MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 94 Help

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In the coffee shop, Xiao Yujun turned on the computer, and in the sub-folder of the "November Special Record" folder, there was an "unnamed" compression package with a size of 300.

Xiao Yujun said: "I didn't find out when I took the computer yesterday. I wanted to open the document work in the morning and I saw this. I remember that you copied it from the U disk and couldn't open it. Is it your thing? Not named?"

Yu Wei: "Not..."

Zhou Shengdao: "Sure enough, this kid's IQ is really terrible."

"Is it a flight from Ouqi?" Xiao Yujun said.

Fu Liqun was confused and only listened at the side without interjecting. Yu Yu turned the computer screen, clicked the compression package, and displayed the password.

Zhou Shengyi smiled and said: "This is fun."

Xiao Yujun said: "What is this?"

Xiao Yujun is not fully aware of the details of the whole incident, but according to the earlier inference, he can roughly guess a point. As for the information, password and layout prepared by Ou Kaihang, Xiao Yujun does not know at all.

Xiao Yujun’s computer has only two people except her own. One is Ou Qihang and the other is Yu Yu.

Yu Yudao: "Why did you sail this way?"

"He wants to gamble." Zhou Sheng said, "Gambling will help him, and now you must not contact him."

"Yeah." Xiao Yujun said, "Yesterday, his mother told me that he had returned home and must be thoroughly monitored. When he touched him, they would be monitored if they were not good."

Yu Yu frowned: "What is the password?"

Yu Wei: "???"

Xiao Yujun looked at Yu Yu with amazement. Zhou Sheng got up and bought coffee and said, "Guess? Guess it for you at night."

Yu Weidao: "How is it possible! There are a few passwords that you don't know! Is the Sixth Lottery bigger than this?"

Yu Yu looked to Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng ordered coffee in front of the counter.

"If you can't guess?" Yu Yudao.

"I can't guess it and do it for you." Zhou Sheng turned back.

I left this heart, no, now the most important thing is the password!

Fu Liqun said: "Is this evidence?"

Yu Yudao: "Yes, but I have no idea at all..."

Xiao Yujun said: "Don't sell the Zhou Li! I am anxious to die!"

Zhou Shengdao: "A cup of coffee, calm down the mood, my name is Huang police officer?"

Xiao Yujun was silent for a moment and realized that he could not help but tell Huang: "But what if he is not standing on the side?"

“The most basic trust between people and people?” Zhou Sheng smiled. “I have to trust your eyes.”

Xiao Yujun sighed: "My eyes? I was deceived more, but... I really want to believe him."

I don’t quite understand it, saying: "Why do you say that?"

"Huang Wei's boss, want to press this thing?" Fu Liqun pointed the computer toward himself and said, "Is this kid wanting to help you and keep things going down?" said Yu Yudao: "Wan When a scorpion listens to his superiors and takes the computer away, it is vain."

Yu Yu understood that Zhou Sheng took the coffee back and gave a cup. Xiao Yujun did not ask them why they took Fu Liqun, but since Zhou Sheng let him accompany him, he must be a very good friend.

"Call me." Xiao Yujun said.

Zhou Sheng took Zhang Zhao and said, "Give him a WeChat and can't see it." He said that he took a picture of the computer screen and sent it to Huang Wei. Huang Wei is almost a second back: "Wait for me."

Yu Wei: "I didn't say where."

"The background cafe will know when he looks at it." Zhou Shengman said inadvertently, "Jun sister, come, let's talk first, how to do it? Help me not help him?"

Xiao Yujun said: "I have to think of a way, the public number is not in my hands, this child is really..."

Xiao Yujun did not entangle the "help" or "do not help", but "think of the way", when Yu Hao heard this, it seems to have re-acquainted Xiao Yujun. Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun looked at each other. Zhou Sheng casually licked the coffee cup and drank his mouth. Yu Yu had been thinking about the password, but he knew that Zhou Sheng had already had a lot of heart, and he couldn’t guess it.

Not long after, Huang Hao arrived, apparently just woke up, frowning and looking at Fu Liqun: "You are here too?"

Fu Liqun said: "I came to watch, you don't care about me."

Huang Wei was crying and laughing. He moved over the computer and looked at it. Then he looked at Yu Wei and Zhou Sheng. He said: "Your conversation was analyzed once in the game, including monitoring video. I didn't find the password hidden in the conversation."

Zhou Shengdao: "I still don't know the high school students." A group of criminals who were savage and savage, were turned around by a child, and no one believed that they went out."

Huang Wei said: "There are quite a lot of criminals who have been turned around by the criminals under the sun, but everyone often forgets one sentence-"

I am still thinking about the password, then watching Huang Wei.

Huang Wei seriously, said the serious words: "Skynet is restored, not leaking. Do you understand? The twists and turns are short-term, and the reciprocation is also short-term. When the criminal policeman always believes in something, that is our heart. Persistence. As long as you hold on to this insistence, there will be a day to see the clouds."

Everyone: "..."

Yu Yu thought it was too good!

Xiao Yujun looked at Huang Wei with a look of appreciation. Huang Wei said: "This is why I hope that Ou Kaihang can be released on bail, I am not qualified to try him, but if I let it evaluate, I admire this child. Yujun, you Really want to intervene in this matter?"

Xiao Yujun said: "He is asking for help from us. What do you say?"

Zhou Sheng did not buy coffee for Huang Qi, Xiao Yujun handed his coffee to him, Huang Wei took a sip, and everyone did not speak. In this silence, Huang Wei said to Xiao Yujun: "This is not a trivial matter, it is likely to affect Go to your work and advancement."

Xiao Yujun smiled and said: "What is the relationship, work can be found again."

Yu Wei: "..."

Huang Wei: "Your bonus, your down payment is also okay?"

Xiao Yujun couldn't help but cry: "What do you say, can you compare with truth and justice?"

Fu Liqun, Zhou Sheng and Yu Wei both had different faces at the same time. Fu Liqun exaggeratedly said: "Sister Jie, please accept me!"

Zhou Sheng immediately said: "You become my goddess, juxtaposed with the blind!"

Xiao Yujun said: "The reporter also has the professionalism of the journalist. I am just doing what I should do, or why come into this?"

When I heard Xiao Yujun's words, Yu Yu seemed to solve a problem that had been bothering him for a long time.

Xiao Yujun squatted at the temple and said, "I am afraid what the child will do."

Huang Wei replied: "The inside story involves too many people. If the evidence is conclusive, it is not completely hopeless. In the past two years, the wind direction has been very sensitive. From top to bottom, one layer after another, looking for a break point, Maybe not as difficult as I imagined."

Xiao Yujun said: "I know that our media news is always faster than you, and the reporters are also very gossip."

Zhou Sheng said: "I stopped halfway last year, is it because of this?"

Huang Wei was not surprised. He looked at Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu didn't understand them very much, but the speculation was in the discussion.

"The source of Zhou Sheng should be the most accurate." Xiao Yujun said.

"I have eaten two meals." Zhou Sheng said casually, "There is no source."

Fu Liqun looked at the three people.

Huang Wei said: "I want to be clear? Password, come on, let us see what is inside."

Zhou Sheng gestured to Yu Yu, Yu Yu said: "I don't know yet!"

Zhou Sheng mysteriously smiled and made an action. Yu Yu and Fu Liqun watched Zhou Sheng. At that moment, Yu Yu remembered it instantly. It was a move of the Rubik's Cube!

"This..." Yu Yudao, "has he thought about it?"

"I don't think so." Zhou Shengdao, "On the day of stealing the computer, he temporarily reset it. Only such a compressed package uses this password, because he saw you with the sister, I feel that it will be correct. People."

Fu Liqun thought about it and typed on the keyboard: "I, L, O, V, E, U, six letters."

Zhou Sheng: "Brother!"

"You let me lose!" Yu said. "So important moment... No, how do you know?"

"The young master told me that the kid sent you a Rubik's Cube. After the six faces are put together, it is..."

"He is too overestimating me." Yu said.

Yu Yu suddenly understood! Yesterday, I started to see them from Ouqihang, and even earlier, he left this hand and made up his mind to hand over the information to Yu Yu! And in the face of Zhou Sheng's face to do that action, it is to remind them Rubik's Cube!

When Yu Yu returned to the Rubik's Cube at the end of the summer vacation, it was the default rejection, and by default he spelled out the Rubik's Cube! Ou Qihang also defaulted to spell it out! So after taking the computer, he left behind his hand and set the password of one of the compressed packages to the English letters on the Rubik's cube, and left it in Xiao Yujun's computer.

One of these rings is buckled, and Zhou Sheng can still see the move, and all of them will be untied! When he left, Zhou Sheng said: "You are still too tender, long lessons" -

"Yes." Zhou Sheng did not care. "I don't think he is upset, so he scared him and made him think that I was a group with Huang police officers. The information was given to the enemy."

"We have always agreed." Huang said, "You should say that some people in the city bureau are not a group."

Yu Wei: "You are so smart!"

Fu Liqun opened the compression package and looked up at them from the computer screen.

Yu Wei: "??"

Fu Liqun seems to be relieved and no longer watches the computer.

Zhou Sheng simply took Fu Liqun no way: "Do you want to be jealous? His family is not in the city!"

“Have you forgotten the creative park?” said Fu Liqun. “Is it the same as Yunlaichun?”

Huang Wei was careless and looked at Fu Liqun and turned the computer over and said, "I look down."

Zhou Shengdao: "I will see first."

Xiao Yujun: "This is my computer!"

Yu Wei: "Don't grab it, I will see it first!"

Yu Yu turned the computer to himself. Everyone had to wait for him to watch. The embers opened the folder and suddenly they were shocked. There were recordings, photos, and a form. There is also a ... bidding book, Yu Yu read the text in detail, Ou Qihang even microblogging copywriting has been written. Earlier in the Ouwei Red Depression incident, some people sent the invitation to Ou Weihong in advance, and Ou Weihong took it home, and was accidentally photographed by Ou Qihang.

Yu Yu plugged in the headphones, one handed to Zhou Sheng, the other handed to Huang Wei, Huang Wei said: "You listen first."

Zhou Sheng came over and watched with Yu Yu. The two listened to the recording. Ou Qihang recorded not only one paragraph, but also about a visitor’s conversation at Ou Weihong’s home when bidding.

What did he record this? Yu Yu’s heart leaps wildly, but when he looks down, he has an answer. It’s not so much a public disclosure letter, but rather a memoir of Ou Kaihang’s document, which has more than 5,000 words. From small to large, his father never regarded him as a child who was not sensible. Instead, he proposed the dark side of life, society, the workplace, and even the officialdom, and shared it with him without any ignorance.

Everything is known, and even at work, my father will occasionally tell him his own choices and why.

This made Ou Kaihang know a lot of things prematurely, knowing that corruption knows bribes, clearing the family's financial situation and the complicated situation, and the status quo in the officialdom of the city, which also made him politically sensitive. In the memory of the civil aviation in the case of the civil aviation, he also knows that his father is doing this, hoping to train himself to go to politics.

Yu Yu pressed the touchpad and pulled the mouse down. When he saw it, Zhou Sheng shook his head helplessly.

When his father accepted the bribe, Ou Qihang also had a fight with him, hoping that he would return the money.

"This kid is very clear from the beginning." Zhou Shengdao.

“It’s impossible to be unclear.” Huang Wei said, “Living in a family, the child’s behavior is the most sensitive. Have you finished reading it?”

I don’t know much about the information collected by Ou Qihang. It’s too complicated. There are still many photos, but it seems that they should all be ironclad. Zhou Sheng has carefully pulled down and turned to the bottom.

“Starting from the bidder,” Zhou Sheng said. “It should be able to bring out a bunch.”

Huang Wei took the computer and looked at it. He nodded and took out a USB flash drive and took the information away.

"Give it to you." Zhou Sheng said, "Don't let us down."

"No." Huang said, "People are in the market, and people are killed."

When Yu Hao heard this, it was really shocking. Fu Liqun said: "Do you want to find the Disciplinary Committee?"

“The investigation team contacted me shortly after you got the money, so I have any clue to inform them at any time.” Huang Wei replied, “I will ask a little more, just if there is any evidence of stains about your father-in-law? Will you delete the file right away?"

Fu Liqun smiled and said: "Then I don't know what to do, Huang police officer."

Zhou Sheng said: "This is really a moral trial for torture."

Huang Wei said casually: "If your family, or your lover's family is involved, how should your behavior be evaluated? As a part of vested interests, when justice and interests, even family love conflicts..."

Xiao Yujun said straightforwardly: "Huang Wei, this is why I sometimes feel that you are annoying."

Everyone: "..."

Huang Wei spread his hand, his expression was a bit awkward, and Yu Yu almost sprayed coffee.

This is really offensive, but Zhou Sheng did not get angry, but said calmly: "This is very difficult for everyone. When it is your turn to face a choice, I don't think you are better." ”

"I am a policeman." Huang Wei said, "We have always had the answer. This is what I just said, what we are holding in our hearts."

Xiao Yujun said: "So you are a cold-blooded person, Huang Wei."

“When I was in class, the teacher said that people always like to ask 'If so,' 'If that's, make assumptions, in order to give others moral evaluation. What has happened is your moral evaluation, no What happens is that you have to give people a hypothesis and conduct a moral torture. This is the expression of a dark idea."

Said Xiao Yujun and said to the three people: "You don't care what he said, and don't make any assumptions for torture."

Xiao Yujun said this very heavily. Yu Yu worried that the two had to quarrel, but from the perspective of Xiao Yujun, he knew that she must help him and Zhou Sheng. Because of the robbing of the day, the behavior of Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng has already indicated their position.

Zhou Sheng’s expression, just want to give Xiao Yujun a few drums, but still leave a face for Huang Wei, just to insert a few words to adjust the atmosphere, Huang Hao is very refreshing.

"I admit wrong, I apologize, everyone, Teacher Xiao is right." Huang said, "It is my professional habit to like to make assumptions. However, I don't think I am cold-blooded."

"I just always believe that Skynet is restored, not leaking. OK, now it is my turn to go to trial."

Xiao Yujun's brow slightly wrinkled.

Huang Weidao: "I wish you success."

Yu Yu said: "Why do you say that?"

"The director is the one I have ever followed, the best leader for me." Huang Wei threw the U disk and put it in the inner pocket of the jacket. The cloud said lightly, "He should have a bad life. But I think... Giving the information to the investigation team actually saved him, because it will no longer make him go further and further on the wrong road."

Said, Huang Qi **** on the side of the eyebrows, draw them out, vain a ritual, put on a police cap, a face seriously out of the cafe.

The table was quiet and the autumn sun sprinkled through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“Is it a bit embarrassing just now?” Xiao Yujun said.

"Thank you." Yu Yu smiled.

Zhou Sheng: "Thank you, Junjie."

"Hey brother is very handsome." Fu Liqun said, "It is also a good person, we are not as good as him."

Xiao Yujun: "You are still small, you will always find something you want to guard."

Zhou Sheng "hmm" sounded, when thinking about it, Xiao Yujun sighed.

Yu Yu asked: "Are you very entangled?"

"I like it, I promise." Zhou Sheng got up after drinking coffee.

"A little bit." Xiao Yujun's mouth is smiling. "Two people can't be together. There are many reasons. If you don't like it, you can solve everything."

Zhou Sheng: "Only when you face your own preferences, you have the motivation to solve everything, isn't it?"

Xiao Yujun did not speak, meditating on the computer, the three said goodbye to her and left the coffee shop.

In the end of October, there were several rains, the temperature plummeted, and the whole city entered the autumn. The most beautiful season in the city of Bengbu came every year. I remembered this year, just like the world.

"When are we going to celebrate the day of understanding?" Zhou Sheng asked Yu Yu.

"Don't mention it." Yu Yu thought that last year, although it was really commemorative, it was also a stupid thing. He wanted to hypnotize himself and forgot this black history. "I want to empty all the memories of that day except you." Ok?"

Yu Yu's dribble passed to Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng passed to Fu Liqun, and Fu Liqun flew dunk.

Zhou Shengdao: "I knew at the time, it would be useless to help you solve it."

Fu Liqun said: "Yeah, how much better do you think now? There are beautiful men and women, life is full of hope, two male gods accompany you to play..."

"Face?!" Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu sang, "Don't you?"

Fu Liqun got the ball again and said, "I was really thinking about it. If you really have your nephew's dad, you have to delete everything. Just sit in jail."

"Don't be morally tortured." Yu Yu said, "This has not happened."

Fu Liqun earnestly said: "I want to fish, bear the palm of my hand, too." Pass the ball to Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng said: "Huang Wei has been suggesting you from sitting down to getting information. For a while, it is 'Tianwang is restored, not leaking', and then it is 'not going further and wrong on the wrong road', you left ear Into the right ear, patronize the guess of the password. He and the investigation team decided to talk early in the morning, maybe it is an undercover sent to the top, bet?"

Yu Wei: "..."

Fu Liqun stunned.

"I thought you let me follow, just let me see if the scorpion dad mentioned in the zipper." Fu Liqun obviously only returned to God, but the ball was snatched away by Zhou Sheng.

Yu Wei: "Ah? Is this what it means?" He was also strange at first, why Zhou Sheng took Fu Liqun this time.

"Okay." Fu Liqun said, "I don't think you are powerful enough, young master."

Zhou Sheng missed a three-pointer and Yu Yu took it. He also scored a three-pointer.

Zhou Sheng said to Fu Liqun: "Brother, at first I was worried about my mad dog dad, but you think about it carefully. There is a saying "I don't want to report, it's not time to go", and it's better to give them a head start in the end. ""

"I always have to be responsible for my greed, isn't it? Now indulge them, and only will die even worse in the future. People are so a little bit degraded. If there is such a dad on the list, then I think, I am saving him, Not pitting him, I am frank."

"I have a three-pointer!" Yu Yudao.

Fu Liqun was a bit frustrated. After standing for a while, he had to admit that Zhou Sheng was right and cast a grateful glance at him.

"Oh!" Zhou Shengyi passed the embers and kissed him.

A Mercedes-Benz came from the bottom of the mountain, and Yu Yu accidentally glanced: "Is Teacher Chen coming back?"

Zhou Sheng turned his head and looked at it. Chen Yukai left the college for nearly half a month. During this period, he never sent any news to them. Yu Yu was a bit embarrassed. Zhou Sheng was holding the attitude of “don’t take it anymore if he handed it over”. Do not ask.

Fu Liqun said: "What about his meal?"

Zhou Sheng said: "You don't have his class tomorrow? Let's talk about it."

Yu Wei: "Well..."

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