fearful. What they fear is the white light that is released from this artifact. The breath made the power of darkness in every demon violently trembled and trembled.

At this time, the dead spirit demon Samikina has completely lost the previous calm and potential, and in his eyes, it is full of gloom.

It is the pagoda, the pagoda.

If you ask Samikina who is the most feared person in his life, then he will definitely answer the devil, which is no doubt. But if you ask him what is the most fearful thing in this world, then his answer must be the pagoda that he once faced in Yulongguan, which belonged to the Dragon Tower of the Eternal Tower.


Next month, we will only end in 20 days, but tomorrow, at the beginning of the month, it will still erupt. For the gods, I want to burn the last flame. In the early hours of the morning, get rid of everyone to fight for our gods. Even if it is only one day, I hope to see God's seal on the throne.

Thank you!

For the final moment of October, ask for a monthly pass. I am waiting for you in the early hours of the morning.


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