MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 90 robbery

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On the 9th day of the National Day even the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yu Yu was arrested and kept training.

"You let me take a break!" Yu Yudao, "I am going to collapse!"

Fu Liqun grabbed a mosquito and grabbed a mosquito. Zhou Sheng collected a set of mathematics questions in the middle school test, saying: "All things in the world are flying around, and seeing the things flying past quickly catch, this is right."

"Yes, yes, this, like!" Fu Liqun said, "Working, walking, life is moving."

After the National Day holiday, the weather gradually cooled down. In late October, the three started working separately. In order not to delay the class, the part-time time was changed to the evening. After carrying a skateboard, Yu Yi went to the newspaper office to help Xiao Yujun to finish the finishing work. At 9 o'clock, he played in the nearby park with the boys he met not long ago. After Zhou Sheng gave the junior high school students a retreat after the class, they ate. Stay home late at night.

Yu has been to the newspaper twice, and the office is in a state of chaos. Just like the end of the day, Xiao Yujun prepared a table for him in the office and went out to interview. After discussing the manuscript with the intern, Yu Yu went out to go to the park to practice skateboarding at 9:00.

On the autumn night, the neon lights on the park square illuminate a large open space. Yuxi recently met here, riding a fancy bicycle, sliding single row, skateboarding, and street dance. Everyone is almost the same, very soon. Just cooked. Several boys are also very good at Yu Yu, often guiding him to play board, and they are all great gods. They are more experienced than members of the school community. Yu Yu often comes over at night and waits outside the natural park to rise.

It is strange to say that since the relationship was determined, Zhou Sheng was not jealous. Yu Yu began to fear that he was awkward, but Zhou Sheng said: "I found that there is a problem and one more time."

Yu Yu is speechless, but according to his observations, this group of boys are all straight men, playing together just because of the fate, nothing else. And everyone is still very envious of Yu Yu's equipment, especially skateboarding.

"You really have money." A little boy said, "Buy such a expensive board."

Yu Yu was confused at first, and after knowing the price, he still had a fight for Zhou Sheng, which was too expensive! But it is a penny.

"The bearings and wheels are all new?" During the break, everyone watched the embers' skateboard.

I have only to say: "I changed it last month, my boyfriend helped me to set up, have you not seen it once?"


"Battered dog."

"I also want to make a boyfriend and give a brief introduction."

"Nothing!" Yu Yudao said, "I have only been able to catch up with myself."

Playing a skateboard was also crit. At ten o'clock, everyone would say goodbye to Yu Yu, and they were scattered. Yu Hao himself squatted on the board and looked at the watch. Zhou Sheng had not come yet. It is reasonable to say that he had already completed the class, and Yu Yu called him.

"That kid fell asleep while reading a book." Zhou Sheng said on the phone, "I let him do the problem. He gave me a table to sleep. It was too tired during the day. He had to give him twenty minutes. You go. Have a drink at the bar and have a drink."

I don’t want to spend money, saying: "Yes, you called me."

Zhou Sheng’s phone just hanged, Xiao Yujun’s phone came and said, “Dear, it’s finished.”

“Is the interview just coming back?” Yu Yu stepped on the skateboard to practice jumping over the obstacles and said with headphones. “Hurry and go back to rest.”

"Hurry to catch the last subway." Xiao Yujun said.

After Yu Yu and Xiao Yujun became familiar, she felt that she was really hard to live. She got up at seven o'clock every day and slept at two o'clock in the night. She was like a dog everywhere. She only wanted to buy a suite in Bengbu. She also had a younger brother at home. Heavily patriarchal.

Yu Yu sometimes called her "sister", Xiao Yujun was very fond of Yu Yu, praised him as a sensible and gentle little boy, and lamented that he would not be gay.

"Is the manuscript doing this?" Yu Yu asked again.

"Yes." Xiao Yujun replied, "No, I will go back at night..."

The phone hangs up.

Yu Wei: "?"

Yu Yu looked at the phone, there should be no signal on the subway, he stepped on the skateboard, left and right, and dialed back.

I hung up the phone directly there.

Suddenly, Yu Yu felt a bit wrong, did not dial again, sent a message. In exchange for the previous self, perhaps the first time the phone hangs up, the default signal is not good, no more calls, but Xiao Yujun always alone in the evening, Yu Yu reminded her to pay attention to safety several times, Xiao Yujun readily agreed. The public security environment in Handan City is generally very good. The city public security bureau is not far from the newspaper. There will be nothing wrong with it.

Yu Yu stepped on the skateboard and pressed the speed dial, and Zhou Sheng was over to complete the supplementary class.

"I went to see Junjun sister." Yu Yudao, "I don't know what happened, it's too late!"

Zhou Sheng decisively said: "Address to me."

Yu Yu said the approximate route. He and Xiao Yujun once went together to take the subway very late, not far from the park. In the middle of the night, there were fewer vehicles on the road, and Yu Yu refused to ban, and rushed to the road. He slammed through the bicycle lane and flew to the subway station.

In the middle of the night, everything is silent.

Xiao Yujun looked at the man in front of him with vigilance. The man was not tall, he pulled up his sportswear hood, his face was masked, his wrist was slightly thin, his long fingers were holding Xiao Yujun’s mobile phone, and he pressed “Xiaoyu”. The caller turned off the sound mode and the other hand held a sharp knife.

"I don't have much money on my body." Xiao Yujun opened the bag and said, "You will give it to you. The money will be taken away. I will not report the case."

The robber pointed at Xiao Yujun’s bag and said, “Hand over the computer.” His voice was strange, like a voice changer.

Xiao Yujun observed the robbers and pulled out the computer from the bag.

"What is the power-on password?" The robber was very calm.

Xiao Yujun suddenly shouted, threw the whole bag out, turned and ran, and the robber responded faster than her. A few steps forward, hugged her neck and dragged her back!

Xiao Yujun was hooped, suddenly unable to breathe, his elbows slammed backwards, but the robbers shunned lightly, threw the phone, and passed her elbow from behind her, pushing her neck and pressing her on the ground. !

Xiao Yujun gasped in horror and shivered. The robber dragged her up and said, "Don't do unnecessary resistance, I don't want to kill you."

Xiao Yujun’s eyes widened and the robbers were very calm: “Put the bag up and do as I said, fast.” He said that she released one of her hands.

Xiao Yujun began to realize that this person should not be a simple robber and spread his own business. She slowly took the computer out of the bag.

"Start up." The robber said.

Xiao Yujun couldn't stop shaking and said, "I... I can't think of it for a moment, it's too nervous..." The voice didn't fall, and the sharp knife fell on her neck.

Xiao Yujun entered the power-on password on the keyboard, and the robbers looked down at the keyboard. In a flash, a skateboard flew silently toward his head!

Yu Yu is in the air, one foot control board, and the robbers, just to avoid Xiao Yujun, if this move succeeds, the robbers will be hit by the brain, the whole person flies out! However, the robber's reaction was so fast, the left hand put the computer in one cover, grabbed it in his hand, and walked over the skateboard that the embers flew, and then brightened the knife!

Yu Yu was almost stabbed in the knife, but fortunately, he avoided the tip of his knife. The two were in the air, and the robbers held the computer with their left hand and the right hand. The embers used the dagger, and they sneaked through his movements and evaded.

"Come on!" Yu Yu shouted.

However, the robber was obviously trained, only waiting for the embers to get up, kicking in a row and kicking his chest!

I squatted on my chest and suddenly suffered a pain in my chest and fell to the ground. Xiao Yujun has ran out of the alley and shouted: "Help! Help!"

The robbers stuffed the computer into Xiao Yujun's bag, carrying a bag, carrying it behind him, holding the dagger to the embers, and Yu Yu struggled to get up, unable to breathe, watching the Beijing Opera mask he wore. This guy will fight... Yu Yu knows that he is not his opponent, just drag him for a little while...

"Mom got a chicken." Zhou Sheng’s voice sounded, and Yu Yu suddenly knew it was safe!

Zhou Sheng rushed into the alley like a whirlwind, roaring: "There is a knife!"

The robbers made a knife, and Yu Yu jumped wildly, but when he saw Zhou’s first punch, he knew that this guy was completely out of play!

Zhou Sheng’s fist was faster than the enemy’s knife, but he hit his mask in a circle. The wooden mask made a crack and was sagged. The robbers kicked and kicked, Zhou Sheng’s left fist blocked, right. The fist quickly slammed into his knee!

Yu Yu shouted: "Good!"

Yu Yu ran to Xiao Yujun, and the robbers in the alley had exchanged five or six strokes with Zhou Sheng. This is the first time that Yu Yu saw Zhou Sheng’s firepower in the real world. Before the monkey year, the horse was beaten by Lei Hongbo. fight". Yu Yu only saw Zhou Sheng lock the robber's wrist with one hand, and the other hand dragged him to the wall and slammed into the wall, making a "squeaky" sound, thinking too embarrassed...

The robber was thrown a head, and his foot was sweeping, and Zhou Sheng almost stumbled. He smiled and said: "A little effort..."

"Beware of the things in his hands!" Yu Yu found that the robbers took out a black razor-like device, and Zhou Sheng couldn't get out of power and shouted.

The robbers turned and ran fast, and Zhou Sheng slammed his arm and tried to catch up. Yu Yu let Xiao Yujun stand firm and get up and chase.

"Don't let him run!" Yu Yudao, "He has Jun Junjie's computer in his hand!"

Zhou Sheng turned back and waited until Yu Yu, the two ran across the subway station, here is a straight road, and then run forward is the park. The robbers ran to the park fence and turned in. Zhou Sheng rushed to the front of the fence, and Yu Yu stepped on Zhou Sheng’s shoulder and jumped in.

After Zhou Sheng retreats, he ran twice, turned over the fence, and chased the robbers with Yu Yu. At 11 o'clock in the evening, the lantern was turned off in the park. The two ran out of the side entrance and the outside was a road.

"Going over there." Zhou Shengdao, "Chasing!"

Yu Yu couldn't find anyone at all. He had to follow Zhou Sheng and the two ran along the other side of the park.

The robber came out of the bush, carrying Xiao Yujun's bag, hit a car on the road, and got on the bus.

The taxi stopped for a few seconds and drove off.

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng came out from the other side of the bush, and Yu Hao took the license plate number with his mobile phone.

Zhou Sheng took a few shoulders and looked at the embers.

Yu Yudao: "Is it okay?"

Zhou Sheng said: "It will be fine for a while, and the idiot is still equipped with anti-wolf devices."

Yu said: "Hey, just go there, maybe he can hold him."

Zhou Sheng said: "If you bring a pepper spray, you are in trouble, or don't take risks. Is the license plate clear?"

"The new mobile phone is very good." Yu Yu zoomed in on the mobile phone screen and took the taxi license plate number. Zhou Sheng said: "This is not like ordinary robbery. Obviously purposeful, go, look for Huang Wei. Go, he is sure to take care of this matter."

Xiao Yujun had already reported the case for the first time. After finishing the transcript, at the gate of the police station, holding the skateboard and handing it to Yu Yu.

"Is it okay?" Yu Yu was a bit worried.

Zhou Sheng frowned: "What information is there in your computer?"

Xiao Yujun has calmed down and said: "When the reporters have encountered a lot of things, we have all seen the big world, it doesn't matter. Huang Hao will come over immediately, if you don't mind, go to my house and say."

Late at night, Xiao Yujun’s family, the atmosphere is a bit nervous.

Xiao Yujun was slightly dissatisfied with Huang Wei, because it took him nearly three hours to get over after receiving the call, but as a policeman, work is the most important. Yu Yusheng is afraid of what Xiao Yujun said, but fortunately everyone has maintained a rationality. Restricted understanding.

"The case has been reported, and the transcript has been finished." Xiao Yujun said faintly, "You don't have to come over."

"Come here is coming." Huang Wei said, "Let's understand the details."

Xiao Yujun’s home was very chaotic, and Huang Wei patiently asked for detailed passages. This robbery case belonged to Yundong District Management and could not reach his hand.

Yu Yu repeated the transcripts made in the dispatch. Finally, Huang Wei asked the same words as Zhou Sheng: "What interview did you do recently?"

Xiao Yujun frowned and wrote his own interview on the blank paper for half a year.

Huang Wei said to Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu: "Thank you, thank you very much, go back to rest first?"

Zhou Sheng said: "After a while, Yu Yu worked with Junjie for a while, I have to confirm that no one will find him."

Huang Hao knows the heart, this is just an excuse for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng’s attitude is clear that he has to intervene in this matter. Huang Wei has no position to block.

Zhou Sheng just stared at Huang Wei, and Huang Wei no longer insisted. Yu Hao suddenly had a hunch - Zhou Sheng did not guess what, and Huang Qi knows what details?

"This is until June." Xiao Yujun said, "Interview interviews, special hardships, medical troubles, and courage... do not constitute the motive for robbery... I have been with three of your cases, and there is no drug trafficking related to the underworld."

Sometimes the professional intuition of the reporter is equivalent to half a policeman. This is the feeling that Yu Yu follows Xiao Yujun after doing this part-time job. The gossip is also inquired. They are always tirelessly searching for the truth under various clues. In this regard, It is very similar to the police.

Huang Wei did not speak.

"Go ahead." Zhou Sheng replied.

"Contact the taxi driver." Huang Wei looked at WeChat, and the criminal police responsible for handling the case sent him a message. "The mobile phone was shut down by the other party and could not be located."

Zhou Sheng did not speak, Xiao Yujun said: "Where is the robber's car?"

Huang Wei replied: "A snack street outside, specializing in staying up late, open to two o'clock, and now it is too late."

“Looking at the positioning to see?” Zhou Sheng looked up at Huang Wei.

Huang Qi frowns, it is reasonable to say that it is a violation of the rules for his friends to disclose the progress of the case to him, but Zhou Sheng is still unable to make a decision and looks at Huang Wei.

“Without taking pictures, can you find a taxi driver?” Zhou Shengdao said, “Less, I want to solve the case and it’s brighter.”

Huang Wei said: "Look at my mobile phone, Yujun, you continue to write."

Xiao Yujun began to recall the interview content in the first half of the year. The mobile computer was completely lost. He said: "The memo is gone."

Yu Wei: "Is there a cloud backup?"

Xiao Yujun immediately opened the iPad and pulled out the shared memo comparison.

On the mobile phone of Huang Wei, Zhou Sheng expanded the map to three kilometers, residential areas, office buildings, general shopping malls, hospitals, schools, fire stations...

"How many computer passwords are there?" Zhou Sheng asked again.

"Two." Xiao Yujun said, "The last eight are numbers, the day that I decided to have a relationship with my predecessor. I remember that at the beginning of the year, there is still no clue. Do you see which one is likely to cause me to be robbed? ......"

Huang Wei glanced at the blank paper and said, "Don’t recall it, today is the case."

At half past two in the middle of the night, Zhou Sheng saw one of the suicide jumps, but he had a strange smile.

"I see the police officer Huang has already had a look at the case?" Zhou Sheng said.

Xiao Yujun: "?"

Yu Wei: "???"

Huang Qi looked up and said: "Zhou Sheng."

Zhou Shengchao leaned on the dinette and said, "I use a key intelligence to exchange your intelligence."

Xiao Yujun said: "What are you talking about?"

Huang Wei replied: "Do not change, go back."

Zhou Sheng: "I really don't change? Just give you this opportunity, don't come to me."

Huang Qi took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking about it. Yu Yudao: "Zhou Sheng, what do you know?"

Zhou Sheng "Uh-huh", Yu Yu sees the atmosphere a bit stiff, for fear of contradiction between the two, thought about it, said: "We are all open and honest, don't hide, trust each other, everyone is looking for it. Isn't the computer?"

"I also want to be open and honest." Xiao Yujun said bitterly. "Is it too stupid for me to be born? I have any idea? Huang Wei, don't treat them as children. If they are not them today, can I live to see you?" I know."

Huang Wei suddenly said: "I have no way! Some words I can't say!"

Xiao Yujun: "There is no recording here. Who said you are still confronted with you? Wait... What do you mean?"

Yu Wei: "In fact, I don't know what they are talking about..."

"Yes." Instead, Zhou Sheng opened his mouth. "Since my wife asked me to trust you, I wouldn’t have saw it. Huang police officer, where did we get the 1.2 million that we had in the reservoir last year?"