MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 119

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The last time I saw Mrs. Gu was on the night when she and Gu Ningxi reconciled. In the flickering candlelight, the silver-haired, hale and hearty old lady could still sit upright and turn the head of her grandson Gu Ningxi who was squatting beside her. , bandaged his facial wounds, and looked like he could live at least another forty or fifty years.

?Farewell to two months and a few days. Accompanied by the tearful housekeeper, Tao Xinhe walked along the familiar road to the quiet courtyard of Xingu Mansion. After stepping into the house, he saw The thin and haggard old man lying on the bed, simply? Time can't match her with the grandma in my impression.

The room is big and spacious, the windows are bright, and the furniture is excellent. It was originally lived by Gu Ningxi's parents, but they have been locked up since they passed away, but maintenance and cleaning have never been slack. On the way here, Tao Xinhe guessed that Gu Ningxi probably arranged for his grandmother to live here.

At this time, in the quiet and peaceful main room in her memory, around the bedridden Mrs. Gu, there are always no less than three servants going back and forth, wiping the saliva from the corners of her lips, squeezing her hands and feet, and whispering to her. The thing is, not? But enough, it seems that the room is full of popularity.

If you don't consider that the old man's death is approaching this point, just looking at this scene, some people might still envy her to lie down and enjoy serving.

The person who took care of Mrs. Gu's affairs and talked softly with the servants, and when she saw her enter the room, she exclaimed "sister-in-law" jumped up from the round stool by the bed and greeted her in three steps, but it was Mo Qiqi.

Tao Xinhe was in the carriage and heard Qingfang recite a few words of news she had heard from Liu Guang. At this moment, she did not show any surprise when she saw Mo Qiqi, and she could still say calmly and politely: "You have been tired these days. "

Taking a closer look, she realized that Mo Qiqi's eyes were severely swollen, and her complexion was obviously iron blue from overwork, which showed that this girl really did her best to take care of the elderly and put in a lot of hard work.

Tao Xinhe naturally knew that Mo Qiqi was relying on serving Mrs. Gu to finalize her identity and seek asylum. However, seeing her like this, she still respected her a little bit, and said again in a different tone, "You have suffered."

Mo Qiqi burst into tears first, and held Tao Xinhe's hand tightly, "Sister-in-law, it's a good thing you're here. The old lady has passed out again, and when she wakes up, she will be happy to see you." And then? Not at all. Without a break, he introduced the situation to Tao Xinhe.

Ever since Mrs. Gu was brought into the new Gu residence, the situation has been worse every day, and any doctor's diagnosis is that time is running out. Since yesterday afternoon, the old man has fainted from time to time, and the water and rice are hardly sticking to his teeth, which means that the day of the next life is just around the corner.

For the past ten or so days, the two women, Aunt Gu and Mo Qiqi, took turns to take care of her with their servants. Gu Runing and the daughter-in-law and daughters-in-law of the second room came to take care of her every day.

Gu Ningxi was on the bedside talking with her grandmother Xu Xu and reading the handwriting written by her grandmother. Pity him for burning candles at both ends, and when Mrs. Gu falls asleep, she will return to her study to complete the secret mission assigned by the emperor.

I heard from the maids that the lamp oil in the study was not extinguished all night, and Gu Ningxi's erratic footsteps and frightening expression were also obvious manifestations.

Mrs. Gu's last wish was to meet Tao Xinhe. Gu Runing took over this task and invited him here.

Second, she hoped that her descendants would surround her and watch her die. Seeing that the situation was not right this morning, Second Aunt Gu hurried back to the second room to call the whole family over so as not to miss the last meeting.

And Gu Ningxi was summoned into the palace two hours ago, and hurriedly explained before leaving that he would ask the emperor for two days off to accompany his grandmother, and after he came out of the palace, he would find the current residence of Gu Sanshu and invite the people from the third room to see her grandmother.

Mo Qiqi complained that her grandmother actually missed Gu Sanshu and Gu Ningran the most. The old man knew that Gu Ningran was exiled, so she didn't count on him, but she hated that Uncle Gu had been favored by her own mother all her life, but she was able to harden her heart at the end, and didn't even come to see her.

Tao Xinhe sighed unceasingly after hearing this, who in the big Gu family didn't know about Mrs. Gu's partiality for Sanfang?

As a result, he became a white-eyed wolf. The grandson-in-law poisoned the old man, and the grandson ignored him. How could the son and daughter-in-law be without this mother? Like, Mrs. Gu can't speak, how sad and regretful she must be .

Hearing that Mo Qiqi called her a grandmother, she also called her a sister-in-law, Tao Xinhe wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes because of sympathy and sigh, and asked Mo Qiqi softly why she called her so.

Mentioning this point, Mo Qiqi's tone was finally a little cheerful, saying that Mrs. Gu fell in love with her, and it might be a little bit to offset Gu Ningran's crimes. She considers her adopted granddaughter and hangs it under the name of Da Fang.

This time, it has a different meaning from Gu Ningxi admitting her sister alone.

Mo Qiqi has become the god-in-law of Mrs. Gu, and the third wife of the Gu family can be treated as relatives. For Gu Ningxi's parents, who have never met, they can be called as godfather and foster mother.

Naturally, Mo Qiqi and Gu Ningxi's sibling status is extremely solid, and ethics and customs are fixed. This is a relationship between life and death. It is absolutely impossible for the situation where the sister-in-law was transferred to a concubine at the beginning of the year.

This was an extravagant wish that Mo Qiqi in her previous life would not have dared to dream of. At that time, she was resentful towards Cao Shi, Cao Shi was her master, and Third Aunt Gu was someone she couldn't reach.

Not to mention the older Mrs. Gu, how could the old man interact with the concubine in the backyard of his grandson.

Zheng'er Bajing offered tea to Gu Ershu and Gu Eraunt at Mrs. Gu's bedside, and after following Gu Ningxi to burn incense and pray in front of his parents' memorial tablet, Mo Qiqi's attitude became much calmer and more stable.

As far as she was concerned, the fear of precariousness disappeared, and the thought of holding on to Gu Ningxi's thigh faded away, and finally found the support for her family to settle down in this life, and that was her identity as the foster relative of the Gu family.

"Recalling that at the beginning, I misunderstood brother Yi at first, and later found out that he really didn't mean men and women. I still pestered him. In fact, I was worried that I would have no one to rely on and starve to death on the street. It caused a lot of trouble for you and brother Yi, sister-in-law, please Hit me and scold me."

When Mo Qiqi mentioned the emotion, she wiped away her tears and nose, changed from sitting side by side with Tao Xinhe with a "plop" sound to kneeling in front of her, as if apologizing.

Tao Xinhe smiled wryly, she didn't come here for Mo Qiqi, besides, the root of her reconciliation with Gu Ningxi and even the current situation lies in the problem of getting along with them, or rather, she dared not entrust herself to Gu Ningxi. Qiqi is just an introduction.

"Get up, don't disturb the old lady." From the corner of her eyes, Tao Xinhe saw the servant over there secretly looking at them, and quickly stretched her hands down, holding Mo Qiqi's thin and thin arms on both sides, exerting five minutes of strength, pulling wake her up.

Mo Qiqi fell into her arms, and cried out loudly: "Sister-in-law, I don't want the old lady to die."

Before Tao Xinhe could retract her hands, she was almost pushed back by Mo Qiqi, and her heart softened when she cried for some reason, so she hugged Mo Qiqi's shoulders and brushed her back up and down to help her breathe. He murmured comfortingly, "It's also your fate that you can take care of her during this period of time."

In this situation, she originally wanted to correct Mo Qiqi's "sister-in-law" address? It became irrelevant and not worth mentioning. And she vaguely felt that "sister-in-law" sounded much better than "sister" when called by Mo Qiqi.

Mo Qiqi cried bitterly for a while, and finally vented the emotion of seeing others walking towards death step by step but being helpless, as if sending away her own brother to reappear.

Withdrew from Tao Xinhe's arms, she apologized embarrassedly that her skirt was wet and dirty, and hurriedly pulled out the handkerchief to help her wipe it.

Visiting a doctor today, Tao Xinhe wore a dark blue skirt with a stand-up collar and silver-lined bamboo pattern, which looked low-key and elegant. She looked down, because of the tears, the color of her chest was slightly darker than that of the side, but it was not obvious.

Through the light fabric, she could clearly feel the tears soaking in, and she felt depressed because of the heat. She lightly brushed Mo Qiqi's hand, shook her head and said, "It's okay."

At this moment, the whole family of the second bedroom arrived, and there were many people. They heard that the old lady was still in a coma, so they followed the housekeeper to another place to wait, and the second aunt Gu stayed with her.

She sighed for a long time, afraid that the old lady would not open her eyes again, and would not see the grandson of the third house she was thinking about, and kept looking at the door, hoping that Gu Ningxi would come back quickly, so after a few simple greetings with Tao Xinhe, she had nothing to say.

The "Yanchun Pavilion" wooden box in Tao Xinhe's sleeve pocket has unrounded edges and corners that hurt her forearm, which is very uncomfortable.

Before she came, she had no idea that the old lady's situation was so critical, and she even thought about finding a chance to hand over the jewelry to Aunt Gu. Naturally, this was not the time, she stuffed the wooden box to Qingfang, her neck was heavier than her thoughts.

With a sound of "ho ho", Mrs. Gu woke up and let out a cry from her throat. Second Aunt Gu and Mo Qiqi surrounded her, patting her back and feeding her water.

Tao Xinhe watched from afar, and couldn't help but think, if she was still Gu Ningxi's wife, then she would have to do these things. She clasped the bare hands in front of her tightly, she felt very embarrassed to appear here.

But soon, she was called to the old lady's bed, looked at the old man who was lying on his side, shrouded in gray and lifeless, stared at her for a few times, pulled the corners of her lips, and wrote two words with a pen beside the pillow— forgive me.

Second Aunt Gu wiped her tears and explained: "He Niang, what mother means is, please remember the past and forgive her for the wrong things she did to you."

After Tao Xinhe listened, she recognized the two characters from the crooked, almost illegible handwriting. She felt more and more uncomfortable. Regardless of the slander she had made against Mrs. Gu when she was a grandson-in-law, she grabbed the old man's skinny hand. , repeatedly said:

"Old lady, you speak seriously, so where do you talk about forgiveness? You are the elders of Gu's family, and you care about your descendants and daughter-in-law, and treat us very well. When I was Gu's wife, I was taught and guided by you. I am grateful and will remember it in my heart. You In my heart, only the benefits are left, don't worry."

Even though she knew it was Tao Xinhe's words of comfort and persuasion, Mrs. Gu still put down her burden and smiled with difficulty.

Immediately afterwards, she drew out her hand and wrote again.

With experience, Tao Xinhe recognized a little faster this time, and it was still two characters, written as follows:

Rang Hee.