MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 8 Pick up

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"A stack of 100,000." Yu Yu said to Huang Weidao, "1.2 million."

Yu Yu sold the house for 240,000 in the summer vacation, went to the bank to get the medical expenses owed by cash, and the 100,000 bundles were the specifications.

Zhou Shengchao Huang Wei said: "Who is putting so much money in the reservoir?"

The entire police station was sensational, and came out to see the money that the two men had picked up.

Huang Wei said: "What are you going to do to Zhongshan Reservoir?"

Yu Wei: "Hey..."

Zhou Sheng looked provocatively at Huang Wei: "Is this related to you?"

"Of course." Huang Wei said, "In the evening, two college students went to the reservoir?"

"I can't teach him to swim." Zhou Sheng said.

Chen Yukai said: "To tell the truth! Yu Yu, you can make it clear."

Yu Yu had to tell the truth. Of course, Heilong’s dream did not mention a word. He only said that he had learned in the textbook and had to overcome the fear in his heart. Huang Wei looked at Zhou Sheng and looked at Yu Yu.

"I guess this money, it must be a corrupt official's home!" Zhou Sheng said, "The huge amount of property is unknown. Isn't the news always said? Maybe it can bring out a big tiger. This is meritorious!" Don't hurry, thank you!"

Chen Yukai sometimes had that expression, and he wanted to ask Zhou Sheng not to talk. He did not expect Yu Yu to say: "It is very likely that the case is well checked."

"This has nothing to do with you." Huang Wei finished the transcript and closed the notebook. "Don't eat salty radish and worry about it... Hey! Director?"

The director took the call and ate half of the dinner and hurryed over. The people got up and shook hands with the director. The director patted the shoulders of Zhou Yu and Zhou Sheng, and really praised it. It was nothing more than "the young people can resist the temptation." Class, Chen Hao Kai Ling machine moved, said: "Can you give Yu Yu a side banner?"

"This... I haven't found the owner yet." The director hesitated. "What is the name? I see it or not..."

Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "In the name of the 'people'! If you say that you don't want to pay for it, is it a customary one, and you will give the winner a 10% appreciation?"

The director immediately replied: "This banner is supposed to have."

"I will do it myself." Chen Yukai immediately said, "The name of the directors will be fine." He said that he looked at Zhou Sheng and quickly added: "You both write together."

Huang Wei also helped to supplement, explained to the director: "This child has just been shackled and has a pennant that can reverse the impression of the college leaders. Yu Yu is an honest person... Of course, this red... Huang... You are the same with the students who have dyed their hair.” Everyone did not dare to provoke Zhou Sheng, lest he be degraded by him again, and quickly added a sentence to Zhou Sheng.

Yu Yu suddenly applauded Chen Yukai and Huang Wei.

After leaving the police station, Chen Yukai called a car and brushed Taobao in the front seat. He said, "How come to the Zhongshan Police Station to report the case?"

"I know the address of this police station." Zhou Sheng looked out the window and said carelessly.

"Give you a compliment." Chen Yukai found a banner in the same city on the Internet, let the expedited tomorrow come over, said that he looked back and looked at Yu Yu and said, "You are also very good, not money. within Temptation."

"I didn't think so much." Yu said, "The first time I saw so much money in my life, but it wasn't me, I shouldn't have it."

Zhou Shengzheng said: "Mr. Chen, what do you still do for the pennant? If this banner is done, will others know that the police station has saved money? Let’s not say anything, put the money down, quietly come, quietly Walking, waving a sleeve, not taking a cloud, anyway, it is also a corrupt official's money, turned over to the country, filled the national treasury, and finally had to raise corrupt officials."

"The police station took it, and it can improve the improvement of life for the people's police. At the end of the year, each person sent out a million and 100,000 people. They are all happy..."

Yu Yu’s mind suddenly emerged as the director opened the plastic bag and saw the scene of the fine.

Zhou Sheng: "Just kidding, Huang Wei, it is a good policeman. But I said that the director is not a good thing."

Yu Wei: "Why?"

Zhou Sheng: "I can't say that, in short, he is a bad person. There will be no result in this matter."

Chen Yukai simply took Zhou Sheng and said nothing, "Do not talk nonsense, one hundred and twenty thousand, what is enough for this money? Don't make our Li director so hypocritical, so wretched, not to mention so much People look at it."

"This money? This money!" Zhou Sheng shot the thigh, "I want to have 1.2 million, what books do I still read?"

Chen Yukai said: "You have earned hundreds of thousands in your life. I really want to finish it. I changed it to me. Of course, I also handed in the country. Zhou Shengyi, how do you always have a different heart?" Can you be sincere?"

Zhou Sheng decisively said: "That is, we have a scarf of 24,000, and of course we don't see such a district..."

Yu Wei: "..."

Chen Yukai immediately intercepted Zhou Sheng’s words: "This is a million words, and you must not say it in the college!"

Chen Yukai picked up Xue Long’s phone that day and rushed to the hospital to see Yu Yu. For a moment, he forgot to take the scarf down. Zhou Sheng’s eyes were sharp and he saw it at a glance. I didn’t expect this to be caught. The class teacher showed off his wealth. The impact is really bad.

"One hundred and twenty thousand." The drip driver put the steering wheel and said, "I want to have one hundred and twenty thousand, what else do I open?"

Chen Yukai: "..."

Zhou Sheng burst into laughter and pressed Yu Yu in his arms. Chen Yukai looked helpless. After he arrived at the college, he made another face and ordered him to order the scarf to tell the story. Only then did they leave.

One hundred and twenty thousand... Yu Yu has forgotten almost everything in these days, and his mind is full of money.

[How come it is not a hundred? 】

On QQ, Zhou Sheng sent a message to him.

Yu Wei: [I can't really pay if I get to a hundred. After all, I can't find the owner. 】

Zhou Sheng: [(撇嘴) fifty is also good. 】

Yu Wei: [Ten is not bad. 】

Zhou Sheng: [Ten is enough to eat a hair! Work together in the next day. I suddenly remembered, did the parents owe you tutor fees yet? 】

Yu Wei: [Not sending me to jail is good, still paying? 】

Zhou Sheng: [He came to me to accompany you, put the money back, you invited me to dinner. Buffet, one hundred and sixty-eight. 】

Yu Wei: [No problem. 】

Yu Yu shut down the mobile phone. Today is the day he has dealt with the most people in his life. It is also the day he talks the most. He is exhausted and tired. Today, the roommates are not going to go all night. The next bed is snoring, and the upper shop is still shaking. Stopped, so he stretched his foot and took two sheets of bed, and didn't want to get used to the upper bunk.

"Sleep!" Yu Yu was simple and rude, and impatiently shouted, "Call the plane to the toilet!"

There was a burst of laughter in the bedroom, and Yu Yu was a little surprised that he was not so buns. However, the upper shop stopped, and Yu Yu put on the headphones, blocked the snoring and fell asleep.

The music sounded like a tide of the sea. The next moment, he opened his eyes in the army! The roar of the general came from the ear.

"How do you still bring BGM to fight?!"

"I just fell asleep! Listening to the song!" Yu Yuyi put his clothes on the fork, and saw the cavalry rushing toward them. The enemy led the generals and the armor. It was the head teacher of his junior high school.

"Turn him over!" Yu Yu shouted.

The general picked up the big sword and said: "You are doing it!"

The sound of the day sounded, in the majestic music, Yu Yu double-handed with the clothes fork, the clothes fork was like the induction, and the golden light broke out in a flash, followed by the Thunder!

Yu Yu was suspended in the glory, and he was surprised to find that he had changed his appearance. He shook open the robes, and the robes were embroidered with lightning patterns. For example, the black robe was lined with a snow-white shirt and the clothes were in the hands. The fork is golden light, disconnected from the joint, and the flowing light is reconstructed into two long bronze knives!

Yu Yu whistle, hands and short knives, such as the two-blade warrior, landing on the body, a short knife forward, the tip of the knife burst out of the tide-like lightning, like the gods wings spread out, toward the cavalry striker smashed away!

The general cheered loudly and picked up the big sword, followed by the lightning and thunder. The cavalry suddenly turned over and the two rushed into the battlefield. In the soft music, the cavalry array forcibly opened a gap. Advance, the general said: "The leader has been solved!"

The junior high school class teacher was fierce and savage, wearing a armor and rushing toward them, holding a knives and knives, and immediately rushed to the front, saying that when the time was fast, the generals slashed the broad sword, and the embers stepped on the broadsword, stepping into the air, A turn over in the air.

The general took the sword, crossed the body, forcibly collided with the general's war horse, and saw the front foot of the horse vacated, with the immediate leader being elevated.

"Death!" Yu Yu stepped in the air, turned over, and both hands slashed at the same time, and the head of the leader was smashed in an instant.

The black gas erupted in an instant, and the cavalry team was scattered.

Yu Yu landed, turned to look at the general, the general looked around, the two broke through the back door of the palace and sneaked into the interior.

Behind the door is a dark corridor.

"Is there a fire?" said the general.

"No." Yu Hao replied honestly, "When did you come into my dream?"

"Almost at the same time as you." The general replied in the darkness, accompanied by the sound of the armor that walked, explaining: "When you end your dreams, the outsiders will also pop up a dream."

"I thought you would stay here alone." Yu Yu said, "Wait for a while." He is trying to splicing two short knives together.

The general stopped and replied: "Then I will be finished."

Yu Yu said in the dark: "What will happen if you die in your dreams?"

The general said: "You are the master of the dream. When you die, you will return to the totem's dominance, lose all your strength, be completely controlled by it, banish out the border, throw it into the subconscious world outside the consciousness boundary, fall into the darkness, and wander forever. I can't come back anymore. It means that one of your 'self' has disappeared completely in your heart. In reality..."

The general thought for a moment and said, "Maybe once again take the initiative to end his life? It's hard to say. As for me... um... forget it, don't get to the bottom."

When Yu Yu’s heart moves, this statement means that the true identity of the general may be an individual?

"You will die in reality, isn't it?" Yu Yu asked again.

The general seemed to realize that he should not say it, and said: "But you can recover now, we should be able to win."

So when you come to the Great Wall to save me, you are also facing danger. I thought to myself, who are you in reality? I really want to know you if I can.

But no matter who the general is, once he is determined to be human, it confirms another thing: he has the ability to cross the dream, is this super power? Yu Yu understood that the general did not want to say too much, and he would not want to let him know that he had this ability.

The inference of a problem leads to more problems. Why did the general have this ability?

Yu Yu spliced ​​the two short straight knives together, and the light flashed. The clothes fork recovered the shape of the staff. It was different from the golden glory in the grandmother's hand. In the hands of Yu Yu, it became a bronze texture. Long stick.

The head of the stick showed a bird with exaggerated shapes and round eyes.

The staff light shines and illuminates the darkness.

General: "This is..."

Yu Yu said: "I don't know why... It seems that I am born to use."

He felt that there was an endless stream of power in his body, flowing in the blood vessels, and a little into the staff, the stick lighted up.

"You will naturally be a spell, because this is your world. I am strange that this bird..." The general turned and pressed one hand on the helmet, like trying to lift the hood of the helmet, look carefully Careful, but in the end it was held back.

Yu said: "How do I feel that I have never seen it, but many things, I always thought I had never seen it, and I actually saw it."

"Have you been to Sanxingdui?" asked the general and used the fingers to play the bird.

Yu Yu was reminded of such a reminder, saying: "Magazine! "Chinese Heritage"! I have booked it before. But why is it related to Sanxingdui?"

The general waved and said, "Go."

Yu Yu raised his staff, illumined the promenade, entered the palace, the passage was complicated, and Yu Yu walked by instinct. He always felt that he had come here, and between the stairs and the promenade, he always found the right path.

"I feel the totem." Yu Yu said.

Not far away, there is one thing that is sending a strong call to him.

The general has been silent since he saw the bronze bird of Sanxingdui. Yu Yu said: "General?"

General: "Well..."

Yu Yu said: "To the last part of the totem, let me go."

The general did not want to say, "No."

General Yu Yuchao seriously said: "This should be my own fight."

The general said: "You don't want anyone to come and witness for you?"

Yu Yu suddenly didn't know how to answer it. He was actually afraid that the general would be in danger. No matter what he concealed himself and died in someone else's dream, he would not underestimate it. Most of them have serious consequences. If the general is an individual, then sending him here is enough.

"I don't do it, look at it." The general said, "You have to learn to accept others' good for you. Don't always feel owed."

Yu Yu smiled a little sadly and said, "I really mind."

The general put one hand on his shoulder and pushed it gently, motioning him to move on.

"Talk about the most unpredictable things in this life." The general said, "You can say big things and small things."

Yu Yu said: "I can't let go, I have already let go."

"Only one?" the general asked again.

Yu Yu said something about the past in the third day, and the general just listened in silence.

Yu Yu said that he walked a long step and climbed the step. It was suddenly brightened in front of him. This is a spacious passageway. On both sides of the passage, a tall statue made of pure gold is built. At the end, there were two giant gates, and a warrior stood in front of the door. The face of the warrior was so clear, and the embers thought they had forgotten.

"Who is he?" The general untied the sword behind him.

"My friend..." Yu Yu replied. "His name is Liu Pengxuan, Peng Xuan, and he hasn't seen it for a long time."

It was the same table in his junior high school. He stole the wallet and killed his grandmother to go to school. Yu Yu said: "I thought that the people who stayed here would be flower wheels, but I didn't expect you to be."

"Dead gay." The samurai face was thin, his eyes were hollow, and he held a long stick in his hand, saying, "Because of selling your friends' garbage, I am going to kill you!"

The general roared: "Shut up!"

When Yu Yu was said to have broken his most sensitive and vulnerable place, he was a little helpless. The general’s angry drink saved him.

The general rang: "You don't want to do it, I will teach him for you!"

Yu Wei: "..."

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