MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 10 new friend

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When I went to the vegetable market yesterday afternoon, Lin Wei heard Zong Shao talk about the topography of the family area.

The family area is fan-shaped as a whole, and their home is located at the sharp corner of the fan-shaped corner, with a hill behind it, which used to be a cliff. When they came, the road was on the side of the fan-shaped opening. After walking along that road for about ten minutes, you could see the old ShígG Dujia intersection of the three-way road. If you walk to the seaside at the intersection, you can reach the military port, and inside is the military camp.

There is also a road on the other side of the fan-shaped expansion. The military resettlement office is here. In addition, the vegetable market, supply and marketing cooperatives, and seafood supply stations are all located in this area. However, the military resettlement office is located in the family area, and other units are in the outer circle. Outside is the Military District Primary School.

It is said to be a military primary school. In fact, the students are not only the children of soldiers, but the surrounding brigade can also send their children to study. Therefore, the school is quite large, with five or six brick buildings in front and back.

Going forward along the primary school of the military area, there is also a crossroad. There is a fishing brigade towards the seaside. The seafood sold by the seafood supply station basically comes from this fishing brigade. The inside is still the military camp. In other words, the family area and the military camp are almost diagonally distributed. Of course, you can walk straight there, but the trail becomes muddy when it rains.

Going forward along the intersection, it takes more than 20 minutes to ride a bicycle to Yaxian County, but walking is relatively slow. Based on Lin Wei's walking distance, it is estimated that it will take 40 to 50 minutes to walk. If you take two children, it is estimated that have to go longer.

However, the surrounding facilities in the family area can basically meet the daily life, and she does not need to run to the county every three or five times.

I left my yard because I took the two children and walked along the back road.

Behind her house is the Zhou family. The man's name is Zhou Jianhai. He is the instructor of Zong Shao's camp next door. They seem to have a good relationship. The woman's name is Deng Xiangyun, she is a handsome woman, she speaks softly and softly, and she has a good temperament.

However, when Lin Wei passed by Zhou's house today, she didn't see her, but she saw her son Xiao Shishi squatting by the wall and observing something. When he saw it, he leaned over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xiao Shishi raised his head when he heard the sound, saw the mother and son pause for a moment, and then said loudly, "I'm looking at the ants."

His voice was too low to hear clearly, so he asked, "I didn't hear what you said," and ran into the yard to get close to the small stone, crouched down and saw the ants crawling on the ground, looked up and said happily, "Rarity , he's also looking at ants!"

Although the three children greeted each other when they passed by Zhou's house yesterday, it was clear that Rarity and Little Stone were not that familiar with each other.

Rarity just snorted and didn't mean to go in.

The small stone moved to the side, a little cautious, but after a while, he was next to Mingming again, and he still wanted to play with children of the same age.

Obviously not aware of Xiao Shi's restraint, he looked at the ants crawling on the ground and said, "There are also ants in front of my house, and the ants are bigger than those in front of your house."

"Really?" Little Stone asked.

"Of course, the ants in my house must be my parents." Mingming wanted to find a family for the ants, and after he finished speaking, he remembered his mother's words, and his tone became positive, "Yes, my house is next to yours, and the ants can come over by crawling, No need to take the train."

Little Stone asked again, "What is a train?"

Mingming's eyes widened: "Have you never been on a train? Have you ever taken a ship? And a big bus, have you ever taken it?"

Xiao Shi was a little embarrassed by the question, and stammered: "No, I have never sat."

"How come?" Mingming was puzzled, "Don't you have to be a steamer when you come from home?"

"I've always been here." Xiao Shi said, not quite understanding what Mingming meant.

Mingming opened his eyes wide, turned his head and said to Lin Wei, "Mom, he has always lived here, he didn't come from his old home!" As if he had discovered some shocking secret.

Lin Wei said, "Small Stone should have been born on the island."

The army stipulates that family members of soldiers above the deputy battalion level can accompany the army. Zhou Jianhai is at the battalion level, and his family members may have been with the army for several years. It is not unusual for Xiao Shi to be born on the island.

Mingming turned to look at Xiao Shishi: "You are amazing! I only came here yesterday."

Xiao Shitou didn't quite understand how powerful he was. He scratched his head and said, "You are also amazing! I've never been on a train before."

Listening to the two children's praises to each other, Lin Wei was a little dumbfounded. Thinking that it was getting late, she reminded: "Mingming, we should set off. We'll play with Little Rock when we get back, okay?"

It was only then that he remembered that they still had to go shopping, so he stood up reluctantly and said, "Okay, are you at home this afternoon?" He asked Xiao Shishi in the second half of the sentence.

After the conversation just now, Xiaoshitou had already fallen in love with Mingming, his new friend, but just as he was about to nod his head, he saw his mother come out of the house. He was no longer so sure, and changed his mind and asked, "Mom, are we at home this afternoon?"

When Deng Xiangyun came out, he heard Mingming's words and said with a smile, "At home, is Mingming Ruirui coming to play in the afternoon?"

Mingming turned his head to look at Lin Wei: "Is mom okay?" There was anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Wei nodded: "Yes."

Mingming became very happy: "Then it's settled!" He stretched out his finger towards Xiao Shitou to pull the hook.

Deng Xiangyun smiled and asked Lin Wei, "Are you going out?"

Lin Wei nodded and said, "Well, I have no food at home. I plan to go to the vegetable market and the seafood supply station to have a look. By the way, I will go to the military resettlement office to ask about the household registration and see how long it takes."

"If you have a household registration, you should be able to settle down in a day or two if you are quick, or a week if you are slow." Deng Xiangyun is also a military sister-in-law and has some understanding of this aspect.

It's okay if it can be done in a week, Lin Wei thought about it, and thanked Deng Xiangyun.

"You're welcome." Deng Xiangyun smiled and shook his head, thinking of something again, saying "wait for me for a while", then turned around and entered the room, and went up to the second floor.

But Lin Wei didn't wait long, maybe in three or four minutes, Deng Xiangyun came down from the second floor, walked up to her and stuffed a few tickets for her and said, "I think you haven't registered your account yet, so there may be no tickets in hand. I went back to the house to get you a few."

Lin Wei didn't expect her to go back to the house to get the ticket, so she quickly declined and said no: "Zong Shao said that he is going to handle the transfer of food relations today, and we can eat his supplies before the hukou is registered."

Officers with family members accompanying the army can stay at home and eat dinner when they are not at sea or on duty. But at this time, the supply follows the grain relationship. If the grain relationship is in the unit, it can only be eaten in the canteen of the unit, unless the grain relationship is transferred out or half transferred out.

The semi-transferring is actually converting part of the supply into a ticket and sending it to everyone. Everyone can take the ticket to buy rice at the grain store, buy food at the vegetable market, or even order food at the state-run restaurant, which is more free to use.

Compared with the household registration, it is easier to handle the transfer of food relations. Zong Shao will do it today, and he will be able to go home with the ticket at night.

In other words, their family will be able to eat meat tomorrow!

Lin Wei didn't take Deng Xiangyun's ticket not because she could eat meat tomorrow, but because she just met, she didn't say much, so she was embarrassed to take people's things.

Deng Xiangyun saw that Lin Wei was thin-skinned, took back the meat and egg tickets, and then handed her the remaining tickets and said, "When Deputy Battalion Commander Zong returns, the seafood supply station is closed, you take these two tickets first, If you want to eat in the past with your children, you can buy some. Don’t worry, this ticket will not be given to you for free, and you will have to pay it back when you supply it. Anyway, we live in front of the house, and I’m not afraid that I won’t be able to find anyone when I ask for the ticket.”

Speaking of this, it would be inappropriate for Lin Wei to refuse again. After all, people are also kind, so she accepted the ticket and said, "That's it, I'll pay you back when I supply it." Then she asked her if she had bought food and whether she wanted to go with her. Wander the market.

Deng Xiangyun hasn't gone shopping yet, but she hesitated for a moment and said, "I still have something to do at home."

Lin Wei thought that she had to go to the military relocation office first, so she said nothing and said with a smile: "Then let's go, Ming Ruirui, say goodbye to Auntie and Xiao Shishi."

Hearing the words, the three children crouched on the ground raised their heads, then Mingming and Rarity stood up and said, "Goodbye Auntie, goodbye Little Stone."

When it was over, Mingming also deliberately said to Xiao Shi: "I'll come to play with you in the afternoon."

Little Stone's voice was clear: "I'll wait for you."

Lin Wei also waved to Deng Xiang's mother and son, and then led the brothers away.

After leaving Zhou's house, Mingming and Rui Rui were still talking about the ants they saw just now. They remembered something and asked, "Mom, you haven't told me yet, why are the ants in the new house so much bigger than the old house?"

Rarity asked in surprise, "Are the new ants much bigger than the old ones?"

"Didn't you see it? The new ants are so big! The old ants are only so big!" They clearly compared two sizes that were not significantly different from each other.

Rarity thought about it and said, "But I've seen ants this big in my old house."

"Is there?" He clearly didn't believe it.

But Rarity was sure: "Yes, big, dark ants."

Obviously puzzled: "Then why all I see are small ants?"

Lin Wei chimed in: "I have seen big ants in my hometown too, obviously you just didn't see it by chance."

Both mother and brother were so sure, so obviously they had to say, "Okay."

Since there are also big ants in his hometown, the question just now is no longer a problem, so he doesn't ask any further, and chats with Rarity about other things.

Lin Wei walked and chatted with the brothers. About seven or eight minutes later, a two-story red brick building appeared in front of them, and the military relocation was completed.

The author says:

Read The Duke's Passion