MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 88

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Tao Xinhe, who had always been dignified and generous in various occasions, saw Mo Qiqi smiling all over her face, holding half a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and about to kiss her with the other, she couldn't help but take a half step back.

With no eyes behind her head, she accidentally pulled her feet back and landed in a mud flat. Her black deerskin boots were stuck and she stopped. The obvious sense of stagnation brought Tao Xinhe back to her senses. What could she hide?

Tao Cheng has hardly seen the eldest daughter lose his composure like this, the surprise in his eyes is not concealed at all, he doesn't need to shy away from the difference between men and women because he is old, he carefully looks at the girl in front of him who is about the same age as the second or third daughter, and wants to know what it is Where is the sacredness, so that He Niang will be taken aback.

Mo Qiqi paused, looked down at her toes, kicked the dirt unconsciously, like a child who made a mistake explaining to an adult, and said, "Lady Tao, Brother Xi hasn't woken up yet, but the temperature has stabilized. It’s so hot, I don’t sweat much, and I lie down a lot calmer. The doctor said that if everything goes well, I’ll wake up in the afternoon.”

A slight "um" sound came from the opposite end of Tao Xinhe's nose. The two women seemed to think it was strange to talk about Gu Ningxi's condition like this, but they couldn't tell what was weird.

Mo Qiqi hastily held up the bouquet in his hand to show Tao Xinhe, and said, "I'm not just out to play around. I can't get in touch with brother Xi. Reading books and portraits are two old hens guarding their cubs, preventing me from following along with you." It’s like guarding against eagles. I’ll bring people to pick some flowers and bring them back to the house, and when Brother Xi opens his eyes and sees them, he might be happier.”

Tao Xinhe considered his words, lowered his crisp voice and said, "Miss Mo, don't tell me these things. You are free to come and go, and no one can control what you want to do. We met by chance, and it may be difficult to see each other in the future, so don't worry about me."

"Cough, cough, cough"—the sound of his father's heavy cough represents curiosity, Tao Xinhe tried his best to pull out/pull his feet out of the mud puddle, and put them under the skirt, trying to understate and finish the introduction as soon as possible:

"Father, this is...Miss Mo who came from Beijing to take care of Gu Sicheng. Miss Mo, this is my father Tao Yuanwailang."

Mo Qiqi was in awe. The person in front of him was Tao's own father who was of the same rank as Uncle Jichang. In his previous life, Master Tao was also not well evaluated by the mistress Cao!

Speaking of which, Mo Qiqi heard that this life is the same as the previous life, the father of Cao's natal family was once an official of the third rank, and died of illness not long after she married Gu Ningran.

In the previous life, Cao Shi added another reason to be jealous of Tao Shi because of this, he often said to Mo Qiqi and other concubines that if her father was still around, they would definitely not allow these **** to live. Mo Qiqi heard too much, and felt that Tao's father was a big man who could kill and kill, far more powerful than Ji Changbo, whose name was already dead, in her heart.

"Tao...Master Tao, I've heard about you for a long time...I've heard your name for a long time, I'm Mo Qiqi, can call me anything." Mo Qiqi was incoherent, her hands were like extra parts, she didn't know where to put them.

She glanced left and right, put the bouquet in her hand on Tao Cheng's chest with a "huh", and said shyly, "Master Tao, it's rude to give you a gift when I meet you for the first time. Let me give you a bouquet of flowers. Um... wish You... are in good health." Mo Qiqi tried hard to bite the bullet, her face flushed red.

Tao Xinhe was in embarrassment and just wanted to help her forehead. From the corner of her eyes, she saw her father turned from watching the show to being at a loss. She had to make a noise, otherwise a group of people staring at her here, when will it be a head.

Tao Xinhe stretched out her tender hands from the side, and took the bouquet that Mo Qiqi was going to hand over, and felt the warmth of the young girl's palms from several flower stalks.

She tried to persuade: "Miss Mo, on behalf of my father, I would like to thank you for your kindness. However, such behavior is not considered appropriate, so we should be more careful in the future."

With Mo Qiqi's tongue-tied, ignorant expression of not knowing what he did wrong, Tao Xinhe leaned into Tao Cheng's ear and whispered an explanation: "This girl is young and uneducated, simple and innocent, and she doesn't have a sense of propriety. She didn't see me at that time. Just give me a self-made/cut scarf, and give me shoes made by more than one man with a different surname, dad, don’t be offended, and don’t think too much about it.”

Tao Cheng regained his composure and understood Mo Qiqi's identity, wasn't it the reason why the eldest daughter cared so much that the couple reconciled?

After listening to the eldest daughter's explanation, his face returned to calm, and finally he greeted: "little girl, have you heard of me? Gu Ningxi told you? Thank you for your kindness of flowers, but the flowers are not worthy of me, an old man, so my family should give me the flowers." My daughter holds it, people and flowers complement each other, what do you think?"

Mo Qiqi didn't hear the meaning behind her words, she could only feel the bearded and noble figure in front of her paving the steps for her, and hurriedly stepped down the donkey: "Everything Mr. Tao says is right. But I didn't hear Brother Xi talking about you. He Don’t tell me anything, you only have Lay Tao in your heart, don’t worry. Ah, by the way, are you here to visit Brother Xi or Uncle? Are you delayed by my words?”

Tao Cheng nodded, saying that he came to visit, but he didn't mention who he was looking for. Mo Qiqi consciously backed away a few steps and turned sideways, and said to the father and daughter, "Sorry, sorry, I'm just used to chattering, and I used to chat with my neighbors for a long time without stopping. Come in quickly."

When Tao Xinhe passed by Mo Qiqi, she bit her soft flesh with her white teeth inside her lips, she nodded her head as if there was nothing, and heard Mo Qiqi and several servant girls chorus "Master Tao, Layman Tao, go slowly", for some reason, There was a helpless smile.

Mo Qiqi looked at the backs of her father and daughter for a long time, and murmured to herself, "It's nice to have a father." Then she leaned over to pick the flowers again, and moved slightly to the nearby dense flower field. There were stars in front of her eyes. On the same rank as him, Ji Changbo, the owner of this place.

Yesterday afternoon, she was taken into the house by Ji Changbo for questioning.

Cheng Shicheng confessed to her, saying that he might be a reincarnated person, since he met Mo Qiqi, he had more or less dreamed about what happened at the end of his previous life. He was obsessed with matters related to the Gu family, and instinctively thought that Mo Qiqi knew something, so he asked her to tell him something, and he would like to give him gold and silver as a gift.

After Mo Qiqi covered her mouth and listened to these words, she knew that she was not the only one who was different, and tears welled up in her eyes. Especially when she had just hit a wall with Tao Xinhe, and suddenly found someone who could chat with her about past and present lives in perfect harmony, most of her fear of Cheng Shicheng disappeared all of a sudden.

In the room where the two of them were alone, she even got closer to the strong man, and asked in a low voice as if answering a secret signal: "Is there something that calls itself a system that speaks in your ear?"

The two chatted for a long while, before reaching one point.

Ji Changbo's language was reserved, but he somewhat missed the content of the dream, which made Mo Qiqi tell the whole story about the past life she knew.

Cheng Shicheng regarded it as a great shame and humiliation to be conspired to be liberated by someone in his previous life, and with a gentle smile on his face, he repeatedly asked Mo Qiqi who claimed to be Gu Ningran's concubine in his previous life for various details in order to judge.

For example, the concubine in the third room of the Gu family, whose appearance he could describe, heard that she was inexplicably married away in her previous life and never heard from again, her fate was completely different from that of other concubine daughters. For example, when Gu Ningran and Mo Qiqi and other wives and concubines were in the same room, they would occasionally use some drugs to enhance their enjoyment, but Mo Qiqi didn't know the name of the drugs. For example, Mo Qiqi added that after his death in the previous life, Cheng Jia dealt with Gu Ningran relentlessly.

In this life, after observing the second wife of the Gu family, he used the method of elimination. In addition, only men can eat close to his diet. Cheng Shicheng roughly confirmed that the main culprit who drugged him in the previous life was Gu Ningran, and the Cao family was probably an accomplice. As for the third Gu family Fang and his wife, maybe they are acquiescing to push the boat along the way, happy to see the result.

Gu Ningran, Gu Ningran. Cheng Shicheng silently read the name a few times, and finally asked Mo Qiqi, is she nostalgic for this former husband?

Cheng Shicheng remembered Mo Qiqi's gritted teeth for a long time: "Hmph! That **** Gu Ningran cheated/raped in his previous life and raped him in this life. Regardless of status. How could I be nostalgic for such a thing?

In my previous life, I met few men, let alone. In this life, I witnessed brother Xi foolishly chasing his wife, and only then did I realize that this is what a man looks like when he is deeply in love. Although I don't have this luck, even though Jushi Tao doesn't like brother Xi at present, but I have seen pearls and jade, how can I regard rubble as a treasure again? "

Cheng Shicheng was quite inspired, thinking to himself, would A Tao care about the so-called affection behind Gu Ningxi's various actions after leaving? In her heart, she and Gu Ningxi are rubble and pearls, right?


Cheng Shicheng was interested in Tao Xinhe because of his lust, it was his body's instinct that told him that he must get this woman.

In less than two months since they met, he used the skills he had cultivated in the fandom many years ago to please and pursue A Tao.

The most recent thing was to intercept the great merit of saving Gu Ningxi, which made her think of herself when she thought of Gu Ningxi.

He always thought that as long as he perseveres long enough and is strong enough, as long as Tao Xinhe is not really ashamed, he will definitely have a better chance of winning than Gu Ningxi, and sooner or later he will be able to embrace the beauty.

However, Mo Qiqi's plain and straightforward words made him think again, how did A Tao see him, and how did he position A Tao?

In essence, does he, Cheng Shicheng, belong to the same category as Gu Ningran, and when he sees a woman, he only thinks about her appearance? Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out.

Since the day before yesterday to report the good news that Gu Ningxi had successfully drawn his sword and left Atao with problems, Cheng Shicheng did not go to see her again.

Today, he felt that he had figured it out, so he heard a report from his subordinates that the Tao family father and daughter would come to visit, so Cheng Shicheng stood guard in the manor and waited.

Waiting and waiting, he suddenly had the feeling of seeing a very beautiful girl's heart beating uncontrollably at the age of sixteen or seventeen. Cheng Shicheng smiled at himself, why did the more he lived, the more he went back? He is twenty-two in his thirties this year, and he should have passed the age of thousands of sails long ago.

The object of my heart, Atao, used to be a married woman, but now she is in her twenties. Many of the couples of the same age are mothers of children, and she is not a little girl anymore.

Cheng Shicheng thought that A Tao and Gu Ningxi had no heirs, and suddenly felt, could this be the meaning of God? Eliminate hidden dangers for him, a latecomer? What kind of pleasure would it be if Atao was asked to have children for him?

Jia'er and Meng'er are definitely good brothers, and I will try my best to be a good father for the sake of A Tao!

The more he thought about it, the more his mood shook, yearning endlessly. Therefore, Tao Cheng and Tao Xinhe were led to the main room, and when they saw Cheng Shicheng with his back to the sun, they were almost dazzled by the strange smile on this man's face.

Read The Duke's Passion