MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 64 idealism

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After Gao Xiulian finished speaking, there was a glimmer of pride in her eyes.

When she was cooking at the window, because she missed half a couple of meals for a military sister-in-law, the other party rose from an individual to a group, inciting all the customers, forcing their director to transfer her from the window to the back kitchen.

Because she suffered a loss before, this time Gao Xiulian followed suit, from Lin Wei's personal behavior to all teachers. The purpose was to make Feng Ying drive Lin Wei out of the military area elementary school for the reputation of the military area elementary school.

Gao Xiulian thought about it, if Feng Ying chooses to favor Lin Wei and doesn't kick her out, she will publicize the matter and unite with all the parents to protest.

At that time, I am not afraid that Feng Ying will not bow his head.

And Feng Ying didn't have any special reaction after listening to Gao Xiulian's words, just turned to look at Lin Wei: "Mr. Lin?"

Lin Wei stood up and said, "I want to ask a few questions, when did classmate Zhao Mei get injured?"

"Didn't I say it just now? Last Saturday." Gao Xiulian rolled her eyes, feeling that Lin Wei was stalling for time.

Lin Wei ignored her white eyes and continued to ask, "Last Saturday morning, morning or afternoon?"

Gao Xiulian looked at her daughter who was sitting beside her, and chose to avoid her answer: "You beat my daughter yourself, can you not know when she was injured? Does it make sense to ask this now?"

"If I really hit classmate Zhao Mei, of course it doesn't make sense to ask this, but the fact is that I didn't hit anyone at all." Lin Wei looked at Gao Xiulian and said, "Since the old shígG Du Jiaran you insisted that I hit, you have to tell me. I, when did I hit the person, and what kind of tool did I use to hit the person?"

Feng Ying interjected at the right time: "I want to know too."

Gao Xiulian calculated in her heart.

Her daughter was injured in the activity class on Saturday afternoon. There must be no wounds on her hands before. If she said that she had been beaten in the morning, Lin Wei would have been exposed when she asked her daughter at the same table.

And it was the main class in the morning, and the students were all in the classroom. If Lin Wei hit the students in the class, you could find out by going to the class and asking. Although there is a break in the middle, the time is too short and it is not very round.

It's still good afternoon. In activity class, the students are busy and the teacher is more free. They won't stay in the same place all the time.

"Okay, since you want to ask, then I'll tell you, you beat my daughter with thin bamboo sticks last Saturday afternoon!" Gao Xiulian said, taking Zhao Mei's hand and opening her palm, "Such a small child, You can also beat her hands to the core, it's been almost two days, and the scars on her hands are still not healed!"

"Before two o'clock, or after two."

Gao Xiulian hesitated and said, "After two o'clock."

"Okay, then let me tell you about my schedule after two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday. I went to the classroom from the office at two o'clock that day when the bell rang. After arriving in the classroom, I went to three classes of the second grade one after another. , arrange the tasks for the day, basically a class for eight or nine minutes, I went back to the office around 2:30, after that, until 4:00, I was in the office to correct the homework and prepare the lesson plan. During the period, Mr. Huang Aiyun and Mr. Zhao Yanhua were both there. They can testify against me."

Gao Xiulian pursed her lips: "What about after four o'clock?"

"After four o'clock, I took the corrected homework and went to the classroom of Class 2. At that time, the children went outside to pull weeds, and there was no one in the classroom, so after I put the homework on the desk of the class representative, I went to the playground. Weed with the children until about five o'clock." Speaking of which, Lin Wei stopped and turned to Gao Xiulian, "Excuse me, Comrade Gao, when do you think I will have time to beat your daughter?"

Gao Xiulian said, "Who knows how long you stayed there when you went to the second shift to deliver your homework."

"Even if I stay in the classroom of class 2 for an hour and student Zhao Mei is outside, can I still hit her from the air?" Lin Wei asked.

"And after five o'clock?"

"After five o'clock, I organized the children to wash their hands, and then let them go back to the class to prepare for school, and after I went back to the office and locked the door, I left the school directly."

Gao Xiulian heard Lin Wei's alone time and said, "Maybe you are my daughter who was beaten at this time."

Lin Wei sneered: "Maybe? The word Comrade Gao is really interesting to use."

"That's because my daughter was frightened by you, and I still dare not say when and how you hit her." Gao Xiulian opened her eyes and said nonsense, "You said you went back to the office and locked the door, but you didn't say anything at that time. When people see it, who knows if what you said is true? What if you go somewhere else? What if you take advantage of this time and hit my daughter?"

Lin Wei asked, "Even if I didn't go back to the office, what about classmate Zhao Mei? Didn't she go back to the classroom?"

How could Gao Xiulian know these details.

Although she had the idea of ​​borrowing the wound on her daughter's hand on Saturday night to frame Lin Wei for hitting her students and disturbing her work. But she knew that if Zhao Feng found out about this matter, he would definitely not let her do it. In order to avoid being shocked by the grass, Gao Xiulian did not dare to speak up after having this idea. It was not until this morning that she forced Zhao Mei to give perjury and tell her about it. oral confession.

Because Lin Wei beat Zhao Mei, Gao Xiulian fabricated it completely, so when she confessed, Gao Xiulian basically said that Zhao Mei followed suit.

And Gao Xiulian didn't even think about perfecting the details. She felt that for such a long day, it was impossible for Lin Wei to have people around her all the time, and there were many places to take advantage of.

As long as her daughter insisted that Lin Wei hit her, Lin Wei would definitely not be clean.

So she never thought about asking Zhao Mei's itinerary, and naturally she didn't know when, if anyone was around her.

Gao Xiulian didn't expect that Lin Wei would compress the time from a whole day to one after a few questions.

And more importantly, when Lin Wei pulled the timeline like this, Gao Xiulian really couldn't think of when Lin Wei could beat a student.

Gao Xiulian felt that she could no longer be led by Lin Wei's nose.

She said loudly: "You are a teacher, of course other teachers and students will help you talk, and you said that you have been in the office from 2:30 to 4:00, who knows if this time is accurate, in case you leave the office early, Five, six minutes, seven or eight minutes, who cares? Don't everyone else live by counting their watches."

Lin Wei laughed angrily: "Dare in your eyes, Comrade Gao, as long as the person who testifies to me must tell lies, only you, Comrade Gao Xiulian, say everything is true, you say I hit a student, I You must beat the students, why don't you go to heaven?"

After listening to Gao Xiulian, she turned her head and complained to Feng Ying: "Principal Feng, listen to what she said? Is this her attitude as a teacher when she talks to her parents?"

Feng Ying asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with her attitude? Isn't it good? There's not a single dirty word."

She mocks me! Can't you hear?

Although Gao Xiulian scolded all kinds of nasty words in front of Lin Wei, her nature "only allows state officials to set fires, not people to light lamps", of course Lin Wei could not tolerate her mocking her.

It's a pity that Feng Ying pretended to be stupid. She couldn't offend anyone, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "My daughter was injured at school. She was the teacher who taught the class that day, and she was accused of beating my daughter. I ask more questions. What's the matter? But she's good, this attitude seems like I deliberately slander her."

Feng Ying said: "Okay, there is an old saying 'one day is a teacher, life is a father', although you don't pay attention to those now, but as a parent, you should always have the most basic respect for your child's teacher? Which of the words you are saying now can be heard with respect?"

Gao Xiulian was unwilling: "She beat my daughter, so I have to respect her?"

Feng Ying frowned, tapped her fingers on the table, and said, "Even if you have an opinion on her, you shouldn't open your mouth and say that she is cruel and has no morality before the matter is finalized. Besides, that's all you have to do with her. , why do you ask her to speak to you in a good voice? She is a teacher, not lower than you. "

Feng Ying's words were bitter, but Gao Xiulian still felt that she was biased and was very upset, and retorted: "Why is the matter inconclusive? My daughter has already said it, but Lin Wei beat her up like this! My daughter is a child. , can you still lie and frame her intentionally?"

Lin Wei opened her mouth and said, "Comrade Gao, you always say that classmate Zhao Mei said I hit her hand, but it seems that she hasn't said a word since I walked into this office?"

"You also know that my daughter has not dared to say a word since you entered the door?" Gao Xiulian said confidently, "If you hadn't hit her, how could she be so afraid of you?"

Lin Wei ignored Gao Xiulian and only looked at Feng Ying: "Since Zhao Mei is a party, should we listen to her voice?"

"Of course." Feng Ying nodded.

Although when Feng Ying went to call Lin Wei, Gao Xiulian emphasized it again to her daughter and asked her to follow her own explanation, but she was still a little worried, and quickly blocked: "I don't understand, why do you insist on my daughter? Speak up, you are her teacher, and it’s not that she doesn’t know that she is timid and introverted. If you push her like this, what can she say? Besides, it’s not that she didn’t explain it to me clearly when she was at home…”

Lin Wei interrupted Gao Xiulian: "Since the explanation is clear, then you can tell me when I hit her, why did I hit her, was there anyone around at the time... If you can't tell, but you want to say that I hit a student , I deny this crime! If I can find someone to testify for me after you say it, please apologize to me!"

"I agree with what Teacher Lin said." Feng Ying made a timely statement and looked at Gao Xiulian, waiting for her to speak.

But how dare Gao Xiulian open her mouth, Lin Wei obviously wants her to give a clear time and place regardless of her harassment just now. But she's not a school teacher, and she didn't stare at them last Saturday. How could she know when they were alone at the same time.

She didn't dare to talk nonsense, because once the time and place were revealed, one of Lin Wei and Zhao Mei, together with others, Lin Wei would be able to clear the suspicion.

And speaking of now, Feng Ying's attitude is also obvious, she is partial to Lin Wei.

If she continues to stop her and keep her daughter from speaking, this matter will definitely be over, and after today, she may never have the chance to drive Lin Wei out of the military elementary school.

"Even if my daughter says you beat her, you can't deny it? She's a child, and her scheming is as deep as your adult. When you bring her in with a few words, others will think that my daughter is not good enough. Good." Gao Xiulian gritted her teeth and said, "And you are her teacher. She identified you today, what will you do against her in the future?"

The other two people in the office understood what Gao Xiulian meant, and to put it bluntly, she just wanted a guarantee.

Feng Ying felt that her request was unreasonable. Although emotionally, she believed that every child was good and would not lie and deceive others, but she has been a teacher for so many years and brought so many students, she knows better than anyone else, Children, too, lie.

What's more, seeing now, she can be considered to understand, no matter how Zhao Mei's injury was caused, who did it, Gao Xiulian wants to take the opportunity to take revenge on Lin Wei for sure.

Will Zhao Mei tell the truth under the pressure of her mother?

Feng Ying didn't think so, so she couldn't follow Gao Xiulian's wishes.

It's just that Feng Ying was about to speak when a voice sounded first: "As long as classmate Zhao Mei personally identifies me as hitting her, I will give up my defense and leave the military elementary school."

Feng Ying's expression changed: "Mr. Lin!"

Gao Xiulian had a surprise in her eyes: "Are you serious?"

Lin Wei's expression remained unchanged: "Truth."

"Lin Wei! Do you know the seriousness of this matter?" Feng Ying got angry and called Lin Wei by her name.

"I know I'll let you down by doing this, but I think if I love the kids I teach and choose to lie, it only proves that I'm not suitable for the job."

Although Lin Wei's contemporary class teacher is purely chasing ducks to the shelves, she really wanted to do her job well after joining the job. During the short time together, she gradually fell in love with these children in the class, and gradually understood "teaching and educating people" The weight of four words.

The more she understands, the more cautious she is when dealing with these children. She hopes that she can teach these children well, and she also believes that she is a good teacher.

She doesn't know how long she can work as a substitute teacher, or whether she will continue to be a teacher in the future, but during this period, she always feels that this work experience will be the best in her life, no matter how long or short. memory.

But if Zhao Mei chooses to lie, this beauty will cease to exist.

It also means that what she thinks is a good job is actually a terrible job. She also does not have the ability to make these children better.

She will lose her original intention.

And she, who lost her original intention, will no longer be suitable to continue this job.

Lin Wei bowed to Feng Ying and said, "Sorry, you may have to look for a substitute teacher again."

Still too young to experience setbacks, so he still retains the idealism of his student days. Feng Ying often shook his head when talking about such a person, but when he really met him, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

She sighed, looked at Zhao Mei and asked warmly, "Did you understand what we said just now?"

Gao Xiulian was keenly aware of Feng Ying's acquiescence, pushed her daughter's shoulder and urged, "Quick, tell the principal, do you understand?"

Zhao Mei, who was pushed into the middle of the office, felt a little uncomfortable. She shrank her shoulders and lowered her head lower: "Listen, I understand."

Feng Ying continued to ask: "Then raise your head, look into the teacher's eyes, and tell the teacher, how did the injury on your hand come from?"


The thin little girl raised her head tremblingly, but before she could look directly into Feng Ying's eyes, big tears flowed down, and her tightly pursed lips trembled slightly.

Seeing that she didn't say a word, Gao Xiulian felt anxious, pushed her shoulder again and said, "Your principal asks you something, but you should hurry up!"

Zhao Mei was pushed to the side, but her head was raised, and she said loudly, "I, the wound on my hand was caused by me pulling the weeds!"

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