MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 6 Elephant god

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The next moment, the black dragon made a roar, like a giant snake in the air, rushing past and rushing to the ground!

"It was discovered!" The general took the initiative and shouted, "Escape!"

Yu Yu was going to rush into the palace, but the general grabbed him.

"Don't worry!"

Yu Yu said: "It's just a little bit worse!"

Seeing the destination is in front of me, but I have to give up, Yu Yu sighs and sighs, and the general rushes into the market, but in a short while, the world seems to have changed a look, the dark clouds roll, the Thunder masterpiece, the black dragon with lightning, Spewing raging black water and sweeping across the street!

The houses have fallen into the floods, and the whole city has turned into a vast ocean. There are only a few roofs left in the big cities.

"Well, my dream is going to be ruined!" Yu Yu shouted.

The general took him into the long street of NPC and replied loudly: "It will be restored! As long as you regain control of the world!"

The repressed dreams instantly turned into nightmares, sorrows and snoring, and the black water flow passed through, suddenly rushing through countless houses. NPC black gas on the street ignited, they actually shot and attacked two people!

"Where to run?" Yu Yu said.

The general pushed the NPC up to the front and said to Yu Yu: "Is there a friend in your real life?!"

"No!" Yu Yu said sadly.

The general held the embers horizontally and rushed into the alley. The black dragon fluttered from behind, and the water flowed, and the two men were pushed to the ground.

"It doesn't matter." The general climbed up, pulled out the broad sword behind him, turned and held the alley, and sighed. "No, no, it's okay, there is me, you go to the safe haven! Fast!"

Yu Yu said: "Go together! Can't throw you down!"

Yu Yu dragged the general's wrist and passed through the alley. The two men rushed wildly, and the back of the black dragon roared, and one house and another house collapsed rapidly. Yu Wei ran in front, rushed to the abandoned temple, and kept asking for help!

The general was behind him, wading through the water, and Yu Yu shouted: "General!"

The general did not answer, just shouted: "Run!"

The temple was close at hand, and it was ragged all the time. Yu Yu stopped and looked at it suspiciously.

"I believe in yourself!" The general rushed to the back of him, shouting and screaming at the waist of the embers. The two rushed to the temple near the front and flew forward.

At the same time, the Black Dragon set off a tsunami and pressed them down.

Yu Yu looked up at the Black Dragon with horror. The general held him and both of them looked up at the same time. At this time, a miracle happened.

The tsunami that the black dragon picked up slammed and slammed down. However, the light flashed in the temple, as if there was an invisible barrier, blocking the flood from the temple!

Yu Yu turned to look at the temple, and then watched the black dragon, shocked. The temple is dilapidated and ruined, as if it would be completely smouldering, but it will firmly and forcefully resist the impact of the Black Dragon!

"This is the first time I have encountered such a powerful monster." The general said, "I was almost drowned."

The general waved his hand, and then, the space around the temple was shaken, and the black dragon actually banged into the invisible enchantment around him!

It is very angry, screaming, slamming with the anger of the sky, every time it hits it, the temple will be shaken, and the dust will fall out.

"It will ruin the place!" Yu Yu was at a loss.

An old voice rang behind Yu Yu.

"Give me a little farther!"

The general was lying on the ground, and Yu Yu suddenly turned his head. He saw a dazzling golden light in the temple, a figure standing on the chariot and slowly coming out!

It is the head of a man, the **** of gold ornaments all over the body!

Like a **** holding a golden cane with a length of nearly one meter five, he yelled at the ground and yelled: "Go back!"

Immediately, like God waving the golden rod to the roaring black dragon, a lightning broke out flat, and shot the black dragon along the rod head, suddenly the black dragon was struggling to twitch, and then the tornado was emanating, hitting the black dragon and rolling it on. Half empty, thrown into the distance.

A hurricane broke out around the temple. I don’t know where the elephants appeared spontaneously gathered towards the temple, forming a strong elephant wall.

The light receded, like the constant change of God, in the eyes of Yu Yu, turned into a skeleton, full of wrinkles of the elderly.

"Grandma?" Yu whispered, "Grandma-!"

Like the gods hiding, Yu Yu went up and rolled into the temple.

When entering the temple, Yu Yusha returned to a narrow and sturdy home full of newspapers, promotional flyers and plastic bottles, and the waste around this area exudes a faint, if unremarkable layer of golden light.

Yu Yan’s tears are coming down, here is his home! After the death of Grandma, the twenty square house that he sold was!

The armor sounded and the general came in.

"This is an area of ​​your consciousness that is absolutely safe." The general looked around and said.

There is a TV in the living room, and a silent series is broadcast on the TV. The dusty bookshelf, the wheelchair, the holed fan, the father's photo on the wall, the top of the head, the screaming, the slowly rotating ceiling fan... The corner is leaning against a golden, one-end forked staff, the staff around There is still a mess of electric light.

"Come back?" Grandma’s voice said in the kitchen, "Give you a hot soy milk."

Yu Yu’s foot was welded to the ground. He saw his grandmother holding the pot out and pouring the soy milk into the bowl. The hand shook very badly. After pouring it, wiped the soy milk spilled from the table with a rag.

"Go to study after drinking, go to college, grandma rewards you with a mobile phone." Grandma handed the bowl to Yu Yu, and said, "I watch TV for a while."

Grandma seems to be unable to see the general, the general will silently sit in the house of Yu Yu, Yu Yu put down the soy milk, came to his grandmother's side, grandmother sitting on the sofa, his eyes slightly stunned, watching every move on TV.

Yu Yufu was on her knees and burst into tears.

Grandma touched his head with his hand and said, "What about you?"

Yu Yu shook his head and raised his hand to wipe away the tears.

The general went to the window and looked out. The water retreated, and the remaining ancient city was destroyed. The black dragon disappeared. The world's clouds over the window rolled, and the palace was filled with countless black gas and gathered in front of the palace.

He looked back at Yu Yu, and Yu Yu said to his grandmother: "Nothing, it's good."

Grandma looked at her eyes and said, "Is there a bad guy bullying?"

Yu Yu said: "No."

Grandma said: "If someone hits you, you will fight back, don't hold back."

Yu Yu nodded and took a nose and said, "Okay."

"That's for you." Grandma pointed to the golden rod in the corner. "Hey, take it. Your father is not coming back, you have to rely on yourself and give yourself a sigh of relief."

"Okay." Yu Yu reluctantly said, "Know it."

Grandma laughed, and the wrinkles on her face huddled together. Yu Yu suddenly remembered that when she was a child, she said that her wrinkles were elephants. He knew how God came.

"We can't delay here for too long." The general said, "Yu Yu, although this is not appropriate, but..."

"I know." Yu Yu looked up at Grandma and murmured, "She is just my grandmother in memory."


Yu Yu added: "I have already cried and recalled when she died."

Sadness was experienced as early as a few months ago. At this moment, the rest of the embarrassment is not so much sad, but rather joyful. She never leaves, has a place in his world of consciousness, and quietly guards him.

Grandma got up, went to the corner, picked up the golden staff, wrapped around the quaint pattern, and the head was slightly forked like a branch.

Yu Yu took it subconsciously. At the moment of his hand, the staff glowed white and shimmered into a retractable clothes fork.

Yu Wei: "..."

General: "..."

“Ha ha ha ha –!” The general suddenly laughed and said, “Would you often be beaten by this clothes fork when you were a child?”

Yu Yu was full of red eyes: "How do you even know this? Don't laugh!"

The general’s voice was smiling and he did not say anything. Yu Yu said goodbye to his grandmother, left the safe haven, and remembered to go home from school when he was a child. He always saw his grandmother holding the clothes fork and hanging his clothes on the balcony. Occasionally, when she is in trouble, she will be chased by her.

He suddenly understood that in his childhood, this thing symbolized power and certain power. When I thought of it, I felt very funny. I took two laps in my hand and said, "I don't know if I can use the effect of my grandmother."

"You can believe it." The general pulled out the broad sword behind him. The two stood side by side on the long street. At the end of the long street, it was the black giant gate of the palace.

In front of the palace, a large number of soldiers gathered, each holding a long scorpion, such as the collapse of the sea, the black pressure on the front of the palace, the black dragon disappeared.

“Is there confidence?” the general muttered. “It’s not good to deal with it. I can only count on you.”

"Yes." Yu Hao suddenly no longer hesitated at this moment. He took the clothes fork and longed and muttered. "Be bullied, you have to fight back. I am not afraid of them."

The general laughed in his armor and held the sword in his hand, yelling: "Come on!"

Then, the thousands of horses in front of the palace began to charge them!

However, at this time, a burst of "嘀嘀嘀" sounded, and Yu Yu turned around to find the source of the sound.

Yu Wei: "What sound?"

"No!" The general faced the army and caught the madness. "You set an alarm clock?!"

"What should I do?" Yu Yu said, "I want to wake up..."

"It's ok……"

The voice did not fall, Yu Yuran opened his eyes in the bed, the corner of his eyes was a dry tear, he touched the phone and turned off the alarm clock.

Yu Wei: "No?"

Yu Yu turned over and closed his eyes to sleep again, but he couldn't sleep anyway, and turned over and over for a long time. Finally, he had no choice but to sit up and sigh and scratch his head.

Will the dream end with waking up, or pause? No, what is the principle?

If the first dream is just a dream, then the second time is a strange thing, and Yu Yu tries to remember the dream, but the memory is getting blurred after a few minutes of waking up. Is the "general" really a person? What is his identity?

But in any case, Yu Yu feels that his mood is better than before going to sleep last night. The heavy stone that had been pressed against his heart disappeared. Although there were still a lot of troubles, they all seemed to become less troublesome and painful.

It was dawn, and it cooled down last night, and the winter rains stretched, covering the entire city. Ginkgo biloba leaves were wet and fell to the ground. When the embers went out to wash the room, the roommates came back one after another and shrank and went to bed.

"Let's go to class?" The roommate's eyes were hesitant and tempted.

"Yeah." Yu Yu simply replied, and the roommate saw that his eyes were not quite right, and he must have known yesterday.

The rain drenched, and Yu Yu pulled up the hood and put a cup of hot water in front of the teaching building, and entered the classroom. The first quarter of Tuesday was a high number. There were few people in the original, and nearly half of them failed after the mid-term exam. The whole department was afraid, and it was almost full.

Yu Yu had been dreaming last night. He always felt that there was a problem with the connection between the time in the dream and the actual time. It was a little slower in a while, and the night dreaming made him seem to have never slept. He sat down in the third row, with a male squatting on the side, nearly ten degrees of weather, wearing short sleeves, a sports jacket on his head, hearing the sound, uncovering the clothes, and glance at him.

A red hair, actually it is Zhou Sheng.

After spending a few moments with him, Yu Yan took the initiative to say: "There are so few colds to wear."

Zhou Sheng yawned, put on his sports jacket, and took out a cold medicine indifferently. He did not ask for his own take, unscrewed the cup of the embers, took the cold medicine down, and used the sleeves to wipe the water splashed from the table. Now, holding the cup of the embers, continue to smash the table.

Yu Yu said: "You don't wash your clothes?"

"Do you help me wash?" Zhou Sheng looked disheartened.

"Okay." Yu Yu said, "Let's change it. I just washed this one."

Zhou Sheng was just joking. When he heard it, he turned off his coat and exchanged it for Yu Yu. Yu Yu put it on him. The class was filled with people in the classroom, and the teacher began to attend classes.

"I didn't name it?!" Zhou Sheng looked mad and turned to the left and right. "Don't name it, is this teacher still personal?"

There was a small sneer in the back.

"Hey." Yu Yu said.

Zhou Sheng lamented a few words for his winter morning bed, touched the phone and began to brush the news, suddenly remembered what, asked Yu Yu QQ plus.

Yu Yu was so sleepy that he had a dream of a night, just like he didn't sleep well. He still thought about the "General", and he didn't think about it.

"Hey... I’m going to take a high class, show you the high number of teachers...” The front row girls are playing live, sorting out long hair, blocking half of the face, slightly bowing, showing a sweet smile.

Are you still live on the high number? Yu Yu almost gave her a slap, but the next words made him almost go to the table.

"Yeah, there are two handsome guys behind, show you guys..."

Zhou Sheng took the textbook and blocked it, and impatiently said to the girl: "Don't broadcast, I didn't wash my hair in the morning!" By the way, I put on the shoulders of Yu Yu and asked him to come over and whisper to him: "The class teacher yesterday. Did you find you?"

Zhou Sheng was very close, his face almost touched together, and Yu Yu suddenly became nervous. He rarely leaned so close to people, and Zhou Sheng had a faint smell of smoke.

"Then you brush your teeth?" The girl turned back.

"Swipe up." Zhou Sheng grinned, a beautiful white snowy teeth, and then indifferent, "turn off the live broadcast, otherwise I will put your photo without P in my space."

I was helpless, I avoided a little and said, "No."

"Do you think he is really willing to help you, or do you want to strive for work performance?" Zhou Sheng almost yelled at Yu Yu, whispered.

The girl was not afraid of Zhou Sheng, wearing a headset and whispered: "The red hair on the left, wearing the little clothes on the right, I just heard the little promised to wash his clothes..."

Yu Wei: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng said: "What is small skinny?"

Yu Weidao: "Don't broadcast! Turn it off and it will be discovered by the teacher!" After thinking about it, he said to Zhou Sheng: "Not at all, don't think people think so bad..."

Zhou Sheng: "He feels a little fake to me. You should be careful, don't say anything to him..."

Front row sister: "Let the guy kiss me? I ask them..."

"Kiss you a head." Zhou Shengdao.

The sister said, "Let me, I invite you to have lunch. Come on, everyone rockets up, come and come -"

"Everyone rockets up! The villa is brushed up!" Zhou Sheng immediately said to the screen, "Look at it! Lunch is up to you!"

Then Zhou Sheng quickly slid to the waist of Yu Yu and pressed him.

"What are you doing?!" Yu Yu suddenly called.

The sister made a decisive decision, holding the mobile phone, facing the back row, Zhou Sheng came over, and Yu Yu hid in the opposite direction, hiding from Zhou Sheng, the two hearts were unstable and fell from the chair.

"The back row of classmates!" the teacher said.

The last three rows sneered together, and the embers were so embarrassed that they were flushed and climbed up from under the table. Zhou Sheng was sitting up and squatting, squatting on the table, pretending to be nothing.

"The student on the far right of the third row, come up and do this."

Afterwards, he suddenly laughed, and Yu Yu had to lower his head, and he went to the podium with red ears and started to do the problem.

Zhou Sheng stretched his neck and looked forward. He asked in the back row: "Is he right?"

Fortunately, the question of Yu Yu was right, and Zhou Shengcai let go of his heart.

After class, Zhou Sheng went to sports theory, and Yu Yu went to psychology.

It is just this section of psychology that mentions “the emotions in dreams” and exemplifies the robbers that appear in dreams. When evaluating emotions mentally, the generation of emotions is often associated with conceptual materials, such as when a robber appears. fear.

But in fact, the situation that appears in the dream is often irrelevant to the emotional effect. For example, the robber who saw the knife not only does not have a sense of fear, but will feel very funny. Seeing the bright colors in the same way will make people feel the fear of no reason.

When I heard this, Yu Yu suddenly realized more and more, and the teacher explained this because the incident was repackaged by the dream. Like an example, a girl saw a red balloon and then cried, because she saw a movie not long ago, and the family in the movie sat in a red car and became a car accident.

So what does the black dragon represent?

Yu Yu suddenly remembered the reservoir that was taken by his mother when he was five years old. Perhaps the dragon symbolizes the creature lurking in the water, which is the fear of his abandonment in his memory. The first time he analyzed his heart so straightforwardly, he felt an emotion of anger, trepidation and unwillingness.

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