MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 98 eve

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In July of this year, Lin Wei had a very tense life. She began to have nightmares all night long. Sometimes she would be immersed in nightmares, crying constantly, and sometimes she would wake up from her dreams.

Zong Shao had a light sleep, and basically whenever she moved, he would wake up. When he sees her crying, he will coax her, and when she wakes up, he will ask her what's wrong, but it's usually okay if he doesn't ask. When he asks, Lin Wei can't help crying, but he still gets up. coax her.

Once crying and crying, Lin Wei remembered the plot of the original book. During the day, she didn't dare to ask, for fear that Zong Shao would think too much, but at night she couldn't control so much. She asked Zong Shao what he would do if she died. ?

When Zong Shao heard this question for the first time, his brows were furrowed tightly. Please don't say such depressing words. She is still so young, and even half of her life is not over, how could she die?

But Lin Wei thought that she died so young in the original book, so she cried and said what if? I have to ask Zong Shao to give an answer.

Zong Shao had no choice but to think about it. After a long time, he said, "I may be in pain, but I should live with my children."

If there is no child, he may make a different choice than the old shígG Dujia, but when the child is born, they bear the responsibility.

They are not only each other's lovers, but also the children's parents and their support.

Therefore, if Lin Wei died unexpectedly, he thought he would not put down the children and die with her. Likewise, if he dies, he also wants her to live well.

But Zong Shao also knew in his heart that this answer might not satisfy Lin Wei. He didn't want to lie, so after deliberation, he still said it.

When he just said it, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart, afraid that Lin Wei would be angry and that she would be disappointed.

After hearing this, Lin Wei really cried even more. Zong Shao quickly apologized in a low voice, but the more he apologized, the more she cried. He really had no choice but to take her hand and slap him in the face.

The slap was not heavy, but Lin Wei was stunned by the crisp voice. She looked at Zong Shao with tears in her eyes, listening to him say sorry, she was still crying, but she couldn't help laughing.

She stretched out the hand that was held by him, stroked the palm print that did not exist on his face, choked and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

I used to think that after her death in the original book, Zong Shao took the child to guard her whole life. In fact, it was difficult for her to equate it with reality, even if she later believed that Zong Shao loved her and believed that if she really died, he would think of novels She has been like that for a lifetime, but what has never happened is a story to her after all.

Only now, hearing Zong Shao's answer, she knew that if she could survive, what happened in the novel would always be a story. But if she dies, it all becomes reality.

Zong Shaohe will make the same choice as in the novel.

Too stupid.

Lin Wei cried until the second half of the night that day. When she woke up the next day, she felt ashamed of herself, and she made up her mind to control her emotions before going to bed.

It's just that there is always a gap between ideals and reality. She thinks this way every time she goes to bed, but when she really wakes up from a nightmare, it's hard to control her emotions.

After half a month, not only Lin Wei looked haggard, but Zong Shao also had dark circles under his eyes.

It is not uncommon for Zong Shao to have dark circles under his eyes. He has always been energetic. He used to do zipper training in the camp. He could only sleep for three or four hours a day. After a week, everyone was like an eggplant beaten by frost. .

Zhou Jianhai has known him for so many years, but he has never seen him like this, so he asked when he was free.

Zong Shao didn't hide it, but he didn't persuade him, he just said vaguely: "Weiwei has always had nightmares these days, and it's easy to cry at night."

"Nightmare, what nightmare?" Zhou Jianhai asked.

Zong Shao didn't know what kind of nightmare Lin Wei was having, so when he asked her, he refused to say anything, so he could only speculate from her question: "It should have been a dream that something happened to me, and every time she woke up, she would ask me something strange. The problem."

Zhou Jianhai immediately asked, "Did I ask you, what would you do if she died, and would you marry another?"

"Does this happen when my sister-in-law is pregnant?"

"Yes, why not." Zhou Jianhai said, "You don't know, I was tossed during that time, say not to marry, she doesn't believe it, thinks I lied to coax her, say let's marry again, she still Unhappy, calling me unconscionable, my head is big."

Zong Shao said, "Weiwei didn't disbelieve me."

Zhou Jianhai glanced at Zong Shao, suspecting that he was showing off.

"How long has my sister-in-law been in this state?" Zong Shao asked.

"How long," Zhou Jianhai recalled, "it's been a long time, but it's not as frequent as your wife, maybe once or twice a month. It's like having a baby, isn't there an old saying? Having a baby is like passing the gate of hell. It's normal for their women to be afraid."

Zong Shao frowned: "Is that so?"

"What else could it be like? You were not around when Lin Wei gave birth to the first two, so I don't know. You should know next time."

Thinking of Lin Wei's haggard appearance, Zong Shao thought that there should be no next time, and said, "Weiwei has been having nightmares almost every night recently, which seems to be different from my sister-in-law's situation."

"She was okay some time ago?"

Zong Shao said in retrospect: "She has been a little nervous since she was pregnant, but it was not so obvious before, and her mood has fluctuated a lot recently."

"Then have you asked her?"

"I asked. She always cried when I asked at night. During the day, she just said it was okay, but she had a nightmare."

Zhou Jianhai thought about it and said, "I think it's because of the pregnancy of the younger brother and sister, and the mood swings are relatively large. I guess, she will be fine when the child is born at the latest. There is nothing wrong, you can rest assured."

Zong Shao sighed, I hope so.

Lin Wei also noticed Zong Shao's dark circles. After entering July, not only did she not get enough rest, but Zong Shao didn't sleep much at night.

But she didn't rest well, she slept for five or six hours, and could make up for sleep during the day.

Because Zong Shao wanted to coax her, he was able to close his eyes and sleep for a while in the first half of the night, and finally closed his eyes in the second half of the night, so it was time to go to the military camp.

After arriving at the barracks, Zong Shao basically had no time to make up for sleep. Although officers and cadres did not need daily training like ordinary soldiers, he was in charge of soldier training and had stricter self-requirements. Every day, he was either on the ship or on the training ground. Going to the battalion headquarters office, is also in the training plan.

Everything else was fine, Lin Wei was just afraid that he wouldn't be able to support the training. After all, the intensity was quite high, and coupled with the lack of sleep, he might be able to carry it for ten days and a half, but he would definitely not be able to bear it in a month.

Lin Wei basically gave up treatment now, although she knew rationally that she had foreseen the future and took precautions, so she was very likely to survive.

But when she woke up from her dream in the middle of the night, she couldn't control that much, and fear still prevailed. And her fear was something Zong Shao could not comfort for the time being.

This is life and death.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lin Wei decided to sleep in a separate room with Zong Shao, so that he could sleep well. As for her...crying at night, she could continue to sleep after crying anyway.

Just as soon as her plan was put forward, she was severely opposed by Zong Shao.

Lin Wei thought that Zong Shao had misunderstood what he meant, and explained, "It's just for the time being to sleep in separate rooms. When I feel better after a while, I'll sleep together, so that you can rest a little better."

"I'm resting, what about you?" Zong Shao asked.

"I..." Lin Wei pursed her lips and said, "Anyway, I get up late in the morning, and I can catch up during the day. Besides, I am not as hard at school as you are in the military camp."

Zong Shao said, "But when I don't want you to cry, I'm not by your side."

Lin Wei was silent for a moment, then lowered her head and said, "Even if you are by your side, you can't do anything."

"At least I can hold you."

Lin Wei's eyes were slightly warm, she looked up at him and said, "But you can't keep doing this forever, your body will be overwhelmed."

"I'm fine, I've been through the past few days and nights, and now I can sleep at night, and I don't stay up like this all the time, and I can catch up on sleep when I'm on vacation..." Zong Shao said, and suddenly stopped.

In fact, he regretted it very much. Although he didn't catch up with Lin Wei to give birth to Ming Ruirui, he had seen her after giving birth, and he always knew that pregnancy and childbirth were very painful.

It's just that he ignored the pain in the past, so after going to the island, Lin Wei suggested that he didn't want to have a child so early, and said he wanted contraception. Although he agreed, he actually welcomed the child to come.

Otherwise, based on his personality, after deciding on contraception, he would definitely inquire about the best way, and he would not be so indulgent in the past six months or so.

It was not until Lin Wei was pregnant with this child that he knew that the pain of an unexpected child was not only physical, but also psychological to her.

If he could have paid more attention to this matter earlier, if he had restrained himself a bit during the Chinese New Year, Lin Wei might not have conceived this child, and it would not be so painful now.

He was wrong.

Zong Shao stroked Lin Wei's face and said, "I want to accompany you, let me accompany you."

He should accompany her. Only after seeing and experiencing it can he know her hard work and dedication as a mother, and he can learn from it.

Looking at Zong Shao's firm expression, Lin Wei nodded: "Okay."

In the next half month, the two still did not sleep separately. Lin Wei would still wake up at night and could not control the tears, but she felt that she was less afraid.

Because she moves her hands, she can touch the people around her, and she can even feel the existence of the people around her without even touching her hands.

She knew that he would always be with her.

Because of this, the closer the day got, the less she lost control of her emotions, and the two of them were barely able to sleep peacefully.

Until the last day of July, during dinner in the evening, Zong Shao told Lin Wei a piece of news: "There may be a typhoon landing these few days, you should be careful at home during the day."

Lin Wei, who was holding the vegetables, shook her hands, and the vegetables she was holding fell back. Lin Wei raised her head and asked, "Which day?"

"It's expected on the second or third," Zong Shao noticed that Lin Wei's attitude was wrong, and he held her hand and said, "Don't worry, the typhoon is not big this time. We will stock up on food for the past two days at home. Doors and windows, just don't go out."

But this did not appease Lin Wei. Originally, in her conjecture, the typhoon was not big, but now it just confirmed her conjecture—the cause of death of "her" in the novel was not directly related to the typhoon.

Lin Wei answered vaguely, retracted her chopsticks, picked up the rice in the bowl, and ate it one by one.

After a long time, she suddenly raised her head: "Can you ask for leave the day after tomorrow?"

Zong Shao stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Wei didn't say why, just looked at him and said, "I missed you at home that day."

Zong Shao no longer hesitated and nodded: "Okay, I will ask for leave as soon as I arrive at the camp tomorrow."

Lin Wei snorted, lowered her head and continued to eat. After a while, she said, "Remember to apply and drive back."

When Lin Wei accompanied the army to the island for the first time, he was really scared when he heard that a typhoon was coming, and that time he deliberately changed the camp time with Zhou Jianhai. But after seeing more typhoons, Lin Wei was less afraid and didn't ask the old shígG Dujia to come back sooner.

But Zong Shao didn't ask any more, he just said, "Okay."

After receiving the reply, Lin Wei felt a little relieved, and she lowered her head and continued to eat.

If Zong Shao didn't ask for leave tomorrow, or didn't apply for a car, she would pretend to have a stomachache in the evening and ask him to take her to the hospital. If he was on leave, she would put off until the next morning to fake a stomachache so that even if there was a typhoon, it would not be so difficult to go to the hospital.

In addition, she also prepared a lot of biscuits and snacks. If the rain was too heavy to drive the car that day, she would lie on the bed with the food for a day.

She made up her mind, and that night, Lin Wei fell asleep with her arms in her arms.

Before going to bed, she thought that she would continue to have nightmares at night, but the truth was that she had no dreams all night. Throughout July, she finally slept and woke up naturally one day.

After getting up the next day, Lin Wei stocked up on a lot of food while she was going to the state-run restaurant in the morning, noon and evening.

Zong Shao also drove back in the evening. Although his battalion commander approved him for asking for leave for no reason, their battalion commander Ye saw the dark circles on his face and knew that his daughter-in-law was not in good condition during this time. He rarely asks for leave, but he still takes a day off.

Before going to bed at night, Lin Wei moved all the food upstairs, and asked Zong Shao to take the thermos and cups upstairs.

Mingming watched his parents move these things upstairs, and asked with his mouth open, "Is there going to be a big accident in our family?"

As soon as the words fell, Zong Shao rewarded him with a head-scratcher: "Shut up and don't talk."

Mingming rubbed his head innocently, and felt that Dad was really unreasonable. When did he tell him to shut up? Although he had objections in his heart, looking at the serious expressions of his parents, he didn't dare to say anything, only muttered in his heart.

Lin Wei smiled and said, "Mom is preparing for a big event. Bring your pillows with Rarity. Let's sleep together at night."

"Can we? Can we sleep with mom tonight?" Mingming looked surprised.

Since Lin Wei was pregnant, it was clear that Ruirui seldom slept with her, especially in July, they never slept together once.

Lin Wei nodded and said, "Okay, go get the pillow."

No matter what happens tomorrow, this night, she wants the whole family to be together.

Obviously Ruirui went to get the pillow happily, but the two children didn't dare to be next to Lin Wei when they slept, for fear of not sleeping honestly at night and kicking their mother's stomach.

Although the father was in the middle, the two children were very excited to throw it, especially Mingming, who kept talking.

Neither Lin Wei nor Zong Shao interrupted him, they just listened with a smile on their faces.

So this night, the two children slept late, and as for Lin Wei and Zong Shao, they didn't sleep a night.

But they didn't speak, they just closed their eyes and pretended to be sleeping. It wasn't until the first light in the morning came in through the curtains that Lin Wei opened her eyes and thought,

It's a sunny morning.

Afterwards, she covered her stomach, turned her head to Zong Shao's ear and said, "A Shao, my stomach hurts."

The author says:

Read The Duke's Passion