MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 84

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Knowing that Mo Qiqi was in the nearby Zhuangzi, Tao Xinhe felt even more tired. Listening to Qingfang carefully introducing the people from the Xingu Mansion, the character of each person naturally appeared in her mind. She let go of half of her heart and almost said: " The housekeeper arranged it well." Fortunately, he swallowed it in time, and seemed speechless for a while.

Today is the 21st of February, near the vernal equinox, which is the time for crops to pray for rain.

After getting up in the morning, everyone saw that the surrounding area was foggy, and the experienced peasant woman in the village said that she was afraid that it would rain heavily today.

After hearing the report, Tao Xinhe was worried that this place was at the foot of a mountain and river, and it would suddenly turn cold after it rained, so she arranged for people to rummage through the spare boxes and cages they brought to find clothes and so on.

Watching the servants shuttle back and forth, Tao Xinhe tried her best to focus on the things that need to be arranged today, but she was distracted from time to time, wondering whether this kind of cloudy weather would be harmful to the recovery of the wound?

Since Mo Qiqi is by his side, Gu Ningxi can somewhat calm down, right?

How embarrassing it would be if she went to visit her, and she couldn't be like Mo Qiqi, who could justly cling to someone, and she couldn't do anything in front of the servants of her family, the Gu family, and the Cheng family, after all, she was herself It was said everywhere that Gu Ningxi had nothing to do with her.

Thinking back to the Shangyuan Festival that day, when the couple had not been separated for a long time, she used "melon field plums" to beat and drink Gu Ningxi who had been in the mansion. Now that the world has changed, how can she not reflect on herself?

The connection between Gu Ningxi and Mo Qiqi was beyond their comprehension, and Tao Xinhe was no exception. And Cheng Shicheng, the owner of Zhuangzi, can't pretend to be blind when he thinks about himself. Tao Xinhe feels timid and bored when he thinks about dealing with this person.

Therefore, it is better not to show up at Zhuangzi over there. Tao Xinhe persuaded herself.

She could control her actions, but she couldn't control her eyes, she frequently glanced out of the window, and Qingfang asked the layman several times what instructions she had.

Tao Xinqiang came over to say hello, and said that she would accompany her sister-in-law Hong Shi around.

Tao Xinhe didn't want to agree, but was pestered by her sister for a few words, planning to accompany the two of them herself, when someone told her, "Ms. Mo is here to visit."

The two sisters were taken aback, and Tao Xinqiang asked, "Why is Miss Mo suddenly appearing here? What's wrong with her surname? Why does she have the same surname as a woman Gu Sicheng doesn't know?"

Tao Xinhe blurted out and asked, "Didn't she just arrive? It's not easy to take care of the injured, why did you come to me?"

If it was normal, Tao Xinhe, who would feel his heart swell when thinking of Mo Qiqi, would definitely not see her, and would just refuse her casually.

Today, she was uncharacteristically, asking her sister and sister-in-law to bring more people, not to go near the river, and come back quickly when the sky is getting darker, then she sent Tao Xinqiang away, and she picked up the warm tea on the table and sipped it for several times After calming down, he asked Miss Mo to come in and talk.


Mo Qiqi dreamed of a strange fragment of her previous life last night, and she woke up with a chill down her spine. She remembered that in her previous life, before she died, Gu Ningxi was a fourth-rank official in the Ministry of Rites, and she kept suppressing Gu Ningran, but nothing happened. Things like extermination.

So, in the previous life, Gu Ningran and Cao Shi conspired against Gu Ningxi but didn't do anything? Or was it implemented without success? Mo Qiqi was trapped in the backyard, how could he know the details.

Just now, she finally saw Brother Xi in this life, looking so miserable, muttering "Han Niang", sweating profusely, frowning, and occasionally opening her eyes as if she couldn't see clearly. Part of the time is restless, lethargic rolling.

In Mo Qiqi's opinion, he was not much better than her brother before he died.

Mo Qiqi is convinced that in this life, brother Xi's injury must have never happened in the previous life. So, could brother Xi's suffering now be related to the conspiracy of Gu Ningran and his wife in the previous life? Are they early? Or changed the means?

Hearing that Gu Ningran, who was knowledgeable in books and painting, was being sent back to Beijing, and that his wife never came to see her after letting go, Mo Qiqi thought about it, if the black-hearted Gu Ningran went back to Cao Shi's side, would they come up with something? Yin recruited, and bullied Brother Xi even more?

Knowing how to know books and paintings, she knows her master's mind, so she uses "the difference between men and women" as an excuse to prevent Mo Qiqi from getting close to Gu Ningxi's body, let alone wipe her body, feed her water, or pat her back to change her medicine.

Mo Qiqi was anxious in her heart, and felt that she had nowhere to use her strength. She heard that Uncle Jichang would come to visit Brother Xi later, and she wanted to avoid this scary noble uncle. Dow, who was nearby, spoke his mind and begged her for an idea.


Standing in front of Tao Xinhe's room, Mo Qiqi secretly said to herself: "Last time I was afraid that Mrs. Xi was scared by being too familiar, so I have to restrain myself this time." Then he calmed down and behaved Stepped into the door, called "Tao Jushi" like a tongue twister, and greeted her.

Since Tao Xinhe knew her, this was the third meeting. The first time was in the twelfth lunar month of last year, when she saw this girl behaving intimately with Gu Ningxi not far away, she was saddened. The second time was at the end of last month, when he was shocked by Mo Qiqi's careless words and deeds, and was at a loss for what to do.

Now, for the third time, Tao Xinhe was sitting in her room, ready to fight. The familiar environment made her feel that no matter how Mo Qiqi behaved, she would never surprise herself again.

Who would have imagined that when Mo Qiqi saw her, and heard her politely reply "Miss Mo", she began to cry, heart-piercingly, without restraint, like a child who has been wronged and finally sees his parents. Relatives in general.

Tao Xinhe got up quickly, and asked directly with the worry in his heart: "What's wrong? Did you see Gu Ningxi? His condition got worse?"

Mo Qiqi was hiccupping from crying, and he didn't have the nerve to say that the last time we met, he saw Tao Xinhe was familiar and familiar, but he felt that Tao's rejection of others thousands of miles away, let Mo Qiqi clearly know that the past life is different from the present life.

But Tao Xinhe's gentle voice brought her back to her previous life in an instant. When she ran into Mrs. Xi Shao in the old Gu's mansion, listening to the other party's kind "Aunt Mo" and a few greetings, she felt that half a day was warm.

With the help of Qingfang and Liu Guang, Mo Qiqi regained her face.

Liu Guang gave Tao Xinhe a brief report on the situation of their arrival, focusing on the details of how she and Zhuyue helped take care of Gu Ningxi just now, basically saying that the master is still awake, but ignoring the bandages, it looks like ordinary hair High fever and cold, it should not affect your life, please feel at ease, Tao Layman.

When Tao Xinhe heard this, she was even more puzzled by Mo Qiqi's burst of crying. It wasn't until she had a flash of inspiration that she remembered that Gu Ningxi had written a letter to herself to defend her. Mo Qiqi was taken away by Cheng Shicheng overnight and then released. She was terrified, so she was admitted to the Gu residence.

"Oh, are you worried that Uncle Jichang is cheating on you?" Thinking of Mo Qiqi's short period of time, being bullied by Gu Ningran, losing his brother, and being threatened by Cheng Shicheng, Tao Xinhe felt pity for the girl in front of him suddenly, and his voice became softer She was already thinking about how to help her deal with Cheng Shicheng's threat.

Mo Qiqi pouted and replied: "That's okay, Mr. Cheng Jia said, there may be some misunderstandings, he will help me distinguish from his adoptive father, at least guarantee my safety during the period of taking care of Brother Xi in Zhuangzi. Although I I'm afraid of uncle, but I also think he won't cause any disgusting things. Mrs. Xi... well, Jushi Tao, I'm worried about Gu Ningran."

Tao Xinhe frowned, expressing her puzzlement and resentment in a cold voice: "Are you worried about him? Maybe you don't know that the knife wound on Gu Ningxi's chest was caused by Gu Ningran, and you... By the way, how did you Do you know his name? Gu Ningxi told you about the Gu family?"

Mo Qiqi realized that her words had been interrupted, so she quickly added: "No, no, I'm not worried about Gu Ningran's safety, but I'm worried that he and his wife Cao will do bad things to Brother Xi. I just want to talk to you about this matter."

Mo Qiqi asked Qingfang and Liu Guang to go out first, and Tao Xinhe acquiesced with unavoidable curiosity.

Then, Tao Xinhe listened to Mo Qiqi tell her an Arabian Nights about her past and present lives.

"Why did you make up such a bizarre story? Do you think I will believe it? I seem to be such an easy-to-deceive person?" After pondering for a while, Tao Xinhe slowly asked her doubts. Mo Qiqi really made her unable to figure it out. The men, women, young and old, masters and servants, the noble and the humble, who came into contact with her in her life are all very different.

Mo Qiqi became anxious. She confided her deepest secrets to the good Tao Shi, and she was not even afraid of being dealt with by her as a monster or a ghost, but the other party didn't believe it at all?

"Actually, when Gu Ningran came to bully me that night, I was so angry that I stabbed him with scissors and replaced him with his fists and feet. I lay down on the cold ground and passed out, only to remember my previous life. Therefore, I actually knew that the culprit belonged to Gu Ningran." Qiqi gritted her teeth and told the whole story about her innocence, "You always know that I've been broken."

Mo Qiqi lowered his head, not daring to look at Tao Xinhe, and continued: "But brother Xi doesn't know, that Japan should be our brother and sister's guest at your mansion. As soon as he came, I cried to him, he hurt me, is it right?" A person who claimed to be his enemy ruined me, and it seems that brother Xi implicated me. Therefore, he accepted my brother and I's request and agreed to take me as a concubine."

"And, before he agreed, he tried to think of various ways, such as reporting to the government, paying me with money, or the like. I rejected them one by one, so I reluctantly agreed and said that I would go back to the house to discuss with you. I thought, later I have been able to live a comfortable life under the protection of you and brother Xi for half my life, but I didn't expect you to divorce because of this matter. It's all my fault, I owe you all the time, I'm sorry, Mrs. Xi."

Tao Xinhe didn't expect to hear that Gu Ningxi wanted to take a concubine that day. It turned out that he really wasn't just for sex, but he still couldn't get rid of the special influence of Mo Qiqi being seen clearly by him, right?

Tao Xinhe wants to change the topic: "No matter how Miss Mo knows, it is indeed consistent with the information I heard yesterday. It was Gu Ningran who broke into your house that day. He also made me angry. The letter was with him and sent to Mrs. Gu. He is nothing serious, but Gu Ningxi's injury needs Miss Mo's attention right now."

Mo Qiqi realized that he was talking a lot of nonsense, so he quickly got to the point: "It was the time Brother Xi was injured, which made me vaguely remember that in the previous life, Gu Ningran and Cao Shi wanted to deal with and suppress him, trying to drive Brother Xi away. It's from the Gu family. He didn't succeed in the previous life, but in this life, Brother Xi was seriously injured. It is said that he was so dangerous that he was about to die yesterday.

I just thought, Mrs. Xi, you are smart and kind-hearted, care about him more, think of a way to prevent Gu Ningran from going back to Beijing, and causing trouble in the clan while Brother Xi is not in Beijing. "

Tao Xinhe had never thought about it this way before. In her mind, yesterday's right and wrong were very clear, but now being reminded by Mo Qiqi, she suddenly fell into deep thought.