MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 91 nervous

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After crying in Zong Shao's arms, Lin Wei gradually calmed down.

She cried because she might die in the novel, but seriously think about it, is the "Lin Wei" in the novel really herself?

Although she sometimes thinks of the plot of the novel, and is used to calling it "a past life", does a person really have a past life? Is the "previous life" that she has not experienced really her past life?

Taking a step back, even if people have a past life and this life, the "Lin Wei" in the novel is herself, but from the moment she dreamed of the original novel, everything was different.

In the novel, she died with the child, but she will not, she will live with the child.

And when she first arrived on the island, Lin Wei had a lot of guesses about the cause of her death in the novel. It might be that she encountered a typhoon when she went out and had no time to avoid it. She fell and bumped, or it might have been a sudden illness that made it too late to go to the hospital.

But typhoons do not occur suddenly. It usually takes several days from formation to landfall, which is enough for meteorological experts to detect and detect the wind and the movement of the typhoon. Not necessarily in other places, but the troops will definitely get the news as soon as possible and respond according to the wind.

Every typhoon day, the army will arrange someone to notify the surrounding residents, so that they can go out less on typhoon days, and the family area is no exception.

If there is no particularly important matter, Lin Wei believes that she in the novel will not go out easily.

But what can she do?

It was summer vacation in August, and the school gates were closed, and it was impossible for her to have important matters. And her friends are all military wives, and they all live in the family area. Even if she visits other people's houses on a typhoon day, she will definitely be able to find a place to hide when she is on the road when the typhoon comes.

Even if she accidentally bumped, she is a healthy adult, unless she is unlucky enough to hit her head and bleed a lot, ordinary bumps are not fatal at all.

As for the sudden illness, she went to the hospital for a check-up last year. She was in good health, with no problem with her head, and no problem with her heart. Her heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney were also fine. For ordinary diseases, even if it takes half a day to go to the hospital, it will not cause death on the spot.

As a result, those speculations were rejected one by one.

Therefore, until today, Lin Wei was still full of uncertainties about the cause of death. But now, she has an answer in her heart.

If she is pregnant in the novel, by August, she will be five or six months pregnant, even if it is a single child, her belly should show.

And a pregnant woman who is obviously pregnant is too prone to accidents. Even if she falls and doesn't hit the key, she can't go to the hospital in a typhoon, and she can be dragged to death.

Although Lin Wei felt that if this was the truth, her death in the novel would be too tragic. But for her in this life, after learning the truth, her chances of surviving will be greatly improved.

When there is a typhoon, Zong Shao usually does not go to sea. If she has a child, she can keep him at home on the grounds that she is not feeling well, or even go to the military hospital. In this way, even if she stumbles, she can get treatment nearby and will not be delayed due to the weather.

It would be even better if she was not pregnant in the novel, but was pregnant instead of using contraception in her life.

Because the novel is from Luo Yun's perspective, and she didn't write about her past at all, so although she dreamed that the old shígG had a plot, but for more than half a year, she still lived with her eyes closed, and she didn't know what to do to conform to life. I don't know what can change the trajectory of my life.

If the little life in her stomach didn't exist in her previous life, it would be a big change. With this change, her hope of escaping death would be even greater.

Therefore, pregnancy is not a bad thing for her, she doesn't have to panic at all, just let it go.

Of course, the various symptoms on her body may also be simply delayed menstrual periods, and when she encounters an uncomfortable stomach, she is not pregnant at all.

In this case, although the cause of death needs to be re-guessed, she can breathe a sigh of relief, and she doesn't have to worry about the whole pregnancy.

In short, everything has pros and cons. If you think in the bad direction, there will be no way out, but if you think in the good direction, there will be a way of life.

And she has to make a way out.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei cheered up and said to Zong Shao, who continued to pat her on the shoulder, "I'm fine."

Zong Shao let go of the girl in his arms and lowered his head to look at her face. His eyes were flushed, tears were still wet, and his face was still pale, but his mood was indeed better than before.

Zong Shao took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the wet tears from her face. Folding the handkerchief, he asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Lin Wei pursed her lips and did not answer.

Zong Shao held the handkerchief and looked at her seriously: "Weiwei, I want to know what's wrong with you, at least I can know how to comfort you." Instead of being helpless like now.

Originally, Lin Wei had already adjusted her mood, but after hearing Zong Shao's words, her enthusiasm surged again.

She lowered her head and covered her face, but didn't know what to say.

After getting along for more than half a year, Lin Wei believed that if she told him about the novel, even if he couldn't believe it all, he would believe it by eight or nine points.

But what about after the letter?

But the two were in a panic.

Lin Wei didn't want that, so she raised her head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you what happened now."

Zong Shao's eyes darkened, but after a while he shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can wait for the day you want to talk."

He reached out and stroked Lin Wei's face, from the eyebrows, to the lips, and up to the eyes, covering her slightly swollen eyelids: "I'm swollen from crying."

Lin Wei seemed to come to life suddenly, pushed Zong Shao away with an "ah" sound, stepped into the bathroom with slippers, turned on the light inside and looked at the mirror.

It's just that the light from the bulb is orange, and the light is dim, so I can't see anything in the mirror, Lin Wei can only turn her head and follow Zong Shao, who is leaning against the door and looking at her: "Is it really swollen? Isn't it ugly?"

"It's a little swollen, not ugly," Zong Shao shook his head, "it just looks pitiful, it makes people feel distressed."

Lin Wei stopped by pressing her eyes, looked at Zong Shao in the mirror and said, "A Shao, give me some more time." If she can survive, she will tell him the answer.

Zong Shao looked at her and said, "Okay."

After Lin Wei cried, it was Zong Shao who became more clingy. After coaxing the two children to sleep, he returned to the master bedroom. He moved a stool and sat in front of the dresser, watching Lin Wei apply the cream from a close distance.

Lin Wei used to massage her face with her hands every time she wiped the cream, but today Zong Shao was staring at her. She couldn't continue, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Look at you." Zong Shao answered frankly.

"What do I look good on?"

Zong Shao asked with a smile, "What if you look good everywhere in my eyes?"

Lin Wei blushed, and said angrily, "Beautiful words."

Zong Shao corrected: "This should be called sweet talk."

"Is it different?" Lin Wei gave up massaging her face, pulled down the headband and started combing her hair.

"I'm coming." Zong Shao stood up, took the comb from her hand, and explained solemnly, "The rhetoric is pretentious, but I am sincere."

"Okay, sweet talk." Lin Wei smiled, but in the next second she bared her teeth, "It hurts, take it easy."

Zong Shao hurriedly stopped his movements and asked, "It hurts?"

Lin Wei said, "It hurts a little bit, but it's fine, but you lighten up. I don't have much hair, so I can't stand your combing."

Zong Shao raised the corners of his lips, slowed down and continued to comb her hair. He held her hair in the middle and said, "If you don't have a lot of hair, what should others do?"

"Then you have to be gentle."

Zong Shao replied yes, after combing her hair, he continued to braid her. However, compared with the action of combing his hair, he is obviously not very good at braiding, and the action is visibly unfamiliar to the naked eye.

Although Lin Wei was very tolerant to him because he combed her hair for the first time, she was silent when she saw the two thick braids on her head in the mirror.

Zong Shao didn't notice her dislike, and even felt very good about himself. After tying Lin Wei's headband, he asked, "Not bad, right?"

Lin Wei raised her head and squeezed out a smile and said, "It's good."

Fortunately, it's night, she doesn't have to go out to meet people with these two braids, otherwise she'll have to remove the braids now!

Out of sight, Lin Wei left the dressing table and lay on the bed, feeling that her eyes were instantly healed.

But after getting to the bed, Zong Shao was still clinging to Lin Wei, moving his hands up and down, ready to move.

Lin Wei let him set the fire until he hit the arrow and reached out to take off her trousers, then held down his hand and said, "I may have it."

Zong Shao's expression was blank for a moment, and after a while, he fixed his eyes and asked, "What?"

Lin Wei put her hand on the back of Zong Shao's neck, pulled him towards her, and whispered in his ear, "I might be pregnant, so I can't do it tonight."

Zong Shao's throat moved slightly, and sweat slipped from his forehead along his temples. After a long time, he recovered his voice: "Are you sure? Don't we have contraception?"

"I'm not sure, but my period has been almost two months away, and I feel uncomfortable when I smell the fishy smell these days. As for contraception, it's just a small chance of being in vitro, it's not impossible to get pregnant at all." Lin Wei Very methodically speaking.

Because of the short interval between Lin Wei's menstrual periods, the time of each month is not fixed, and Zong Shaonian will go out to sea after that, so he does not know how long she has not had her period.

As for the fact that she couldn't smell the fishy smell, Zong Shao knew that, but he, like her, thought she had a bad stomach. After all, the two had been avoiding pregnancy.

who knows!

Lin Wei asked, "Aren't you happy?"

Although Lin Wei said he didn't want to have a child so early, Zong Shao agreed, but of course he was happy that God was willing to give them a child.

If he didn't learn the news at this time, he would have jumped up with Lin Wei in his arms one day earlier, half a day, or even half an hour.

But now, Zong Shao can only grit his teeth and say, "Happy."

"Oh, I really can't hear your happiness at all." Lin Wei held back a smile to find fault.

Zong Shao turned his head to the side, the tip of his nose pressed against hers, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Did you do this on purpose?"

"What on purpose?"

Zong Shao bit her lip and said, "Tell me about this on purpose at this time."

Lin Wei refused to admit it, and said, "You were in a hurry and didn't give me a chance to say it." She also deliberately asked, "Do you want to solve it."

"You solve it for me."

Lin Wei opened her eyes. Now she is relying on the emperor to make the princes, and asks: "Aren't you afraid of children..." An accident?

But before she could finish speaking, Zong Shao pulled her hand over, and then there was only the sound of his breathing sometimes hurriedly and sometimes soothingly in her ears.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Wei and Zong Shao sent their two children to Zhou's house, and asked Chen Bamei to help take care of them, while the couple went to the military hospital for examination.

The inspection process was a bit cumbersome, it took most of the morning, and the result could not come out in the morning. So after the inspection, the two went back to call the child and went to the state-run restaurant for a meal.

Because Zong Shao told them that Lin Wei was not feeling well and that she was going to the hospital for a checkup, the two children were very good at noon. On the way to the state-run hotel, they clearly said that they would walk with Lin Wei. However, Zong Shao was uneasy because he was too detached in normal times, ruthlessly rejected him, and personally supported Lin Wei.

Lin Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The result hasn't come out yet, so it doesn't have to be. Are you so nervous?"

"Nervous? When did I get nervous?" Zong Shao refused to admit it, throwing the blame on his son, "I was mainly to prevent Mingming, who was walking and jumping, afraid that he would bump into you."

That afternoon, in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Military Region Hospital, when the doctor announced the results, Lin Wei glanced at the tense man beside her and thought:

Don't be nervous, hehe!

The author says:

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