MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 286 A Bao's super artifact? (in)

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The second hundred and eighty-six chapter A Bao's super artifact? (in)

The anti-day demon dragon is the first race of the Mozu, the individual strength is strong, and the demon gods have strong control over the whole demon. They are all eyes above the top. -<Book Sea Court>-Web.

After chasing the two black dragons for a while, they found that Yang Wenzhao’s cultivation was much lower than they thought. Because the star unicorn he rode at most is barely squeezed into the eighth-order threshold.

For the Cavaliers, the strength of the mount partner will increase as the Cavaliers improve, unless the initial choice is a low-level mount. The possibility that the Xingyao unicorn is promoted to the ninth order is small, but the powerful stellar unicorn can reach the eighth-order peak level in adulthood, and Yang Wenzhao’s mount is also just promoted to the eighth order. This means that Yang Wenzhao’s own cultivation is almost impossible to be a ninth order.

The black dragon ban is all about the ninth-order powerhouse, and the outer spiritual power is also the horror of more than 100,000. As the two garrisons get closer and closer, the disdain in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger. Is such a weak human being worthy of their two hands together?

Yang Wenzhao looked back at them and saw that the distance was getting closer and closer. Seeing that he was going to enter the opponent's attack range, he seemed to be anxious. The stellar unicorn was spurred to fall down quickly. And the following is just a mountain forest.

Want to escape with the help of the mountains? The two black dragons banned their faces and could not help but reveal a cruel look.

One of the guards lifted his right hand, and a dark light had already taken the lead to the forest below. The light group exploded about a hundred meters away from the forest, and a layer of black mist shrouded it. Suddenly, a large expanse of woods began to wither and erode, and disappeared as the eyes turned black.

The starry unicorn seems to be shocked, the wings are somewhat unstable, and the violent fall down. The two black dragons guarded him without any doubt, but also accelerated at the same time. Hurry up and kill this man, so I can go back to the cross.

The panicked star unicorn was suddenly earned by the wings when it was less than 50 meters away from the ground. At the same time, Yang Wenzhao’s golden light shone and injected his own spiritual power into the star unicorn. It is stable. (-<Book Sea Court>-net.) Regained control of the body.

However, in this way, his speed has been greatly affected. The two black dragon guards quickly deceived. They even used weapons without disdain. The black dragon on the left defensively swung his right hand and made a virtual move to Yang Wenzhao. Suddenly, in the middle of the air, a huge black dragon claw virtual shadow was instantly formed, the width was close to ten meters, and went straight to Yang Wenzhao and the Xingyao unicorn to catch the past.

Yang Wenzhao suddenly turned back, and in his hands, each of them had an epee with an orange-red brilliance, gold, and turned into a faint light and fog. Let his whole person be like a huge sun shining on the back of the star unicorn.

The glory of the sun.

This is an inheritance skill, originated from the original creation of the Knights of the Knights' defense and co-ordination.

The brilliance of the radiance of the sacred yang of the moment caused the two black dragons to feel the violent burning of the whole body and temporarily lost their vision.

The two black dragon guards shot at the same time and blasted in the direction of Yang Wenzhao. However, Yang Wenzhao crossed the starry unicorn wings and slammed it down again, falling down like a free fall. The attack that caused the two black dragons to defensive fell into the air.

At the same time, six different color spots flew quietly from the jungle below in six different directions. The six rays of light intertwine into a huge magical array in the air, shrouded the two black dragon bans that temporarily lost sight.

The Black Dragon Guard is the most powerful force of the Devil's Emperor. The attack is frustrated, and they suddenly feel some bad. Two black dragon guards hand in hand and made a roar at the same time.

The bright dragon humming. Two huge black dragon phantoms wrap around their bodies and guard them. Before the visual recovery, they did not hesitate to use the strongest defensive skills of the dragon guard, and it was the combination of the two, the defense can be imagined.

Unfortunately, they are not sure what kind of opponent they are facing.

The six figures instantly came in six directions, representing blue water, red fire, blue wind, yellow earth and black dark and gold light.

The six elements are gathered together, that is the powerful warrior of the six souls burning the soul of the strong.

The tyrannical skills from ancient times broke out in the next moment.

The six rays are instantly interlaced. The six-color six-pointed star made up of them shines instantly. The six strongmen, like the six stars in the six-pointed star, criss-crossed...

The founder of this formation is the **** of the dead, the **** of the undead, and the physical evils of Electrolux. Its name is called the element.

At the moment when the formation is unfolded, the six strong men have disappeared, and the six colored lights are instantly outlined, when the last point is connected. A huge light column with a silhouette of a six-pointed star suddenly rises from the sky, completely engulfing the black dragon guarding the body of the two exhibitors.

It’s too late for the Black Dragon Guard to react again.

The body black dragon instantly turned into six colors, and then they were solid but not infinitely defended.

Yang Wenzhao, who has already controlled his body underneath, looks at the six-color six-pointed star that has risen into the air. The heartbeat can not help but accelerate. The power of terror! At the same time, he also swiftly waved his right fist and became.

He and the memory of the memory have recently reached the bottleneck of the eighth-order rush to the ninth order. With the help of this sharp knife army, after several battles, they all have the feeling of breakthrough. Looking at the elements of the air, Yang Wenzhao seems to feel that he has seized the most important point.

The experience of the memory of the memory is almost the same as that of Yang Wenzhao. However, he does not have a star unicorn as a mount, so when he flees, the speed is slower. Therefore, the only difference between him and Yang Wenzhao is that he used a shield to block the attack of the Black Dragon Guard. He was beaten with blood, but he accelerated to fall.

The two magicians who greeted the two black dragons were guarded. The elements of the magic version are even more horrible than the Warrior version, because it is slightly inferior in attack power, but it can appear at a distance.

The same is the ninth order, than the physical strength and weapons, the Guardians from the Aion are not the opponents of the Black Dragon Guard. But more than the combat experience and the tacit cooperation and attribute matching between each other. They have the upper hand. Even in the case of one-on-one, it is not an easy task for the Black Dragon Guard to kill the Guardian. What's more, there are six pairs of two in the unintentional situation.

"Come on! Chasing me! I am so scared." Lin Xin flew in front, while teasing the two black dragons behind him.

He is a magician, although the flight speed is quite impressive, but it is still inferior to the two devils who are born to fly. However, the two Black Dragon Guards are unable to catch up with him.

Because, above the top of Lin Xin's head, there is a group of blue-colored violent sun. A group of fireballs are constantly flying out. It seems that it is not powerful, but the flight distance is extremely far, at least beyond the scope of the attack. Moreover, the explosive force is sturdy and the temperature is extremely high. So that the two black dragons were eagerly provoked by his provocation, but they could not get closer to him.

In the black dragon ban, the strength also has strengths and weaknesses. I don’t know if Lin Xin’s luck is not good. One of the two black dragon guards chasing him is a 9th-order second-level and a 9th-order third-level field. Strong.

After a series of provocations, the two Black Dragon guards were angry.

The 9th-order 3rd-level Black Dragon Guard screamed in the sky, and then immediately showed the body.

A huge black dragon with a length of more than 30 meters appeared in the air in the air, and the purple-red eyes were fierce. His companion immediately rode on the back of the Devil's Dragon, and the Demon Dragons took a shot and rushed to Lin Xin at full speed.

A layer of dark light spreads out of the body as he initiates the charge. Formed a huge dragon shape up to 100 meters.

This is the signature field of the Devil Dragons. In the Demon Dragon Field, almost 70% of the Devils can understand this field.

In the case of the demon dragon field, the role of Lin Xin's heart bursting fireball was completely resisted. The bombing is not in the field.

Seeing that the enemy is getting closer and closer, Lin Xin’s face is more and more intense. "I am so scared. Oh, it’s not right! Brother has medicine, brother is afraid of a fart!"

Two figures appeared quietly behind Lin Xin. At the same time, Lin Xin threw a pill into his mouth.

Then, the two Black Dragon Guards saw the most shocking scene of their lives.

The blue violent sun above the top of Lin Xin’s head suddenly surged, only a few times of breathing, turned into a huge blue light group with a diameter of 100 meters.

The hot temperature makes the air completely watery, and even the two anti-day dragons can't see Lin Xin's figure. They didn't know what Lin Xin did, but the next moment, a huge faucet was drilled from the huge blue sun with a diameter of 100 meters.

The faucet is naturally blue, and the length of a head is just the same as the length of the Demon Dragon.

How big is the huge faucet of 100 meters long? Almost occupied the whole of the air.

The blazing gaze stared at the rapidly approaching demon dragon, and the blue flame madly burned, seemingly angry because of the provocation of the demon dragon.

The two black dragon guards have already felt that they are wrong, and the one who turns into the devil is going to run.

However, a huge suction ruined the possibility of their escape. The huge blue faucet opened the dragon's mouth and made a whale swallow action.


Whale swallow! How do you read it? Ok, I am evil, when I didn't say it. Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. Do not vote carefully to get rid of the two words to achieve.


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