MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 78

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Playing with these few cursive scripts, Cheng Shicheng seems to be able to see A Tao's anxiety between the lines.

"Fortunately, the road was opened in the morning, and it is more convenient for the carriage to drive to the gate of your Zhuangzi. Qiangniang, don't worry, I have already ordered you to go down. After half a cup of tea, Atao will be able to see the carriage over there. Qiangniang, let me ask. You, are you interested in Cheng Jia?"

Cheng Shicheng finally put down the first non-ceremonial greeting card A Tao wrote to him. He felt annoyed but could do nothing about the word "Uncle" on the head. Then he smiled and slowly asked the little girl who was pouring tea The girl Tao Xinqiang.

Tao Xinqiang heard in Zhuangzi that her ex-brother-in-law had been stabbed and his life was in danger, so she was anxious for her sister and ran over with a note. After delivering it to Uncle Jichang, he let out a long breath. He didn't see the foreigner picking up the cup and drinking water seriously. He was surprised when he heard "I am interested in Cheng Jia".

Finally able to speak, Tao Xinqiang shook her head and waved her hands: "Don't say that, uncle, my sister has already taught me a lesson. A gentleman does not take what others like. Cheng Jia has his master, so I don't covet him." .”

Cheng Shicheng said with a warm smile: "Which girl is not pregnant? I still want to thank you for your favor. However, I meant to stop you by picking on you. If you like Yingwu Erlang, I will help you find it, Cheng Jia No. It's not because he's engaged, but because of something else."

Tao Xinqiang repeated in a daze: "Another reason?" She even forgot to put down the teacup, staring at the other party and waiting for the next sentence.

"It's because of me. I want to be your brother-in-law in the future, how can I let you get involved with my son? Isn't that a generation difference?"

To Tao Xinqiang, these words were like earth-shattering. She had heard Ning Niang tell about the uncle's secret affairs, how can such a man marry a wife? Will my sister be happy?

Cheng Shicheng couldn't help laughing seeing the innocent girl asking everything with her eyes, she and her sister are really different people. It would be great if Atao's emotions were so clear and easy to understand.

Cheng Shicheng put on the most sincere gesture: "Qiangniang, you are a little girl, so I won't tell you too much. What should be said and what should not be said, Uncle Tao and I... Well, it is my father Tao Yuanwailang... It’s all been made clear. He acquiesced, you see, this morning he accepted me as a family member, let’s have dinner at the same table with you. So, what do you think, Qiang Niang?”

Tao Xinqiang didn't know how to react, did her father agree with the person in front of her to be her sister's husband? My sister must know better, otherwise I wouldn't be awkward with my uncle. How did no one tell me?

Like a child suddenly discovering an adult's secret, Tao Xinqiang was both excited and bewildered: "Me? What do you think? Uncle asked me why?"

"You are by Atao's side every day, you are very important. I can't deal with Gu Sicheng's bitter plan directly, so I have to rely on you, Qiangniang." Cheng Shicheng tapped the help note written by Tao Xinhe with his fingertips, and motioned to Tao Xinqiang. .

Tao Xinqiang instinctively retorted: "Just now the doctor said that Gu Sicheng was seriously injured, isn't it a bitter trick? How could anyone risk his life if he plotted against him?"

Cheng Shicheng looked at the ignorant child, which aroused Tao Xinqiang's rebellion. She felt guilty in her heart, but her tone became hard: "Uncle, it's one thing for you to want to marry my sister. It's nothing to discredit others, it's a matter of character." .”

Could Cheng Shicheng not see the little girl's bluff? He began to be seductive: "Qiangniang, when it comes to character, the Gu Sicheng you speak of first betrayed your sister, broke the promise of a big wedding in public, insisted on taking a concubine, and hurt your sister's heart, right?"

Tao Xinqiang's thoughts were taken away by him, thinking of Mo girl who inexplicably came to her brother-in-law to give gifts years ago, she muttered: "That's true."

Cheng Shicheng continued his efforts: "Although it is said that today is the official Xiumu, I heard that Gu Sicheng is very busy with the emperor's life. Why did he suddenly appear in the river next to your Zhuangzi? If I heard correctly, you said he was his first cousin. Stabbed him, didn't you?"

Seeing Tao Xinqiang nodding, Cheng Shicheng clapped his hands and said, "That's it. Qiangniang, put yourself in the same situation and ask you to stab your sister with a dagger, what would you do?"

Tao Xinqiang took a sharp breath, and retorted involuntarily: "How could I hurt my sister?!"

"Don't worry, Qiangniang, think about it, what if... your sister insists on doing this, asking you, begging you, ordering you to hurt her, and accompany her in a bitter trick?" Cheng Shicheng whispered softly, quietly guiding Xiao The girl's thoughts.

Tao Xinqiang frowned and bit her lips again: "How could it be? It's unreasonable, my sister is not such a person, what need to resort to thankless tricks..."

Suddenly, combined with the situation in Zhuangzi, she understood Uncle Jichang's implication: "Uncle Ji said that Gu Sicheng joined forces with his cousin to play a show for my sister? Why? Could it be that...he wanted to use this to arouse me Sister's affection?"

"Qiangniang is smart. However, you probably know where they and Li Genzi are. According to what I heard, the girl Mo that Gu Sicheng met outside has already entered the house and lived in Gu's mansion. You think, if Lingjie turns around, she How will we deal with the people in the government?"

Tao Xinqiang suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "Uncle is right, I want to persuade my sister, and I must not soften my heart."

After thinking about it, Tao Xinqiang frowned again: "But, Gu Sicheng is really dying. The family member of our mansion who went down the river to fish for people said that he saw a big cloud of blood mist at the bottom of the water, and only found their brothers when they swam there. He bled so much, it was like his whole body was in a river. It hurt so much."

Cheng Shicheng rubbed the tip of his nose, stood up, and said as he walked, "Qiangniang is kind-hearted. Cousin Gu Sicheng is also a literati, and he wanted to make a small wound, but he missed his point in the gesture, but it hurt Gu Sicheng's heart." Pulse, do you think there is such a possibility? Well... I have been in the army for many years, and I can be regarded as a half-hearted doctor in dealing with trauma, so I will follow you to visit."

Tao Xinqiang responded with "Mmmm", feeling dizzy in her head, but instead followed Cheng Shicheng and walked back to the temporary residence of Zhuangzi step by step.


Tao Xinhe stayed in the room, her gaze was uncontrollable, she aimed at Gu Ningxi's head, face, shoulders and neck exposed outside the quilt, her eyes were full of the man's pale complexion, closed corners of the eyes, outstretched shoulder blades and shocking dagger, feeling uncomfortable Word.

The carriage from Ji Changbo's side rushed over, and she hurried out of the house to make arrangements, and shook her head invisibly when she stepped out of the threshold, the human voice and the sound of the horse rushed to her ears, making her miss the extremely low sound of "" Lotus".

Literate books and art stared at their master with a good glance, as if seeing Gu Ningxi's lips pursed, and the brows relaxed for a moment and then wrinkled even tighter. The two asked each other: "Did Master Cai just say something?" But neither Sure.

Leaning close to Gu Ningxi's ear and calling him softly, seeing that the master was still in a deep coma, it was Gu Ningran who was in the corner who groaned twice. Knowing both books and paintings, he thought that the master just moved unconsciously and heard the voice Maybe it was sent by Gu Ningran.

Lishu made a "shh" gesture to Lihua, looked around the room, picked up the sharp red clay in the corner, tiptoed to Gu Ningran's bed, made a gesture, and smashed it down on Gu Ningran's forehead , immediately gurgling blood, the line of blood fell on the bed along Gu Ningran's temples.

Shishu pinched a corner of the clod to pieces, and pressed it on Gu Ningran's wound without hesitation. The bleeding stopped, and the paste formed a dark brown irregular hole around the knuckles, which made Gu Ningran look ridiculous and funny. Maybe Heng Hao was about to wake up just now, he was completely passed out after suffering such an injury.

Knowing painting was taken aback, he barely covered his mouth and didn't scream. Seeing that his younger brother hadn't finished yet, he picked up the coarse sheet hanging from Gu Ningran's bed, rubbed roughly on his forehead a few times, and wiped off the dust, leaving only Scarlet and bloody, she put the remaining clods into her arms, and then walked back to Shihua.

Shi Hua asked in disbelief: "Are you crazy? What are you doing, Young Master?" He kept his voice down to the lowest level, and with trembling hands, he tightened the lapel of Shi Shu's clothes, trying to pull out the clods of soil.

Literacy is calm, as if he is not the one who is bullying the master with a slave, and he is not the one who offends the superior. He gently waved away his twin brother's hand, and also responded in a low voice: "Don't touch me, this clod is stained with blood, I can't keep it, I will You have to take it to a safe place before throwing it away. You may not be able to survive, you see how much you vent and not your breath. When I think that my master was completely caused by Gu Ningran, if I don't hit him, I won't be able to get angry."

Shi Hua asked again: "Didn't you slap Mrs. Cai when he was in the house just now? Doesn't that make you feel relieved?"

In the small dark room with flying dust and an unpleasant smell, reading books made his brother seem to know him again, and he looked at him with admiration: "It's for Madam. If something happens, what should you and my brother do? Being a servant, it's not easy to meet such a good master. Gu Ningran killed his brother, and God will not allow him. I am doing justice for the sky."

Thinking about painting is also true, if the master dies, the brothers will be sold, right? It is not known whether it will be sold anywhere, and murmured: "I hope God bless the good man, and bless you to escape from death."

After thinking about it, he knew how to paint and became nervous again: "Are you serious about your attack, but the young master will be fine? When he wakes up, will you hold him accountable for hitting him?"

Shishu comforted his brother: "He fell into the water and fainted. Isn't it normal to hurt his head and face when he bumped against the reef in the river? I wouldn't have thought it was mine. I was sensible and didn't kill him. Brother, don't act like a bitch." Shout out. If Master can wake up, I will tell Grandpa quietly in the future, and it would be feasible to amuse him.”

Li Hua was speechless for a while, looked around the people in the room stupidly, and said slowly: "No, stupid Li Shu, only you and I know about this, and it rots in your stomach, don't even tell me. They are all masters." , are all surnamed Gu, what if the master changes hands and sells you to the old Gu family? They won't beat you to death?"

"I won't. I'm afraid that when I wake up, I will continue to look for Gu Ningran desperately."

"That has nothing to do with us, shh." Shi Hua nervously ended the conversation, and the next moment, several people ushered in the room.

It was Tao Xinhe who came in accompanied by Cheng Shicheng, followed by a few able-bodied and strong men who were obviously sharp in hands and feet, and it was said that they were from the Bofu.

Cheng Shicheng went straight to Gu Ningxi's bedside, looked intently at the young civil official, read books and paintings, and whispered hello to his uncle.

Cheng Shicheng leaned over, and gently pulled down the quilt close to the dagger by two inches, from under Gu Ningxi's chest to the abdomen, revealing more of the wounded's white and smooth skin.

His nose was almost on the dagger, and he observed Gu Ningxi's injury closely for a while. Tao Xinhe watched from the sidelines, her heart pounding for some reason, she folded her hands behind her back, her ten fingers twisted into twists, until the knuckles turned white with force.

When I saw Cheng Shicheng just now, Tao Xinhe could still smile and say hello: "Thanks to my uncle for lending a good car, horse and coachman, it is always safe to transport the wounded and patients now. Why do I have to ask you to come here in person? Who would have thought that we were here in the first place?" Taking a leisurely stroll, I suddenly picked up two unconscious Beijing officials, and now I am in a hurry to arrange them, and I am going to send them back to their respective residences, I am afraid that I will not be able to greet you."

Cheng Shicheng patted Tao Xinhe's shoulder full of pity, and withdrew his hand before she frowned and resisted, and turned his back behind his back: "It's hard for you. When encountering an emergency, no number of men can handle it as well as you. I don't care if I choke on water." I understand very well, I heard that the doctor has roughly dealt with it. I still understand the trauma caused by swords, bows and arrows, so I want to come and see if there is anything I can do to help."

It was said that Tao Xinhe was not very satisfied with the first half of the "contrast man", but was reminded that Cheng Shicheng was a heroic general who had seen storms, so he quickly invited him in to assess whether Gu Ningxi's injury could last until he returned to Beijing.

Tao Xinhe didn't know what Cheng Shicheng saw and why he came here, she saw him pondering for a while, then slowly stood up straight, and made gestures in front of Gu Ningxi's chest a few times, then turned around, looked at herself, and said seriously: "A Tao, Do you believe me?"

Read The Duke's Passion