MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 2

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From childhood to adulthood, Gu Ningxi couldn't form a clear impression of himself in the mirror, let alone others, everyone was blurred in his mind.

But at this moment, for the first time in history, he saw a person's face clearly. Eyes are eyes, nose is nose, lips are lips, and the combination did not turn into a cloud of mist, which was clearly reflected in Gu Ningxi's eyes. engraved in his heart.

Gu Ningxi didn't care too much, separated the crowd as if being drawn, walked to the student in Tsing Yi, and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

The soldier replied: "My lord, this fellow named Mo Qi refuses to let us search him. This is against the rules."

Under the bright autumn light, Gu Ningxi traced this clear face almost greedily, and asked softly without thinking, "Is that Mo Qi? Why?"

Under the sunlight, he could even see the pale face and trembling eyelashes of the person in front of him.

Mo Qizheng was at a loss, she didn't know that there would be a body search beforehand, there were tears in her eyes, her lips trembled and she couldn't speak.

Suddenly, a young official in a crimson official robe appeared in front of him. He was tall and slender, blocking most of the sun. Mo Qi looked up, but he couldn't see the official's appearance clearly in the light and shadow, but he heard him asking himself about the situation in a soft tone .

Mo Qi suddenly had a burst of courage, and said in a voice as thin as a feather brushing against someone's ear: "Searching the body is an insult to gentleness, late life is not willing, please help me."

Gu Ningxi frowned slightly. Body searches have been an old rule of the imperial examination for many years. In order to prevent candidates from cheating, if he hadn't been able to see Mo Qi's face clearly, he would definitely not have intervened in this matter.

Mo Qi's eyes got used to looking at people against the light, only to realize that the official in front of her was handsome and majestic, like a long knife wrapped in red cloth in front of her, sharp but not sharp, seductive but not sharp, she couldn't help but stare insanely.

Gu Ningxi pondered for a moment, seeing that the long team of students had already stared at them, he took Mo Qi out of the team first, stood under the corner of the tribute courtyard, and asked in detail.

Mo Qi hesitated for a while, and saw Mr. Gu staring at him, thinking that he had discovered the secret, his psychological defense suddenly collapsed, and tears poured out of his eyes, wet his cheeks: "Mr. Gu, I was wrong, please forgive me. I am A woman disguised herself as a man to take the exam on behalf of her brother, but I also failed to enter the Gongyuan, and I failed the exam, so don’t hold me accountable, okay?”

Gu Ningxi was taken aback when he heard the words, he had been scrutinizing Mo Qi's face carefully, not letting go of every inch, not paying attention to whether this person was a man or a woman.

Only then did he realize that there was a female Jiao'e in front of him, he was a little too late to react, and looked away with some reluctance, it was too impolite to stare at a woman.

Gu Ningxi remembered her responsibilities, coughed lightly to reprimand Mo Qi, and asked Mo Qi to leave, not allowing her to take the exam.

Then he went back to the entrance of the Gongyuan to inspect, and there was nothing else to do, but the youthful face with clear eyebrows was always reflected in his mind.

During the month when Gu Ningxi was not in the mansion, Tao Xinhe's life was not much leisurely.

The old lady Gu presided over the branch office after the death of the old man Gu, and lived with the third son, and the third room of the Gu family did not separate from the branch office. Tao Xinhe often goes to Gu San's house to say hello to grandma on behalf of the big house.

Mrs. Gu has an eldest son and a third son, and the second son is a concubine.

The eldest son is Gu Ningxi's father, Mr. Gu. The mother and son had a falling out in the early years because Mr. Gu insisted on marrying Gu Ningxi's mother. Until Gu Ningxi's parents passed away one after another, Mrs. Gu did not recognize their husband and wife.

The old lady Gu didn't have any ill feelings towards Gu Ningxi, the second-ranked grandson. After all, she was already a fifth-rank official of the imperial court at a young age, and her future was promising.

But she is quite disdainful towards Tao Xinhe, the reason is very simple, Tao Xinhe is the daughter-in-law that Gu Ningxi's mother is satisfied with.

Every time Tao Xinhe went to see Mrs. Gu, she was never rude. She always brought the needlework she made for the elderly, and gave gifts to her uncles and aunts. So when Third Aunt Gu saw Tao Xinhe, she smiled diligently: "To see the old lady? Come with Third Aunt."

Third Aunt Gu quietly looked at Tao Xinhe, the nephew and daughter-in-law. She was of medium height and slim figure, with smooth and fair skin, thin eyebrows and eyes, and full lips. She is wearing a pink gown today, and her hair style has also changed. Although she is a middle-aged figure, she is quite charming, as straight as a slightly ripe peach fruit.

Tao Xinhe finally didn't wear turmeric, it must be because Gu Ningxi was not at home, Third Aunt Gu really admired this nephew and daughter-in-law for being able to wear the same color and pattern of clothes every day for three years for her nephew.

Third Aunt Gu exchanged pleasantries while leading the way: "I heard that Ningxi has served as the examiner for this Jinshi Examination, right?"

Seeing Tao Xinhe smiling and nodding, Aunt Gu clapped her hands exaggeratedly: "Hey, it's amazing, Ningxi is only twenty-five years old and has taken on this important task. We are still struggling in the Imperial Academy. Daughter-in-law Ningxi, turn around Seeing Ningxi, help Third Aunt to talk about it, let him pull the brother out?"

Tao Xinhe smiled wryly, and the third aunt did it again.

The three masters, from the third master to the uncle Ran, were all doted on by the old lady. The third master never won the exam in his life to help the family manage the business. Gu Ningran barely won the exam three years ago and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy.

It is said that when the father-in-law was alive, the old lady always asked the father-in-law to take care of her nephew, and later she often ordered Gu Ningxi to do so, so the third room always relied on the eldest room as a matter of course.

On the contrary, it was the second wife, who was indifferent to the old lady because she was a concubine, and the old lady didn't have many demands on them.

Tao Xinhe speeded up her pace a little without showing any signs, and responded with a dignified smile: "Third Aunt, how much can we know about their men in the inner courtyard. But they are all brothers in the same family, and it is impossible to write two caretakers. Ningxi knows the words. Besides, the elder brother is also motivated, so the third aunt doesn't have to worry about it too much."

Third Aunt Gu took Tao Xinhe's hand affectionately, a little surprised at how soft and smooth it was: "Hey, Ningxi and Ningran walked past face to face, and Ningxi didn't even recognize his cousin. Third Aunt also counted Growing up with Ningxi, he used to keep quiet when he met anyone, and he had to tell others about his family first. In my opinion, it was better after he married you. How many times have you met men for him? How many times have I mentioned him, his promotion to Sicheng is due to your contribution, you are his well-deserved virtuous wife."

Tao Xinhe understood what the third aunt was referring to, and it wasn't because her husband was blind. She was often by his side at banquets and gatherings, and mentioned the names and origins of the guests. She just smiled and said nothing.

The two of them arrived at the old lady's courtyard, and not long after the announcement was made, the maid came out with a troubled expression and replied: "Mrs. Xi Er, the old lady has a headache and doesn't want to see guests. She said that it will not be too late to see you again when Second Master Xi comes back."

Aunt Gu and Tao Xinhe both knew that this was the old lady throwing face at the granddaughter-in-law she didn't like, and it wasn't the first time.

Tao Xinhe remained expressionless, thanked the servant generously, left the present, bid farewell to Third Aunt Gu and returned. Aunt Gu and the maid were left behind to whisper: "It's really good self-restraint, the elders are so embarrassing that they can hold their breath, but I don't know if they will cry when they go back to the house."

Tao Xinhe just went through the motions, not paying attention to the cold treatment her husband and grandmother gave her. After a few days, he took Gu Runing, who was the second roommate, back to his mother's Tao Mansion for a short stay.

Tao Xinhe is the eldest daughter of the family. When her mother died of illness at the age of fourteen, she single-handedly took charge of the Tao family's internal affairs. She dedicated herself to honoring her father and raising her younger siblings. She did not marry the Gu family until she was twenty.

She is twenty-three this year, and her second sister, Tao Xinrong, was nineteen years old and married to another place. The younger brother Tao Muxian was eighteen years old and married his wife Hong. The third sister, Tao Xinqiang, was sixteen years old, and Gu Runing came to play with the third girl, Tao Xinqiang.

Tao Muxian was very dependent on his eldest sister, even though he was already a husband and an adult, he could still put on a tired look in front of Tao Xinhe, greet his elder sister and beg her to stay a few more days.

Tao Xinhe asked about the recent situation of everyone in the family, and learned that her father still had no plans to remarry, so she could only sigh deeply.

January flies by, and now it is the beginning of October, the weather has turned cold, the leaves have withered, and Tao Xinhe has changed into a jacket, still in the pattern of **** yellow butterflies wearing flowers.

Ever since she married Gu Ningxi, she knew that he could be identified by his voice, smell, clothing, hairstyle, gait and posture, etc. Tao Xinhe has been wearing the same patterned clothes and combing the same bun for three years.

Today, the list of Jinshi of Xinke was released, Gu Ningxi should come out from the Gong Yuan.

Tao Xinhe waited eagerly at the gate of the mansion. The arrangements for welcoming Gu Ningxi in the mansion, such as bath water and delicious meals, were all prepared.

As soon as Gu Ningxi's figure appeared at the corner of the alley, Tao Xinhe felt her heart beat faster, her eyes were slightly wet, and she hadn't seen her for a whole month.

Back in the main room, Tao Xinhe dismissed the servants, served Gu Ningxi with his own meals, served him soup, and sat aside quietly watching her husband.

He has lost weight, his face has turned pale, his eyes are a little blue, and his beard has grown. It seems that this month in the Gongyuan has been quite hard. Tao Xinhe felt a little distressed, and picked some vegetables for Gu Ningxi.

After eating and drinking, Gu Ningxi put down the bowls and chopsticks and let out a long breath: "It's still comfortable at home, and the food is delicious. He Niang hasn't eaten all the time, have you eaten?"

Tao Xinhe was embarrassed to say that she was stunned by her husband and forgot to eat, so she tried her best to maintain a dignified look and nodded.

The dress and hairstyle of the lady in front of me are familiar, and the Chen Shuixiang around her is also painted by the lady for herself every day, why is her face still blurred?

Gu Ningxi secretly hated herself for not being able to live up to her expectations, she clenched her hands tightly under the table, her veins burst out, and she wanted to hit her head hard.

Gu Ningxi lowered her eyes slightly, looking at the cold leftovers on the table, her heart was cold, but she said with the most gentle meaning on her mouth: "He Niang, thank you for the characteristics of the boss and colleagues you prepared for me before. This month has really Different from Shang Dynasty, everyone sometimes wears casual clothes, and I can only call you by the characteristics you have refined, so that I will not be rude. There are also all kinds of items, you have taken a lot of trouble. How about you? How are you at home this month?"

Tao Xinhe felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach, her body was a little light, and the usual afternoon sun seemed to be playing with her, and she blushed.

The husband understands her devotion, so it is not in vain that she tries her best to meet male guests at various banquets and when visiting other people's homes, and write down their characteristics. "Everything is fine at home." As soon as the voice came out, Tao Xinhe was a little surprised, why was it so soft?

Gu Ningxi shared the bed with her at night, but she didn't do anything extra. Tao Xinhe was a little bit disappointed, her eyes reflected the beautifully embroidered fat dolls on the bed curtains, thinking that her husband must be tired and should have a good rest.

However, three days, five days, ten days, half a month...they have nothing to do with each other.

Gu Ningxi appeared absent-minded and answered irrelevant questions. Tao Xinhe politely asked him what difficulties he had encountered, but Gu Ningxi prevaricated and told Tao Xinhe not to think too much.

In November, the weather turned cold rapidly, and silver charcoal was burned in the main room of the Gu residence. Tao Xinhe couldn't sleep well at night, she could often feel her husband tossing and turning, but when she asked softly, he didn't say a word, and the next day he insisted that he slept soundly until dawn.

It was late when Gu Ningxi came back, and he had to go out on the holidays. He said that the Minister of Rites saw that he performed well in the Gongyuan, and gave him a new task of revising ancient books. He was anxious to finish it before the end of the year, so he often had to work in the department, telling Tao Xinhe not to wait for him to come home late, but to go to bed first.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the first heavy snowfall fell in the capital. It fell for a whole day, and everything was covered with a crystal white coat.

The little maids probably forgot to refill the charcoal sloppily. In the middle of the night, Tao Xinhe felt a chill. She instinctively opened her eyes and adapted to the night, but found that her husband was not by her side.

Tao Xinhe felt restless, pushed the quilt and put on her clothes, got up, pulled up the delicate embroidered shoes beside the bed, and left the bed curtain without a sound, under the faint moonlight and snow color, she searched for Gu Ningxi's figure everywhere with her eyes, but she couldn't find it in the house.

Tao Xinhe vaguely heard a slight rustling sound in the yard outside the house, she bit her lip tightly, and walked to the window step by step, gently opened the window to look at the exposed slit.

She saw at a glance that Gu Ningxi, whom she admired wholeheartedly, was only wearing thin plain white pajamas, with red fruits on her upper body, her hair disheveled, standing in the snow, the snow reaching her ankles.

He was grabbing the snow on the ground in a handful, and sprinkled it from the top of his head, letting the cold snow melt on his body, flowing down a series of winding water lines. From time to time, Gu Ningxi raised her head to the sky, opened her mouth and let out a silent cry, like a trapped animal with nowhere to go.

Tao Xinhe suddenly loosened her wrist, closed the window, and squatted on the ground involuntarily, tears pouring out in big drops.

She bit the back of her right hand tightly, and soon the blood oozes out without making a sound.

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Read The Duke's Passion