MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 58

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Mo Qiqi prevaricated indiscriminately.

At that time, Ji Changbo looked at her with extremely sharp eyes, as if without Gu Ningxi by his side, he would have taken Mo Qiqi back to his mansion for interrogation.

Mo Qiqi was so frightened that she was secretly vigilant. She would not say a word about the past and present in the future, lest she be caught as a monster.

Saying goodbye to Cheng Shicheng, coming out of the wine shop, Gu Ningxi sent her back to the small courtyard of the Mo family, all the way lost in thought, as if she didn't hear Mo Qiqi's question: "Brother Xi, will Ji Changbo arrest me?" It wasn't until Mo Qiqi grabbed the corner of his clothes and shook it that Gu Ningxi woke up from the memory of her lady.

Maybe because she can see Mo Qiqi's face clearly, Gu Ningxi will be less defensive and not feel like she is acting like a baby, cuddling, and shy when she touches her, and she doesn't feel like her hair is standing on end. Get close and he will bounce off.

However, since he decided to return to righteous brothers and sisters, Mo Qiqi doesn't understand the difference between men and women, but Gu Ningxi understands it. Others can see and guess, and thinking about the moment when the lady was helped to stand up in the morning, his eyes were tearing apart. But feeling uncomfortable feeling that she has no position to intervene, Gu Ningxi steadily brushed away Mo Qiqi's hand, and stepped back two steps away from her.

"Qiniang, if you call me brother, I'll be cheeky... to teach you. You are a girl, and it's better to be intimate with girls. With men, no matter who they are, including me, just communicate with words and don't move. It's not good for you, it will affect your reputation, understand?"

Mo Qiqi lowered his head, intertwined his index fingers, and responded muffledly, then raised his face after a while and asked, "Brother Xi, do you really dislike me? I saw the way you looked at Tao Shi today, which is different from looking at me. If you look at me, your eyes are fixed, as if locked on my face, um... I can’t say it, it’s like, you see eyes as eyes, see my mouth as mouth, look at them separately, and look seriously. I'm so happy."

Gu Ningxi smiled wryly, but she still couldn't control her eyes, it was too presumptuous, all the pain today was caused by this, just as he wanted to admit his mistake, he said the word "I", Mo Qiqi went on talking on his own.

"Today, when you look at Dow, she doesn't seem to look at her face very much, but the eyeballs seem to be glued to her body, up, down, left, and right, all around her. I'm not sure what you're looking at, but I know what's in your line of sight. It's all her. With her here, you glanced at me today without stopping, and turned your eyes back to Dow, as if you were looking at a peerless treasure. With this comparison, I feel that I love you It may be very special, but it is far from the weight of Dow in your heart, right?"

I didn't expect the little girl to look reckless and straightforward, but she still has such detailed observation experience. Gu Ningxi didn't realize it by herself, but Mo Qiqi pointed out that she had been looking at the lady all the time, but she was a little bit ashamed, looking left and right, her cheekbones still had a faint blush.

Mo Qiqi took a peek at him, naturally she didn't miss the sight, she felt that the man in front of her was really good-looking, he was the most handsome person she had ever seen in her life, but unfortunately, it was like the disgusting Gu Ningran who used to say in her previous life, "Goddess has a heart, King Xiang No dream", after listening to Brother Xi say a hundred times that his sweetheart is his sweetheart, it's too late to watch him interact with Tao Shi all morning, Mo Qiqi really understands the sincerity and weight of Brother Xi's saying that he will guard Tao Shi like a jade.

Gu Ningxi accompanied her into the small courtyard, closed the courtyard door, and let the maids who were literate and stayed behind busy, he continued his preface and said to Mo Qiqi: "Qiniang, I should have told you that you are The only face I can see clearly in this world is naturally special, but that's all, I have never had any evil thoughts about you. Naturally, it is different from my mother... Lay Tao Tao, and cannot be compared, do you understand?"

"I think Tao is no better than me to see where to go." Mo Qiqi muttered as if aroused to rebellion.

Gu Ningxi shook her head and sighed, "It's not about your looks." He clearly saw Mo Qiqi's confused expression, and changed his phrase: "That means it's not about beauty or ugliness." It is undeniable that Mo Qiqi gave him the only experience.

so what? Seeing the lady, thinking of the lady, his heart beating violently, and the strong desire of body and mind are not fake.

Although he still can't accurately follow the lady's thoughts, and sometimes looks like an elm lump, since the day he proposed to take a concubine, he has repeatedly messed up the situation, but they have been in harmony for more than three years, and the husband and wife have been getting along. Gu Ningxi believes that the lady was working hard some time ago, as long as he learns to understand and mature, he will be able to regain his love.

As long as he is fast enough, don't give Ji Changbo enough opportunities to take advantage of it.

As soon as Gu Ningxi thought about this, she asked Mo Qiqi: "Qiniang, today you met Jushi Tao as you wished. Can you tell me about the villain who bullied you?"


Tao Xinhe was on the way back to the mansion, thinking about the meeting just now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt confused, especially since he almost ran away and left those two men behind, would Cheng Shicheng say something nonsense to Gu Ningxi.

Would Gu Ningxi think that there was a reason for him to resolutely reconcile Ji Changbo the second day he met him? Doubt your own morality?

Tao Xinhe groaned, gently leaned against the wall of the carriage, closed her eyes and rubbed between her brows. While she hated herself for why she cared about Gu Ningxi's speculations, she was unwilling to talk about it, even if it was her ex-husband.

How to do? You can't go back now and ask what they talked about?

Leave it for later? Perhaps, the two men just nodded their heads and passed each other, and it seemed inappropriate to ask which one about the details of today.

She felt that today's Gu Ningxi was upside-down and confused, and was still in a mess in terms of interpersonal relationships, not much different from what she remembered. She thought she had found peace of mind, and wanted to let go of it, but in the end she left behind the tail of Ji Changbo, who was like a hidden danger, and she became worried again. , like superfluous superfluous, always want to correct it.

It's all Ji Changbo's fault!

Tao Xinhe turned her attention to this person, and she did not hesitate to put on an affectionate gesture in front of the public, almost telling the world that he had bad thoughts about her. Why? I obviously don't want to, isn't it decisive enough to refuse?

Especially today, in front of Gu Ningxi, being teased by Cheng Shicheng, Tao Xinhe felt even more embarrassed and resentful, her emotions came from strong and unknown reasons.

He found himself like a praying mantis catching a cicada. Where did he hear the news?

Back at Tao Mansion, Tao Xinhe called the other two attendants who stayed behind and questioned them carefully, finally someone admitted that they occasionally sent a letter back as requested by the uncle.

This is because the silly brother was instigated by Gu Ningxi, blindly entrusted to the jackal door, and led Ji Changbo's eyes and ears back to the mansion.

Tao Xinhe let out a long sigh, went straight into Tao Muxian's courtyard, and invited his younger brother who came back from the academy to accompany his daughter-in-law under excuses, and Rarely became angry, and gave Tao Muxian a few harsh words, ordering him to take advantage of today's vacation to make a clear settlement with Cheng Jia, and send him away. return to.

"Cheng Jia doesn't know if it's an accomplice, or if he doesn't know the reason. In short, you'd better be polite and refuse. If he insists on not accepting people, just say that our Taofu temple is too small to accommodate the big Buddha. Let him go to his adoptive father and ask him why he retired." Tao Xinhe instructed his younger brother.

Tao Muxian heard his sister tell the whole story, although he was annoyed that the four of them ate the food in the Tao Mansion, but reported the whereabouts of the women's family to their old master, but he didn't quite understand the motive, so he scratched his head and asked, "Sister, please Cheng Jia?" I took the initiative to arrange for people to come to protect you. Cheng Jia, or according to what you said, Uncle Jichang, why do you want to inquire about your movements? You are not an official and you are not in business."

Due to the woman's embarrassment, Tao Xinhe didn't say it clearly, it was because Cheng Shicheng wanted to be your brother-in-law!

She was able to speak frankly to her father. Seeing his younger brother's puzzled eyes, Tao Xinhe wanted to talk about his pursuer, but Tao Xinhe felt hesitant to speak, hesitated for a while, and could only say: "Father knows, you can ask Dad."

Consciously explaining the words clearly, Tao Xinhe sent his younger brother to go and come back quickly, then turned around and went in by himself, chatting with his younger brother and sister Hong Shi.

She was very happy to see that after resting in bed for more than half a month, Hong's complexion improved, and the doctor also said that the fetal phase was stable. After lying in bed for another seven or eight days in February, she could go to the ground and move around properly.

Tao Muxian wanted to go to his father to ask about the situation before he could deal with it, but Tao Cheng was in the study, stuck in his research, just when he was very restless, he heard someone knocking on the door, and shouted angrily: "I'm not seeing you either!" Something hit the door, rattling.

Tao Muxian rubbed his nose, thinking that he was far worse than the Heavenly King Laozi, so he obediently gave up the idea of ​​disturbing his father.

In this way, he recklessly asked Cheng Jia, whom he didn't know well, and within a month, he had to personally slap him in the face and refuse. The reason was not fully understood, and Tao Muxian felt that he didn't have a solid foundation.

For some reason, he changed his mind to Third Sister, is Qiangniang more acquainted with Cheng Jia and easier to talk to than himself?

So, the two brothers and sisters hit it off, as if they were playing together, happily took the car to visit Jichangbo's mansion, tacitly didn't tell the eldest sister, Tao Xinhe didn't know for the time being.

After eating at noon, Tao Xinhe had a vague premonition when he heard that Tao Muxian and Tao Xinqiang were going out together.

Tao Xinhe worriedly chose the latter between chasing him to Jichangbo's mansion but being pestered by Cheng Shicheng in front of his younger siblings, and letting the two grown-up children do something that was not troublesome. It was restless in the mansion all afternoon.

As time passed bit by bit, Tao Xinhe envisioned many situations, such as Cheng Shicheng, who disregarded his face, and challenged his younger siblings to pursue him; for example, Tao Muxian was unable to withdraw because of the youth's favor, and brought his followers back; Qiangniang couldn't contain her thoughts, Cheng Jia and even the shrewd Cheng Shicheng discovered the clue.

Every idea made Tao Xinhe clamor in his heart, deeply regretting that he had not thought carefully before and let the young people do things.

When it was dark, Tao Xinhe finally couldn't bear it anymore and ordered a spare vehicle to take her to Jichangbo's mansion. Tao Muxian and Tao Xinqiang returned to the mansion.

When Tao Xinqiang saw her sister at the gate of the mansion, she didn't think much, just flew over, hugged Tao Xinhe, and shouted with a smile: "Sister, Uncle Jichang, invite our family to go to the suburbs of Beijing with Mrs. Ning's family in mid-February." Playing in Zhuangzi for a few days. My brother calculated that by that time, my sister-in-law should be able to go out for a walk. I have already agreed. I am looking forward to that time. Sister, look, this is a post. Uncle said, you will definitely go ,right?"

Read The Duke's Passion