MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 157 design

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Zhou Sheng brow wrinkled.

Yu Yu said: "Is it natural?"

They have been asleep for a long time, and Yu Yu has also experienced a dream in his dreams. Zhou Sheng picked up his coin and said, "Let's talk about it in reality."

"Well..." Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng and suddenly said, "You are too smart."

"See what I feel?" Zhou Sheng smiled.

Yu Wei: "A little scared, but fortunately, I believe that you have always had a solution, and you will not let him be so embarrassed. But I always worry, if he finds the door soon, what should he do?"

"So I asked Kaikai to meet him and meet him three days later." Zhou Sheng said, "I just miscalculated for a little while, I didn't expect Zhao Liang to waste wood, and the street was so fast... I saw Ren Chong at that time. Face is the opportunity to hand over the real goods."

"You decided to give him?!" Yu Yi said.

"No, this is the second trap." Zhou Sheng smiled. "Trust me, for all of their awkward appeals, I have all designed the countermeasures, waiting for one by one from the net."

Yu Yudao: "Hey, do you want me to cooperate without knowing?"

"No," Zhou Sheng replied. "I don't know if I can only cooperate with Zhao Liang. I feel uncomfortable in the drums. I understand, go home first? Go back and explain to you slowly."

Yu said: "No, you can tell me clearly now."

Zhou Sheng indulged for a moment and said: "I have not found the most critical solution point before. I want to try a way to let you start the Golden Wheel. But Zhao Liang’s inferences from the group of people gave me An inspiration..."

Yu Wei: "I?!"

Yu Yu frowned, Zhou Sheng scratched his head and said: "Yes, let you get the permission to start the Golden Wheel, and then the opportunity to split the action, you have to cooperate to solve Ren Chong. After all, there are cases of Zhao Liang. In the first place, Ren Chong may not be so underestimated."

Yu Yu said: "How to cooperate? You say it."

Zhou Sheng thought about it, turned over and jumped to the railing and sat down, indicating that Yu Yu came over, and the two looked at Jin Wulun. Zhou Sheng said: "I want to take Jin Wulun as a bait and take it to Ren Chong, and take him at least once to prove that Jin Wulun is true. Next, I will be very wary before he thinks how to use it. Don't let me have the chance to start it."

Yu Yu knows that every design of Zhou Sheng is unable to draw conclusions based on reasoning. Many times, as long as he listens, he asks: "What next?"

"Next," Zhou Sheng said, "I will find a way to start Jin Wulun, pull me into your dreams, and then deal with Ren Chong together." When speaking, Zhou Sheng **** and a stroke in front of The impression of memory is illusory, and that is the way he imagined to deal with Ren Chong.

Yu Yu did not say a word, slightly frowning.

Zhou Sheng took Jin Wulun and came to Ren Chong. Then, Ren Chong left Jin Wulun, Zhou Sheng was taken away and closed in a closed room. When Huang Wei left, he sneaked back to Jin Wulun and handed it over to Yu Yu. Yu Yu lay in bed, closed his eyes and dreamed.

"And then, you come to my dream and look for me." Zhou Sheng said, "Let's go to Ren Chong's dream together and erase his memory."

"I don't understand," Yu said. "Why don't we go to his dream now?"

Zhou Shengdao: "I bet he never dared to sleep from the moment he got the news of Zhao Liang. Do you believe it?"

Yu Xiaoran wakes up, as long as he can't make a dream, they can't take him for a while. The two men looked at the huge golden wheel again, and the illusion of the golden wheel was flashing, but there was no dream. There were only a few people who fell asleep at this time. Secondly, no one dreamed of Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu.

Zhou Sheng replied: "The best way is to drag him, drag him for a few days, so that he can't stand it, we have a chance. But I think Ren Chong will not be so stupid, know Zhao Liang After the memory is eliminated, the first time will remain awake and come over to find us. So it is better to simply ask for a set and let him drill."

"Well..." Yu Yu looked at Jin Wulun, thinking that earlier, they could actually solve Ren Chong first and then solve Zhao Liang. But at that time, even Zhou Sheng couldn’t guess who the enemy was.

"I have tried several times." Zhou Sheng seems to understand Yu Yu’s suspicion and said, "For a while, every night I was waiting for Ren Chong, Zhao Liang and Lao Qin to see me, but there was no success. Maybe they are accepting some hypnosis treatments, to avoid dreaming about us...say, sleep for so long, get up sore, and after this is over, it’s really a good time to take a break. It’s not easy.”

Yu Yu said: "Come back, I will press you. But I am very angry."

“Well?” Zhou Shengyi smiled and reached for the waist of Yu Yu and asked, “Is it angry?”

"I don't know anything," Yu said. "It's a fog."

Zhou Sheng said: "Isn't you explaining it to you now?"

"It's still a little bit around," Yu said. "But I can understand."

Zhou Sheng pulled up Yu's hand and stood in front of Jin Wulun. He bowed his head and kissed him. He whispered, "Go home, good night."

Saying that the golden glow of Zhou Sheng’s hand covered the whole body of Yu Yu, Yu Yu turned into a light spot and floated in Zhou Sheng’s arms. Zhou Sheng looked sideways at Jin Wulun, waved his finger at it, closed his eyes, and his body burst into a ray of light.

However, after a few seconds, Zhou Sheng began to realize that it was wrong.

He is still standing there.

The world of dreams began to change, and the long clouds of clouds over the sea came over. Zhou Sheng looked up and looked at the world.

A pistol arrived on Chen's forehead, and Chen Yukai opened his eyes. When he was about to wake up Zhou Sheng, some people used a handkerchief filled with anesthetic to squat on Zhou Sheng's nose and mouth.

"Get up." Sitting on the sofa in the hotel, Ren Chong, standing next to several people, Ren Chong said, "Don't force me to move thick, you are a scholar, there are three long and two short, and everyone does not look good."

Chen Yukai slowed down from the other bed in the standard room, and looked at Zhou Sheng sideways. Zhou Sheng was smothered with an anesthetic, put on a respirator, and wore a golden wheel on his wrist.

"Mr. Ren," Chen Yukai said. "It’s really a smashing, and the oriole is behind, admire."

Ren Chong said: "How else do you bring the team? I promise you that it will not hurt Zhou Sheng."

"Is your commitment useful?" Chen Yukai said.

Ren Biao replied: "Otherwise, what is the meaning of this statement? I can completely grab the embers like Zhao Liang and take the hostages to threaten you. Are you going back to their homes now? I promise that Yu Yu is still there. No one is going to move him."

Chen Yukai took a deep breath and Ren Chong said: "Huang Wei is very safe and has already been released. Zhao Liang’s research institute, I have already received it. Don’t worry about it, I only need you to assist me and explain clearly. The passing of things."

"I thought I had already made an appointment with you." Chen Yukai said, "Can't wait for a few days?"

Ren Chongmu sent Zhou Sheng to a push-bed, opened the door and replied: "When you meet, wait for me to form an impression on you, easy to enter my dreams to eliminate memory? Don't resist, go."

Chen Yukai was shot with a gun and went out. A man gave him a handcuff, and Ren Chong followed.

Fu Liqun was listening to the German class to wash vegetables. Yu Yu was cutting vegetables and beating eggs. When Zhou Sheng came back to cook, Fu Liqun still had a lot of troubles and asked: "How is Huang Qi?"

“Zhou Sheng has already thought of a good way,” Yu Yu replied. “The problem is not big.”

"Where did the young man go all day today?" Fu Liqun asked again.

The doorbell rang, and Yu Yu said: "He is back."

Yu Yu went to open the door, but outside the door stood Chen Yukai, who was covered in snow.

"Zhou Sheng was taken away!" Chen Yukai came in with a gust of wind, closed the door and said, "Qin Guodong let you go, not a dream! Yu Yu!"

Yu Wei: "..."

Fu Liqun took off one side of the earphone and looked at Chen Yukai.

Chen Yukai couldn't help but breathe. An hour ago, Zhou Sheng was brought into the elevator. Ren Chong personally escorted it. In the hotel lobby, several bodyguards were waiting in the hotel lobby, and Zhou Sheng was pushed onto the bus all the way.

When Chen Yukai was waiting for another elevator, two people suddenly appeared in the safe passage. Suddenly the guns in the hotel corridor were loud, and Chen Yukai immediately realized that this was not a helper or a robber. He immediately shouted: "Zhou Sheng was taken Go downstairs!"

"It's too late!" The humane who led the way, "You go first!"

Chen Yukai shunned and ran into the safe passage. He was immediately taken down the stairs and passed through the corridor on the 12th floor into another building. The scene was in chaos. Chen Yukai was taken downstairs and stuffed into the car. In the car, a woman in her 40s is the boss of Zhou Sheng.

When I heard this, I suddenly turned around and said, "Why did Ren Chong choose to do it at this time?"

Chen Yukai spread his hand and said: "Qin Guodong wants to see you, do you believe me?"

As if the dream reappeared, Yu Yu began to suspect that this was another dream. Maybe Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai arranged well. He had to put down the kitchen knife. Fu Liqun was very calm and said, "I will accompany you."

Yu Yu got out of the elevator, waiting for two colleagues from Zhou Sheng, urging: "Hurry, get on the bus!"

Two cars parked outside the apartment. Yu Yu and Chen Yukai and Fu Liqun got on one. The driver drove to Yu Yu and said, "My sister hasn't seen you for a long time."

Yu Yu is still subconsciously skeptical: "Is this a dream?"

"No, no!" Chen Yukai said, leaning on the shoulders of Yu Yu, "Wake up!"

I only thought that all of this came too suddenly, and said: "Wait, you let me sort things out..."

"Your man was taken away by Ren Chong," Xiao Jian said. "I don't know where I want to take him, but the trouble should be indispensable. I hope they don't have any intentions for him."

Chen Yukai said: "Ren Chong promised to pass me, will not hurt him, is his words credible?"

"I don't know," Xiao Jian said as he drove. "I didn't do the work under his hand. You have to ask our boss."

Yu Wei: "Why does Ren Chong choose to do this at this time? He clearly did not do anything before, after taking Jin Wulun away..."

Chen Yukai said: "He always knew that Jin Wulun was fake!"

"Oh?" Xiao Jian was careless. "You have packaged a fake thing and deceived him?"

Fu Liqun indicated that Chen Yukai and Yu Yu did not say in the car. Xiao Jian smiled and replied: "Zhou Sheng has always trusted us."

"Come." Xiao Jian stopped at the back door of the unit and said, "Qin always waits for you in the conference room."

Yu Yu went in from the back door. This is not the first time he has entered the unit. He is guarding two people outside the back door today.

Xiao Jian took advantage of the car key to catch up and said: "It is safe to enter this door, don't be afraid."

Yu Yu tried to calm his emotions. Qin Guodong was answering the phone and told Yu Yu to sit down and said to the phone: "I will get the address as soon as possible... Thank you... OK, OK..."

"What happened," Qin Guodong said, "Fifty and forty say clearly, if there is any concealment, please come back. You have no other people to believe now, or you can rely on your own strength to solve it."

Yu Yuchao asked Chen Yukai: "Zhou Sheng still did not come out in the dream?"

Chen Yukai described the scene at that time once. Yu Yu now finally believes that Zhou Sheng is really caught, not another dream. Fu Liqun said: "So the conflict is to grab people. First, how does he know that the golden wheel he got is fake?"

"Zhao Liang's men were put in a line of sight." Qin Guodong said, "He has been waiting, although I am not quite sure what he is waiting for, but just this evening, he left the office and went to Yanqing. trip……"

"He is waiting for us to solve Zhao Liang." Chen Yukai thought of this, suddenly swayed and snarled, "He is waiting for this! Zhao Liangyi was erased by Zhou Sheng, he immediately knew! I will take action!” Then he said with anxiety: “Ren Chong said that the institute was accepted by him, and it must be like this... It’s a mistake. We didn’t even think that Zhao Liang himself was under the control of Ren Chong!”

"Mom." Fu Liqun said, "He really can sit still."

The voice of Ou Kaihang came from outside: "Let me in!"

Xiao Jian: "Isn't the back door someone looking at it? How come it?"

Fu Liqun: "The person I shout."

"Let him come in." Qin Guodong ordered.

Ou Qihang carried a bag, apparently just finished the gym, did not speak, just sat down.

Xiao Jian opened the computer and said, "Do you remember the address?"

"The exact location can't be remembered," Chen said. "It's an abandoned factory, in Yanqing."

Yu Yu describes the shape of the area seen from the memory of Huang Qi, Xiao Jian began to input on the keyboard, looking for places and positioning.

Ou Qihang: "Why don't you inform us?"

Chen Yukai said: "At first we thought we could solve it! In fact, it was solved, but I didn't expect Ren Chong..."

Yu Yu stood up and left the meeting room silently, and all the eyes of the people fell on him. Yu Yu took a deep breath and groaned in his head. The news came too suddenly, causing him not to return to God for a while.

Yu Yu went out and walked through the desk. Two colleagues from Zhou Sheng were squatting, and they had not stopped Ou Qihang.

"You can't leave here." Xiao Jian chased it out.

"I am mad at the back door." Yu Yu replied.

He came to the back alley and took a sip of cold air. Xiao Li was shouting Xiao Jian, and Xiao Jian had to go back.

The sky fluttered with tiny snowflakes, and the embers breathed a few cold airs, and they woke up again. I don't know why, my mind turned over and over, all the words that Zhou Sheng finally said to him.

Conference room.

"It’s easy to do in Yanqing." Xiao Jian said.

"I will confirm it again," Qin Guodong said. "At the beginning of Ren Chong, in fact, Jin Wulun was not taken away. Jin Wulun is in your hands from beginning to end."

"Yes." Chen Yukai frowned.

Qin Guodong said: "I don't want to play again once."

"Now has been taken away by Ren Chong." Chen Yukai said.

Chen Yukai licked his face and was exhausted. Although he just woke up, he was very embarrassed. The meeting room was silent, only Xiao Jian knocked on the keyboard and clicked the mouse.

Yu Yu stood under the snow, and Ou Kaihang’s voice rang behind his back and said, “Hey, are you okay?”

Yu Yu turned back and indulged for a moment, then nodded.

Ou Qihang asked: "Do you want to smoke cigarettes? I am going to buy cigarettes. Don't worry too much, Teacher Qin can save him and his brother, he is a good person."

Yu Yu said: "No smoking." He thought of something else and asked: "Why is he so good that he is a good person?"

Ou Qihang said: "Ren Chong and Zhao Liang are the students he brought out. They can't justify their reasons, but they can't take them. Otherwise, they won't resign. Don't you believe him? I suspect that he actually has selfishness. I want to wait for the knife behind me?"

"Why do you know these things?" Yu Yu said.

Ouqi Waterway: "At the beginning, he was responsible for contacting the Disciplinary Committee and conveying the inside story of my dad. We have met."

Yu Yiyi also said, "Is it later that Huang Wei told you about the dissolution of the special investigation team?"

"No." Ouqi Waterway, "I came to Beijing after I went to school, and I visited him specially. He said it himself. At that time, he told me that there is a big conflict with the ideas of Ren Chong and Zhao Liang because There is an important clue to the attribution problem, but I didn’t know anything at the time... I didn’t even notice that he was suggesting me that they wanted Jin Wulun.”

Yu Wei: "Is this still happening?!"

Ou Qihang has no choice but to spread his hand: "just think of it."

Yu said: "I believe him because at least no one else can trust at the moment. Whether he wants to want Jin Wulun, at least our purpose is now the same, but since he has reminded you two years ago... …Ok."

Ou Kaihang "hmm", nodded and said: "They will not have anything to do."

Yu Yu knows that Ou Qihang said that "the two of them" refer to Huang Wei and Zhou Sheng. Huang Wei is the subordinate of Ren Chong. If Ren Chongzhen is as he said, he waited for a long time and took over the entire research institute of Zhao Liang.霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆 霆But he thought of the picture in Zhao Liang's memory - Zhou Sheng was tied to the chair, and he felt the fear.

Yu Yu was silent and looked back into the unit. Ou Qihang said: "They are preparing for the car. Teacher Qin will personally go to Ren Chong to negotiate."

Yu Yu said: "In fact, Zhou Sheng expected that Ren Chong will come early, but his plan has some deviations."

Ou Kaihang's brows are deep and locked, and the words are stopped. Yu Yu thinks about the words that Zhou Sheng finally said before Jin Wulun. If things go well, what should I do next? First, assist Zhou Sheng to recapture the totem from Satan. Then, as he gave the totem to Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng also separated the totem and gave it to himself.

Then Yu Yu got the permission to open Jin Wulun, but now Zhou Sheng has been taken away, and Jin Wulun is also in the hands of Ren Chong... Can it continue to advance?

"What's wrong?" Yu Yu noticed the expression of Ou Qihang.

"Nothing." Ou Kaihang shook his head.

"Is there any problem?" Yu Yu is now trying to keep calm. He and Zhou Sheng have always been different. Zhou Sheng rarely reveals his thoughts to anyone before the plan is successful, but Yu Yusheng is afraid of what is going on in the middle. Wrong, he observed the expression of Ou Qihang and said, "If you have something, please be sure to say it and set sail. I am actually very confused now."

Ou Qihang smiled and said, "I think you are very calm."

"My heart is in chaos," Yu said. "I can't stand it anymore. It's useless to panic. Now the most important thing is to bring Zhou Sheng back. Sailing, what do you want to tell me?"

"Zhou Sheng does not believe in people," Ou Qihang said. "Even if it is the best friend."

Yu Yi wanted to tell him that there are some things that Zhou Sheng really thinks he can solve, and don't want to drag them into trouble, especially when facing the enemy of Ren Chong and Zhao Liang. But Yu Hao had to nod and said: "He doesn't want his friends to be in danger, but you are right."

Zhou Sheng’s thoughts are many. Yu Yu often feels that Zhou Sheng is nothing to say when he is with him, but the one who presents him to this lover is still the tip of the iceberg. This kind of doubt and caution is cultivated by Zhou Sheng’s native family. Zhou Sheng always grasps the degree of intimacy - Chen Yukai, Huang Wei, Ou Qihang, and even Fu Liqun, who all regard Zhou Sheng as a good friend. Zhou Sheng also knows to give back and face them. However, Yu Yu is very clear. In this kind of friendship, there is always something missing.

Ouqi Waterway: "The only person he believes is you, but I can see your reaction today. Is it a lot of details, even you don't know?"

"He is not suspicious of you, just... you are used to the impression of him. In fact, he does not look so brave." Yu Yu said, "Sometimes, it is like a child."

Yu Wei answered the question, remembering the first time he entered the Colosseum Arena in Zhou Shengmeng, the scene he saw, he also had **** battles, was knocked down to the ground but was unwilling to climb up; there was no way to add When I don't want to stick to it any more; I also said that he was going to the center, turned his head, and squinted at the tears that he wanted to fall, pretending that nothing happened.

"He is like this," Yu Yu looked up and looked at the sky. Xiaoxue was still floating. "It looks very strong, nothing is afraid, and there is a soft place in my heart. Sailing, he always values ​​your friends..." Said that he looked to Ou Kaihang and explained: "Just when he also made mistakes, there are also goals that he can't do alone..."

"So I really don't have to be like this," Ou Qihang said. "I admit that when I went to save the group brother, Zhou Sheng understood him very well. I think maybe he is also such a character. However, if he is on the job, he can't take the initiative. Open your mouth and let your friends help?"

"It’s my word," said Yu Yu. "I will, but don't forget, he is Sun Wukong. Isn't that the same for Qi Tian Da Sheng? It’s only for himself, it will not turn back when hitting the wall, only Use a gold hoop to mammoth."

Ou Qihang and Yu Wei were relatively silent. Yu Yu asked: "Do you want to say this?"

Ou Qihang nodded, and Yu Yu said: "Thank you, set sail."

"It should be." Ou Qihang said with a smile.

Inside the Chen Yukai called Yu Yu, Yu Yu went in, Qin Guodong said: "Go together."

Xiao Jian looked at Yu Yu, and Qin Guodong said: "You can't wait for him to wait here. After a while, the scene is more troublesome."

Yu Yu said: "Wait a minute, I still have some things. If you want to be clear, you can leave. Waiting for me will not delay too much time."

"I will help you think." Fu Liqun said, "What is it?"

Ou Qihang looked at Yu Yu’s eyes, and Yu Yu indulged for a moment and said, “Can I use the conference room for a while?”

"Go to my office." Qin Guodong said, "There is monitoring in the conference room. Although I don't know what you have to discuss, it is better to avoid it."

Xiao Jian opened the door and said, "I am going to prepare the car."

Qin Guodong said: "Try to contact Huang Wei, and now he can play the biggest role."

"The pupil is in good condition."

One person opened the eyelids and his black light on the flashlight.

"Now, wake him up." Ren Chong's voice said.

The needle was tied to the Zhousheng arm, and the medicine was pushed. Zhou Sheng gave a slight moment to open his eyes, his eyes were confused, and he washed away and washed his hands in front of the sink.

"Thanks to you, I solved a big problem for me," Ren Chongdao. "Otherwise, I can't let Zhao Liang yield. It's really hard to say that the guy is a hard bone."

Zhou Sheng immediately understood, sitting up from the bed, moving one arm, looking down at Jin Wulun, and wearing it on his wrist.

"Don't be nervous," Ren Chong said. "I promised that Teacher Qin would not do anything too aggressive, as long as you cooperate."

Zhou Shengdao: "It seems that my boss is very tall." Speaking sideways, I saw another unconscious jaundice lying on another bed.

"In a sense," Ren Chongdao, "I and Zhao Liang are both his students, but his set is obviously out of date. You must be very strange, why do I obviously get a fake? And never bother you."

Zhou Sheng replied: "No, this is not strange. I understand when you appear. I want to borrow my hand and erase Zhao Liang's memory, right? The strange thing is, how did you find the address of my hotel? ”

“The ID card is in the front desk system as long as it is registered at the front desk,” Ren Chong said. “I’ll find out when I say hello. Come, I’ll take you to see something, can you go? Don’t be hungry? You should already I have been sleeping for a long time."

"I called Yu Yu." Zhou Sheng replied.

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