MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 45 new job

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Lin Wei's new job was introduced by Director Chen.

However, the statement of the new job is not very accurate. Strictly speaking, this should be regarded as a short-term part-time job.

The reason for the part-time job is that a female teacher in the military district primary school gave birth to a child. Before the summer vacation, she had agreed to give birth and confinement, and asked for a vacation of about a month.

She took a total of three classes. Originally, during the leave period, three other teachers helped to substitute for the class, and each took one more class. Although the work task is a bit heavy, it is only a month before and after, and there are additional subsidies for substitute classes, and the three teachers are very happy.

The problem was that the female teacher had just been admitted to the hospital on vacation, and one of the substitute teachers was also admitted to the hospital because of a broken bone. Moreover, it took a hundred days for him to take a three-month leave.

Although the number of teachers in the primary schools in the military region is adequate, the work of the teachers is really not leisurely. Because the courses are relatively easy in the lower grades, generally one teacher leads three classes, while the upper grades have more homework, and one teacher leads two classes.

One teacher asked for leave, and the staff could be mobilized. Two teachers asked for leave, and Feng Ying, the principal of the military primary school, was worried, because the number of classes that needed substitute classes suddenly increased from three to six.

And because elementary schools usually have two classes in a row, teachers with three classes have to attend at least six classes a day, and the time has been filled. Therefore, substitute teachers can only be found in the upper grades. Coupled with subject restrictions, the choices are very limited.

In addition, although the senior teachers only have two classes, they have to prepare lessons and correct homework. Some teachers have a heavy burden on their families and do not have time to help substitute classes, and there are fewer candidates.

When the female teacher asked for leave before, Feng Ying asked all the teachers. In the end, she took an extra class by herself, so she could barely gather the substitute teachers.

Now that there are suddenly four more classes that need substitute classes, Feng Yingzhen scratched her head in worry, and after she asked all the teachers again, only two teachers said they could take one more class.

Before talking to Chen Wenfang about this, Feng Ying had already let the remaining two classes study for three consecutive days in the Chinese class.

After listening to Feng Ying's words, Chen Wenfang asked, "Have you considered hiring another teacher?"

"I have considered it, but you also know that the tuition fees of the primary schools in the military region are cheap, and they can be opened until now, entirely because of the subsidy from the army. Although the above is willing to subsidize, we cannot just increase the expenses just because someone has the bottom line. If there is no accident, the school is now Having faculty is sufficient and there is no redundancy."

Having said this, Feng Ying sighed: "If we recruit another person, the urgent need is to solve it, but when Xiao Ding is finished confinement, Xiao Fang returns to his post after recovering from his leg injury. How will the new recruit be arranged?"

Feng Ying was the first batch of military wives who came to accompany the army in the early days of the establishment of the Sanlin Base.

At that time, the Sanlin Base was not as large as it is now, and the family area was not so big, just a few adobe houses.

There are not so many units outside the family area, and there is not even a shadow in the primary school.

In fact, at that time, not only the base had no primary school, but also the surrounding commune brigade did not have a school. Children who wanted to study had to get up early and rush to the Yaxian Primary School a few kilometers away.

The children of officers are better. The promotion of the army also depends on the education level. Parents are aware that no matter how hard it is, they will send their children to study.

However, the members of the surrounding commune brigade rarely have the idea of ​​having their children read. In addition, the school is too far away, so few children can endure hardships, and very few local people have finished junior high school.

Therefore, the army established the primary school in the military area not only to facilitate the enrollment of military children, but also to contribute to the local basic education.

Feng Ying was the first teacher after the establishment of the military primary school, and she was also the only teacher in the early days of the primary school.

Because there were very few people in the surrounding community who were willing to send their children to study, in their opinion, they couldn’t read anything well anyway. Instead of letting their children go to school to waste time, it’s better to do more work at home to reduce the burden on parents.

In the family area, there are more than 20 children in total, except for those who are not of school age, and those who are already in middle school and high school. There are only 12 or 3 school-age students.

Adding up the children on both sides, the military district primary school recruited a total of 19 students in the first year, distributed in all grades of the primary school, and the teacher was only Feng Ying.

In order to facilitate teaching, Feng Ying adopted the teaching mode of duplex class, arranging the nineteen students in the same classroom and taking turns in batches.

Outside of class, Feng Ying also often goes to surrounding communes and battalions, visiting parents with school-age children, giving them examples, reasoning, and persuading them to send their children to school.

Although the lobbying process was difficult, with her efforts, the number of primary schools in the military district increased to 30 in the second semester and 70 in the third semester.

Over the past 20 years, the number of primary school students in the military region has increased from 19 to 700 or 800 now, and the number of teachers has also increased from one to thirteen now.

It can be said that the primary school in the military district was run by Feng Ying with the support of the army.

Before she made a decision, her first consideration was never her own convenience, but the interests of the army and the school.

Recruiting one more teacher can certainly solve her urgent needs, but it also means that the school will have to spend more money from now on. Don't think that just one teacher, even if there is an extra expense, the cost will not be too high.

The salary standard for primary school recruits is 26. After one year, the salary is determined according to the work situation. The high salary is 32, and the low salary is 29. In the future, it will not be easy to increase. Except for Feng Ying, the oldest teachers in the military district primary school have a monthly salary in their early 40s.

To recruit a new teacher, the minimum salary is 26 per month, which is 312 per year. In addition to this, there are various New Year's holiday benefits, which add up to 400 per year. need.

If the 400 is a necessary expenditure, Feng Ying will definitely apply without blinking, but the problem is that it is not.

Under normal circumstances, there is no shortage of teachers in the primary schools in the military area. It is only because two teachers are hospitalized that the two classes are temporarily unattended.

Now that people are recruited, the immediate problem can be solved, but when the hospitalized teachers return to their posts one after another, there will be redundancy in personnel, adding more expenses.

Thinking of this, Chen Wenfang sighed: "That's true."

Seeing that the cup in front of Feng Ying was empty, Chen Wenfang picked up the teapot and filled her with tea, and said, "But it's not a problem to keep the children in those two classes studying by themselves, right?"

Feng Ying thanked him and said helplessly, "I just worry about this."

Although it is not a graduating class, the children have no pressure to go to school, but if this problem is not solved, such self-study will last at least one month.

A semester is only four months in total, so let the children continue to study on their own for a month, isn't it a waste of time!

Feng Ying held the enamel cup and said, "I'm thinking, should the children in these two classes be allowed to go to class with the other classes."

Chen Wenfang asked, "The children in these two classes are of different grades?"

Feng Ying shook her head: "They're all in the second grade."

"I remember there were only three classes in the second grade of elementary school? How many students were there in each class?"

"There are three classes, each class has about 50 people, and the three classes add up to 150 people."

After pondering for a long time, Chen Wenfang asked, "One hundred and fifty people can't fit in one classroom, right? Moreover, in the same grade, the curriculum should be staggered. If they are allowed to take Chinese classes at the same time, other subjects must also be adjusted, but in the same grade, Should the teacher of the same subject be the same person?"

"Yeah, pull the whole body, and this is what I'm embarrassed about now." Feng Ying leaned back in the chair and sighed while covering her forehead.

Chen Wenfang picked up the enamel cup and took a sip of tea, thinking and said, "If you don't hire a new teacher, have you thought about hiring a temporary substitute teacher?"

Feng Ying was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Hire a temporary worker, and you can take the class for one to three months if you agree to it. In this way, the problem of temporary shortage of people is solved. When the hospitalized teacher returns to the post, you don't have to worry about staff redundancy."

Feng Ying thought about it: "This method is feasible or feasible, but where do people find it?"

"Contact the principal of the county high school and ask if there are any suitable students?"

Feng Ying shook her head without thinking, and said, "This method is not very reliable. Let them teach the students, maybe it is better to let the children learn by themselves." The level is worrying.

Now in high school, I basically just went to elementary school before the big sports. After a few days of serious class, I caught up with the suspension of classes. I went home and played for two years.

After jumping to the fourth and fifth grades, if they can teach well, they can still make up for it, but in those years it was very chaotic, many intellectuals were defeated, and there was a shortage of teachers in the school. They don't pay much attention to education, and the courses they arrange are often half-day cultural classes and half-day engineering and agriculture classes. God knows what the children have learned.

It's the same in elementary school, and it's still the same in junior high school. When these children go to high school, the situation doesn't get much better.

As far as Feng Ying knew, for those students in the county high school, the curriculum for the first year of high school was fairly normal, but it was not enough in the second year of high school.

Feng Ying was really worried about letting them take the class instead.

Although Feng Ying didn't say it clearly, Chen Wenfang didn't know her for a day or two, so she could probably guess what she was thinking, and said, "Since you don't want to choose someone from the county high school, then I'll recommend someone to you."

"Who?" Feng Ying asked.

Chen Wenfang said, "Lin Wei, the military sister-in-law who just joined the army in June."

When Lin Wei first arrived on the island, Feng Ying went to the district for a meeting, and when the elementary school was over for the summer vacation, she left the island and returned to her hometown. Her mother was old and in poor health, so she went back to visit and did not return until the end of August.

Therefore, although Feng Ying knew that there was a new military sister-in-law coming to join the army in June, she did not know who, what name, and what the situation was.

Hearing Chen Wenfang talking about it, Feng Ying asked, "What education does she have?"

Chen Wenfang didn't nod or shake her head, just briefly introduced Lin Wei's situation: "It was said to be high school, but in fact, she had been in high school for more than a month, and she went home just in time for the suspension of classes. However, she had excellent grades in junior high school. ten."

In Feng Ying's place, even if the high school students before the suspension of classes, even if they only studied for more than a month, their academic qualifications are much higher than the current high school graduates, not to mention Lin Wei's grades in junior high school are still very good.

But Feng Ying didn't stop there, and continued to ask, "What did she do before joining the army? After so many years of leaving school, she hasn't missed her culture class, right?"

"Before joining the army, she worked as a warehouse manager in her hometown's cotton mill." Chen Wenfang saw Feng Ying's brows slightly wrinkled, and continued, "After joining the army, she had no work arrangements, so she set up a small school by herself to teach her own family and neighbors. Child enlightenment, I met her with her child some time ago, so I asked a few more questions, her child can already write dozens of words."

Feng Ying asked again, "How old is her child?"

"More than three years old and less than four years old, her two children are very smart."

Feng Ying nodded. She was engaged in education, and she knew very well what a three- or four-year-old child was like. But Feng Ying didn't make a decision immediately. She only asked Chen Wenfang where Lin Wei's house was. She wanted to talk to someone first.

As soon as Chen Wenfang heard it, she said, "There are a lot of people in her house. I'll go and call her over. You can talk at my house."

When Feng Ying heard this, she thought that Lin Wei's family lived in the townhouse, so she said, "I'll trouble you then."

"We've been friends for many years, let's not talk about this." Chen Wenfang smiled and asked Feng Ying to stay at her house and invite people over by herself.

Lin Wei was still a little puzzled when she was called out from the house. After listening to Chen Wenfang's words on the road, she couldn't help but say, "I've never been a teacher, is that true?"

"What can't be done? Let's talk about experience. Which of the jobs that can be arranged for you near the base is the one you have experience with? Don't you have to start all over? What's so scary." Chen Wenfang was very confident in Lin Wei, "Let's talk about you. Why are you inexperienced, isn't the elementary school you run at home quite decent?"

Lin Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What kind of elementary school is my school, I just play with the children, and I teach randomly. They learn randomly, which is very different from being a formal teacher."

Director Chen didn't believe it: "Don't fool me, the two children in your family are only over three years old, and they can write dozens of characters, and there is no problem with addition and subtraction within ten. If you call it random teaching, then I will only It can be said that none of the teachers in elementary school are serious about teaching children."

Thanks to Lin Wei's determination, if it was a different person, to be praised by the teacher's daughter-in-law, she might not be able to withstand it.

But even Lin Wei didn't consciously take a few steps back, and told the truth: "Look, I'm only teaching three people now, all of them are my own children, no one will blame me if I teach wrong. I'm going to teach hundreds of students, I'm scared, and if I teach wrong, am I wrong?"

Chen Wenfang felt that Lin Wei's words were extremely useless: "Since you are afraid of making mistakes, don't you do more homework and try not to make mistakes? As for suddenly teaching hundreds of students, who has experience before becoming a teacher? Not all Are you bringing dozens of people, hundreds of people? Why can't others do it, but you can't?"

Lin Wei stopped talking.

Seeing her bowing her head, Chen Wenfang's tone softened: "Principal Feng is helpless, two teachers have been hospitalized one after another, and the teachers who can be the top teachers in the school have stood up to stand up, but that's it, there are still two classes of teachers. There is no student in class. If there is no substitute for the class, these children will have to study on their own for the next month.”

Lin Wei was silent for a moment and asked, "Apart from me, is there no one else who can take the class?"

Chen Wenfang thought for a while and said, "Yes, yes, but those people, Principal Feng, don't look down on them, for fear that they will really mislead the children." In a few words, Feng Ying's concerns were expressed.

Although Lin Wei was a high school student before classes were suspended, some of her family's brigade also went to middle and high schools after classes were suspended, and their educational levels were indeed uneven.

Lin Wei hesitated.

She doesn't actually dislike being a teacher in her heart. Although the old shígG Duganian teacher was the key target of the fight, she was criticized before she was a teacher. Either the high-level intellectuals were beaten, or there were other ingredients. Questions, or saying something wrong, got the hat off.

And what is a high-level intellectual?

Someone like Lin Wei who reluctantly got a high school diploma is definitely not considered, at least he has graduated from secondary school, or even went to university.

As for the question of composition, Lin Wei came from a poor peasant background, had experience in going to the countryside, and was married to a soldier, so her composition was fine. As for saying the wrong thing, she has always been cautious, and if she really said the wrong thing, no matter what job she does, she will not be able to keep her, and it has nothing to do with being a teacher or not.

As for the fact that the teacher is busy and can't take care of the family, Director Chen also said just now that she only has two classes, so there are four classes a day. If it's all arranged in the morning, it's her own time in the afternoon, and the time is relatively loose.

Moreover, she is a substitute class, and she can take up to three months. If the teacher with the fracture recovers quickly, she may be able to resign in two months.

The only problem is that the substitute class may affect the placement of a new job for her by the Military Dependents' Resettlement Office.

But Lin Wei thought about it, the work outside the base is a pit of radishes and a pit, and there are basically people who change jobs and transfer jobs, and then there will be vacancies. And if the vacated positions do not have educational requirements, they will be assigned to military wives who joined the army earlier. When it is Lin Wei's turn, she will have to wait for a year or a half.

If there is a vacancy for a position that requires academic qualifications, it will be her turn soon, but there are too few positions, and it may not be possible to have a vacancy a year ago.

And before she gets through life and death, she wants to spend more time with her family. If the vacated post takes a long time, she may not want to go.

Thinking about it this way, a temporary worker in a military elementary school is really suitable for her.

So Lin Wei stopped talking and followed Chen Wenfang to her house to meet Feng Ying.

Feng Ying is a few years older than Chen Wenfang, and his face is already wrinkled, but he looks very energetic and speaks very neatly. After seeing Lin Wei, he didn't go around the corner, explained his purpose in a few words, and gave her a brief test.

Although Lin Wei has been out of school for many years, she has a solid foundation and a good memory. She has not forgotten what she has learned. In addition, after she taught the children, Zong Shao found someone to get two first-grade textbooks, so she answered easily.

Feng Ying was very satisfied with Lin Wei, but as a teacher, in addition to being knowledgeable, she also had to be able to speak, not to be funny, at least to pass on what she knew.

Therefore, after the exam, Feng Ying sent an invitation to Lin Wei for a trial class, and she needed to watch the class taught by Lin Wei before making a decision.

However, Lin Wei did not accept the invitation directly, but asked Feng Ying to go to the military resettlement office to report according to the process, and the military resettlement office arranged for her to go to the trial class.

After listening to Lin Wei's words, Feng Ying was slightly taken aback and turned to look at Chen Wenfang.

Chen Wenfang knew that Lin Wei was trying to gain wisdom, so she gave Feng Ying a wink and asked her to agree.

The two have known each other for more than ten years. Feng Ying knows Chen Wenfang very well. Seeing her expression, she knows that there may be an inside story.

The author says:

The first update and the second update may be delayed, and will be updated before nine o'clock.

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