MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 96 pen

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Lin Wei complained, but she still carefully prepared a birthday present for Zong Shao.

As for the birthday party, it was not as lively as the children. When the children were asked who they wanted to invite, they could still name Xiao Shi, Zong Shao was the only one who couldn't say a single name.

Well, in fact, he is not so miserable, mainly because he is older, he is not as lively as a child, and he is not a full year old.

He is an adult, and Lin Wei naturally lets him do whatever he wants to do on his birthday, so he focuses on gifts.

Zong Shaoke was more picky than the two children in terms of gifts. Lin Wei asked the children what they wanted, and they thought about it seriously. Later, I took them to the supply and marketing agency to pick gifts. They were not pretentious. They picked gifts generously. Except for the gifts that were obviously too expensive, Lin Wei didn't worry at all.

Zong Shao was much more annoying. When he gave Mingming Ruirui a gift, he also said that it was best to give the gift they liked, and suggested that they should choose it themselves. When it was his turn to prepare a gift for him, he changed his tone, saying that the gift must have a sense of mystery, so that there will be surprises.

Lin Wei heard it and said, "What if you don't like the gift I prepared?"

Zong Shao said generously: "No matter what kind of gift, as long as it is carefully prepared by you, I like it."

Lin Wei: "..." You have finished speaking the truth.

Worrying alone is worse than worrying about everyone else. Lin Wei decided to drag the two children into the water too. She called them to her side and said, "Dad's birthday is on the thirteenth of next month. Have you thought about what gift to give him?"

Mingming was shocked: "Are we still going to give Dad a gift?"

Lin Wei was even more shocked: "Dad and mother have prepared such a great gift for you together. When it's your father's birthday, don't you show it? Not only father's birthday, but mother's birthday, I also look forward to receiving your gifts." Coincidentally, their family's birthdays are all within two months.

"But, but we have no money." Mingming said pitifully.

Lin Wei said: "It doesn't matter, the gift is not expensive, but your heart. As long as you carefully prepare it, your parents will be happy without spending money."

Mingming was persuaded, and said with a wrinkled face, "Well, that's fine."

Rarity thought more and asked, "Did Mom and Dad have their birthdays together too?"

Lin Wei stretched out her finger, shook it and said, "Dad's birthday is in mid-May, and mom's birthday is in early June, so we won't be together."

"Then can my brother and I prepare gifts for Mom and Dad?" Rarity asked again.

Lin Wei looked at the two children in front of her heartily: "Mom and Dad worked so hard to pull you up, but you just want to get a gift from each of you on your birthday. You don't want to, do you want to be lazy?"

Although it is clear that Ruirui has a mature side that exceeds his peers, but after all, he is still young, and it is easy to fool occasionally.

Just like now, the two of them were so embarrassed by Lin Wei's question that they patted their chests and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I will definitely prepare gifts for you and Dad with special, special, and special care!"

Rarity quickly followed his brother's statement, "Me too."

Lin Wei smiled slightly: "Then Mom and Dad are waiting for the gifts you prepared!"

The two children nodded in unison, but when they turned their heads, they scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks. What are they going to give to their parents?

Because Dad's birthday is ahead, the first thing the two children worry about is the birthday present for Dad.

The two children pondered for several days, but still didn't think of what to give, so they made the same choice as Lin Wei and ran to ask Zong Shao.

Lin Wei thought that Zong Shao wouldn't say it, but he actually treated him differently, saying, "As long as you have carefully prepared, send a flower and a song, Dad will be happy."

Although the sentence structure has not changed, the meaning is far from it.

Lin Wei asked Zong Shao to reason with him, but he said helplessly, "What do you compare to the children?"

Lin Wei: "…"

Seeing that Lin Wei was speechless, Zong Shao asked with concern, "It's not long before my birthday, are you ready for the gift?"


"What is it?"

Lin Wei squinted at Zong Shao: "Didn't you say you want to be surprised? Just wait!"

Zong Shao's birthday was a working day, so he still had to go to the military camp as normal and could not come back until evening.

Lin Wei didn't have classes in the afternoon. She bought food at the state-run restaurant at noon, and started preparing dinner after class after her nap.

The dishes she prepared today were not as rich as those of the two children's birthdays, not because she was treated differently, but because she had a morning class and couldn't find time to buy vegetables.

There is time in the afternoon, but the seafood supply station is closed, and the meat in the vegetable market is almost sold out. There are only two spare ribs, a little lean meat, and a little pig intestine.

Lin Wei didn't dare to buy pig intestines. Although her reaction is not as old as two months ago, the smell of pig intestines is strong. She is afraid that she will vomit when washing, and the rest will be rounded directly.

In the end, there were only two meat dishes on the table, sweet and sour pork ribs and fried pork with green peppers. Oh, Lin Wei also spread an egg cake, and put shrimp in the soup, and the rest were vegetarian dishes.

But Zong Shao didn't pick, and after sitting down, he waited expectantly for his wife and children to sing a birthday song to him.

It's nothing to sing the birthday song. Last time in front of so many children, Lin Wei didn't feel embarrassed when she sang it.

It's just that there are some things. If people don't take it seriously, she will feel at ease. If people look forward to it, she will be easily embarrassed. Just like Zong Shao was looking at her with interest now, she couldn't open her mouth and said, "It's not an important birthday, so I won't sing a birthday song, right?"

Zong Shao said dissatisfiedly: "You sang when they were four years old. I am twenty-five this year." Every fifth is also a full birthday.

Lin Wei reminded: "My birthday hasn't passed yet."

"I'll sing for you all night on your birthday." Zong Shao boasted down the sea.


For the birthday song all night, Lin Wei worked hard and took her two children to sing it. At first, she was a little embarrassed, but when she sang, she became more at ease, clapping her hands with the two children, and swaying her body from side to side.

Zong Shao looked at them with a smile and was finally satisfied.

After singing the birthday song, Zong Shao was eagerly waiting for a present for his father, and then he waited for a... a new marble.

Zong Shao's expression froze: "This is?"

"This is my favorite marble, Dad, you have to keep it." In order to highlight the importance of marbles, Mingming said three good words in a row.

Zong Shao: "...Okay."

Compared with his brother, Rarity's gifts are much more reliable. He gave Zong Shao a new notebook, which is the advantage of having savings. You can buy gifts now without having to dig through toys.

But what Zong Shao looked forward to most was the gift from Lin Wei. After receiving the gifts from the two children, he looked up at Lin Wei.

Lin Wei took out her gift and handed it to Zong Shao, "Don't laugh at me."

It's good that she didn't say this. Once she said this, Zong Shao looked forward to her gift even more, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely not laugh at you."

Of the three gifts, the most formal one was given by Lin Wei, not only wrapped in floral paper, but also tied with a blue ribbon.

Zong Shao took the gift, opened the ribbon, and asked with a smile, "What's inside?"

"look by youself."

Zong Shao looked at the box in his hand. The box was not big, about the length of his palm, the width was between **** and three fingers, and the thickness was about two fingers.

Zong Shao asked, "Is it a pen?"

Lin Wei's expression froze.

"Is it really a pen?" Zong Shao raised his eyebrows, and was somewhat dissatisfied, "Is it only a pen?"

Lin Wei repeated: "You can see for yourself!" Seeing a gift for him was long-winded.

Seeing her like this, Zong Shao had an answer in his heart: "Oh, there are other things."

Unpacking the paper, it turned out to be a box for pens. The brand is not very high-end, but it is not ordinary, at least the price is not ordinary.

Of course, even more unusual is the lettering on the top of the barrel.


The font is a little rough, but the engraving effect is very good, but he can guess what Z and L mean, but the old shígG Dujia& in the middle doesn't quite understand, he picked up the pen and sent it to Lin Wei and asked: "This symbol is What's the meaning?"

Zong Shao was very satisfied with the words engraved by Lin Wei, but she herself felt that it was too ugly.

Although she didn't want to look at it, Lin Wei still glanced at it and said, "It means harmony."

Zong Shao looked left and right, and didn't think that & was similar to Hezi, but he knew that Lin Wei always had a lot of weird ideas, so he didn't delve into it, and pondered: "So together, Zong Shaohe Lin Wei."

In fact, she originally wanted to engrave a somewhat literary sentence like "I wish you peace and joy", but after getting started, she found that it was really difficult to engrave.

And the pen was bought by her former colleague in Shicheng. The supply and marketing agency in the county did not sell it. This is the only one. If it is broken, it cannot be replaced. She can only be cautious and cautious, so she has Z&L.

But she wouldn't tell Zong Shao about this, so she just nodded and said, "Yeah."

Zong Shao lowered his head and stroked the lettering on the pen. Because it was hand-carved, the surface of the lettering was not smooth enough, but it was the roughness that moved him.

He smiled and said, "I like your gift very much."

He liked it very much, but he was obviously not very satisfied, and complained: "Why are there only father and mother, and my brother and I are not on it?"

"Today is my birthday." Zong Shao reminded and emphasized, "This is a birthday present from your mother."

In other words, why the two of you?

Obviously dissatisfied: "But my brother and I didn't have this on the birthday present."

"I'll engrave it for you?" Zong Shao asked.

Mingming glanced at his father, raised his mouth and said, "I want my mother to carve it."

Lin Wei had a headache. The comparison between the two father and son was endless, so she took the pen from Zong Shao and said, "This is Z, the initial letter of Zong, what is your name?"

Mingming said: "Mingming."

"Big name."

After thinking about it, Lin Wei fainted: "You even forgot your own name?"

Mingming said aggrievedly: "But you and your father are both called Mingming, Uncle Zhou, Aunt Deng, Aunt Bamei..." He counted a large list of names with his fingers, "That's what they call me."

Lin Wei: "..." So you don't even remember your own name, so I have to praise you?

Luckily, Ruirui is not as stupid as he is obviously. He can say not only his own name, but also his brother's name. When asked, he said, "My name is Zong Zerui, and my brother's name is Zong Zeming."

"That's right, remember?" The second half of the sentence asked clearly.

"Remember, my name is Zong Zeming." After Mingming finished speaking, he muttered, "But I still think Mingming sounds good."

Lin Wei has no taboos in this regard, saying: "When you grow up, you can change your name to Zong Mingming."

Mingming: "Oh."

After talking about the name, Lin Wei continued: "Z contains Zong Shao, Zong Zeming, and Zong Zerui, so these letters are our family, you know?"

"Understood." Mingming tilted his head to look at the words on the pen. The more he read, the more satisfied he felt. He took the pen and handed it to Zong Shao solemnly.

Zong Shao: "..." After all that, I finally became a third?

Although it became one third, Zong Shao cherished this gift from Lin Wei very much. He went to the military camp the next day and put this pen in his pocket.

In fact, it is very popular to put pens on your pockets these days, and some people don't think one is enough, so they want two or three, as if it can make themselves look more cultured.

Even in the army, there is no shortage of such "vanity" people.

But Zong Shao is not such a person. He never attaches a pen to his clothes, so when he arrived at the camp, several people noticed the difference in him.

Don't think that men are all rough, and they can't detect the slight changes in friends and colleagues. This is the army, and the observation ability of soldiers is good.

And people are like this. When they see changes in other people, they can't help but ask one more question.

So sooner or later, these people asked similar questions: "Why don't you use the pen today? Why, I figured it out and decided to use the pen as a cultural person."

When others asked, Zong Shao didn't hide it, and said calmly, "That's not true, but this pen is a birthday gift that my daughter-in-law carefully prepared for me. I don't use it often, she knows. Will definitely be disappointed."

Some people choose to shut up immediately after being stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, but some people have to jokingly ask: "Your wife is so strict with you?"

Zong Shao looked inexplicable: "What does this have to do with whether she is strict with me? Does your daughter-in-law give you gifts so that you can put them aside to eat ashes after receiving them? Then my daughter-in-law thinks differently from your daughter-in-law, I will accept it. I am happy with the gift, and I want her to be happy, so I want to use this pen more."

This time, instead of stuffing dog food, he was forced to stab him in the heart while being squeezed by his throat.

Yes, he has been married for so many years, and he has never received a birthday present from his wife, but what happened? Is he proud? No!

The joking person clutched his chest, changed the subject and asked, "Then we have a meeting this morning, do you remember that?"


Facts have proved that Zong Shao not only remembered, but also listed one, two, three or four feasible systems according to the theme of the meeting.

Of course, if Zong Shao just spoke, be honest in his hand, and don't turn the pen out of the flower, the battalion commander would definitely be happier looking at him.

Instead of being like this now, while thinking that Zong Shao is a capable person, I think it's okay. I know that you received a gift from your daughter-in-law on your birthday. Enough is enough!

Enough is of course not enough, Zong Shao took the pen and started the meeting, all the way to the end of the meeting.

The other people in the meeting were okay, the two people sitting beside him couldn't bear it, mainly because when they lowered their heads, out of the corner of their eyes they saw Zong Shao's waving hand and the lettering on it, not only envy and jealous that he had a birthday I don't have a gift for myself, and I'm still curious about the meaning of the engraving on it.

Zhou Jianhai is sitting on Zong Shao's left. He understands Zong Shao's secret poking and flaunting heart. Even if his heart seems to be scratched by a cat's claws and itches badly, he will not ask Zong Shao more.

But the company commander of the second company sitting on Zong Shao's right did not have the patience. I don't understand, what does that mean?"

The second company commander deliberately lowered his voice, but Zong Shao didn't. He picked up the pen in his hand and said in a flat tone: "Oh, this, my daughter-in-law said that Z and L are the initials of my name and hers, and the characters in the middle are sum. I mean, it's me and her when I practice."

He would never tell anyone, he was just one of three!

When the other officers who had not left the conference room heard the words, they all looked at the second company commander and questioned with their eyes: "It's not enough for you to abuse yourself, so you have to pull us?"

Second Company Commander: "..."

The author says:

Two more

Read The Duke's Passion