MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 122

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"Han Niang, thank you for coming, it fulfilled my grandmother's thoughts. She just mentioned it, don't have to answer." Gu Ningxi cherished this short time of peace side by side with Tao Xinhe very much, and her tone was slightly out of words.

Tao Xinhe really wasn't going to respond directly to Mrs. Gu's question about "remarriage", but when Gu Ningxi pointed it out, she couldn't help but cast a sideways glance: "Oh, you don't mean that either?"

"Of course not! I've always wanted to marry you again, He Niang, you know it." Gu Ningxi became anxious, her tone raised unconsciously, attracting Aunt Gu and Mo Qiqi who were surrounded by Mrs. Gu to look at her. come over.

Only Gu Sanshu and his wife were still singing, chanting, beating, and crying "Mother". The artificial voice filled the ears, making the room seem cramped and noisy, which also made Tao Xinhe's silence not so abrupt.

After a moment of hesitation, Second Aunt Gu walked up to the two of them and said to Tao Xinhe first, "He Niang, I'm making things difficult for you. My mother-in-law is in a bad mood right now, so don't take it to heart."

Seeing that Tao Xinhe shook her head to indicate that she didn't mind, she said to Gu Ningxi again: "Brother Xi, just now my mother-in-law's eyes lit up when she saw Sanfang. You did a good job, you must have been wronged and worked hard, right? "

Gu Ningxi almost reached out to touch the collar, but she didn't make a move. She just shook her head and explained softly, "Second Aunt, the younger brothers of the third generation live in other places, and I have sent someone to inform them, and they should come over one after another , you bother to explain more. I'm afraid I won't recognize it and make a joke."

Tao Xinhe heard the words and thought to herself, I recognize them one by one, but it's a pity that I didn't mention your position again, and there is no need for it.

Seeing the whole room full of Gu's family members, the only one whose surname is Mo Qiqi is still a foster relative, and the only one who is not embarrassed here is herself, Tao Xinhe lowered her eyes and said softly:

"Second aunt of the Gu family, came here in a hurry today and disturbed the old lady's peace. Fortunately, I chatted a few words and comforted each other. It is noon, so I will leave now. Please tell the old lady, I won't distract her."

Second Aunt Gu instinctively opened her mouth to keep her, but after thinking about it, she nodded her head and promised to talk to her later when she had time.

It's a pity that she winked at brother Xi, but Gu Ningxi didn't notice it.

Fortunately, this nephew is not a real piece of wood. Gu Ningxifu was as good as her heart, and she also asked her elders: "I'll go see off He Niang, grandma is here, and Second Aunt and Qiniang will take care of her for a while. I'll be back in a while."

Second Aunt Gu watched as a pair of women, who she thought was the perfect match, walked out of the room first and then men, and added after her: "Brother Xi sent He Niang off, come back after changing the official robes."

At this time, Mo Qiqi pulled away from the state of staring at Gu Ningran's parents, who in the previous life connived Cao's oppressive concubine, and asked in surprise, "Where did brother Xiyi and sister-in-law go?"

Mrs. Gu then turned her head to look, she understood from the bottom of her heart that her ex-granddaughter-in-law was gone, she sighed, and tears flowed down the pillow.

Third Aunt Gu wanted to ask who Mo Qiqi was a long time ago, but the look in her eyes made people uncomfortable, and she took the opportunity to say in a sly way: "Where did this come from, who did Brother Xi provoke, and he opened his mouth to be Yixiong?"

After realizing that it was this girl who caused Gu Ningran to be accused of harming a woman from a good family, Third Aunt Gu beat her chest several times, and then rushed over to beat Mo Qiqi, scolding and accusing her of seducing and entrapping Gu Ningran.

Now that Mo Qiqi has the confidence that he didn't have in his previous life, he naturally doesn't want to be outdone. Although he didn't fight back, he blocked and ran away, and even retorted when he had time: "Hmph, you gave birth to Gu Ningran but didn't raise him, so arrogant that he thinks it's right." I am the number one person in the world, dare to do anything, if I hadn't met Uncle Jichang in this life, see if he would have caused a catastrophe."

The young woman nimbly ran and dodged among the desks all over the room, and the middle-aged woman with snot and tears all over her face pursued closely. The servants in the room, who had never seen this scene, froze for a moment.

Second Aunt Gu originally made a sound of "Hey Hey" and followed behind to try to stop this farce, but when she heard the name of the family her daughter was going to marry into, she suddenly followed Mo Qiqi's way of thinking, if she hadn't Insisting on asking He Niang to come forward to organize, but entrusting it to the third wife and daughter-in-law according to the intention of taking care of the old lady, then...

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she felt shuddering, her eyes looked far away, fixed on the spot.

Mo Qiqi looked back at Third Aunt Gu's agility, glanced at the corner of the bed from the corner of her eye, and naturally thought of the old man lying on it, who was exhausted, and provoked again:

"Also, Mrs. Cao has a vicious mind, and she actually hid the chronic poison, which caused her grandmother to be like this. But if Gu Ningran hadn't suddenly hurt Gu Ningxi, the husband and wife were afraid that her grandmother would be blamed, so they hurriedly gave the medicine to her. Think about it, Who is Cao Shi planning to give this medicine to?"

The dead daughter-in-law Mrs. Cao...was poison who?

Third Aunt Gu was taken aback by Mo Qiqi's implication, she raised her finger to her nose in disbelief, "You said, she wanted to poison me?"

Mo Qiqi panted with her hips on her hips, and nodded affirmatively to her, this is exactly what she witnessed in her previous life.

Third Aunt Gu also paused, slowly hugged her head, and seriously recalled the clues of the past.

Uncle Gu was tired of crying, so he murmured at this time: "Mother, let go, you hurt me." He used the other hand to break the palm of Mrs. Gu's clutching him tightly, and didn't notice that Mrs. Gu was just now A lot of noise made his face distorted.

In the room, it was strangely quiet for a while.


Walking out of the courtyard, Tao Xinhe stopped at the intersection in silence, raised his hands to cover his eyebrows and looked at the sun, the scorching sun was in the sky and it was time for lunch.

Just now, seeing the sadness of the dying elder, the embarrassment of being forced to be speechless, finally dissipated under the light, Tao Xinhe put down her hands, cautiously hung by her side, half turned around, and faced the person who was following her footsteps all the way. Gu Ningxi nodded.

"You have something to do in your house, just send it here. Goodbye...oh, never again." Tao Xinhe acted as a guest receiving the gift, asking the host to stay a while, but the last sentence gave away some truth. She is not an ordinary guest, but this The former mistress of the mansion.

She is naturally familiar with the path in the mansion. There are two forked roads in front of her. She points to the left, and Gu Ningxi walks along here. It is the courtyard where they lived together when they were married. I heard that he did not live separately, so it is suitable to go back to the room and change clothes. Change clothes.

On the other hand, he walked along the straight road, and after a short walk, he could reach the gate. Presumably, his Tao Mansion carriage had already circled around from the carriage shed and waited outside the gate.

Gu Ningxi was reluctant to let go, his lips and teeth opened and closed a few times like a dehydrated goldfish, he was looking for a reason to prolong the time the two of them were alone, even if it was just a little bit longer.

Pointing to Tao Xinhe's chest, he said: "He Niang, I saw it in the room just now, you are wet here, I don't know why. We still have some old clothes that you haven't taken away in our yard, which have been properly placed. Do you want to change it for one?"

She knew better about the miserable state of the clothes, so she didn't even need to lower her head to look at them, Tao Xinhe knew by the touch alone, it was already much better than when Mo Qiqi just cried, most of it was dry. It's a pity that the tear stains are no better than clear water, and the soaked fabric is vaguely abrasive.

At that time, she still felt that she could bear it, but when she was reminded now, Tao Xinhe felt that the skin on her heart and mouth was numb and itchy as if a bug had crawled over her, and she felt a little irritated, after all, it was someone else's tears.

Still rational, she resisted the urge to raise her hand to rub the fabric, squeezed a smile, and replied: "That's not necessary. It's Lingmei's masterpiece, I'll change it when I return home. You really... stay away."

"Ning Niang begged you to come here?" Gu Ningxi recognized the tears and continued to pester her.

"No! It's your good righteous sister!" Tao Xinhe finally couldn't bear it anymore and screamed at him.

Gu Ningxi hurriedly bowed to apologize: "He Niang, it's my fault. Don't be angry... Don't be angry."

Slowly, he continued: "By the way, grandma has recognized Qiniang as her adopted granddaughter, and the simple ceremony has been completed. He Niang, do I have settled Qiniang with this?"

Tao Xinhe pursed her lips, lowered her head and looked at the short shadows of the two as if fascinated, they were just a little bit at the feet, even so, the shadows collided and blended with each other at the top.

In fact, at the beginning, she was noncommittal about Gu Ningxi's recognition of Mo Qiqi as a righteous sister, she would admit it if she thought about it, she was just relatives from many poor families, as long as they lived in harmony with each other and her husband was happy.

However, it should never have happened, Gu Ningxi changed her mind and wanted to take a concubine, and Tao Xinhe could no longer look directly at the title of "righteous sister".

Of course, she knows that the righteous sisters recognized by Mrs. Gu have different weights, and they are real "righteous sisters".

But after going around in such a circle, she was tired, and she didn't want to mess around with Gu Ningxi anymore, until he recognized her intentions.

"It's a matter between you, don't tell me. I don't care who you put in." Just now the shout was a little loud, and her throat hurt. Tao Xinhe became hoarse, and responded tiredly, and then slowly took a step back , let the two shadows completely separate.

Gu Ningxi followed her forward and got closer to her: "He Niang, I agreed to reconcile at that time. One was because I was concerned about unknown enemies, and the other was Qiniang, an orphan. I explained it to you later. Right now, I will take care of these two points. No more burdens, the biggest wish in the rest of my life is to be favored by you, to be reunited, I can tell you ten thousand times."

Tao Xinhe frowned, dissatisfied with the familiar "broken mirror reunion", she stood up straight and responded coldly: "You said that a few days ago, and I also responded, you won't be a nobleman who forgets too much, and forget about it, right?"

"I haven't forgotten the small portraits. Recently, due to my grandmother's illness, I haven't written yet. He Niang will give me a little grace, okay?"

"Listen to what you said, it seems like you can draw it. First, spend time with Mrs. Gu and take care of yourself. You don't know how hard it is for my servants to clean up the blood on the floor tiles and door panels of the flower hall since you left." Tao Xinhe said the words of concern in an awkward manner, and before she finished speaking, she walked around Gu Ningxi and ran towards the gate of the mansion with small steps.

Gu Ningxi knew enough was enough, so she watched the beautiful woman off, and was warmed by the instruction of "health" just now, and shouted to Tao Xinhe's back: "Don't worry, He Niang, I've been careful not to move these few days, the wound on my chest has scabbed, and soon will be healed."

Tao Xinhe didn't turn her head back, and sent a sentence with the wind: "I don't need to listen, it has nothing to do with me. You still owe my brother and sister a painting. If you confess, you will explain to the person who bought the painting."

Gu Ningxi raised her eyebrows, took advantage of the trend and strode to catch up, her voice became stronger and her smile became stronger: "I remember the picture of the phoenix inhabiting Wuwu, I remember it. Please tell me, I will send it as soon as possible."

Tao Xinhe walked even more hastily: "Understood, I still want to go to Uncle Jichang, so I won't talk to you."

Her next move successfully made Gu Ningxi feel as if cold water was splashed on her head, and her heart was chilled on the spot.

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