MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 164 end

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"Wait for being smashed, stupid."

Zhou Sheng’s voice sounded through the sky, and the golden light was collected. The billion-dollar golden hoop was spinning fast, with a flame, whistling away, and all the dark monsters were crushed!

Yu Yu flew out of the hole and jumped on the feathers and snakes. Everyone shouted and looked at the sky.

The vast golden light was collected, and the golden hoop was recycled again. It was turned into a pinnacle of the sea. Zhou Shengshen’s Zhou Jinguang Wandao, the golden fire burned on his body, turned into a brilliant trench, he stepped on the flames, and gold The hoop sticks again and screams, swept away! The countless roots of the tree of the world were suddenly destroyed and broken. More flying monsters were shot on the tree. Zhou Sheng did not look at it. It was just a hand, and the flames were rolled back, dyed the dark night, and the enemy. Burning out!

Yu Wei: "..."

Everyone couldn’t speak for a moment, only looking up at Zhou Sheng who was suspended in a high place, dressed in a golden armor, such as the God of War!

Ren Chong said: "Subconscious is your home!"

"Obviously, no." Zhou Sheng cold and cold.

Satan led a thousand troops and horses, and they came to the center of the battlefield. Zhou Sheng turned his head and looked at the earth. Satan flew in, turned into a light spot in the air, and fell into the body of Zhou Sheng.

The tree of the world was actually moved, extending its roots, rotating, entangled, and merging into two giant arms, rising high, and rushing to Zhou and everyone.

"Hide behind him!" Yu Yu shouted.

Zhou Sheng’s personality was united, and the overwhelming wings were unfolding behind him. The black feathers faded into bright gold, and the eyes were faintly sullen, with both hands shaking the golden hoop and facing the world tree arm that was taken down. In an instant, the golden hoop was drawn, the tree of the world tree was broken, and it turned into countless golden light. Zhou Sheng was a stick. The huge platform on the tree of the world was suddenly smashed by a stick, crushed, and bricks flew. , such as the Heavenly Palace destroyed by a great stick of Qi Tian Da!

In the dark night, facing the eclipse of the golden eclipse, Zhou Sheng is like a **** of war, dazzling and not looking directly.

Ren Chong Shen said: "Come on, let me see, what tricks do you have?"

Zhou Sheng stared at the platform of the world tree, flying in front of the golden wheel, the small rushing figure, he raised his hand and pointed the gold wheel to the sky. In the blink of an eye, numerous thunders bloomed in the sky, pouring down like a rainstorm. The wind blew and the fog disappeared. The island-like dreams were reorganized again, showing a glass-like border.

The Tree of the World re-enters the air roots in an attempt to re-establish a connection to the dream.

"Do you think the sun behind you is the sun?" Zhou Sheng cold and cold.

Immediately after the rise of the golden light, the light intensity rose again, and everyone raised their arms and blocked their eyes. Zhou Sheng unfolded his wings and forced the light to shine. Under the glare of the glare, a golden light rolled up and the dreams disappeared one after another. Under the light, the tree of the world began to burn. After the burning, the blue-green leaves appeared, sparkling with golden edges.

The mountains are like the beginning of the sun, and the bright place is the God of War!

Ren Chong screamed and gave up control of the tree of the world. The golden wheel behind it gathered a black force field, condensing energy toward Zhou Sheng and preparing for shelling!

Zhou Sheng was all in one, and his feet were on fire, flying toward the broken platform on the top of the tree of the world.

"Take the totem!" Chen Yukai shouted, "Go help him!"

Everyone flew to the platform, Jin Wulun issued a black light shelling, Zhou Sheng was in the air, a golden hoop, turned into a shield, a loud noise, sound waves oscillated, "when" against this shock.

The next moment, Zhou Sheng rotates to fly on the platform, and when he hits the stick, he will be rushed back to the platform. Yu Yi, Chen Yukai, Fu Liqun, Ou Qihang and Huang Wei will then arrive and land on the top of the world tree. platform.

Ren Chong swayed and said, "What are your qualifications for a child who is not yet dry, and take this treasure as his own..."

Zhou Sheng Shen said: "Just because Laozi are better than you, don't obey!"

Huang Wei angered: "Ren Chong! You have never said it before, you will use it after you get the gold wheel!"

Ren Chong’s black fire blooms, and he is drawing dark energy from the eclipse. He smiles insidiously: “How to use it? Do you think that I control their will? Is it a very abominable thing? Huang Wei, you really feel that there is no Jinwu. Wheel, is your will only your own?"

Huang Wei: "..."

"In this world, even if there is no such thing, someone will intervene in your self-consciousness with means that you can't see, touch, or think, until you are firmly in your palm. You think you are yourself, but also a Self-righteous response to the sound of insects." Ren Chong said, "How much fanatical history is not enough? Those experiences, do not teach you, thousands, hundreds of millions, billions, in reality, these so-called Where does 'people' have the right to think independently?! All are brainwashed beasts!"

Ren Chong’s embarrassed expression: “In this case, how much difference is it that is controlled by others and controlled by me? Do you think that if you beat me, can you wake up? On the contrary, reality is a bigger dream. You are all indulging in your dreams, drunk and dreaming, even if you take back the totem of the world from my hands, what can you do in reality?"

Yu Yu said seriously: "No, your dreams, the dreams of the world, and even our dreams are not the same in the end!"

Ren Chong’s big eyes and Zhou Sheng’s shield kept the partners behind.

"Have you seen the sun rising in a dream?" Yu Yu smiled. "You haven't seen it, you won't understand."

"You can give a live demonstration." Zhou Sheng pointed to Ren Chong, domineering, "When you finish your gun!"

The black fire released by Ren Chong swept the entire platform, and Yu Yu shouted: "Covering Zhou Sheng!"

Zhou Shengchong went forward and everyone followed the cover. The black fire spreads, and the embers spin over, unfolding the dagger, and slamming it, will break the crash, the black fire sweeps, and the body is in the air, Chen Yukai flies up, the feather snake suddenly snaps, Ren Chong again Broken!

Zhou Sheng unfolded his arm and flew to the Jinwu wheel at this time. He flew around the golden wheel and began to circle, reaching out to the golden wheel.

Jin Wulun suddenly bloomed out of the powder, and the source never stopped flying to Zhou Sheng, returning to his body and forming a star road!

Zhou Sheng began to recapture the totem moment, just like every final battle in the world, the core area hurricane, blowing the sky leaves, the platform constantly spinning, rising, leaving the world tree.

Ren Chong screamed and flew, but was entangled in the remaining five people, and was about to fly to the moment of Zhou Sheng. As soon as he came from behind, a shot would be broken and become a black fire.

"This guy can't die!" Fu Liqun rushed to Tianma and rushed to the body. As soon as he broke his body, Ren Chong always gathered his body shape.

Huang Wei said: "Wait for Zhou Sheng!"

The gravity field is turned on, and all the leaves in the center of the platform are sucked in by the madness. Zhou Sheng keeps hovering, and the outer sundial of the Jinwu wheel has almost disappeared, but the dark fireball in the center is still burning.

Yu Yudao: "Keep it up!"

Ren Chong rushed to Yu Yu, Yu Yu turned over in midair, sacrificed the scepter, and made a rush to the finger, the scepter burst out of silver white moonlight, Ren Chong fear shouted, can not avoid.

At the same time, Zhou Sheng took all the gold wheels.

"The authority substitution is successful." Jin Wulun's voice said.

"Okay - hey!" Zhou Sheng screamed cleanly and screamed from the air. The whole body was flashing, and the golden hoop was swayed by the power of the waist. Ren Chong just gathered up and was subjected to Zhou Sheng’s A blow at the waist and a black fire again.

Ren Chongwei laughed and said: "In my dream, you will never kill me..."

"Thank you for reminding us, let's change the battlefield?" Zhou Sheng showed a narrow smile, and it was a stick on the platform. The entire platform was completely destroyed and the bricks fell to the ground. Then, instead of the huge gold wheel that started to rotate under the foot, Ren Chong suddenly flew up. When he was breaking free, Zhou Sheng was chic sideways, with **** and one hook.

When it was said that it was too late, Jin Wulun had flipped along the central axis and took everyone in!

Yu Yu only felt a flower in front of him and appeared in the sky garden.

The sun shines on the earth, everything is flourishing, and Huang Hao’s hands are transformed into a flame sword, and the Archmage’s robe flies.

“Mr. Ren,” Huang said. “You are really a bad example of leadership.”

Immediately after a sword rushed to the head, Ren Chong consciously blocked his hands and was slammed into the garden. Chen Yukai, Ou Qihang, Fu Liqun and Yu Yu immediately caught up, and each gave him a look, Ren Chong flew to the earth like a cannonball.

"There is a physical!" Chen Yukai said.

Zhou Sheng left his hand on the pergola, holding a golden hoop on the right, waiting on the sky garden terrace, and said carelessly: "Well, continue."

Ren Chongfei shot in front of him, is about to kick out, Zhou Sheng but holding the golden hoop, the original speed of a spin, came a home run, said: "bye!"

The golden fire blasted, and there was a portal in front of him. Zhou Sheng took Zeng Chong again!

Huang Wei’s **** were drawn in front of the eyebrows and they were seen disappearing into the door.

In the city of Bengbu, Ren Chong wore out from the sun and shouted, smashing the glass exterior wall of the building, smashing it, flying up to the front and raising his arm.

"In this world, there are always people who are not willing to be controlled by you," Ouqi Waterway. "Even if our voice is small again..."

Immediately, he punched a punch, broke through the floor, and rushed to the ground. Zhou Sheng whistle, holding a golden hoop, and changing the next golden wheel transfer door, up to a punch and rushing into the door.

Loulan, Fu Liqun shoulders long flying.

Ren Chong is full of blood, encountering this repeated attack, almost no backhand power, in the air.

"Life is alive, it is very important to be awake; but no one can ... deprive me..." Fu Liqun smashed his abdomen and sighed, "have the right to own dreams."

Ren Chong seized the shackles and broke out the last force. He was about to turn around and kick and regain the initiative. Zhou Sheng appeared in the post of Ren Chong, picking up the golden hoop with a golden hoop and picking up Jin Wulun. Rotate a few laps in the air and cover it up.

"By the way." Fu Liqun laughed. "Dream is sometimes more than a dream, or a dream."

Jin Guang blooms, Ren Chong's right hand fracture, his blood dripping, falling heavily on the top of Chichen Itza. Chen Yukai walked toward him with a gun, pointing to Ren Chong, Ren Chongqi got up.

"In this era, we often compromise on the values ​​that most people follow." Chen Yukai said calmly, "Not everyone is in a dream, pay attention, some people are just sleeping."

Ren Chong screamed at Chen Yukai, Chen Yukai shot, a gorgeous beam hit his left shoulder, Ren Chong was brought back to fall, Zhou Sheng appeared in Ren Chong, picked out with a gold hoop The portal will be handed in.

"You don't wake up to a person who sleeps." Zhou Shengchao Chen Yukai said, "The intellectuals' stinks."

"When you need it, you wake up naturally." Chen Yukai replied.

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng jumped into the golden wheel, and the light flashed and appeared in the Great Wall world.

Ren Chong struggled to get up, and Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng both blocked the way to Ren Chong.

Yu Yu looked at Ren Chong, Ren Chong had almost lost all his combat power and sent a sad sneer: "I really didn't think that you can actually bring him out from the subconscious."

Yu Yu said: "So your investigation did not do enough, as a boss, this is a fatal mistake."

Ren Chong slowly said: "There should be no such difference. I knew that at the beginning, I had to take you, all...all..."

Yu Wei said: "The cost of catching me is too high, and the newspaper will not be regarded as nothing. Ren, as a reporter, I agree with some of your views. Some people always hope that everyone will fall asleep, not for a lifetime. Woke up. Unfortunately, there are always people who will wake up and tirelessly, even if they interfere with him... a free and happy dream."

Ren Chongdao: "Since you feel that you are right, try it. I want to see you, how long can I hold on..."

Yu Yu waved his scepter and hit it with a stick. Zhou Sheng clarified Jin Wulun behind Ren Chong, and took him. The three disappeared at the same time and appeared on the sky platform of the world of Kolosim.

Jin Wulun glows with a sun-like flame, and the sky and the earth are golden.

Ren Chong struggled on the platform. When Zhou Sheng returned to his dream, the black clouds had all retreated, the platform slowly sank, and coincided with the center of the arena. Under the eyes of the public, the golden wheel spurred the flame. Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng stood in the field and witnessed Ren Chong slowly crawling to Jin Wulun.

"You can't go back to your dreams." Zhou Sheng said, "Don't struggle again."

Zhou Sheng went forward, and Ren Chong suddenly violently rushed forward and tried to go with Zhou Sheng. Yu Yu was shocked. When he was about to go forward, Zhou Sheng flew him into the air and roared. Road: "I still want to resist?! What about your sedative?"

Ren Chong was punched in the chest, and Zhou Sheng took another fly and swept his leg and said: "Your stimulant!"

"Your aphrodisiac!" Zhou Sheng's last punch, will be rushed to the steps in front of the Jinwu wheel, surrounded by the shock of the sky! Yu Wei couldn't bear to look again and sighed. If you change someone else, he may even persuade him to say that it’s too bad to toss them this time, and it’s almost a big mistake that no one can save.

Ren Chong only had the gas left, and there was no gas. He lay on the steps and slowly said: "Zhou Sheng... Zhou Sheng... You..."

“What else do you want to say?” Zhou Sheng simply took the golden hoop and received one foot on Ren Chong’s chest and said, “Say enough, Lao Tzu will accompany you.”

I can’t smile for a while.

Ren Chong: "You don't have to be like this. I thought you were the clearest one... Zhou Sheng, why do you insist? If you are willing to compromise, you can get more than just the eyes!" In the eyes of Ren Chong, he glowed with enthusiasm: "You want it! I can give it to you!"

Zhou Sheng said: "I want, you can't give me, only my wife can give me. Do you want to be my wife? Sorry, this idea is really disgusting."

"Don't make trouble." Yu Yudao, "What should I do next?"

Ren Chong whispered: "Began to be ordinary, give up the road to success, this is what you want, for a lifetime?"

On the side of Zhou Sheng’s side, he was smashed like a pig’s head. He thought about it and said, “I forgot who said it. Everyone has only one kind of success. It’s the way I want to go. I’ve been to my own. A lifetime. Is this the truth?"

When Yu Yu heard this, he suddenly smiled.

"Kill me." Ren Chong said.

Zhou Sheng looked back at Yu Yu and motioned him to decide. Yu Yu said: "I think this guy's ambition is too strong, a little dangerous."

Zhou Sheng unexpectedly said: "I thought you were going to ask him."

Yu said: "No, I am just afraid, what is he going to do again... Is it useful to erase the memory?"

Zhou Sheng said: "When you kill him here, he becomes a vegetative person. Are you sure that you will not be killed for a lifetime?

"The stalks have to be stalked." Yu said, "Compared with the safety of so many people, the only insurance is the only one that I chose."

Zhou Sheng let go of Ren Chong's foot and step back and said, "I will bear with you? Want to see his memory?"

Yu Yu came over and took Zhou Sheng’s hand and looked at Ren Chong seriously. Zhou Sheng was silent for a moment and made a snap.

Ren Chong’s memory burst out and began to spin around him. The scope continued to expand, and it appeared in front of the two people like a lantern. Yu Yu can roughly guess some of Ren Chong's past, but did not expect that the facts will be so fierce.

Ren Chong is fifty-six years old this year. The most profound scene in memory is that he witnessed his father’s suicide in his childhood, but he was greeted with fanaticism and cheers. He looked at the people around him at a loss, as if he had been infected and cheered. This is followed by a period of youth, exile in a ridiculous place for a long time, and the struggle between people, darkly framed and implicated.

"It's bad luck." Zhou Sheng said.

"Mr. Qin and the leaders of the newspapers have also experienced these times." Yu Yu said, "It is not an excuse to be "excusable".

Zhou Sheng pointed to the scene of Ren Chong’s participation in the meeting when he was in the 40s. Some of his ideas were attacked by the participants. After the meeting, he was disheartened, transferred to the special investigation team and met Qin Guodong. Doing things under Qin Guodong.

He is very dissatisfied with the position of the special investigation team. He always wants to return to his previous position. The most common in memory is the many human beings in this world, shouting slogans, cheering, and the era of national enthusiasm.

"He may have some Stockholm tendencies." Yu Yu said simply.

"Hey." Zhou Sheng said, "I hope to go back to that era. In fact, I admit that he said something right."

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng had no choice but to shake his head, and his hands burst into a golden fire, thinking about destroying his memories or killing his personality. When Yu Yu came to this time, he couldn’t get a hand, but suddenly, Jin Wulun made a sound.

"Warning." Jin Wulun said, "The output loop energy is overloaded and the central processor's energy storage is exhausted."

“No electricity?” Zhou Sheng shouted. “No!”

Jinwu Wheel Road: "The energy is insufficient and will be closed soon."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

When Ren Chong heard this, he did not know where to come. He immediately turned and climbed to Jinwu Wheel. Zhou Sheng shouted: "Wait!"

Zhou Sheng was too late to come forward. Ren Chong had already stunned and hugged the side of Jin Wulun. Although Yu and Zhou Sheng often flew in and out of the Golden Wheel, they never really touched the dream. . This time, the next day, he began to burn Ren Chong, and Ren Chong screamed.

Yu Yu was going to pull him up, but he was dragged back and hugged by Zhou Sheng, and he rushed half a body into the golden wheel, screaming and being burned.

"He ran?" Yu Yudao.

Zhou Sheng shook his head and said, "The memory is also burned. Let him go. How do you see how the lower body looks stunned... Give me in and take control of where you go."

At the moment when Ren Chong climbed into Jin Wulun, the flame had burned many of his memories, but he did not know whether this guy would become a vegetative person after waking up in reality. Zhou Sheng added a foot to the front and completely broke the remaining lower body of Ren Chong.

"Warning, energy is insufficient, it will automatically shut down after one minute." Jin Wulun's voice said.

"Wait!" Zhou Sheng went to Jin Wulun and said, "I have something to say to you."

Jin Wulun: "Monitor, please make sure all work is done before shutting down."

Yu Wei: "Golden Wulun, can we still charge you?"

Jin Wulun: "At this stage, it is impossible to detect the central processor adaptation energy."

Zhou Shengzhen looked at Jin Wulun, and there was a golden flame in his hand. He looked down at his right hand and looked up.

Jin Wulun is very quiet, and Yu Yu holds the hand of Zhou Sheng.

"Thank you." Yu Yu suddenly said.

Zhou Sheng was silent for a long time, and then said: "Well, thank you, Jin Wulun."

After Yu Yu’s words and thoughts, Zhou Sheng made a “嘘” gesture and said, “Don’t say anything, look.”

Jin Wulun quietly went silent and made a sound.

"Automatically shut down after ten seconds, nine, eight, seven..."

The daylight gradually dimmed, and the light continued to gather in the middle of the golden wheel. The sun was like a collapse, and a white glare beam was emitted. The embers and Zhou Sheng held hands and stood in front of the beam. Yu Yu raised his hand and turned the light of the totem into the hands of the tous.

"Three, two, one. Thank you for your use, I will."

Jin Wulun disappeared and the world fell into a darkness. However, in the next moment, there was another gentle light in the place where Jin Wulun was originally placed. The light became stronger and stronger, and the music of the music box shone with the music!

Zhou Sheng laughed, turned and held Yu Yu in his arms.

Yu Yu closed his eyes, Zhou Sheng bowed his head, kissed him on his lips, and Yu Yu eyes suddenly woke up in the dark car.

The street lights in all directions lit up again. At 4:30 in the morning, the town lights flashed again.

Zhou Sheng, who was asleep, took the hand of Yu Yu and clenched his eyes, opened his eyes and sat up from the lounge chair. Yu Yu was exhausted and sighed.

In the underground research room, the largest crystal in the center of Jinwulun was completely darkened, and then the lights were lit up around, and the research hall was restored.

The people who fell to the ground looked up and suddenly got up. Qin Guodong swayed, his headache was splitting, and he first came back and shouted: "Let's put down your arms! You have nowhere to escape!"

My colleagues immediately picked up the gun and pointed to Ren Chong's men. Xiao Jian said: "Turn over, raise your hands!"

The researchers have retired, Qin Guodong took the person up, took off Ren Chong's helmet, Ren Chong was unconscious, fell down from the seat, and could not twitch. Xiao Jian went up to open the cover and took the inner core of the gold wheel together with the base.

Qin Guodong said: "Call Huang Qi, let them go back and wait, things will be returned to him."

Chen Yukai twisted the car key and fired the car. No one spoke in the car and sat quietly.

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng took the lead, Yu Yu said: "It's so tired."

"The young master woke up? Are you a young master?" Fu Liqun said.

Zhou Sheng is impatient: "No! I am Zhou Sheng Da De Wang!"

Everyone laughed, Zhou Sheng was happy, and looked at Yu Yu sideways. Yu Yu was smiling, and there was a little tear in his eyes. He looked at him and touched his lips.

“Hey.” Fu Liqun in the back seat said, “Pay attention.”

"Pay attention to the impact." Ou Qihang said.

Chen Yukai looked at them from the back mirror. Huang Wei answered the phone and simply said a few words to Qin Guodong. He told Zhou Sheng that Zhou Sheng did not answer. Yu Yu said: "Where are you going now, go home?"

"Go to the Great Wall." Zhou Sheng said, "I might even catch up with the sunrise."

"I feel that I have been dreaming for a long time, but only for a moment..."

Six people walked into the eastern section of the Great Wall in the darkness. Yu Yu said: "Time should be completely stopped. Ren Chong finally intervened, and it is the whole collective subconscious world."

Zhou Sheng said: "The car on the road, the high-speed rail, the plane, if everyone is going to sleep at the same time, it is estimated that they are going to die, but fortunately you see, there is nothing wrong with it."

"It’s like a dream." Ou Qihang stretched out in the cold wind and said, "I can't tell if this is a reality."

Zhou Sheng took the hand of Yu Yu and climbed the steps of the Great Wall and said, "Is my wife cold?"

"Alright." Yu Yu replied, "More wear today..."

Zhou Sheng said: "I am warm and wear one."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu changed their coats and reached out in their pockets. They said, "Hey, have you brought this out?" He said the silver music box.

Yu Wei said: "Kai Kai said that you were arrested, let me quickly pack things downstairs, I don't know what to bring, the keys are not taken, and the music box is out."

Zhou Sheng laughed, and six people climbed the top of the Great Wall, sitting in a row and sitting on the high side, facing the east. The wind is cold, the banner of the Cultural Festival on the Great Wall is flying, the sky in the east has been exposed to white, and when it dawns, it shines on the earth.

"The sun has risen." Yu Yu said.

The wind stopped briefly, Zhou Sheng was in the quiet, and the music box was tightened, and with the rising sun rising in the sky, the music of "Little Lucky" sounded.

"I have heard this song in my ears." Fu Liqun said.

"Change one for the next time." Yu Yu smiled.

The sun rose, and the mountains and rivers greeted the golden glow of the dawn, leaving the darkness and restoring the life under the white.

The sun rose, and the blue-blue sky was intertwined with thousands of golden radiances. For example, Zhou Sheng’s flames in his dreams came to the ground, and a flame ignited the sky and awakened the sleeping things.

The sun rises, like the sunrises they have seen, the brilliant memories, and the morning mist dissipates in the sun. In the sound of music, Yu Yu leaned on Zhou Sheng’s shoulder and looked at the scene quietly. There are no earth-shattering changes, no universal beasts and bricks, like every sunrise in the past five billion years, ordinary but extraordinary, nourishing the world on which everything depends, a sun shining into the soul, staggered Dreams and reality are instantly separated, and they are distinct.

The sun rises as usual, and the sun shines in the world. Zhou Sheng suddenly said to Yu Yu: "Hey? Look at the west."

"Ah? Is there another sun?" asked Ou Kaihang.

Everyone laughed, and Yu Yu looked west and said, "The moon is still there."

A full moon is very shallow and shallow, but it is still hanging on the sky, so it is too light to be seen.

Zhou Sheng sideways, squatting at this moment, gently kissed the ears of Yu Yu, Yu Yu suddenly red from the neck to the root of the ear, said to the right color of the week: "I think of a lot of things, go home and slow with you Slow accounting."

Zhou Sheng: "Hey..."

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