MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 78 Dating

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The last time Lin Wei and Zong Shao dated was when they first got married.

But Lin Wei didn't know if it counted as a date, because every time she went out, her grandmother urged her. She thought that Zong Shao was annoying at home, so she asked him to take Lin Wei out for a walk.

They went to the movies, went for a walk in the park, held hands secretly in the dark cinema, kissed secretly in the empty corner of the park,

At that time, she was thin-skinned and was startled when she was kissed. She hurriedly pushed Zong Shao away and looked around to see if anyone was coming. She was relieved when she saw no one, and raised her head to yell at him for being a hooligan.

Zong Shao said solemnly, "I kiss my own wife, what kind of rascal are you playing?"

Lin Wei was amazed and said that he was really thick-skinned, and then when he left, he was pulled back and kissed twice, so that when she returned home, her face was all red.

After that, there was no more dating. Soon after Zong Shao returned to the army, she found out that she was pregnant. When he came back, there were two more little guys in the family.

Therefore, even though I was not very relieved to have two children, Lin Wei was also full of expectations for the next day's activities.

After getting up in the morning, Lin Wei dressed up.

Said to be dressed up, in fact, that is to draw the eyebrows, put some lipstick on the mouth, although there is no color, but the lip color does look brighter.

Yazhou Island is not cold in winter, and the temperature has been hovering around 20 degrees for a long time. The thick sweater and coat that Lin Wei brought from her hometown has not come in handy since she went to the island.

What Lin Wei wears now is basically the clothes she wore in early autumn in her hometown, usually shirts and trousers.

But she wears too many shirts and trousers. Occasionally, she wants to change something else, so she pulls out a black dress from the old shígG Dujia in the closet. The dress is ankle-length and can be worn this season. It's just that it's too grand and inappropriate to wear it like this during class. Today, I'm going on a date, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Because the skirt was not thick enough, after Lin Wei put on the skirt, she found a thin trench coat from the closet and put it on her body, and fastened the cufflinks before going downstairs.

Zong Shao didn't change his clothes specially, the main reason was that his wardrobe was full of military uniforms, and it was the same style again.

He was sitting in the living room waiting, and when he heard the voice raise his head, his eyes deepened and he said, "It's beautiful."

Mingming said it more directly, looked at Lin Wei intently and said, "Mom is so pretty today!"

Lin Wei was very happy to be complimented, and reached out to touch his hair: "Thank you."

Mingming blinked: "Mom, can I go with you?" Originally, after being rejected yesterday, he didn't want to go out with his parents, but now that he sees how beautiful his mother is, he wants to go together again.

Zong Shao said, "Mom and Dad have a lot of things to do today, so I don't have time to take care of you."

"Okay, then mom and dad, you have to come back early, I want to see mom more." Mingming urged.

Zong Shao was also a little helpless: "I see, I'll let you watch it when I get back." He greeted his younger son to go out together.

After arriving at Zhou's house, Zhou Jianhai saw the couple and joked a few times. But Zong Shao was thick-skinned, so he was not embarrassed to hear it. He even stamped him because he was envious and jealous, which made Zhou Jianhai say that next time he and his daughter-in-law would live in a two-person world and send the child to their house, Zong Shao readily agreed. .

The brothers played with Xiao Shi, and Zong Shao and Lin Wei left.

However, the two did not leave the family area directly, but first went to Zong Shao's battalion commander's house and asked someone to borrow a bicycle.

The bicycle is Phoenix brand, the price is not cheap, but after all, it is a big brand, and it is more comfortable to sit on than other bicycles. Zong Shao rides very fast. It takes more than half an hour to get there in ten minutes.

After entering the county, the two went straight to the cinema. There are no new movies released recently, and old movies are shown all day. Lin Wei picked out a love movie that opened at ten o'clock, an hour-and-a-half-hour movie, and just had lunch after the end.

Most of the young people watch movies these days. Although Lin Wei is not very old, she always feels that she is not too young when she has children. Standing in the crowd waiting to see the movie, she always feels a little out of place.

Zong Shao was quite calm, but he didn't think of anything for a while, and suddenly asked Lin Wei to wait for her for a while, and then went out.

Zong Shao didn't go long, maybe five or six minutes. When he came back, he had two oil paper bags in one hand, two bottles of soda between his fingers in the other hand, and the straw in his hand.

When he came to him, Lin Wei asked, "Did you buy food?"

"The movie takes a long time." Zong Shao said, handing a bottle of soda to Lin Wei, "I also bought popcorn and melon seeds."

Lin Wei asked, "Will it be bad for me to watch a movie and eat melon seeds?"

"Last time I watched a movie, a lot of people ate it. If you don't want to eat melon seeds, you can bring it back to the children to eat."

Lin Wei snorted. There were still a few minutes before the movie started. When she was bored, she raised her head and looked left and right.

Soon, her eyes were attracted by a young couple on the right. The girl wanted to open a soda, but she couldn't open it. The boy who also had a bottle of soda and a large bag of snacks in his hand brought the soda bottle to his mouth, Bite it open with your teeth, then insert a straw and hand it to the girl.

The girl raised her head, saw the bottle cap he was biting in his mouth, and took the soda bottle with blushing cheeks.

Lin Wei smiled when Zong Shao saw the smile on her face and asked in a low voice, "Want to drink soda?"

"No, I just think it's interesting." Lin Wei shook her head and said.


Zong Shao looked up again and said, "I can also open the bottle cap with my teeth."

Lin Wei: "…"

After the movie started, Zong Shao really showed Lin Wei how to open the bottle cap with his teeth. Even though the light in the screening room was too dark, he couldn't see clearly, but he could hear the voice clearly, so Lin Wei couldn't help covering his teeth.

Zong Shao handed the soda with the straw inserted to Lin Wei and asked, "Do you have a toothache?"

"It hurts for you." Lin Wei said and took the soda bottle.

Zong Shao smiled softly, leaned into Lin Wei's ear and said, "I won't hurt if you kiss me."

"Do you really have a toothache?" Lin Wei asked.

Naturally, there is no toothache. He brushes his teeth sooner or later. He doesn't smoke much. But if he can get a kiss, he can also feel the pain and say, "It's okay, I can bear it."

Although the light in the projection hall was dim, there were people on the front, back, left and right. Lin Wei didn't have the guts to kiss him. In order to lighten his burden, she said, "If that's the case, then I'll drink this bottle of soda for you, so that you don't lose your teeth. It hurts more."

Zong Shao: "…"

During the talk, the title was over, a group of young people in green military uniforms and big red flowers appeared on the screen, and the male and female protagonists were sitting in the crowd.

The film was filmed a few years ago. It is based on the background of going to the countryside. It tells the story of a group of young people who came to the frontier full of passion. The plot is not, and the emotional expression is not strong, but it is particularly heart-warming.

It's just that the story is not complete. In a sudden accident, the male protagonist died to save people, and the female protagonist who had the opportunity to return to the city, after the pain, resolutely decided to inherit the male protagonist's legacy and stayed on that land. .

When the movie happened to the male protagonist, there was crying in the screening room, and Lin Wei couldn't help but redden her eyes.

When the tears were about to fall, her right hand on the armrest was held by Zong Shao. She raised her head slightly and looked at Zong Shao, only to see him leaning towards her in the dark.

Lin Wei's expression became tense and she held her breath.

But he didn't do anything, just wiped the moisture from the corner of her eyes with slightly rough fingers, and comforted: "It's just a story."

Lin Wei snorted, looked up at the screen, and slowly rested her head on Zong Shao's shoulder.

This gesture is a bit intimate, if it is in Shicheng, on the street, they will probably be stopped by the red armband and be reprimanded.

However, Yaxian County is remote and the noise is not as fierce as the outside world. In addition, it is in the projection hall. Even if someone sees the intimacy between them, they will not say anything.

Therefore, it was not until the end of the movie, when the lights in the screening hall were lit, that Lin Wei sat up straight and asked Zong Shao, "Where are we going next?"

"Have a meal."

"I can't eat it." During the movie, Lin Wei ate a big bag of popcorn, some melon seeds, and a half bottle of soda.

"Then go out for a walk?"

Lin Wei nodded, left the cinema with Zong Shao, and walked along the street.

Walking and walking, the two arrived at the Yaxian Bridge. The name has big characters, but the bridge is not really big, just quite long. Under the bridge is the river, and the river banks are full of palm trees, and occasionally mango and durian trees can be seen.

But at the end of December, there is no fruit on the durian tree, but the mango blossoms, but the mango blossoms are relatively small, clustered in clusters, and it is not very beautiful.

Today is Sunday, and there are many people by the river on the bridge, mostly young couples, and some parents who bring their children out to play.

Lin Wei followed Zong Shao to the bridge, but did not go to the other side, standing in the middle of the bridge, leaning against the railing and blowing the wind.

Not long after blowing, Zong Shao asked Lin Wei if she was cold.

Lin Wei looked down at her exposed ankle, shook her head and said, "It's okay." She remembered something again and asked, "Do you remember the time we had a blind date, when we went to the park, you always asked me if I was cold."

"You wore very little that day." Zong Shao said.

Their blind date was just before the Chinese New Year, when there had just been snow in Shicheng, but the snow had melted when they met, and it was a sunny day.

Lin Wei wore a festive dress that day. She was wearing a red woolen jacket and black trousers. It looked pretty, but she always looked a little thin. At that time, she was always blowing her hands, and when she walked to a sheltered place, she couldn't help but twitch her body.

He was quite thick at the time, wrapped in a cotton coat, and his mother said he looked good in that dress and looked very energetic.

It's just that the two have just met, and they really don't know each other very well. He is afraid that he will make her feel uncomfortable by taking off his coat to her rashly. After a while, I asked her if she was cold, thinking that if she said it was cold, she could take off her coat and give it to her logically.

But after asking several times, he didn't wait for the word "cold", so he suggested to go shopping at the supply and marketing agency.

Lin Wei said: "Actually, I want to wear more clothes, but my mother said it doesn't look good. It's sunny outside, so let me bear it."

When she heard this, Lin Wei's first reaction was to ask her father if she picked it up, or why would her mother marry her in such a hurry. In the end, before her father could answer, she was slapped by her mother and told her not to talk nonsense.

Although Lin Wei stopped, she was still a little dissatisfied with her mother's eagerness to marry her daughter, and the absurd blind date.

Yes, ridiculous.

Although when Lin Wei first met her grandmother, she heard the two old ladies talk about the baby's kiss, but their tone at the time was a joke, and Lin Wei didn't take the marriage seriously.

What age is it, and it's still an arranged marriage, saying it makes people laugh out loud.

Therefore, when her mother solemnly mentioned the baby kiss and said that she and her grandmother both hoped that the two children could fulfill their engagement contract, Lin Wei sprayed the tea out of her mouth and reached out to touch her mother's forehead. Suspect the old lady has a high fever.

But it turns out that the old lady is serious.

Of course, in order to make this feudal doll look more in line with the values ​​of the times, the two old ladies still gave them a chance to see each other.

Although her mother said that she would get along if she liked it, and if she didn't, she would go away, but judging from the fact that she found a padded jacket that day and was stopped by her mother and insisted that she change into better clothes, Lin Wei was probably hanging.

Therefore, on the way to the blind date, Lin Wei was not very happy in her heart, but her mother told her to be nice and smile more when she met someone, otherwise she would have to squeeze out a shy smile when she went back to clean her up. Allow.

However, after the meeting, Zong Shao's appearance really exceeded her expectations.

First of all, this person is tall, and secondly, he is not ugly, and he is quite clean.

It's just a human, I don't know if it's smart or stunned, I'd say it's the former. I only know if she is cold, but I don't know if I should suggest a change of place earlier. If it wasn't for the threatening look in her mother's eyes before she left, she would really want to give up. But to say that he was stunned, and he knew how to buy something for her and eat, he had decided the matter of their relationship.

If he was a little stunned and tactful at the time, it's not certain whether they can come together now.

Lin Wei thought about it, and when she lowered her head, she felt her hand being held, and reflexively wanted to withdraw her hand, but Zong Shao said, "Don't worry, no one will care about us."

Most of the people walking on the bridge are young people, and most of the young people are lovers.

Lin Wei didn't move, but Zong Shao took a step closer and took her into his arms.

After lunch, Lin Wei and Zong Shao were not in a hurry to go back, but turned around and went to the supply and marketing agency. She wanted to choose a gift for the two children, but she always felt guilty for not bringing them out to play.

In this regard, Zong Shao actually didn't fully understand Lin Wei. Like him, he didn't feel any guilt, but felt that he had a very happy day.

Before he even got home, he had already started to figure out in his mind how he could afford his two children next time.

But Zong Shao did not stop Lin Wei from choosing gifts for the two children, but gave his opinion very seriously, because he knew that Lin Wei was always softer.

It's just that the supply and marketing cooperatives have very limited toys for children, nothing more than marbles and rubber band rattles. The two chose to choose and discussed for a long time before they picked out two gifts that were quite satisfactory.

Rarity was given a wood puzzle, and since it was half the size of a desk, it might have taken some brains and time to put together, just right for him.

The gift for Mingming is also made of wood, but it is a truck. It looks a bit rough, but because the four wheels can move, although it needs to be manually operated by the child, this toy is novel enough in this era, and it is very suitable for Mingming. Such a curious child.

Although Lin Wei could only say that she was satisfied with the two gifts, the two children liked the gifts they received. Zong Shao saw it in his eyes and quickly thought of how to give away the two children next time.

Sugar-coated cannonballs are always a nirvana for children.

The author says:

Two more

Read The Duke's Passion