MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 107 discharged from hospital

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Rui Rui clearly doubted her life for two days, and on the third day, they found that her sister seemed to look a little better.

And from this day on, my sister looks better every day. After a week, she has turned into a chubby little girl.

Although he obviously couldn't tell if her facial features were similar to her parents, he could be sure that his younger sister would not be much uglier than himself and his younger brother in the future.

Knowing Mingming's thought, Lin Wei asked in silence, "Are you very confident in your appearance?"

Mingming raised his chest and raised his head, quite confident: "Of course!" He is the most beautiful cub in the family area!

Well, very narcissistic.

After giving birth to the child, Lin Wei stayed in the hospital for another week and was discharged from the hospital when she was in good health.

At the end of November, Yazhou Island was not cold, and the temperature was hovering around 20 degrees, but Mother Lin said that Lin Wei had just given birth, so she should be very careful not to catch a cold. In addition to long-sleeved trousers, she also asked her to wear something a little thick. coat.

The coat was bought by Lin Wei when she was in Shicheng. Because there was no cotton, she could only wear it when the weather was good, and she had to add autumn clothes and sweaters to it, otherwise it would be cold.

When she was with the army, she thought that no matter how warm the winter on Yazhou Island was, there would always be times when it was cold. Maybe this coat could come in handy, so she brought it with her.

As a result, Lin Wei wore this dress once all winter last year, and she wore it all morning. When she got home from school, she took off her clothes numbly and put it on the bottom of the press box until she gave birth this time. Mother Lin turned it out.

Lin Wei really didn't want to wear this dress, but when her mother saw it, she didn't dare to resist, and finally put on the dress reluctantly.

Seeing that Lin Wei was obedient and obedient, Mother Lin said with satisfaction: "That's just right. It's windy outside today, so why don't you wear thicker clothes."

When Mother Lin said so, Lin Wei believed it, but when she walked out, feeling the breeze blowing across her face, she couldn't help but glance at her mother suspiciously.

Is it windy?

Fortunately, she didn't have to go back by herself, otherwise Lin Wei suspected that she would sweat when she got home.

The jeep drove into the family area, and it was very lively along the road. There were many adults and children, and they all looked over when they saw the car.

Military jeeps are not uncommon near the base. Ordinary officers like Zong Shao rely on two legs to get up and down the barracks, and occasionally apply for private cars. But those with high rank basically go in and out by car every day, but generally do not carry relatives.

In short, military vehicles enter and leave the family area basically every day, but people are always curious. When they see the car, they can't help but look inside to see who is sitting inside.

When they saw Lin Wei sitting in the back row, the army wives in groups on the side of the road started to discuss: "Lin Wei has been discharged from the hospital?"

"It's almost a week since she gave birth? She should be discharged from the hospital."

"She stayed in the hospital for more than a week. I heard that she was admitted to the hospital the day before her due date, but she didn't give birth until several days after her due date. Adding up to the fact that she stayed in the hospital for more than ten days, she didn't feel bad about money." The tone was sour. of,

Although the expenses of taking medicine and hospitalization can be reimbursed, the reimbursement is not how you want to report it. It depends on what the doctor says. Otherwise, those who like to take advantage of the small things will not go to the hospital for seven days if they have a small problem. Eight to ten days.

When giving birth, I usually go one day in advance, and some are even sent to the hospital when they are motivated. After giving birth, they live for three or four days, and they are basically discharged when they can go to the ground.

As for Lin Wei, adding up before and after, she was in the hospital for at least ten days, and the extra money was all money!

There are not many people in the family area who live in the hospital for more than ten days after giving birth to a child like Lin Wei, but it is not completely absent. There are always people who cherish their lives wherever they go.

Among the several military wives who were discussing, there was one who stayed in the hospital for a week before and after giving birth, shorter than Lin Wei, but the old shígG Dujia was not shorter than a few days. How easy is it to have a child, let me tell you, we women’s family is desperate to give birth to a child, but this man refuses to even stay in the hospital for a few more days because of his distressed money. I advise you to kick him as soon as possible, otherwise you will suffer and suffer for the rest of your life. only yourself."

The sour-speaking military sister-in-law did not stay in the hospital for a few days after giving birth. It was not because the man was unhappy, but because the mother-in-law thought it was a waste of money and was unwilling to let her live longer. And her man listened to her mother's words, and neither urged her nor objected. In the end, she never beat her mother-in-law and was discharged from the hospital as soon as she was able to get off the ground.

For this reason, when she chatted with other military wives, she spoke ill of her mother-in-law, and felt that she was in bad luck to meet such a mother-in-law.

But that didn't prevent her from seeing someone else having a baby and staying in the hospital for ten days. She felt that the other person was hypocritical and didn't know how to feel bad for money, and when the man was being scolded by his fellow military wife, she covered it up for him: "Actually, the one in my family is fine, too. When I gave birth, he also advised me to stay in the hospital for a few more days, but I thought it was too wasteful and didn't agree."

After listening to her words, a mocking smile appeared on the lips of the military sister-in-law who scolded her: "Oh, then you are really thrifty..." Before she finished speaking, the hem of her clothes was torn off by the military sister-in-law behind her, and she took the "stupid" two. He swallowed the words and changed his mouth to say, "Good daughter-in-law."

Following her compliment, the slightly tense atmosphere suddenly loosened, and the military sister-in-law, who spoke sourly, said proudly, "Yes, men don't know how to be frugal, so we women can live..."

It's just that before she finished speaking, the military sister-in-law who scolded her became impatient, and the rest of the people who made excuses to leave the team also made false claims, listening to her tell about her rich experience in living a "good" life.

When Zong Shao parked the car in front of Zhou's house, when Lin Wei got out of the car, all the neighbors at home gathered around and asked Lin Wei how she was doing. In the same way, he approached Mother Lin to watch the child.

Adults are always good at spotting good things on a baby's face and giving all kinds of compliments enthusiastically. Just like now, this child praises the child for his fair skin, and the other praises the child with a straight nose. In short, this child is born beautiful everywhere.

Of course, they didn't forget the child's biological parents, and they always took them with them when praising them, but everyone had different opinions on who the child's facial features were more like.

It is said that it is more like Lin Wei, look at the eyebrows, eyes and chin, they are carved out of the same mold as Lin Wei. It is also said that he looks like Zong Shao, his eyes, nose and lips are so similar to him!

Seeing her sister, Rarity asked suspiciously because she was too short, "Isn't my sister sleeping?"

"Just now." Mingming replied.

"Then how do they see that my sister's eyes are like father and mother's?"

Mingming shook his head with a heavy expression, this was the biggest confusion in his heart after his sister became beautiful.

People who went to the hospital to visit Lin Wei and her child in the past few days almost always mentioned the child's eye shape. At first, he didn't feel anything at all, but when the elders talked about it, he deliberately went in and took a look, and found that his sister had no idea what to do. I didn't open my eyes.

Seeing that she couldn't get an answer from her brother, Rarity sighed and said, "It's amazing, adults."

The first thing she did when she got home was to take off her clothes. Because she didn't stop Lin Wei when she entered the house, she just said a few words, and then she began to urge her daughter to go back to the house to lie down, saying that confinement should not be too tired, let's stay together There were also children who were driven back to the room.

The child was carried up by Zong Shao, and he didn't come down after that. He sat beside the bed and talked to his wife, teasing her from time to time.

Mingming Ruirui was bored sitting below, and soon went upstairs.

Although Lin Wei had clearly stated that she was not interested in younger siblings who couldn't be his younger siblings when she was first pregnant, but when her younger sister was born, he was more fond of teasing her than Rarity.

Of course, because newborns spend most of the day sleeping and have only a handful of time to open their eyes, most of the time, it is Ruirui who is clearly watching his sister chatting.

Occasionally, Mingming will touch her sister's hair and eyebrows, look at how long her eyelashes are, and poke her face by the way.

However, because his parents said that his sister was just born and her bones were soft, he didn't dare to touch her too hard, and he didn't dare to hold her nose, for fear that she wouldn't be able to breathe, or that she would turn into a flat nose.

The first time I heard my mother say this, I couldn't help but say, "Sister is so weak."

Lin Wei said: "Newly-born children are very weak, and it was the same when you were just born. It will be fine when she grows up to your age."

"How long does it take for my sister to grow up to our age?" Mingming asked.

Rarity fainted and said, "We're four and a half years old now, of course it's four and a half years before my sister grows to our age."

"How old are we then?" Although he could already do two-digit addition and subtraction, it was limited to integers, and he didn't understand four.5 plus four.5.

Rarity progressed much faster than her brother, and quickly figured out the answer: "Nine."

Mingming asked with a look of surprise: "Then we are big children?"

Lin Wei reminded: "It's true that you were nine years old when your sister was four and a half years old, but you have to go on year by year in these four and a half years, and it is impossible to become a big child all at once."

Mingming turned the corner and felt disappointed, but the fact that his sister is very weak now, he kept in mind.

Not long after Ruirui went upstairs, Chen Bamei came with a small stone.

Just now she went out with Xiao Shi, and when she came back and saw the car parked at the door, she guessed that Lin Wei and the others might be back, and came over to ask.

As soon as I asked, Lin Wei had already been discharged from the hospital, so she came up with a small stone.

After they came up, Mother Lin also came up, the room suddenly became lively, the three children and the three women chatted separately, but Zong Shao was left alone, so he didn't stay in the room much, and paced to the back balcony.

In the courtyard opposite Zhou's house, there were several soldiers chatting while puffing the clouds. When Zong Shao came out of the house, someone greeted him to speak.

They were all acquaintances, so Zong Shao responded, entered the room and said something to Lin Wei before going out.

As soon as he walked into the yard, someone gave Zong Shao a cigarette. He waved his hand and said, "I quit smoking."

"Why did you both quit smoking?" the smoker said helplessly.

The young soldier sitting on the wall asked, "Who else quit smoking?"

"Several, Lao Zhang from the Third Regiment, who started quitting smoking a long time ago, and Xing Dong from the Coastal Defense Force," said the smoker, and raised his chin at the opposite side, "Also, Lao Zhou, when I was chatting yesterday, I gave He also told me to quit smoking."

Some people are proficient in interpersonal relationships, and even the military sister-in-law knows who has a good relationship with whom, so they ask Zong Shao: "Do the daughters-in-law of these people have a good relationship with your daughter-in-law?"

Zong Shao nodded: "Yes."

It's okay if he doesn't nod, everyone is thankful for nodding. Fortunately, his daughter-in-law doesn't have much contact with their daughter-in-law. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to smoke this cigarette. .

Since Zong Shao doesn't smoke, everyone will not give him cigarettes, so as not to annoy his daughter-in-law, I guess I can't stand it, and they all smile and congratulate Zong Shao for his daughter's happiness, and some people ask his daughter if she can drink alcohol during the full moon.

As soon as the question came up, the person next to him gave him an elbow to ask the question, disliking him for not being able to speak.

There is very little wine in the family area, the main reason is that there is a reason for the wine, and the reason is nothing more than a few, get married, have children and live a long life.

However, to be able to live in the family area, basically two conditions must be met. One is that the rank is sufficient or the military age is long enough, and the other is that he is married and has a daughter-in-law.

The former is good to say, although the age that can meet the conditions is basically twenty-five and upwards, and there are only a handful of unmarried young men, it is not impossible to find older unmarried young men.

In the latter, these soldiers on Yazhou Island come from all over the world. They usually go to their hometown to get married. They will serve wine in their hometown, and their daughter-in-law may not treat guests again after they go to the island with the army.

Not to mention a birthday, thirty or forty can only be called a birthday, and it’s fine to invite relatives and friends to be lively, at least fifty or sixty. But the officers couldn't get up in age, and they basically changed jobs and returned to their hometowns. Fifty or sixty officers were basically the leaders of various divisions. The higher the position, the more cautious they were.

As for Zhao Li and his wife, there are only a handful of people who move house and invite them to drinks, not even once or twice in three or two years.

The most common reason for drinking wine in the family area is that the daughter-in-law has given birth, usually a son.

These days, preference for sons and daughters is the mainstream ideology, and there are not many exceptions for these officers in the family area. Most of them are red-faced after giving birth to sons. The birth of daughters depends on the situation. Those who have sons will be happy.

But even if they already have sons, those who have given birth to daughters may not be able to serve wine when their daughters are full moon.

Although after Lin Wei gave birth to her daughter, Zong Shao has been walking in the wind for a while, with a smile on his face, and the number of times he took the initiative to say hello to familiar and unfamiliar people in the family area has increased, but who knows if he wants to Would you like to drink?

It's just a girl after all!

After being hit with an elbow, the person who asked the question also wanted to understand the cause and effect. Knowing that he had said the wrong thing, he opened his mouth to divert the topic.

But before his voice came out, he heard Zong Shao say: "Do it! Of course we have to do it!"

Because it was clear that Ruirui had returned to the army before the full moon, Zong Shao had not been able to participate in the two children's full moon wine.

In addition, he was really busy during this time. Although the army had asked for leave, the leave was limited. He returned to work three days ago. These days are all about the wheels, so he didn't think about it. It wasn't until I heard everyone talk about it that Zong Shao remembered that he and Lin Wei had not discussed the full moon wine.

However, in his concept, the only things he didn't have time to discuss were the full moon wine time and the details of who to invite.

Hearing Zong Shao's answer, the person who wanted to divert the topic was stunned for a moment, but the old shígG Dujia others responded quickly and said cheerfully: "It's good to be lively and lively." Then he asked if the day was set.

Zong Shao said: "The date is not yet determined, I will discuss it with my wife and then tell you."

Everyone laughed and said, "Sure, then we can wait!"

The author says:

one more

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